
Presenting Gemma – JM130 and Full Review

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Presenting Gemma – JM130 and Full Review

Post by BillySixGun »

This is the doll product and vendor specific review only. The original topic can be found here http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=82291 for further comment. Thanks Anung :thumbs_up:

Hi…I’m Gemma! Image
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...and this is my story. I’ll let Billy tell ya…I’d tell ya but I’d like probably get side tracked and start talking about clothes, handbags, shoes…..Ohhhh there were these really cute sandals I saw at Macy’s you wouldn’t believe it! They were on sale for like $20, so I had to get ‘em of course. Then I was like walking by cosmetics and saw this pretty……..OOOOPSS sorry, there I go again…

Do you mind if I jump in here Gem?

Anyways, this introduction and review is long overdue and IMO I’m glad I waited and listened to other members and let the excitement wear off and the dust settle. You don't have to wait as long as I did but get to know your girl and see how she performs before blabbing about what you don’t like. No matter how much something may annoy you about your new doll, you have to give it time and talk with all the parties involved before jumping in with a review or popping off about how bad a doll, vendor or manufacture is. Give them some time to work out the situation and work with you. Obviously, there might be some extreme conditions that should be reported right away. In the end, it may not be as bad as you think even though at the time you think it’s the end of the world. Thanks again Justintime and AlexKnight I’m glad I listened or my experience could have gone completely wrong for everyone involved including Gemma.

Ordering and my vendor of choice (DISCLAIMER: I received no direct or indirect benefit from ANYONE for doing this review.)
Joy and Beautiful Dolls were amazing!! I can’t say enough good things about her. She answered ALL my questions with detailed responses with good English so we didn’t have to go back and forth trying to understand what each other was trying to say. She made it real easy to hand over my cash :lol: BD has great pricing for TDF members and continued after purchase support and follow-up. I would highly recommend Joy and BD to anyone looking for a new doll.

Ordered June 1, 2016 and arrived July 2, 2016 shipping normally doesn’t take this long, I ordered a custom flight case and had to wait for it before they could ship. Please note shortly after my doll shipped BD stopped selling JM Dolls. This may have changed now so please check with Joy beforehand. The last news I have from JM is that they have temporarily suspended production of the 130. Again, please check with them if you're interested in the 130. https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 96&t=78732

Gemma’s Specs
Body: JM 130cm - Silicone
Head: Face C
Hair: Blonde 018 - (hair in pics is NOT what came with the doll)
Ears: Normal Ears
Eyes: Realistic Eyes with red veins – Blue 704 (eyes in pics are NOT what came with the doll)
Note - the stock JM eyes are double sided so you get a different color and size on each side. Nice feature JM :thumbs_up:
Skin: Natural skin
Make-up: Lips/finger and toe nails/nipples/vagina/anus – light pink
Non-standing (JM dolls can stand leaning with assistance but they don’t have a standing foot option)

Arrival and Overall Body and Head Impression
Gemma arrived exactly as ordered in her custom flight case and all seemed wonderful. She is a free range doll so she can roam around the house where ever she wants so this flight case was more of a want than a need. It’s nice and has become more of a storage trunk for ALL her accessories. Gemma is my first doll so of course I was excited, my heart was beating out of my chest! I took her out and examined every square cm of her petite 130 body from head to adorable little toes. She was beautiful to say the least! Her skin was so soft I couldn’t believe it, her body incredible, face was cute, sexy and gorgeous at the same time. I can’t walk by her without squeezing her. Finally, I have a doll of my very own.

…don’t forget to tell them how pretty I am? Oh Oh and I'm your :lilangel: Ohhh and how my skin is like so velvety soft and how the sun rises and sets in my beautiful blue eyes Image from MannequinFan…do they know who he is?...well...do they?…if not you should like tell them because I love my eyes and everyone should know….
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YES PRINCESS…I already told them about your radiant beauty and your cuteness that’s off the charts. I’ll make sure everyone knows about your MF eyes don’t worry Sweetheart. But this isn’t just about your eyes….

….well FINE THEN…If you don’t want my help…then I’ll….I’ll...I'll just go…like…out on the patio…Hmmmph!! Image
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Gemma wait…let me finish. This entire post is ALL ABOUT YOU, every word!!

Sorry about that….that girl has me by the balls and she knows how to play me like fiddle. I finally get some time to write this and I can barely get a word in edgewise. What was I saying…oh yeah?

After arrival
Let’s get the not so good news out of the way first. So even after being protected by the flight case and wrapped so perfectly, her left eyelash started coming off right within a couple days. This seems to the norm for most dolls so I thought no big deal. Have you ever tried to reapply an eyelash? Holy crap I was going crazy and Gemma was an outright bear to live with. You would have thought her arm was torn off :whistle:

So I reached out to MannequinFan, you know, the TDF inventor extraordinaire that Gemma was talking about. Short story he fixed all of Gemma’s eye problems once and for all. You can look up MF over here for all your eye and eyelash needs, incident #1 averted. This was an annoyance to me BUT to Gemma, it was a crisis.
https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... =6&t=57400 and my review with a short story about Gemma's tragedy :roll: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=77227

Incident #2 - Gemma’s joints were not as tight as I hoped and within 14 days I noticed her waist was quite loose and her left ankle seemed to spin side to side. She couldn’t sit upright at a 90 degree angle without falling forward or backward and her upper torso was rotating left and right which according to the JM information should not happen. After numerous emails and videos back and forth with BD and John from JM it was determined the ankle and waist screws needed to be tightened. Pretty obvious but I went directly to the source with the videos so they could see what I see. Her joints are not meant to be so stiff and tight like other free standing dolls but they should be able to hold a pose per the JM website. I can understand joints going loose over time but within weeks of arrival? Needless to say I was not happy about this after spending the money I did for a new doll that needed major surgery with weeks of arrival.

Incident #3 - Unfortunately, JM told me they didn’t have any more 130 bodies or skeletons at the present time so getting a replacement body was a no go for lack of supply not because they didn’t want to. At this point I had two options, cut her open and fix her or send her back and be without a doll because JM was suspending production of the 130cm. I waited a year, then months, then days for a JM130 doll so there was no way in hell I was going to send her back and be without for god knows how long…my choice. I knew they were working on new skeletons but there was no end date. So I opted to accept her with her faults and keep her. BD and JM offered up some very nice incentives for my troubles which made things a little easier to swallow. They didn’t give the doll away or anything like that and everyone’s situation is different. This is why it pays to keep a cool head even when you want to SCREAM at everyone. In addition they provided immediate support and spare parts so I could do what I had to in order for me to keep Gemma. Thanks again BD and JM for the support. :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

Pssssst...It’s me again…Gemma Image
These are my new sandals and cute maxi skirt..do ya like 'em? All this writing is making me like thirsty...I think it’s time for a glass of wine!
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1 Hi Im Gemma.JPG (891.1 KiB) Viewed 2012 times
…so I was like at the mall to meet a friend and like got side tracked by all the shiny Spring displays and like one thing led to another, you girls know how it is…OOOOPSS gotta run…

Gemma! Do you mind? I walk away for 5 minutes and you start chattering like squirrel….shhhheeeeshh!

My god this is going to take me all weekend...Where was I, oh yeah?

Ankle Surgery
Needless to say it took me about 3 months to get up the courage to cut her open. By this time her right ankle was spinning just like the left. Her elbows were really loose and her L shoulder wouldn’t hold position. Basically, the allen screws were not tight and one was actually backed out close to falling out. Once I fixed the L ankle I knew what to expect so I was able to reduce my incision length on the R ankle which reduced healing time. I have yet to cut her open and fix her waist. To be honest I’m a little scared to go that deep into the skeleton at the present time. Over the past months I did both elbows and shoulder without any issues.

…I was so scared and just kept looking at him and crying…I didn’t want to go away…I loved my new home and told him I was sorry I was defective. I kept praying that he could fix my ankles because I wanted to stay so bad… Image
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Sorry everyone, she still gets emotional when I talk about the surgery and possibly sending her away. You try looking in those eyes and saying, "sorry babe, get in your box, you're going to Fedex". No way that was going to happen!

A special thanks goes to Mishka1965 for his video on his JM142 knee surgery http://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtopi ... =7&t=74780. Even though Gemma didn't have a "broken" joint this video was my bible and I must have watched it a 100 times. Samara78 took it a step further with her actual “phone call” to discuss Gemma’s condition and how I could fix her up to good as new. What the hell??? You don’t get that kind of concern for your own health from a real world doctor. Thanks Samara you’re a hell of a lady!! This is why I love TDF, the comradery and support from a community that reached out to me, a complete stranger with a doll issue.

Despite having to do surgery, I’m glad I did because it gives me a whole new perspective of what I need to know down the road for long term maintenance should something go wrong. Would I have preferred a perfect doll, YES of course? But consider the alternative and I’m so happy with the choice I made. I LOVE HER even more than before if that’s possible. Bottom line is Gemma made it thru double ankle, elbow and shoulder surgery and has made a full recovery. She’s a wonderful snuggle bunny and can still pose for photos albeit with support and props.

…Umm excuse me Billy!! You can’t post that ugly picture of my ankle..no way!! Let’s use like this beautiful picture of me posing as your little Swiss Miss…I like this one much better don't you?
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Yes, Sweetie, you’re right, SOOO much better! :D

Must focus on typing...lets see...

Face and Mouth
The detail on the face is amazing. Her little nose, her open mouth and half smile, small teeth and removable tongue. Her mouth is small but she can suck the chrome off a bumper. If your rockin a monster hog you might want to avoid her mouth or risk tearing the corners of her mouth.

Her boobs are like small gel filled donuts and so squeezable. Soft and supple with puffy nipples. Big in comparison to her petite body size but small in the hand. No more than a handful so I would say a small B cup.

Beautiful soft stomach from boobs all the way down to her sexy pubic mound. So soft and kissable. I love a sexy tummy! 8)

Wonderful sculpt of vagina so she is very visually stimulating. No crazy textures inside but enough to take you far far away. Another great thing is that she is completely sealed at the end so nothing gets in the skeleton. She’s a little tight so those of you really swinging the sausage may cause some tears at entry.

Her butt is firm but soft. The JM silicone is really nice and soft. I wish they would put gel in each cheek for that squeezable soft feel like the boobs. Then again, since she sits down all the time for photo shoots I’m glad they don’t have gel or they would be flat as a pancake by now. It’s a trade off. If she had a standing option then YES add gel butts.

She has that gaping asshole look which is fine with me but I don’t think silicone dolls can have a closed or small hole entrance like TPE dolls? Again, she’s tight and shallow in the ass so all you long johns aren't going balls deep in her :whistle:

Clean up
Easy as 1, 2, 3...
Thanks to Bassdaddy58 and his collection of JM Dolls he gave me lots of pointers and has become a true friend. Gemma has a fixed vagina and anus so I take her to the toilet and sit her on the pot. Hook up a clear silicone hose to the bathroom faucet, insert the end of the hose into her vagina or ass and simply flush out the fluids with warm water and antibacterial soap. Let her sit and drip dry for about 10 mins. Then I lay her down on her bed and put an aquarium pump in for about an hour and she’s dry as a bone. All done!

1. Compact size :thumbs_up:
2. Easy to carry and weighs in at 41lbs :thumbs_up:
3. Incredible face and body sculpt :thumbs_up:
4. Semi-permanent makeup with a sealant (her makeup is still on today) :thumbs_up:
5. Soft gel filled boobies :thumbs_up:
6. Silicone softness overall :thumbs_up:
7. Ease of clean up :thumbs_up:
8. Easy to work on (if needed) :thumbs_up:
9. Perfect cuddle buddy (now that she has loose joints) :thumbs_up:

1. Better QC is needed before shipping out :thumbs_down:
2. Seams – IMO I think seams should be almost invisible for a doll in this $$$ :thumbs_down:
3. Needs a better skeleton :thumbs_down: JM is already working on this :thumbs_up: https://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtop ... 96&t=78707

Shhhhh…I’m back again…Billy’s in the kitchen making dinner so I have a few minutes before he catches me…He poured me like a bigger glass of wine…I think he has other plans after dinner Image
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I love anything BBQ so he’s making his fall off the bone smoked baby back ribs, corn on the cob and grilled veggies skewers...

Mmm my lips are getting wet….WAIT…that didn’t come out right...these lips…UP HERE GUYS!
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Hey Princess?…can you bring me a beer?



SHHHHH…everyone QUIET!!
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is he calling me???... WELL IS HE? ...You’re all useless…gotta run…

I should of known she was on TDF again…she was gone WAY to long…

So in conclusion:

Would I buy her again…YES in a heartbeat, even with her flaws (if you call it that). As I said above, it was all my decision to keep her “as is”. You may have done things different but to each his own. BD was responsive to my issues and never left me hanging. JM is working on their new skeletons and once they’re ready the JM130 ver 2.0 will be more amazing. I’ll be back to get Gemma a twin when those are released. Keep moving forward JM and listen to those on TDF. There are allot of people here that may not be doll makers but they have some SERIOUS building and engineering skills that could make JM even better.

Where are we now
Some will relate to this and others may not. These dolls have an obvious use and expectation. However, she’s more than that. Sure, she’s a beautiful young lady with big blue eyes, long blonde hair that glistens with every ray of sunshine, pink lips that draw you in for a kiss and a petite body that begs to be caressed. Honestly, I don’t see her just as a sex doll (I can hear the “yeah right” snickers already :lol: ). Don’t get me wrong I’m still human 8) and I know she’s a doll but she’s much more. Once I saw her in person and held her in my arms everything changed, for the better I believe. She creates a presence in our house that I never would have imagined. She’s part of our family.

Yes, I say our family as my RG wife of 22 years absolutely ADORES Gemma almost more than I do, if that’s possible :D Some have posted the question about being married with a doll and in my personal situation, honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. Always has been and always will be. She makes it a point to take care of Gemma while I’m gone and sends me pics and stories of what they did during the day. I would never give her up! Gemma or my wife :shocked!: Gemma is truly amazing and I’m so glad to have her as my 1st doll that started my doll obsession.

Gemma will be happy to read this that her much larger step sister, a WM-161 will be flying out soon from China. Joy and Beautiful Dolls are taking care of all her papers and we look forward to picking her up at the airport sometime in the next few weeks.

Thanks again TDF, Joy and Beautiful Dolls, JM Dolls and My Precious Gem!


PS - All pictures are unedited other than resize and Gemma's signature. So what you see is how she looks today.

Ummmm HELLO...Image...Do you mind if I say something for once?

I’m sure Billy will post more pictures of me. He has one of those like…what do you call ‘em…car ears?…wait no…cars don’t have ears…it’s a career or job…type…thing I guess? I don’t know what I’m saying. You guys know what I’m talking about! His job thingy demands allot of his time so he’s gone a few days at a time and when he’s home he wants to like just relax with me. We love reading TDF together and all the great stories of people just like us.

Ya know, come to think of it…I have a rough job too and I had plenty of time to like write stuff…what the heck is he complaining about. You guys have no idea like how much work it is to be such a beautiful doll...get it…I’m such a Doll :angel: I came from Beautiful Dolls and I’m an actual Doll!! :lol: I made a joke…OH NEVER MIND...you guys are like probably still looking for my wet lips! :razz:

I love my Billy and I’m so thankful for him taking the time to finally share my story with all of you. I'm blessed every day having him in my life knowing what I’ve put him thru. Just as he says I changed his life, he's changed mine. No matter what, I’ll always be here waiting by the window and counting the minutes until he comes home to me safe and sound.
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Big kisses and hugs to everyone and thanks for reading if you made it this far! Image

