My Sukiwaai Review and Photos

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My Sukiwaai Review and Photos

Post by Adventurer »

This is the edited copy that contains product and service information only. The original topic can be found here for further comments Thanks Anung :thumbs_up:

My Sukiwaai Review

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Hello everyone! I’d like to share with you all a review of my newest and most precious doll: Sili Doll’s brand new Sukiwaai. I adore this doll, and as such, have gone a little overboard on the length of this review. Sharing her with you all is just too exciting. I’d tell the world about her if I could!

With that out of the way, please enjoy this review and the photos from our first few photoshoots.

Choosing Sukiwaai

Just over one month ago, I received my first TPE doll. In looking for a first doll, I opted for a practical (i.e. reduced-scale and low-cost) doll and went with Suki. When I received her, I immediately fell for her. Once I knew that doll ownership was for me, I became curious about larger more substantial dolls. After a short time, I resolved to get one of my own.

The full-size TPE doll market is certainly better now than ever before. There are so many great looking dolls in the 155+ range that it is overwhelming to even begin to shop for them. As with any doll owner, choosing a doll is an intensely personal decision. I’m attracted to dolls that span the line between reality and fantasy, and I struggle with the “uncanny valley” of some of the ultra-realistic high-end dolls. That said, I adore my Suki doll’s aesthetics and from a quality/value perspective she was a great choice. In addition, I had nothing but positive experiences from previously doing business with Mig and the Sili Doll team. With all this in mind, Sili Doll’s brand new Sukiwaai seemed like a natural decision. I went ahead and bought her.

After placing the order, I was skeptical. Sukiwaai is one of the largest and heaviest TPE dolls ever made. At 169 cm and 90 pounds, she is an absolute beast! Surely, this would present challenges – and I couldn’t help but wonder, is Sukiwaai worth it in a world full of excellent smaller and/or lighter dolls?

In short: Yes. Yes, she is.

In this review, I share my experiences and observations after having spent one week with Sukiwaai - from her unboxing to the present. I hope you find the information presented here valuable, especially if you are either new to doll ownership or are considering upgrading to a larger doll from a smaller one.

Unboxing Sukiwaai
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Sukiwaai came in a very long, skinny box weighing 99 pounds. It was a brief but terrible struggle to get her up the stairs and into my room. At one point, I almost lost her. Only through giving it all my strength did I manage to get her all the way home. Upon opening the box, I began to have intense second thoughts about this doll. I was already sore from moving her from my car to the top of the stairs and yet there she was, a giant piece of TPE wrapped around a metal endoskeleton. It was intimidating to say the least.

I rooted around the box a bit to find her head, two wigs, three outfits, and a care package that included two vibrators (one with sound). I was happy to see not only the black fishnet body-stocking, but also a cute schoolgirl get-up (not the one pictured) and a gorgeous sheer white teddy and panty set. It was then that I noticed that someone, a customs official no doubt, had broken the inner plastic wrap right around the vagina of the doll. I was obviously not pleased about that, but thankfully they had caused no harm. I guess not even dolls are safe from America’s immigration services these days! I resolved to give her an immediate wash, just in case she had been cavity searched at the border…

Gathering my courage and strength, I lifted her tall, slender form out of the box. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to move her once I found a proper grip. I’m not particularly strong, but I found a way. I then inspected her body for any damage that may have occurred during shipping and found that her packaging did a great job of protecting her from what was certainly a difficult journey. There was no damage to the doll, but sheet of plastic cells placed at the back of the box by the neck was absolutely destroyed. It clearly absorbed a big hit, but protected Sukiwaai well.

Meeting Sukiwaai
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At this point, I was still quite skeptical. She was massive, unwieldy, and headless. While I was immediately impressed with the shape of her body, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that perhaps I made a mistake with this one. I gave her body a rinse, an oil bath, and a powdering before attaching her head. With her head on, she still looked off to me, a bit awkward and ungainly.

It wasn’t until I put on her wig that everything changed. As soon as I had her hair on, a blonde wig with lovely bangs, she sprang to life. Sitting her upright, it all suddenly clicked for me. Her hair draped beautifully down her long neck, framing a cute, energetic, and sultry face. Her body settled into my mattress and her breasts hung ever so slightly down from her athletic yet curvy physic in a naturalistic fashion. Sukiwaai took on an undeniable presence, life-like in a fantastical way. In that moment, she went from taking up space to absolutely owning it.

A Study of Sukiwaai
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Sukiwaai has the face of a sexy Asian-American girl in her early 20s. She is gorgeous. Her slightly open mouth, soft full lips, and realistic teeth and tongue invite you to give her long, slow kisses. In fact, I’d wager that she is one of the most kissable dolls ever made. Her eyes are, in my case, a beautiful pale blue set deep into dreamy, semi-closed lids. This gives her a very sensual guise that changes from angle to angle to produce a wide variety of looks. Her eyelashes are attached to the lower lip of the eyelid, which will make it easier to replace or repair loose lashes.

Her jaw line transitions very nicely to a generous and well-sculpted neck. Where many TPE dolls have a gap between head and neck, with a little careful manipulation, Sukiwaai has none. The flesh can be arranged to be almost seamless everywhere except the back of the neck. It’s an excellent little touch on this doll that sets her apart from some other TPE girls. Her neck is very poseable and feel quite sturdy. There is some noise when transitioning her from pose to pose, but no audible creaks otherwise.

Sukiwaai’s body is amazingly sexy. She is petite around the shoulders, chest, waist and arms, and yet has ample breasts, hips, butt, and thighs. Her body is that of a fantasy woman - curvy in all the right places. I believe she wears a US 28H bra, reflective of both her athletic torso and her marvelous bust. Her ribcage is delicately modeled and feels great beneath the hands and arms, especially when held tight. Her slender, flat torso is detailed with fantastic abdominal and hip muscles, which are at once fit, sporty, and feminine. The sculpting is bold in some places and delicate elsewhere, leaving very realistic and detailed visual and tactile impressions.
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Sukiwaai’s breasts are incredible. They are perfectly shaped, being full and round but not overly large or unshapely. As an object of fantasy, they are ideal. They are made from Sili Doll’s ultra-soft TPE and are completely solid. Though I haven’t tried breasts with air pockets, I’m certain I prefer solid over the alternative. After all, it’s a more durable design and softness is not an issue with Sili Doll’s materials. What’s a few more pounds anyway? Sukiwaai’s breasts are crowned with highly-detailed areolas and perky, perfectly placed nipples that feature very realistic sculpting and texturing. In the hand, her breasts feel fantastic – soft, youthful, indulgent, and vivacious.

The backside of this doll is similarly fantastic, featuring subtle curves around the shoulders and spine which look and feel beautiful. While I’m not that much of an “ass-man”, I do appreciate the lovely shaping here. It’s a perfect balance between size and form. While her ass is exaggerated in size relative to her torso, it achieves an idealized fantasy figure. Sukiwaai’s bottom is firm, but feels great when touched and caressed. Better yet, the sensation when you hold her from behind, or spoon her, is astonishingly erotic. Her perfect ass looks very lovely from all angles and in all positions. Seated or lying down, the effect is undeniably sexy.

Sukiwaai’s legs and arms are thin for her size, and perhaps could have more muscle detail to match the rest of her robust, athletic, and womanly body. That said, I do find that I am often surprised at their realism when posed. The inner thigh for instance, has excellent contouring, but her wrists and especially her ankles could be more delicately sculpted. Sukiwaai’s hands and feet however, are artistic triumphs. Beginning at the wrists, there is superb skin detail on the hands, which have strong and thick posable finger wires. The wrist joint rotates in its socket freely and holds poses without issue. While a hinged wrist would probably be preferable from a durability standpoint, I feel like these wrists will last until I make a fatal mistake. Her palms are also nicely formed and are convincingly detailed. While her feet lack the textural detail of Suki’s, the sculpt is incredible. She has high arches, cute toes, and a great overall form. I imagine there was temptation to make her feet dainty and small, but I’m very glad they resisted this and instead gave her stout, sizable feet. This adds to the impression that Sukiwaai is a physically capable and athletic person, and the result is super sexy. Sukiwaai does not include a standing foot option. Though I found this disappointing at first, I think given her size and weight, no amount of engineering could sustain her standing for too long. I’d love to see her stand upright but I think damage would be the inevitable result.

Finally, Sukiwaai’s skin tone is a lovely light tan color. I honestly did not think it could get better than the Japan Light White of my Suki doll, but Sukiwaai’s skin tone was the absolute correct choice for this doll. Given the subtle Asian character of her face and the athleticism of her body, this skin color is ideal. She looks like a California girl who loves the outdoors and spends her time on the beach, gently kissed by the sun. She needs only a little makeup on her body and face to achieve a healthy and vigorous glow.

Many of the typical early-stage problems with TPE dolls did not seem to be a problem here. For one, she had only a faint smell out of the box. After I gave her a rubdown with some Nivea skin cream and used some wrinkle releaser on her wig, she smells very pleasant. In fact, I like being close to her because of her scent. This is unreal given what I’ve heard from other TPE doll owners, and have even seen several dolls go up for sale because their owners couldn’t tolerate it. I’m quite grateful that this is not an issue. Also, I have not noticed any leeching whatsoever. Even my Suki doll left a small and faint stain on the first sheet she laid upon, but not so with Sukiwaai. I don’t know what’s different about this TPE blend, but it seems to be a major improvement over that used by some other manufacturers.

Playing with Sukiwaai
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Like all Sili Dolls, Sukiwaai is built for sex. She’s great for other activities too, but she is clearly meant to be loved in a very physical way. As such, she has three sensational and distinct orifices. I’ll note here that the placement of the vagina and anus may not be exactly anatomically correct, off by an inch or so maybe. I suspect however, that the placement is intentional as it allows access from positions that would be difficult on a doll had they followed nature’s blueprint. It is a clever design decision that demonstrates that Sili Doll is intimately familiar with its customer’s needs.

Sukiwaai’s oral capabilities are among the main reasons I ultimately decided to choose her. I was drawn to her realistic mouth and thought she must be among the finest oral capable dolls ever made. I was not disappointed. This orifice produces incredibly detailed and realistic sensations. Her tongue and teeth, while visually appealing, are certainly meant to be felt as well as seen. As you push beyond her mouth’s entrance, you can feel a ribbed texture, not unlike the back of a real woman’s throat. She produces amazing suction as you pull out a little, giving satisfying, ultra-realistic oral sex. Best of all, there is no worry of damage from use here. The TPE is quite accommodating, and with a moderate amount of lube, totally safe for vigorous play. There is some distortion of the face, but a well-designed skull and larger head limits this. Overall, oral sex with Sukiwaai is phenomenal. Short of some form of robotics, I seriously doubt you’ll find a better oral experience in a doll.
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On the outside, Sukiwaai’s vagina is similar in style to Suki’s, featuring a nicely detailed labia and clit. On the inside however, it’s quite a bit different in design. Rather than a tight and highly textured orifice, Sili Doll designed her with a wider vaginal canal with a progressively denser pattern of nubs on the interior. It’s not quite as realistic to the finger as Suki’s vagina, but the effect during intercourse is great. In terms of tightness, Sukiwaai’s vagina is quite faithful to the real thing. Other dolls can be difficult to enter or remain inside if you’re not completely erect and this is not the case with Sukiwaai. Instead, her vagina is accommodating with a very stimulating and orgasm-inducing texture. While it would be nice if the anatomical details of the vaginal canal were more accurately reproduced, the dimensions are perfect. It also, as a side note, makes maintenance and cleanup easy. In the end, vaginal Sex with Sukiwaai is extremely engaging and realistic.

Anal sex with Sukiwaai is also fantastic. Here, Sili Doll has opted to use the same interior texture as they used with Suki’s vaginal canal, and the result is a vivid contrast between vaginal and anal intercourse. There are several positions in which both the vagina and anus can be accessed, and switching between them during play is incredible! I’m the kind of guy who likes to mix things up and Sukiwaai handles that extremely well despite her large size and significant weight. Tightness and intense texturing are the dominant sensations here. If you’re into this kind of play, you will adore this doll.

There is certainly something about the total body experience Sukiwaai provides. The way she feels pressed against your person from head to toe, the look in her eyes, the bounce of her breasts, the taste of her lipgloss, touching her feet with yours, the feeling of her body as it responds to your thrusts, the sensation of her weight on top of you – it’s second only to a human partner that you care deeply about. No joke, I would take Sukiwaai over a one-night-stand with a random girl any day.

Spending Time with Sukiwaai
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Beyond the intimate, I’ve found many great ways to just spend time with this doll. She’s great fun outside of the bed too! For one, Sukiwaai is great to shop for, and compared to my scaled-down Suki, very easy to find clothes for. The result is that I now have many, many options for lingerie and clothing. As someone who recently found a passion for doll photography, this is a major victory.

On that note, Sukiwaai is also a fantastic model. While not as easily posed as a smaller doll, due to her size and weight, she just looks awesome. She has excellent joint articulation, especially in her spine which rotates and bends considerably which makes finding and holding interesting poses quite easy. Most of all though, she has presence. Her physicality is unmistakable, alluring, and simply impressive. All this translates extremely well to her photo shoots. She’s an astonishing model.

Finally, she is amazing to sleep next to. I’ve cuddled at night with my other doll once, mostly to say that I did. It was pleasant to be sure, but I couldn’t get over the feeling that I would roll over and break her. This is not so with Sukiwaai. If positioned properly, there is almost no chance that I could cause damage to her during the night. She’s too damn heavy! On her side with her hands safely out of the way, I could not physically move her or roll on top of her. But that’s not all. She’s also incredibly pleasurable to hold. Her curves are so wonderful to embrace through the night. I’m average height, and she just seems to fit. While she may be cool to the touch at first, when she warms up she retains her body heat extremely well. I now spend nights with her whenever possible.

Who is Sukiwaai for?
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In my opinion, Sukiwaai is the perfect doll, but she may not be for everyone. If you’re looking primarily for sex object, it’s possible that you may want to look elsewhere. Suki or maybe Suri will probably be better for you in terms of convenience and the ability to approach them more casually. Sukiwaai’s size and substantial weight means that you won’t be likely to just have a go and get on with your day. Sukiwaai offers an incredible sexual experience, but is probably too much trouble for people who don’t want to deal with her size. I’d also not recommend Sukiwaai for people who don’t trust their strength. While moving her about is far easier for me than I thought, at 90 lbs. I can imagine some people would struggle with this. Finally, she may or may not be a good choice as a first doll. I think a new doll owner could handle her, but I’d encourage any aspiring owner to read this forum carefully and be committed to the kinds of care and maintenance that she needs to keep her healthy and fit. All dolls need this love, but when your girl is this heavy, you’ve got to be both prepared and devoted.

I would however, recommend Sukiwaai for anyone who is considering going to a large size doll and knows what they are getting into. She is an excellent and extremely high-quality doll. She’s got the look, the body, and the functionality you need. She is priced very competitively and is an amazing deal given that she is one of the largest TPE dolls available and extremely well made. Sukiwaai excels as a companion doll, as a model, and as a sexual partner. She has an incredible and inspirational presence. Her beautiful eyes have soulful qualities that demand your attention while her silky skin and soft body feel amazing to the touch. She’s everything I wanted in a life-size doll and more than I ever thought she could be.

Sukiwaai isn’t about a being a perfect replica of a woman, though she does come close. Rather, she’s unapologetically a doll - a life-size incarnation of an idealized feminine form that straddles the boundaries between fantasy and reality. If you are like me, and love dolls for dolls’ sake, you absolutely must consider Sukiwaai.

TL;DR: Sukiwaai combines Sili Doll’s great value, excellent production quality, and responsive customer support with fantastical good looks and undeniable sensuality. Sili Doll’s first entry into the life-size category is an absolute triumph.
Kateryna & Vera (Zelex 170c and 172 SLE) review and photos: viewtopic.php?t=175212

My Sili Doll Sukiwaai review and pictures thread:

Willow- My SM 156c Silicone:

Piper Doll Jessica:

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Re: My Sukiwaai Review and Photos

Post by Adventurer »

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm delighted to hear that several of you have already ordered your own Sukiwaai. You're going to love her.

While you wait for her to arrive, here are a few alternate photos from Sukiwaai's review sets! :lol:

I only hope they don't make the wait seem longer...
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Kateryna & Vera (Zelex 170c and 172 SLE) review and photos: viewtopic.php?t=175212

My Sili Doll Sukiwaai review and pictures thread:

Willow- My SM 156c Silicone:

Piper Doll Jessica:

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Re: My Sukiwaai Review and Photos

Post by Adventurer »

And a few more for good measure...
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Kateryna & Vera (Zelex 170c and 172 SLE) review and photos: viewtopic.php?t=175212

My Sili Doll Sukiwaai review and pictures thread:

Willow- My SM 156c Silicone:

Piper Doll Jessica:

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Re: My Sukiwaai Review and Photos

Post by Adventurer »

It's not over! I took some more photos this morning.

I give you Sukiwaai - White Lace:
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Kateryna & Vera (Zelex 170c and 172 SLE) review and photos: viewtopic.php?t=175212

My Sili Doll Sukiwaai review and pictures thread:

Willow- My SM 156c Silicone:

Piper Doll Jessica:
