
My first review, sanhui 145 from beautiful dolls

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My first review, sanhui 145 from beautiful dolls

Post by themanfrom »

This is the edited review specific version of this topic. The original can be viewed and commented on here....http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=76584. Thanks Anung :thumbs_up:

Ok, this is my first time reviewing anything,(came back to say beforehand, somehow the pictures fucked up, it added duplicates and put them in the wrong order, I haven't the energy to fix it...sorry) so I'm sure I'll miss some details. But here we go. I ordered my 145cm sanhui doll from beautiful dolls on or about the 15th of September, today is the 28th and here she is! I'm not going to post many unboxing pics, I figure once you've seen one you've seen them all. But I will post a few that may be of interest. Starting with this..
100_0001 as you see, some minor damage to the box, might have been a concern if it had been dropped on that end, but as it turns out, it must have just been smooshed because the box was all that was damaged. Packaging was sufficient enough to prevent any damage during shipping, (which had been a major fear knowing my luck). The doll arrived in completely pristine condition, there are some tiny tiny tiny flaws in the skin (indentations) but you can only notice them if the light hits a certain way. And that's on here back where she had been laying for days, they may disappear. [attachment=8]100_0001 (2).JPG
Her feet came packed in a weird position, I wondered if that was intentional...I guess it was because they seemed to have straightened out nicely.
I'll just add the rest of the pics before I say anything else.
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Hope those worked.
Now....about beautiful dolls. I'm very happy with their service. They were as nice as you could ever asked for. The only complaint I could have is that I'm not sure I got the exact wigs I ordered, and I didn't get some of the lingerie I requested to go with the doll. This could have been a simple oversight, either way, I'm not worried about it, as the wigs and the lingerie were both supposed to be complimentary anyway so it's not like I lost anything. I'm just super thankful the doll arrived undamaged and exactly as described! If anyone ever asked me, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them to buy from this company as they seem like great people!
The doll itself...is quite beautiful in my opinion. Heavier than I expected!!!! I did notice one ankle was much looser than the other, not moving up and down as if standing on your tip toes, but rotating from side to side. I guess it's no big deal though. The only other thing...not counting the big toe..the rest of the toes were webbed together with a thin layer of silicone...which I can easily cut with a razor blade and it'll be a non-issue. The wigs....oh the wigs....I'll just say it...the wigs are garbage. But what do you expect from a ten dollar wig? In this case you get what you pay for, and I will be buying a real wig in time.
Sex with the doll....Of course I tried it out as soon as I got it cleaned up and powdered!
I'll give sex with the doll an A....A for awkward!!! It's no secret these dolls legs don't bend very far past 90 degrees forward at the hip. My hips are much wider than the dolls and this made for spreading her legs far enough out of the way to be quite problematic. This being my first time there was a lot of trial and error (mostly error) trying to find a position that was comfortable. A lot of having to stop and move this or move that. Once I do find a position that works, I'll be sure to put the doll in that position before ever trying to start the naughty stuff. Having to stop every 2 minutes to try to move this or move that really is a downer. However I was aware of this prior to purchasing the doll. I made the decision to go with durability of silicone over flexibility of tpe. So the neither the doll nor the manufacturer is to blame for this at all! I can't say a single bad thing about the doll, the manufacturer, or the vendor! I have some experimenting to do, that's all. I have about ten outfits on order, I'll start a picture thread for her once the arrive!
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It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government.....Thomas Paine

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Re: My first review, sanhui 145 from beautiful dolls

Post by themanfrom »

Hey all, thanks for the comments, advice, and information. I made little Mishka a photo shoot page on the sanhui thread, go check her out!
It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government.....Thomas Paine
