
Short 1AM Riley Review

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Short 1AM Riley Review

Post by DigitalPhotoPro21 »

The original thread for posting may be found here: http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... lit=review

I purchased a Riley from 1AM right after Christmas (Dec 27th) and received it on January 15th. I wasn't sure quite what to expect because this is my first doll of any kind although I used to have a Fleshlight and a Kobe Tai P&A that wasn't bad. The advertised size made me a bit apprehensive but in photos the Riley doll looks amazing so I went ahead and ordered it. Although I wasn't very patient and the holidays slowed things down a bit, sure enough, I received an email tracking number for DHL and the doll arrived safe and sound.

The DHL driver came to my door with a box that seemed about the right size for a "My Size Barbie" and I thought to myself that surely this couldn't be the box. It was the correct package however and after getting over my initial shock of the size (it seems even smaller than in some of the pictures here) I unpacked the doll and inspected it. Others have complained about the smell being somewhat chemical-like, however my Riley actually smelled fairly pleasant as did the fleece blanket it was packed in. I checked the proper operation of the joints (one shoulder was very stiff) and looked for damage but there was no visible damage.

I decided to powder the doll and used Johnsons lavender calming powder which (to me) has a nice scent. The feel of the doll as I was powdering was pretty good. Firm in the right places and soft in the right places. I was a bit disappointed that the doll was so small, but I knew the size of it before I ordered, I just didn't realize that while the doll looks voluptuous in pictures, everything is scaled down. The stiff joints were a problem but the legs seemed to have loosened up nicely, however the arms are a different story (more later).

Well powdering led to doing other things with the doll and soon it was cleanup time. Now I've followed the thread on cleanup but was still a little unsure of what I wanted to do. What I found works (so far) for me is using a small child's folding chair, placing the doll on it and using the provided "douche" style cleaning tool I clean the vagina and anus of the doll and then rinse with clear water. I then use a hair dryer to dry the portions of the vagina and anus it can reach as well as the rest of the exterior of the doll and then I use Clorox wipes on the doll (not just vagina and anus). Finally, I use a ShamWow (thanks Vince!) that has been cut into sections and rolled on a pencil and place it in each orifice. Pull the pencil out once the ShamWow is all the way in to allow for some air flow. Being careful, they go in fairly easily and in a day the "hole" is dry all the way back inside.

Now the bad: After the third time of using the doll, one of the arm joints has loosened up at the elbow to a point where it seems to hang freely. I haven't been rough with the doll so I guess I just got a defective one. I'm waiting to see what happens to the other arm that was so tight at the shoulder. I think that this is one area where WM can improve the dolls and that is the consistency and quality of the interior skeleton.

Now, I'm sure this is what some want to know about... This is my first "love doll" and although I have had other toys, I've never used a doll before. As far as a comparison with a real person, there is none. A real woman wins hands down for a variety of reasons. For making a good illusion and giving enough stimulation as a masturbatory toy, this thing is amazing! For $1,000 or thereabouts I think I made a good purchase. The vagina feels tight and good and has a lot of interior detail so that anyone with experience with real women will be able to appreciate the craftsmanship that went into making these "parts". The anus is a different feel (I wish it had varying amounts of pressure along the canal like a real woman) but is visually and physically stimulating. The oral cavity is too small for me and isn't very stimulating. Disturbingly, I also had one of the eyes pop out of the doll while trying to have oral sex with it which was pretty strange/funny at the same time! :D

I had originally planned on using this product for occasional sex and a lot of photography. Now I have a feeling that it's going to be mainly sex and some photography! :wink: I plan on purchasing a larger doll in the near future in order to get full-sized breasts and buttocks, but for now, I want to see how well this product ages before I go about buying another doll.

Ultimately, am I happy with the purchase? Yes, I am with a few reservations I think this was an excellent purchase. I only wish the WM vendors would carry more RTS models and that with the reduction of oil prices, production costs go down and are passed on to the consumer.

Now here are the obligatory first pictures.
WP_20160118_19_03_18_Pro_xsmall.jpg (1.34 MiB) Viewed 5627 times
If you want me to post more, let me know. For these pictures I simply used a cell phone camera. I did no makeup and basically just posed the doll and moved it's hair into a pleasing position. The doll basically is shown as it comes from the manufacturer which is to say it's pretty darn nice looking! I hope you enjoy!
WP_20160118_19_05_10_Pro_xsmall.jpg (1.33 MiB) Viewed 5627 times

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Re: Short 1AM Riley Review

Post by DigitalPhotoPro21 »

Just wanted to post to update everyone:

The faulty arm was reported to 1AM and 1AM has sent repair instructions and is in the process of sending some TPE glue to aid in the repair. I'm pretty happy with this solution because apparently the arm simply needs to be tightened and is not broken. Sending the product back to the manufacturer would have been too costly.

After living with the doll for a month or so I have the following observations:

1. Wrapping the doll in a heating blanket prior to use and using the provided vaginal warmer definitely provides a far more realistic feel.

2. I've gotten really good a quickly cleaning the doll after use, but it's still a pain in the butt and takes at least 10 minutes.

3. I've given up on the chair cleaning method and now just lay towels by my bathroom sink which has a large countertop and a recessed sink. I can irrigate the vagina and anus and clean the doll quickly and effectively without fear of damaging the doll. An added bonus is that the doll is closer to waist height which makes it easier to clean. I still use the Clorox wipes along with the shamwow towels. No tearing of the vagina or anus has been observed.

4. I've gotten used to sex with the doll and the illusion is pretty good in several positions. Some positions are a little more difficult just due to the stature of the doll but overall it's enjoyable.

5. Storage has been fairly easy, I just use the box it came in and place it on a shelf in the basement. It's dry and has a constant temperature and I don't have to really worry about someone coming across it accidently! Even with a 4,000+ sq ft home, I was still worried about storage! If I buy more dolls, I may actually have an additional room built in the basement just for storage of valuables and things of this nature.

6. The dolls seem to be made pretty well. I'm not really using "kid gloves" with mine and thus far other than the arm there hasn't been any damage or tearing of the doll.

I guess the most pressing questions would be "are you happy with your purchase and would you buy again?" The answer to both is a resounding "Yes". As I stated in an earlier post, I still prefer the real thing however the dolls allow me a fantasy that isn't fulfilled by real women. I am considering buying another doll in the near future. My next doll will be a full-sized one (155cm or larger) and I *might* consider the removable vagina option. At any rate, the Riley was a great doll to start with and it has given me a good idea of what to expect from other TPE dolls. At just over $1,000 USD I think it was a good investment. I'm glad I didn't purchase a far more expensive doll and then regret the purchase after the fact.

Finally: The variety of body styles and faces coming out of the WM Dolls factory is amazing and I think that at some point in the near future these types of products will be far more mainstream.
