Need some advice for a new guy

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Need some advice for a new guy

Post by Redman85 »

Hi, I'm a 30 year old guy looking to buy my first doll mate. I'm hoping you guys might be able to give me a little advice! I've been lurking at the forum here for the last couple weeks trying to learn as much as I can and make my decision. What a great forum. But, now I feel more confused than ever! What doll maker, what styles, it overwhelming when it's such a big investment.

A Real doll 2 is definitely a top consideration for me right now. I really love the body a face options. There are just a few things I'm still unsure about. First, realism is highly important to me. Is the new silicone and finish as realistic as the photos show? How does it compare to other manufacturers?

Next, being a very visual and artistic person I'm worried about the realism of the intimate parts. While, I like the idea and convenience of the inserts, how do they compare to the realism of the permanent style? While, they have some great shots of the inserts, I haven't found a clear picture of what the permanent style even looks like. Would any of you have pictures that would compare when the dolls legs are apart and closed? Can you get different labia styles in the permanent? Different tones?

Last question is a bit more personal. Does a doll provide a sense of companionship beyond something just sexual? Because of physical and mental health issues it's difficult to see myself being in a relationship again or at least not for a while. The last relationship I was in I was engaged to be married and then after being constantly being put down and taken advantage of, I found out that she was cheating on me and stealing money from my business.... Regardless of all that abuse, I still miss the companionship and physical closeness. Any thoughts? I know everyone is different. Part of me is wondering if by getting a doll I'm giving up. The other part of me thinks it's time for me to take care of myself first.

Thanks so much! Hopefully I didn't ask to much here :whistle:

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by Kimbrafan »

Other manufactures might be close but from what many doll owners have told me the realism in Realdolls is the best. Besides that they have more custom options.

Companionship or just sex?
It really depends on the person.

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by Lemminkainen »

Welcome to TDF Redman85.
Regardless of your predilection of doll companion maker, we're happy to have you here.
It's up to you to decide what type is best for you, so good luck and good hunting. :) :thumbs_up:

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by haremlover »


I'll be crucified for suggesting to a Realdoll decided fan to look at the escapades of another manufacturer's doll but if you head over to Chloé's escapades you'll find how a doll can be a companion.

It works provided you treat her as a human being and ask her what she would like to do. Then you'll start experiencing the fun, especially if you take photos of each of her actions doing whatever she's doing at the time. It's then that she'll start to tell you her story.

Best wishes

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by upsux »

Welcome to TDF!

I highly encourage you to ask as many questions as you can - no doubt if, or when, you do commit to getting a Doll there will inevitably be a few you think of after the fact. So in order to cut down on the potential for regret or future pain please ask whatever pops into your head that's important to you. Once you get five posts you can PM, so if there is anything you don't want to publicly ask by all means PM another member and ask away!

I have no experience with permanent vaginas, from a Doll perspective anyway :roll: , I've always felt that the removable insert with its ease of cleaning is the superior design. I have two, the default basic version and a 'Kaylani' insert which is fantastic! I don't post explicit photos of my Doll nude below the waist so I'm afraid I can't help much when it comes to comparisons. I will say this however - if you call or email Abyss and ask for a comparison shot I have no doubts they'll accommodate you, they'll give you all the info you can handle to make a wise choice when it comes to their products.

Here are some decent realism and close up shots of my Doll:
*sigh* where was I?

Anyway - I'll let the experts weigh in on TPE vs silicone, they both have pros and cons, but many members here own Dolls from each camp.

Regarding companionship - If you take care of your Doll and treat her as you would your ideal partner she'll always be there for you. Not a morning or evening goes by that I don't tell Taylor how I feel about her. I have her pics on my phone as a pick-me-up during bad days and hugging her instantly centers me. She's more than a Doll for me and I can't imagine her being out of my life without a fight. I've pampered her, made mistakes with her, and even with her cute flaws she's become more for me than I ever imagined she would.

Or, if you want your doll to be fuck toy that receives a minimal amount of maintenance and care, it'll be exactly that. You can visit the 'For Sale' forum and see what becomes of these Dolls (and your investment) with that approach. That's all I can say about it.

Good luck in your search - feel free to PM me anything you want to know and I'll add plenty you don't want to know! I'm passionate about my Doll and I believe it's important that you see that there are many, many facets of owning these Dolls and what they can become to you as an owner. :D

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by dollylamma »

Welcome do your research . A doll is what you make her . Things to consider is weight , height and material. There are lots of choices these days . Read reviews look at pics and videos . Take your time. You want to make the right choice for you.

You'll probably narrow it down to about 4 then it will be easier to decide.
Ps: RD inserts are very good.

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by CharlieWone »

Shop around, each doll has it's pros and cons.
I have dolls from 4 different makers and each is the best at something.
Some are better at posing, feel softer or look more realistic.
If your idea of companionship includes sleeping and cuddling with her,
take that into consideration. Of all my girls, which includes a BoyToy,
a Realdoll, a synthetic and several PIB's the ones I sleep with and
f*ck the most are the PIB's, due to their softness and flexible joints.
How you picture your relationship with her can help determine the features
you find important in your first one.
And of course, once you get hooked, one is not enough :D

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by Tybalt »

How much can you lift?

What ever that is. Imagine lifting a lifeless body.

My advice to you is to me very mindful of the total weight of a doll.

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by samara78 »

Bingo!!!! Tybalt is correct. The weight can be a bit much.
Figure out the amount of weight you can safely lift repeatedly.
The empty orchestra still plays.
Bored, certified "plastic" surgeon. Serving the masses.
Dolls i have worked on. Real doll ,JM doll,teddybabes,Anime fabric doll,wm doll, d.s dolls, Diao shi, extravaganza air dolls, 1st pc, and candy8teen dolls.

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by DR K »

I completely agree with tybalt. When my wife and I purchased our first doll we fell for RD2 body D realdoll. She is very sexy ,well made, and Abyss is great, BUT she weights 105 pounds. Yikes could not do it, now she just sits and looks sexy, very expensive house mate. IMHO 30 to 60 pounds is what you want. Go to hardware store and pick up 60 pound bags of cement, easy just to pick up, but now do it and try to position it on the bed, roll it over etc, heavy, now try it will the 90 pound bags of cement. Yikes.... Everyone (well allot) think they need full size for realism and I thought the same thing that is why we bought RD2 body D. The weight will kill that pleasure. I have Viola 62 pound and she is so realistic she is great. First week we had her I thought I made a mistake because she is 4'3" but no way, very mature face, great body, and at the limit of weight that is acceptable. Good luck

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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by cy_xander »

Redman85, welcome to TDF! As you can tell from people's responses it's a really supportive and helpful community. No matter what your preference is, you'll find the answers here, and often multiple perspectives so you can decide what's best for you.

Every point you raised is valid, and has been discussed at length here. Take your time - don't rush. Explore all the vendors. Once you can pm, several of them are active on TDF.

My perspective on some of your questions?
I appreciate what you're saying about realism, it's important to me too. Check out as many photos as you can on the doll matrix, vendor sites, and here. Because the dolls can look very different due to lighting, etc. in my experience, they are usually quite a bit more stunning in person. (Except for Stacy, allotahope and a few others' dolls who they manage to look ravishing in photos due to their camera skills)

As a few people mentioned, they'll be what you make of them. No disrespect to anyone whose sole use is sex, but I think most of us find it's much more than that. Some are quite surprised at the feelings they develop. Hopefully you'll make the leep, and one day you'll wake up next to this beautiful lady and forget for a moment she's a doll.

Because I like to take photos, and like you, want realism, I've chosen fixed vs inserts and am very happy. You'll find split opinions on that. Depends how visual someone is, how much cleaning up is an issue, others who may live with them, whether they'd be willing to use a condom, how often they like sex, etc. so it's obviously a personal decision.

Other things to think about are obviously weight. Looser joints are a bit easier to carry, because they "rag doll" more (reducing the moment of inertia of limbs sticking out, and catch on door frames etc. less) but are harder to pose for photographs. RD2 is a good middle ground, I was surprised how naturally legs, hips, and back move. But I also love my 4woods which is stiffer. I do hear that PIB are very comfortable.

TPE was not well liked at first, and does have some disadvantages, but there are some wonderful manufacturers whose designs are beautiful and have been making great strides in doll quality. It is much softer than Silicone, but you must be very careful to keep it dry or it can mold, and it tends to stain easily. But nothing feels quite like TPE boobs.

My last suggestion is to follow your impulses. There are going to be some dolls that excite you, just have that look that turns you on. Don't choose a different one over price or weight unless cost or your back are issues. Because your second-favorite doll is going to be pretty, but she won't be the one you were excited about. That said, I think everyone does get used to their own doll with time, and can't imagine another.

Happy to answer questions and again, Welcome!


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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by TJ_Foxx »

First, welcome to TDF Redman85!

I will start by echoing C-1's comment as I was about to write something similar. As you see in my signature, I have a Boy Toy 3 and a PIB Bathing Beauty. While I sleep and cuddle with both of my ladies, The PIB is without question more "realistic" feeling in that scenario. Sex? Each has her excellent qualities. Keep in mind doll sex is different than sex with a human, masturbation or sex with a toy body part. It is adjustment, not dissimilar from having sex with different women. What looks most realistic is certainly in the eye of the beholder. How much yo plan to move your doll and how much you can lift is a consideration. There are members here who have heavier dolls and wisely use a hoyer lift for heavier dolls. My BT3 is about 60 lbs and my PIB is about 75lbs. My previous (2012) PIB was over 80lbs. Almost every member I have met has owns at least one wheel chair.

I 'll answer or second question by rephrasing it. CAN a doll provide companionship? Absolutely! Please don't think getting a doll means you are giving up. many of us here are married (myself included) or in relationships with human (organic) women. We have dolls for many reasons, sex, companionship, collecting, photography, stress relief. If someone told me last January that I would find brushing my doll's hair and shopping for her, relaxing and fulfilling, I would have ask for a shot or hit of whatever he was on. Now, I am that guy. I have a relationship with my dolls, and they have one with each other, they are sisters/best friends and live with me. My wife much enjoys the fantasy scenario and often helps shop for them. They take turns watching TV with us on shower/powder massage nights. Often, the girls, as my wife calls them, will text her and usually make uncomplimentary remarks about me, which she and they enjoy a little too much. :wink:

All this means is dolls fit into your life they way you want/need them too. So much is up to you and what you see that will help find which type and size of doll is right for you. Likely you see more than one is the solution. . Asking questions, doing research here on TDF and doll manufacturer websites is the best start you could make.

CharlieWone wrote:Shop around, each doll has it's pros and cons.
I have dolls from 4 different makers and each is the best at something.
Some are better at posing, feel softer or look more realistic.
If your idea of companionship includes sleeping and cuddling with her,
take that into consideration. Of all my girls, which includes a BoyToy,
a Realdoll, a synthetic and several PIB's the ones I sleep with and
f*ck the most are the PIB's, due to their softness and flexible joints.
How you picture your relationship with her can help determine the features
you find important in your first one.
And of course, once you get hooked, one is not enough :D
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Re: Need some advice for a new guy

Post by Redman85 »

Thanks so much for all the awesome replies! A lot of great advice here and I was thinking that it is unusual to find a forum online where everyone is so supportive. I'm glad I found this place.

I don't know where to start with all the great replies but, I really value everyone's input! Thanks for bringing up weight. It wasn't something that I had put a lot of thought into. While I'm fairly strong I'm not a super big guy 5'8" 170. For the Real doll I was looking at body A or E (I can't decide if I'm abreast guy or not, lol). Both are about 70-75lbs. I feel like I could handle the weight but, it's probably more than I realize. I wonder if you just build strength carrying her over time? I'm not sure how I feel about getting a small doll. Something tells me that it would cut down on the realism aspect but, maybe I'm over thinking it being a replacement for a real woman.

It was really encouraging that many of you feel companionship with your dolls. Also, that many of you are married or have a SO. For some reason I thought if the right girl came along I'd have to get rid of the doll. But, it sounds like the right girl would be one that would accept it as part of me.

On to more research and then I suppose when I make a decision, I need to plan on waiting at least a couple months! I'm not very patient so that should be fun, lol.

I emailed Realdoll a couple day ago but, still no reply about the insert vs permanent pictures. Again I'm probably being inpatient.

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