Soft Urethane Foam - Tera Patrick

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Post by dwhite601 »

Jerry wrote:The expanding foam works the same way... but your mixing time is only 30 seconds.
I wonder if cooling the foam components before mixing would buy you a few extra seconds.

This is an intersting topic. I have an old Vicca inflatable that also developed a leak and had been thinking of the same idea.


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Post by pygmalion2 »

What about trying to preshape existing foam? The dense foam slabs for camping mattresses are not that expensive and if you can open the tera doll up you could simply insert the carved pieces into the arms/ leg and torso. the vinyl insert can be resealed with vinyl patching kits and so can the outer rubber skin. The foam slabs are much less expensive and if the shape wasn't right you would have a second chance to reshape another foam insert. The drawback would be you would always have to inflate with a pump since any moisture would cause the foam to go moldy.
To get the proper shape for the foam insert, carve large piece with large scissor or an exacto knife, then finish with cutting very small piece with cuticle scissors.

Gee, a foamy Tera doll with a latex skin,... the wheels are turning. :wink: Mark_Y

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Post by Jerry »

No inflation... once she is foamed she would be sealed. Also... with cutting slabs... there would be edges and bumps... this will be a contour fit.

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polyurethane coating


I was wondering about the possibility of using a mold release and coating an inflated doll with coats of polyurethane . My idea was then when the doll is deflated the latex of the doll would be still tacked up around the urethane holding the doll open, but when pressure is applied the latex will peel easily away from the urethane.. One could now fill with urethane foam. When cured, break the doll out of the polyurethane shell.
The idea of filling the doll from the feet i like. I think it might be better to cut the hands and feet off to make sure the filling is successful through out the doll.

What do you guys think?

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simple doll mold

Post by divergs »

You might try spraying your doll with “Jell-coat” a 2-3 good, thick coats should do then fiberglass over that to make your mold.

Make sure you wax/mold release your latex doll before hand, (may not need to do to much with latex) experiment..

To separate the mold, attach some 1x2 wood strips with boltholes drilled through them (to attach the halves after the cut) then use a thin saw and cut your mold in half. Cutting through the attached 1x2’s. Use your bolts to make the halves whole again

You can see an example of this type of mold at
If you get any pinholes, or larger defects, (in your mold) they can be filled with auto body filler.

Once you have that mold working, you could make several dolls

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simple Mold


Thanks divergs,

I have a french lolita on its way to me. I have had trouble with the skill of mold making. It is in the end somthing I really want to learn how to do.

I understand the the purchase of wax based mold release. what is Jell coat? Is that an autobody type product? I did a search for Jell coat but turned up nothing specific as a product to buy.

If I understand you correctly.
1 first inflate the doll, then spray it with wax mold release, then jell coat 2-3 times.
2 Applly resin and fiberglass stips.
3 attached 2x 4 to both sides of mold with bolt holes to allow the exact reattachment of the mold.
4 cut in half, your ready to go.

I learned from ramsdale the slush mold technigue so I will put the mold back together with a hole at the top of the skull. slush latex then flex urethane foam. Do you think drilling two holes at bottom of feet would be helpful toward adding the expanding foam ? I assume that slushing the latex will require many repeats to biuld up the latex as it is not made of plaster.

I ask alot of questions because I have recently waisted alot of time and money with a failed mold making project that I threw away. I was trying to figure out the simplest way to get a latex foamy that I made so I can modify to taste.

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