
Textile Doll for LW

Classic European full-sized fabric dolls. Flexible strong skeleton. All dolls are handmade in the art studio. Unique design and great features for sex and games.
Website: www.textiledoll.com
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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Thanks for stopping in. You are one of the many members that have taught me a nugget or two over the years. Thanks, and never stop posting. Always ready to learn more here! :thumbs_up:
The finger wires seem pretty heavy duty and can grip to a good degree. I bent them around the wrap bed headboard rails loosely, and she held on. If I wrapped them tight, I'd be prying them off later. At the wrists, where the lower arm rod ends, the hand and finger wires begin. You can feel it go from rod to very thin rake of wires, and I think that the wrists may eventually prove to be a weak area to look out for. Or else that's just the mental image I get because it suddenly goes from about 3/4" rod to about 3/16" wire. Huge difference, and dainty feeling wrists.
The elbows bend nicely, as do shoulders. Arms will stay aloft when you bend them up, but they do wanna come back down a bit.
The body bends both a little above and right at the waist. I haven't pushed it too much. Still on the learning curve with flexibility.
The ankles are imo perhaps a weak area to watch as well. Not much range of motion. As far as standing on her own, only against a wall. She won't do it without something to lean on. And she's top heavy. Heels with ankle straps give extra support around the ankles, and are a help. Still going to try thigh high boots later.
The knees have a plastic piece for a knee cap, which looks great in some positions, just okay in others. The knees bend very well, and don't have as much propensity to want to bounce back to neutral position as the hips do.
I can pose the doll in a crabwalk position, with her butt off the surface, and she'll stay there. If I pose her on her knees, doggie style, she wants to slide forward and straighten her legs a bit. So, as poseability goes, I would say limited in some ways, nicely in others. It's a pretty simple skeleton. Not going to have the range or poseability of an RD. But was a little better than what I was expecting from a cloth doll.

Hi swivelthumb! It sounds like the Fleshlight can works well for you in the Mieki. I bet it would in this doll for you too. You have your insert preference dialed in, which is probably the toughest element to make this kind of doll just right for you. I'm three days into a learning curve, and enjoying the ride. And I'm game for any advice from a fabric pro, and also game to take any kind of pic that anyone wants me to, or answer any question.

Kinda damning myself for not buying a couple other fabric offerings, so I had the points of reference to compare for you guys. In a way, I'm just forging blindly ahead, and I look forward to another member with fabric experience telling us all what they think and how things compare for them.
The best I can do is share what I think and see, say what I like, what rocks, and what I think could be better.

A pic is worth a thousand words, and that's why I put a bunch in so that peebs could actually see what I ramble on about. Hopefully doing that will help give everyone a better vision and help determine whether or not they want this or some other doll. I'm not pulling any punches, am telling it like it is in my eyes, and giving the most info I can so you can form your own opinions. I wouldn't want anyone to buy something and find out they don't like it. And I'm not in any way associated with TD, other than being an early buyer. My duty here is to share what I got with forum members so they can see whether or not this offering is for them. Not trying to sell anyone a doll. But I am having fun and enjoying a new toy. That's what it's all about.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by Textile Doll »

If you want to use Fleshlight, you necessary to trim his sides for free installation. Then it will work perfectly. Inside the doll has a large space.
Pubic bone necessary to maintain the realism of the figures and the correct leg work.
To make enlarge the hole to insert, you must strongly expand the hips wide. Do not be afraid to do it. At first muscles will resist, but after a short time doll become very docile . Skeleton is strong enough and will be retain any position without problems. :)

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Now there's some advice from someone that knows a whole lot more about fabric dolls than I do! And that's the beautiful Melissa face that got me started on this journey. Sheesh! Where have you been?
Thanks again, Jury, for all your help and advice, and for the awesome labor of love you did for me. I hope you like Riga as her name, because I really do. As pretty and exotic as her looks.
Hoping to see manufacturer status under your name when you're ready. I have a feeling you're going to be very, very busy. :glou:

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by Textile Doll »

LWhisperer wrote:Now there's some advice from someone that knows a whole lot more about fabric dolls than I do! And that's the beautiful Melissa face that got me started on this journey. Sheesh! Where have you been?
Thanks again, Jury, for all your help and advice, and for the awesome labor of love you did for me. I hope you like Riga as her name, because I really do. As pretty and exotic as her looks.
Hoping to see manufacturer status under your name when you're ready. I have a feeling you're going to be very, very busy. :glou:
Thank you, I am very glad to communicate with you! :glou:
You picked the perfect name for the your doll :multi:
If you have questions, write me a letter. I'll be glad to answer all questions.
You can feel free to experiment with a doll. She perfectly suited for sex!
I prefer to use Fleshlight. If it is to trim a little, it is ideal for a doll. :thumbs_up:
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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Thanks Jury! I'll be dropping you a line with questions about how long the legs are on the taller model. :whistle: I have a lil thing for legs.
And Riga is probably going to need a big sister to keep her company when I'm at work.

And if you come back later, Riga will be showing off another sexy outfit. :wink:

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Riga wanted to show off her thigh high boots, so we put a little shoot in eye candy. :wink:
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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by devlin »

Do you think Textile Dolls will come up with other dolls? And how soon?

I am interested.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

That's a question for Jury. You can pm him from his post above. And don't forget to check out his doll album and the textiledoll.com website. Jury is a busy, busy guy, and I'm sure anyone that creative isn't going to stop.
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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by devlin »

How much does Riga weigh?

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by Zeon »

Thanks LWhisperer

The meikis have a length of 6-6.5 in., a width of 3.5-4 in., and a height of 3.5-4 in.
I would assume if the fleshlight fit then the meiki should find too.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Riga is incredibly light. Easily picked up with one hand. I'm going to hazard a guess that she's in the ten to twelve pound range, or just a little more. I was shocked how light when I first picked her up. I'm used to fifty to eighty pound dolls. So when she was delivered and I picked up the box to carry it into my house, I was thinking "What the????"! It was so light that my first thought was there couldn't be a doll in there!!! Remember, I WAS a fabric doll dummy, and didn't know what to expect. :oops:

I'd say that easily 75% of Riga's weight is actually her skeleton. The "bones" in each body segment are different diameters. While the upper and lower arm bones feel like 3/4" (to keep those arms looking dainty), the femur is easily an inch or more.

And the hand and finger wires are thicker and as stiff as the old old fashioned super duty coat hangers. For example, in the "Riga wants to show you something" eye candy shoot, she is actually holding on to the vanity mirror post with her right hand in the standing pics. The Pleaser Legend thigh high boots are helping, as is her hand on the post, and her body against the vanity in order to get that stance.
I'm no photographer by any means, and remember that every pic was done on a cell, nothing shopped, no extra lighting, no stands or wires. Just a pretty doll, a cell phone camera, and an idiot snapping shots. The true artists with real equipment here on the forum would have done the doll far more justice, and brought out her beauty far better than I. Of that, I am certain. And I bet the pros might've rolled their eyes a little bit, and that's ok. I just wanted to give the little lady and her talented maker the exposure I feel they deserve. While there were a bunch of views, there was very little responses, so I'm afraid perhaps I didn't do Riga enough justice as a photographer. My fault, not hers. :o

Zeon, I think you could make damn near anything fit, but some might need a little trimming. Jury had showed me a pic of a Pink Lady he had trimmed down to look dainty that's his favorite. It looked really good.

Last night I had gotten some Fleshlight lube overrun on the doll, and I was worried about staining her. I ran a small sink of warm water with a little Woolite in it, soaked a washcloth, wrung it out, and wiped her off. No residual stains today. Yes, I got her a little wet in doing that, but she was dry this morning. I would suggest cleaning up any lubricative messes while they are still fresh, before they set, and not worry too much about getting the doll a little wet. A little, not soaked, and let the fabric dry in open air. G'day all.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by Topchef »

Now I wonder which color (out of natural and tan) are closer to human skin color...

LW, I think you are right, the bigger booty does give a better grip in doggie :mrgreen: I am surprise to hear Riga weight almost the same as my Meiki Plush (keep in mind that is torso only)... How would she hold up if she is in Viennese Oyster position?

I guess this might be a question for Jury, is it easy to retrofit a standard off-the-shelve wig (by just sticking on some Velcro), or it requires some sewing skill to get done... Also, would it be possible to use silicone pad in lieu of the cloth ones in the squeezable area?
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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Now that you've seen her bum in a skirt, I think you'll love that ass as much as I do. Jury created a simply marvelous butt. It's not big at all. It has perfect curves and the way the hips flare out below the hourglass is just awesome. So soft.
I really don't know if the addition of silicone would be a help or hindrance. It'd certainly make the doll heavier. And it'd have to be sewn into custom pockets in order to keep it in the right place when the doll is moved or position is changed.

If anyone can figure it out, I'm sure that Jury can. I think it's worth looking into, and I don't know where I saw them, but the bum pad forms and breast pad forms used to give a guy curves when crossdressing might be the way to go for this. It'd take Jury's ingenuity and expertise to work it out. I'll look into it further, and see what Jury has to say, if he doesn't see this and respond.
Anyone know the best place to find lightweight bodyform pads??

As far as skintone, real people come in so many shades. I noticed on the Textile Doll website this morning that there are now more options, four I think. Tough call for ya, buddy, coz to me all colors are beautiful, from pale like me to dark ebony. There are gorgeous ladies out there in every color.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by DollAfficionado »

Hi LW,

I've been away so I am just now catching up on your posts.

This is an awesome doll. I have owned both Teddybabes and Anime Fabric which are great fantasy dolls; however, this doll really serves the customer who wants a realistic female form and face.

I generally like either very dark or very pale women, so I am glad to see that these have been added as options. Since my TPE doll is very dark, I will probably go with a very pale skin tone for this doll.

When the doll's cavity is too big for an insert, I have placed some of my socks in the back of the pussy cavity in order to reduce the extra space. This will help a short insert fit better. You could also cut a custom foam "plug" to fill up the undesired length of the pussy cavity. I liked this method as it is fully reversible allowing you to cut multiple plugs for different length inserts.

Two thumbs up to Textile Doll. This offering is sure to be a hit.

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Re: Textile Doll for LW

Post by LWhisperer »

Great idea, DA! I'll work on it tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to give s sneak peek...[img600][Imageimg600]. Of her newest outfit.

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