Newbie insearch of guidance

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Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by firesnake »

Not sure how to start, so I'll just start. I would like to purchase a doll, but don't want to get scamed. I don't have $5,000 to spend but would like something nice for a 1st timer. I found many sites with the same pics all at very low prices. Should I buy used? Does anyone have info on "Banned Site Link, see Banned Sites List in Dolls In General" or shopoza? In my search I did find this site, so here I am.

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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by Poppaeus »

Hello firesnake, welcome to the forum!

You can find the "banned sites" here. As a rule of thumb, I would strongly recommend avoiding sites like ebay and alibaba. There are a few manufacturers/vendors which use those sites sometimes, but there are also a great many scammers found there. I was unable to find anything on 'shopaza' but if it's anything like alibaba or ebay I'd steer well clear.

It is best to start on this forum. You will find a number of categories here. In the 'love dolls and doll manufacturers' category, you will find silicone doll manufacturers grouped according to geographic location (dolls in America, and dolls in Europe and Asia), and then either under $4000 or above $4000. This category also contains sections for inflatable dolls, vinyl dolls and vendors.

Each section contains subforums dedicated to particular manufacturers (Real Doll, Ruby18, 4Wood, DreamDoll, DS Dolls, etc.). In each subforum, you will find a lot of information from users (pictures, reviews), links to the manufacturer's website, news, lists of official vendors, sometimes a list of scamming websites, etc.

The 'dolls in general' category also contains a number of vendors which aren't listed above. That is also where the "banned sites" link comes from.

I know it sounds like a daunting prospect to visit each of them one by one, but it is the best method of finding what you want. There are numerous sex shops all over the web and not a few of them are legitimate, but there's plenty of bad apples in the bunch too. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. It's best to start with the source - the manufacturers - and go from there.

$ 5000 is a lot of money, but the prices aren't extortionate for a full-size silicone doll. They're not merely 'sex toys', they're often genuine pieces of art, too. You get what you pay for.

You can find several full-size silicone dolls below $5000, but from what I've seen it will at least set you back a couple grand (about $2000) for one. You could also look at silicone torsos which are cheaper than full-size dolls. I don't think they are as gratifying, however, and personally I think they look a bit weird (but that's just me). Then there's the "teddy babes" - plush sex dolls which are about life-size (slightly smaller, maybe). When I first found out about them I was surprized too, but they're actually quite cute. These are less expensive than a full-size silicone doll by a reasonable margin, too. And they're great for cuddling. Finally, some vendors are selling full-size 'TPE' dolls (or slightly smaller) which are usually cheaper than silicone dolls, too, but I don't know anything about these myself.

Buying used is certainly an option. In the 'buy and sell' section of this website you can find bargains every now and then. But, again, I wouldn't expect being able to pick up a full-sized silicone doll in good condition for only a couple hundred bucks. Here, too, I would advise keeping it on this site, though. Caution is the better part of valor.

You can find the 'dolls and manufacturers' here:

You can find the 'dolls in general': here:

And finally, the 'buy and sell' section:

Hope that helps. Good luck and happy hunting!
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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by Nescio50 »

Hi firesnake, welcome to TDF :D

You already got a lot of good info by Poppaeus :thumbs_up:

If you have any further questions, please ask - we all are willing to give answers!


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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by firesnake »

Thank-you for the warm welcome and thank-you very much for the advice. I will take my time and do some research to find the right one for me.

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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by richt992 »

If you are looking for a first doll to try out, check out this thread ... es#p609890

I just got one of them. Better than a pelvis/butt though not the same as a full doll(not positionable). I am not recommending her because I am still figuring out whether or not I like her but so far so good. The price is good on amazon and you know you will not get scammed there. I got mine ordering from amazon.

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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by Chiiguy »

When you find certain kinds of dolls that interest you then visit the forums here for them. Read the stickies in those forums and then actually read the forums for a bit. You will learn tons of information about them. You will learn what is great about certain kinds of dolls and what sort of problems or drawbacks certain dolls have. By becoming familiar with them you will recognize what kind of doll is likely to meet your needs and wants. A lot of work? Heck no. This is not only informative research it can be fun as well as educational. Don't be in rush and enjoy the journey as much as the destination. There are a lot of really cool dolls out there and there is a ton of useful information here on TDF. So have fun doing your homework. :-)
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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by beautifuldolls »

All sellers from TDF are legit. Don't worry.

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Years of experience!


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Re: Newbie insearch of guidance

Post by firesnake »

Thanks again to all. This forum is very helpful and the people who use it are very cool. :)

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