Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by midiman »

beardygoat wrote:you tell that newbie,,,,,lol,,lol, i love it..
My wife threatened to cut me off if I did not defend her honor :)

But I was out of order, I forgot to welcome him.

Welcome to Doll Forum, crazydollmaniac69. This is a place where you can speak candidly and will not be judged by others unless you judge them ;)

I do know there are doll owners here who have had bad relationship experiences and there are times when I would rather spend time with my dolls than my wife and also times SHE would rather me spend time with my dolls than her ;)

Sharing space is never without sacrifice ;)
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by Spency »

beardygoat wrote:written by some simple minded soul who would have homosexuals,and possibly us doll owners, killed by edict from the christian god a california based rev. taught them to fear during his African missions. they tried to pass a law to legally kill gays. see my link below ... 53412.html

. this is a sick state of affairs. American pastors spreading hate crimes to the world.
that article was almost funny .if i did not think they were serious. the Devil dolls.
what a sad article.

Yes written by a simple minded soul who has Christ written completely backward and the same goes for the idea of killing someone for their choice.Not up to any man.Free will is given from the God I know.Choose what you want to do with it. Pastors getting it wrong is just pastors getting it wrong.Corruption is everywhere you look.Labeling an entire group for one man's actions "in the name of" is as narrow as you can get.Oops we both violated Rule 4 so lets get back to the dolls.
midiman wrote:I don't put any weight into religious conditioned arguments, as they are but pebbles against the "cornerstones" of science and logic...unless of course one is of the faith and blindly follows even the misinterpretations of often disputed writings
I could certainly debate those "cornerstones" but clearly the rules don't allow me.
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by mark4c »

I thought the end of marriage was divorce.

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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by ipani »

After checking out the link, my web browser refused to work... it's taken me two days to figure out what the hell that link did...

Click on that thing at your own risk!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by Obin »

ipani wrote:After checking out the link, my web browser refused to work... it's taken me two days to figure out what the hell that link did...

Click on that thing at your own risk!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x
I don't know what caused the problem. I like these videos and hope this helps. There are many videos on youtube of this nature. Just a youtube search of "Gordon Griggs" renders a good number of videos.

I just noticed that embedding is disabled on the first video. It needs to be reposted. I don't have a plugin on this computer that enables downloading of that video.
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by midiman »


I can't say I enjoy a video where someone is saying how 'supportive' his doll is of him and tells the audience how his doll enjoys a foot rub :( It all comes across as very serious and not as a spoof.

People watch these shows and label us all that way, when in fact 90+% of us did have, have or will have normal human personal relationships.

I love my dolls, but I am not 'in love' nor delusional about them. Brushing my dolls hair is a chore I must do to make her look nice. Rubbing her feet is a delusional act :roll:

He may be a nice guy, but based on how he presents himself, it is no wonder why Dr. Phil wanted him on his show. Davecat's is not a healthy relationship as seen through the eyes of mental health. There is a difference between fantasy play which most doll owners here partake in and alternate reality.
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by Obin »

midiman wrote: People watch these shows and label us all that way, when in fact 90+% of us did have, have or will have normal human personal relationships.
I understand. That part is important. I'll keep that in mind. I do tend to forget that many tend to generalize erroneously. One would be judging me incorrectly if one thought I was that way, and such judgment would be undesirable.

Thank you.

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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by Secret Agent Pink »

Well I certenly don't live in a fancy world...

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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by Doll Knight XIX »

I don't know if this is racist or not, but as soon as I read 'Nigerian Tribune', the article lost all reputability it could have had for me. I didn't read it. I'm sorry, but a Nigerian newspaper isn't exactly an authority on much of anything outside of, say...Nigeria. It's interesting that they'd make an article about love dolls, though. Must've been a slow news day. ;)
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by dave7311 »

midiman wrote:Obin,

I can't say I enjoy a video where someone is saying how 'supportive' his doll is of him and tells the audience how his doll enjoys a foot rub :( It all comes across as very serious and not as a spoof.

People watch these shows and label us all that way, when in fact 90+% of us did have, have or will have normal human personal relationships.

I love my dolls, but I am not 'in love' nor delusional about them. Brushing my dolls hair is a chore I must do to make her look nice. Rubbing her feet is a delusional act :roll:

He may be a nice guy, but based on how he presents himself, it is no wonder why Dr. Phil wanted him on his show. Davecat's is not a healthy relationship as seen through the eyes of mental health. There is a difference between fantasy play which most doll owners here partake in and alternate reality.
I agree, but to each their own. I LOve my Valerie (Not in suspense of reality), I am aware that she is NOT alive, but this does not escuse the reality that she does exist and is a pleasure to have around :lol:
I am also a guitarist and LOve all my guitars ( I make them talk thru me, but this only makes them an extension of myself) :glou:

In closure....'Val has a few words to say (thru me)'
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by midiman »

Some excellent comments. I think Dave is really close when he says his doll speaks through him.

I believe for many of us, our dolls become and extension of our own minds. We give them life and personality by projecting our own thoughts.

I truly feel, however, having known so many owners that the majority who use dolls for companionship would gladly trade them for a relationship with the right person. For those who would not, I'm truly happy they have found a surrogate to fill some of the void.
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by dave7311 »

'BINGO!' :wink:
'You Nailed it Bro!'

x's & o's,
Val & dave7311

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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by wale »

When your reality depends on other people, your reality is not real at all. For those who trust in others and have not been well coresponded, live with a doll is not difficult.
Ofcourse that it hurst to lose confidence in you and in others, and prefer an self deception that to continue allowing others to fooled you.
Avoid not suffer by the desepcion that may cause you by love another person than to live what could be your greatest experience of love is the dilemma; for those people that still belive in love.
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Re: Sex doll: Is this the end of marriage?

Post by dave7311 »

'absolutely!'.....It's NOT what people do to us, but 'What we ALLOW them to do!'
Sorta like a viscious circle that goes nowhere...'Quoting Dr. Phil' ;
'How's it working for you?'
'freedom of choice' / 'free will' is always an option , but most folks often fear 'CHANGE' to move on.
One of my favorite sayings; 'ANIMALS REACT / PEOPLE LEARN'

Staying on topic:
'I can honestly say; 'I have never had as much peace or apreciation for who I am since I became a doll owner' 8)
A piece of paper (marriage document) does not buy happiness / LOve.....'it starts from within and it's FREE of undesired dependancy/pretence/deceit'.......... 'Long Live Dollies!'
I LOve women and always will, but I am in control of who I am & all pertaining to 'my lfe'.

AMEN! :twisted:

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