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The Coveted Suit, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"Hey. Weren't we supposed to meet at the coffee shop in a half hour and then go to see the lawyer and the bank and talk to the insurance guy about setting up your security consulting business?"
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"Yes. Absolutely. But I had an idea, and if you think it's terrible or weird, all you need to say is no and I totally understand."

"Your idea seems to be to go super-casual to do all the business things, which is definitely an unusual idea for Buttoned-Up Rachel."
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"That's actually..."

"Though I do need to tell you, the hat works. And is that actual color you're wearing?"
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"Yeah. It is. Are you amazed?"

"You did go back to the dark hair, though."
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"Well, it's auburn. I'm not quite at the point where I can do business things as a blonde. Maybe someday."

"Indeed. I thought you looked like Kim Cattrall with your blonde hair. This is maybe more Rene Russo."
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"Oooh. I'll take that. She was gorgeous in that Pierce Brosnan movie."

"So it seems like we haven't quite gotten around to this idea you had that you couldn't text me about..."
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"It's not that, it's just that I was passing by and it hit me that maybe this would be OK, but I don't know if it is..."

"Rachel. Whatever it is, would you please spit it out?"
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"Right. Amber has a suit in her closet that I know would look gorgeous on me and I want to borrow it for your meetings."

"Oh, that's it?"
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"But if you feel weird letting people go into her closet, I totally understand."

"Rachel, you have probably 10 suits back at your house."
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"Yeah, but I don't think any of them are as flattering as her dark gray suit. That thing is HOT. I remember her telling me that it was her favorite thing in her closet"

"I see."
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"Well? Can I borrow it. Please?"

"Sure. Of course you can."
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"Awesome! OK, I'll be out in a minute."

"Wait, hang on."
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The Coveted Suit, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Rachel made a beeline for the closet and, like a homing pigeon, dug it straight out from its perch on the rack.
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"OK, here it is. This is going to look SO good on me, I swear."

"But wait, did you bring anything to wear with it? Those shoes won't work, for example."
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"Dude, there's a whole closet here. She has more shoes than Imelda Marcos."

"Yes, but you just asked about borrowing the suit."
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"This is you messing with me, isn't it? Do I have to fill out a form for you so I can borrow an outfit?"

"Hmmm, maybe that's not a bad idea."
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"You're funny. Not as funny as you think you are, but you're funny."

"All right. Have fun playing dress up. I'll be in the other room getting ready."

She smiled at me, and it gave rise to a thought: I really liked her. As in, I LIKED her. Nothing like the way I felt about Amber, and personality-wise they were very different women, but Rachel was really cute in her own way.

And there was a lighter side to her I was beginning to see that I didn't know was there.

So a few minutes later...
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"Well, what do you think?"

"I think I just realized how similar your figure is to Amber's. Thar suit fits you as well as it fits her."
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"I just love this thing. I've got to get one for myself. All of my suits are loose and boxy, and they make me look like a cop."

"Uh huh."
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"Oh, you agree with me, do you?"

"Little bit, yeah. Though I don't remember thinking any of them made you look bad or anything, just kind of..."
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"Not this, though, right? These pants just totally hug my ass. I love it!"

"Well, Amber would be very happy that you're happy."
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"Oscar, are you sure? I could put it back."

"I'm positive. You're welcome to wear that suit whenever you want, or at least until Amber comes home - and if we make that happen, I'll buy you one of your own."
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"It's a deal! Though I'm sorry we don't have anything more to go on just yet."

"Well, that isn't quite true. I have something I haven't told you about because I expect you'll think I've lost my mind, but it could be something."
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"Oh? What's that?"

"Turns out I'm talking to Amber."
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The Coveted Suit, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"Holy cow! Oscar, that's amazing! How did you not tell me this?"

"Because it's happening telepathically."
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"Ohhhh. Yeah, you're right. You've lost your mind."

"Maybe I have. But I think it maybe is real. I go to sleep and she and I will talk in a dream. It's happened twice. Katie says this is a real thing that'll happen once in a blue moon when a Factory Girl gets super-tight with her guy; they get where they can communicate from anywhere."
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"OK, cool story."

"Not buying it, are you?"
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"Duh! What do you think? Come on, Oscar."

"Look, I get it. It seems like it's my imagination, but then again I know things now that can be tested."
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"Nacho's pickup truck is red. You never even told me he had a pickup truck. Or that he stuffed Amber in the bed, which was covered with one of those bed-cap things."
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"I don't remember telling you any of that."

"And the middle man had a black, or dark-colored, Ford van. Like an Econoline, but newer. Plus he made two stops for gas along the way. It was dark, probably around 11 or midnight, when the middle man took her from Nacho and it had just gotten dark again when he delivered her to where she is now. And Amber says where she's being held is close to the water. She can smell it in the air."
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"OK. I'll play. What else is your imagination telling you?"

So I related everything from the two dreams.
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"I don't know what to make of this, but if she's by the water it's got to be in Mexico, like Matamoros or Veracruz."

"How do you figure?"
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"Because the drive time and gas fillups check out for her being there. And if it's all highway for the first two thirds of the trip and then it's more stop-and-go after that, it seems like you're all interstate from here to San Antonio and then down to the border crossing at Laredo, which, yep..."

"Rachel, what are we saying?"
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"The same cartel which controls the border at Laredo, which is Cartel del Noreste, they're in control of those ports on the Gulf. So now it makes sense. At least as a working theory."

"So do you believe this now?"
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"No, but it's at least a ground ball to run out. And I can match up the dark Ford van with the time range, like mid-morning on the 7th, that he would have gone through the border, when we go look at the security cameras. It's not much, but it's a thread to pull on."

"See? Put on Amber's suit and shoes and now she's talking to you, too."
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"Yeah, whatever, Crazy Oscar. Can we go get my business started now?"

"Sure we can. You figure out what you're going to name it?"

I could tell by the look on her face, she hadn't.
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The Sweet Nightmare, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Unlike the previous night, this time I went to bed early and immediately found myself with Amber.

"Hey there, dreamgirl!"
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"Oh, it's so sweet that you would call me that!"

"How are you doing, honey? Are you holding up OK?"
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"Yeah, I think so. Today was kind of tough, though."

"Oh, no. I don't guess you want to talk about it."
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"I mean, I could, but I don't want to make you crazy. What I like about our dream conversations is that they can be an escape from what's happening here."

"OK, well, I thought about this. And I think maybe the rule should be that anything which might serve to help us get you out of there, you've got to tell me. Traumatic stuff that doesn't serve that end, you don't have to talk about it unless you want to. Is that fair?"
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"Yeah. I'm good with that. Anything that gets me back to you. Honey, missing you is the worst of all of this. I so took you for granted, and it'll never, ever happen again."

"I think I'm guilty of that as well. I mean, that Paula crush of yours happened right in front of my nose and all of a sudden it was on top of us and I was too preoccupied to head it off."
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"Yeah, I really regret that. Though I don't know that it was related to what happened."

"Rachel found out that Cole is mixed up in sex trafficking. Like he has connections with cartels."
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"Ugh. Really?"

"And it seems pretty clear one of them has you."
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"I wouldn't be surprised. Though you can't just assume it's Cole, can you?"

"I'm trying not to assume a lot. Though we've worked it out that you're most likely somewhere on the Mexican Gulf Coast. Like Matamoros or Veracruz."
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"Or Tampa."

"No, honey. Tampa is in Florida."
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"Not Tampa. Something like..."

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"I heard one of them say Tampico. But I don't speak Spanish, so I don't know if he was saying we're in Tampico or we're going to Tampico, or what."

"Honey, from now on, ears to the ground. I need every piece of information you can get me. Doesn't matter how insignificant."
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"OK, I will."

"So I notice you're a little differently attired today, sort of. What is that garment you have on, anyway?"
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"It's the same thing I had on last night. They let me change it."

"OK, but what is it?"
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The Sweet Nightmare, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"It's a pillowcase. They gave one to all the girls and told us this is what we'd be wearing."

"How many girls? And did you get any names?"
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"They wouldn't let us talk to each other, but I think I'm one of eight they have here. I think the other seven are real girls and I'm the only Factory Girl. I guess that's why they've kept me separated from the others."

"But you all got pillowcases to make dresses out of?"
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"I had to chew through the stitches to make the holes for my head and arms to fit through. And baby, let me tell you - it was an all-day project to do that with seven broken fingers."

"Oh my God."
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"Today, Berto, who's the one nice guard, gave me his Swiss Army knife so I could cut out a neckline, and then I made a headband with the scrap cloth. I know it looks like hell, but at least it keeps this hair out of my face."

"I think you've done about as well as anybody could under the circumstances, sweetie."
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"Really? Awww. Hey, have I told you that I love you in this dream yet?"

"I don't think you did, honey."
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"Well, I do. Anyway, next to missing you I'm the saddest over not being able to go into my closet and pick out things to wear. You know what a thrill that is for me, and yet I'm stuck in this thing that doesn't even cover my butt and my, y'know."

"Am I remembering it wrong, or didn't you have a black nightie thing on the first time we did this?"
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"They took that away. Long story. I don't think I'm up for telling it."

"I understand. We don't have to talk about it. By the way, your closet is attracting a lot of attention lately."
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"Oh yeah? What happened?"

"Katie showed up with a box and wanted to cart everything off, for one thing."
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"I hope you chased her away. The woman worked at a fashion boutique, for crying out loud. Let her get her own stuff."

"I did. She said she was really sorry for pushing you away and then this happened. I think the guilt is messing with her."
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"Yeah, well, there are worse things than her guilt, y'know."

"Hahaha! I imagine so. Anyway, then Rachel..."
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"Rachel's nosing around my closet?"

"Well, today we went to the lawyer and the bank to set up her security consulting business, and she said that she'd really love to borrow your suit."
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"You mean the charcoal gray one? The one I love?"

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The Sweet Nightmare, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"How'd she look in it?"

"She was stunning, honey. I'm not gonna lie."
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"Better than I did in it?"

"Actually, the first thing I noticed was how similar your figures are."
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"Well, good for her. I'm glad somebody is getting to enjoy that thing."

"Yeah, I got to enjoy it, too. Spent the whole day helping her get all her paperwork done, and then I took her over to RDC and had them put her in as a subcontractor. They can offer her as a security consultant, and that'll get her some clients and some revenue rolling in."
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"Because you need a return on your investment, quick!"

"That's the game, honey."
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"Well, I'm glad you're not just moping around the house worrying about me. I don't want that for you. I mean, I want you to get me out of here if you can, but I don't really know how you're going to do it."

"Me neither. Right now we're just going to collect all the information we can and then use it to put together the best plan from there."
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"How's Rufus?"

"He's heartsick. He misses you. He's in your closet all the time because it smells like you."
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"Awwww. I love that old dog. I'm even missing all his doggy hair stuck to my legs all the time."

"You'll see him again, baby."
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"I hope so."

"I have so many things I want to ask you, but I think if I did I'd just upset you."
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"Just know that I'm not keeping anything from you that you need to know. But some things it's better not to talk about."

"It's bad, isn't it?"
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"I'm a sex slave. Or at least a sex slave in training. Of course it's bad."

"Well, honey, all I can say is this: don't fight. Be as sweet as you can be to these people who have you. No matter how awful, don't antagonize them. If they're not doing permanent damage, it can all be repaired later. The whole point is to keep you in one piece."
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"No, I get it. That's my strategy. Try to make friends with these people as best I can, and maybe trade on that when I need to. I'm actually pretty prepared for this, you know."

"How is that, baby?"
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"All those Gor books I've read! I'm basically a slave girl of Gor right now. I'll just LARP along like that and then recharge every night talking to you, and then someday soon maybe you can get me home."

"That's a really good plan, honey. Just let me know how I can help."

She gave me a very sweet smile, then she said it was time to wake up. Her facial expression changed from joy to grief as she faded from view, and I could feel my heart breaking as I opened my eyes for another day without her.
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An Offer Of Cooperation, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

I related what Amber told me in the latest dream, namely that it appeared she was being held in a warehouse near the port of Tampico in Mexico, to Rachel.

Of course, Rachel maintained she didn't believe any of this stuff about telepathy. She said she was only working the angle because in the intelligence business, which she had trained in right out of college before she'd gotten out and gone into corporate sales, you run out every ground ball you can.

And we didn't have many ground balls available to us.

But Rachel said she had someone in that part of the world she could reach out to, and she was going to have him surveil the warehouses near the port, and particularly the ones known to be owned by affiliates of the Cartel del Noreste.

"Don't get your hopes up," she said. "This is the wildest of wild goose chases."

"It's something, though," I said, "and simply surveiling these warehouses with local people doing the work isn't likely to come back to us."

"Not the way I'm setting it up," said Rachel. "I have two different cutouts on this."

"What happens if we hit paydirt?" I asked her.

"Then we'll go in with the federales, and they'll be rescuing kidnapped American girls while our guy will take Amber, box her up and put her on a plane to New Orleans. All she'll have to do is clear customs. It's easier than trying to get a real girl across the border without paperwork; that would involve coyotes and seeing as though CDN controls that part of the border I think it would be pretty close to impossible."

"Damn," I said.

"It's no big deal. The big deal would be if this crazy dream stuff of yours actually panned out."

"Fine," I said, and after a bit of conversation about more mundane things we hung up.

But then the doorbell rang, and it was someone surprising.
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"Hey, is it OK if I come in?"

"I guess so, Stella. What are you doing here?"
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"Well, we heard about Amber and I want you to know that we're all very upset about it."

"Yeah, I'll bet. Stella, I'm very much under the impression that your ... whateverheis, Cole, is behind this."
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"Well, that's one reason I'm here. Danny is adamant that he had nothing to do with what happened to Amber. He swears it wasn't him and that he would never, ever do that to her."

"See, I just don't believe that seeing as though I found her blindfolded and naked in his house and three days later she was gone. It doesn't help that he claimed Amber was already his."
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"OK, I totally understand where you're coming from, but here's the thing - there was a big miscommunication about what he told you."

"Yeah, Paula tried to tell me that shit, too. She came over here saying Cole sent her here to have sex with me and she couldn't go home unless it happened. And that was basically the exact same time Amber was being kidnapped."
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"Wait, what?"

"You heard me."
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"Well, I didn't know anything about that, and honestly, that would have been a Paula thing and not a Dan thing."

"Again, I don't think I believe that."
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"Oscar, I respect you way too much to lie to you. Seriously, this is not how Dan operates. He doesn't force anyone to do anything. When you're under his wing it's all about your choices, not his. He only makes decisions for us when we ask him to, and he wouldn't have sent Paula to you for sex."

"Uh huh."
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"I know you don't believe me. I understand. But can I explain what Dan said to you and how the misunderstanding might have happened?"

"Sure. Knock yourself out."
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"OK, so, when he said that Amber was his and you would be soon as well, what he means is The Process."

"I don't know what that is, and I don't really care."
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"Well, The Process is this whole mental and emotional stability program that Dan has put together. It's all about discovering your true self and surrendering to it. It brings in stuff from all kinds of religions and philosophy - yoga, transcendental meditation..."

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"You don't care. I get it. But the point is that Amber was getting into it. And Dan was sure that once you were exposed to it you'd join us."

"Well, Dan was sure wrong about that."
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"I get it. With things going this badly, we understand that the well is probably poisoned."

"And radioactive, too."
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An Offer Of Cooperation, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"But Dan wanted me to pass along that we'd like to help if we can. He's happy to lend you money if you need it to try to find her..."

"Thanks, but no."
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"...and he says he'll make some calls to see if we can help to find out who has her."

"I already know who has her. Cartel del Noreste has her. Aren't those Dan's friends?"
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"Wow. I don't know anything about that. How do you know that's who has Amber?"

"Let's just say I've got my sources."
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"OK, well, I don't know if Dan can help, but..."

"Of course he could. Doesn't he dabble in sex trafficking with those guys?"
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"Oh, no. Absolutely not."

"And you know this, how?"
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"OK, the accusation Dan is involved in sex trafficking has to do with The Process. Because The Process involves a sexual component; you have to be in touch with your true self sexually as well as mentally and emotionally. Sometimes that's a really hard road to acceptance for people, and it doesn't always end well. But Dan doesn't do sex trafficking."

"Meaning that he tied some girls up and brought them to a place out in the sticks somewhere, but that was so they could find themselves sexually and when they freaked out about it he just took them home."
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"That's about the size of it, I guess. He's not a sex trafficker."

"So how is it that he's pals with CDN, then?"
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"Because he's in the construction business, and right now in the construction business you hire a whole lot of Mexicans, and anytime you do that you're eventually going to end up with cartel people in your organization. Dan extricated his construction business from that mob."

"Yeah, but not himself. Not altogether."
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"Look, there is some shady stuff he's into, but Dan isn't shady. You have to believe that."

"OK, sure. Whatever you say."
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"Oscar, I just think it's so unfortunate that our friendship has been damaged by all this. I never wanted to lose you as one of the people in my life. And Dan likes you. He says his offer to help you sell your business is still open."

"I already sold the business, Stella."
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"And you didn't let Dan help?"

"Selling it without Dan's involvement was one of the highlights of the past couple of weeks."
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"It makes me sad that there's this distance between us."

"It is what it is, Stella. This isn't changing."
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An Offer Of Cooperation, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"What if there was something I could do to help?"

"I can't imagine what that might be."
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"Well...are you lonely? I could stay with you awhile. Cook you dinner. Maybe breakfast. If you wanted a cuddle-buddy..."

"What is this? He's whoring you out to me?"
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"No. Nothing like that. You know I've always liked you. And I hate to see you so bitter."

"Stella, no thanks. The offer is very sweet of you, but I'm good. Between Kim and Rachel I'm not short of female friends interested in hanging around."
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"Oh, OK. Well, that's good, I guess."

"Look, if Dan wants to help, then he can call his pals in Mexico and tell them that they mistakenly got the wrong Factory Girl, but that there's no hard feelings and I just want her back."
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"I'll pass that along."

"And tell Paula she's not welcome here, and that I changed the locks so it's no use trying the spare key, which has been moved."
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"I'm sure she wouldn't come back anyway. She's going to have something to answer for if what you say is true about what she offered you."

"OK, then."
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"But can you and I at least be friends?"

"Sure, why not? But don't you dare try to recruit me or any of my people into your little sex cult."
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"Oscar, it's not a sex cult."

"Stella, come on. If I say it's a sex cult it's a sex cult. Why argue with me?"
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"OK, OK. But this has all really worked for me. Dan has been really good for me. And you know, you were the one who introduced us."

"Yeah, as part of trying to clean up Paula's first mess. Hey, do you think..."
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"Could Paula be the source of all this? Here I am thinking it's Dan, but..."
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"I can't see how. She's devious, but she's not really ambitious enough to..."

"You might have Dan look into his little slave girl, Stella."
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"OK, I will. Look, I've got to go. Peace?"

"For now, sure."

Then Stella left, and I immediately called Rachel to relay what I'd just heard.
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Treepusher »

Excellent photographic storytelling and beautiful ladies! Most impressive work!

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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

Treepusher wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:10 pm Excellent photographic storytelling and beautiful ladies! Most impressive work!
Much obliged, and thank you!
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The Breaking Point, Part 1

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

I went to sleep expecting to dream of Amber. And I did, but it wasn't what I was used to. In my dream I wasn't talking to her. Instead I was watching her as she was abused by a room full of drunken gangsters.

That dream woke me up in a cold sweat. My heart was pounding and I was in a rage.

I tried to get back to sleep and didn't succeed, until finally...
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"Oh, thank God you're there."

"Amber, where have you been? I had a nightmare about you and I woke myself up. I hope that dream wasn't a window into what's actually happening with you."
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"Well, I don't know. But I couldn't connect with you because I've had a really late night here."

"I know you don't want to upset me, honey, but I'm at the stage where no matter how bad it is, my imagination is worse."
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"OK, it's bad. But here's the thing - nobody has done any permanent damage to me, other than the broken fingers."

"Have they raped you, Amber?"
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"Thank God, no. At least, not in the classic sense."

"What's that mean?"
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"Well, I don't speak Spanish, but the impression I get is that they like doing that to the real girls. This is the first time in my life I'm glad not to be one. It's really bad for them, Oscar."

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"But they have a name for me. They call me Nina Cola."

"Which means...buttgirl?"
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"Oh, no."
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"They found out that I don't need to eat, and because of that I've always got a fresh, clean butt, so..."

"Oh, Amber, I'm so sorry."
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"I'm getting used to it. And the way I'm thinking about this is it's kind of the best outcome. You and I were never really into the butt stuff, so they're not ruining me for you if I can ever come home."

"I'm fascinated with your positive outlook."
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"I'm doing my best. Today was difficult. There's a guard here who calls himself El Oso, which is The Bear. He's big and hairy and he's sooo mean. He treats the girls horribly. Makes us do all kinds of degrading things, and he hits us."

"He's hit you?"
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"He's slapped me on the head a bunch of times, yeah."

"That bastard. We'll get him."
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"I hope you do. He's the one who took all our clothes away and gave us these stupid pillow cases to wear."

"I know you're telling me this because you can't hold it in anymore."
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The Breaking Point, Part 2

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"I'm really sorry, honey. I wanted to protect you from all of this, but I'm at the end of my rope right now. What they do here is to break the girls so we'll just put up with anything they do to us."

"So it's like a basic training."
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"Yeah. It's a boot camp. But the real girls are getting injections. I'm not getting any because they know it won't work on me."

"Injections of what?"
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"I think it's heroin."

"They're getting all of them hooked on it so they can whore them out at brothels and whatever."
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"Yeah. I don't know where I fit in with that, other than I'm Nina Cola and anybody who wants to can just grab me and poke me in the butt."

"We've got to get you out of there. Rachel has a guy working on locating this place. Are you any surer that it's Tampico?"
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"It's Tampico. I know it's Tampico because I saw a van pull into this warehouse earlier today, and it was marked Tintereria El Corazon, Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. They made us unload it; there was a bunch of clothes in dry cleaner wrappers and a lot of other stuff."

"I'll get Rachel to run that down."
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"Honey, I know it's totally not fair to ask you to come and get me. There's six guys with guns here, and I know you're not a soldier or anything."

"Amber, if we're able to do this it's going to be with local law enforcement going in to rescue the real girls and then we'll swoop in and just ship you home in a box so there's no questions asked and nobody there knows what happened to you. You just come home and we go back to normal and try to forget this fiasco."
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"But is it realistic?"

"We're working on trying to make it happen. But Amber?"
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"Yes, my love?"

"What do you think of the idea that somehow Paula had a hand in making all of this happen to you?"
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"Oh, no. Is that what you think?"

"Well, Cole sent Stella to see me today. She swore up and down that Cole had nothing to do with it. And yet the cartel that has you is the one he's done some business with in the past."
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"Stella could be lying, you know."

"She could, but something else she said got me thinking maybe she's not."
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"What's that?"

"So I didn't tell you this, but practically exactly the same time you were getting kidnapped, Paula showed up at my house saying that Cole told her she had to seduce me or he wouldn't let her come home."
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"Cole definitely never told her that. It's totally not his style at all."

"That's what Stella said."
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The Breaking Point, Part 3

Post by Oscar DeBarataria »

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"I mean, if somehow Paula did this after the way she and I got so close, that would just completely break my heart."

"It's a big betrayal, for sure. But you can hardly say it's not like her."
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"Yeah, but The Process teaches the opposite of that. It's about finding your true self and accepting it, and once you do that you're true to others."

"Hey Amber? I hate to tell you but The Process is bullshit."
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"Yeah, I don't think I've had a great experience, all told."

"Damn I love you, girl. We're going to get you home. I promise."
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"Well, when you do, I swear that I'm going to be the perfect girl for you. This has been so hard, and I miss you so much."

"I know, baby, and I'm really sorry this has happened."
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"I mean, I'm kinda ruined though. I've got these busted fingers and I can't hold anything anymore."

"Fingers we can fix, baby."
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"And by the time you bring me home my butt's going to look like a railroad tunnel."

"Amber, worst case scenario we'll just buy you a whole new body."
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"Yeah, I guess you could do that. Being a super-rich retired businessman and all you could afford to buy me the hottest bod anywhere."

"Exactly. I might even decide to put some meat on those bones of yours."
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"Really? You think I'm too skinny?"

"Well, I don't know. It's just a thought."
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"But if you do that, my clothes won't fit!"

"Oh, that would be horrible, wouldn't it? You'd have to go shopping and buy new stuff!"
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"Well, when you put it like that it seems perfectly sensible."

"Yeah, I thought you'd see it that way."
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"Oh, honey, I wish I was home lying next to you. Thinking of you, and dreaming with you, is all that's holding me together."

"I know, honey. Just hang in there. And be as cooperative and sweet as you can with those animals, OK? I know it's hard, but we want to keep you in one piece."
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"I know. I will. But tell Rachel to hurry up with this rescue operation. Please, baby! This is so hard."

"I am, Amber. I am. Just hang in there."

She nodded, and then she faded away as I woke up determined to get her out of there as fast as possible.
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Re: The New Adventures of Amber!

Post by koaplayer1998 »

Oscar, my Isabella Maria - whose family heritage is from south-central México (Ciudad de México, specifically) - knows of that area (since it is not far away) and has heard much of those cartels like that one, that are absolute monsters. It makes her very happy and grateful to be living with me in the USA, instead of ending up there, but very sad for all those that have to put up with it simply because they can't get out.

She and we wish you a speedy recovery of your precious Amber, first and foremost. Then we will see all of those responsible for her dollnapping held accountable for their actions!
"If you allow those who value or worship money and power over truth and what's fair (or right) to control you, then you become part of the problem."

Isabella Maria is the 5'5" Latina beauty that always brightens my life and we politely give a middle-finger to those that don't make her feel welcome here simply because her heritage. Shame on you.

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