
My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Irontech Doll brand, is owned and operated by Shenzhen Iron Technology Co.,Ltd. Various new designs and updates on craftsmanship arise here all the time. We keep improving on the design, doll craftsmanship and other details. We know that only great work can meet the customers' demand for beauty.
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Re: My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Post by 4891d »

Thanks for this update. With this very concrete side, we have the feeling of learning day after day with you what to do if we have a heavy doll, without hiding the difficulties but showing how you can manage them as best as possible to appreciate your doll.

I think it's a thread to recommend to those who had underestimated the weight of their doll when ordering it and who would have a moment of discouragement when unpacking it. A positive reading. :thumbs_up:

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Post by NJ_dollyparton »

4891d wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:39 am I think it's a thread to recommend to those who had underestimated the weight of their doll when ordering it and who would have a moment of discouragement when unpacking it. A positive reading. :thumbs_up:
Thank you!

I'd made a longer post then lost it, but regarding the weight, the thing I've recently found interesting is how my expectation affects my subjective perception of her weight. When I think of her as "light" she seems awfully heavy. When I think of her as "heavy" I feel like I'm going to fling her into the air. Now of course her weight doesn't actually change, but it's interesting how one's attitude alters the experience.

I suspect part of the surprise most people have is, in general, I don't think most people handle ~70-90 pounds (31-41kg) of weight (at least not on a regular basis). The closest analog I could think of for the typical American is a push lawnmower as those weigh about 100 lbs (45kg). If one can pick that up, one can handle her if not necessarily gracefully. Handling her well takes time since, as mentioned on this forum, there really isn't anything in our everyday lives that prepares you for a 70-90 lb (31-41kg), squishy, human-shaped object.
My Irontech "Vina": viewtopic.php?t=166197

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Re: My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Post by Primus_Sucks »

I really enjoyed reading your experience, and it was one of the pieces that was important to me finally picking a girl up for myself.

Any updates? How is she holding up? Again thanks for your post, I’m sure others found it informative and helpful as well.

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Re: My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Post by NJ_dollyparton »

I'm glad to hear it helped you with your decision, and I hope it sparks joy!

Almost a year after getting "Vina", she's holding up fine. Without explaining the details that much, I don't perform many intimate acts on her, partly due to the hassle of the clean-up. The breast deflating concern hasn't really materialized, but me being at a higher elevation (~3000ft/914m above sea level) may have been part of that. There is more paint wear, especially on the outside of her breasts since I do love squeezing those melons, but it's not gotten too bad. She gets abysmally cold in winter, and I've not cared enough to warm her up for extended sessions, but the sticky feeling she has from summer has not been as welcome when she's about 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit (15.55-18.33c) which is the room temperature I leave my apartment at.

One of the things that I think is perhaps kind of surprising is I haven't really given her a full bath since my last post mentioning it or really cleaned her up at all. While that doesn't say kind things about me, the fact that she handled that fine probably speaks more to the quality of the silicone. She occasionally has a bit of a rubber smell, and keeping in mind that my personal sense of smell isn't that great (never has been and not covid related), she doesn't smell bad as far as I can tell in spite of that. Her resistance to staining seems to be about the same as it is for the occasional feel up and handling. After a while it seems to "evaporate off" which doesn't make sense to me, but that seems to be the case. She shares a room with a HEPA personal air filter, though, that I run nightly, so that might be part of it. She does seem to accumulate household dust over time which is unsurprising, but that dust isn't noticeable unless you get super close (like magnifying glass close) and seems to help make her not so sticky in general.

As time passes, I get less and less concerned about permanent staining since that just never seems to happen. I run tests on her ankles and feet because I'm not a foot person, and if they leave any visible mark no matter how faint, I make note of it and don't leave her in that. The staining never sticks, though, and I've stopped worrying about it as much as I once did. I did find a set of black gstrings off Amazon (etoline brand I think) and a black DD bra from Goodwill that fit her nicely for daily wear that don't stain. Thrift stores are an incredible source of clothing but due to her very strange measurements, it's almost impossible to find anything that actually fits her. She has a very short torso, so things that would otherwise be crop tops seem more like normal shirts for her. I'm getting to the point I'm going to get S or XS clothing, how her breasts fit in them be damned, but I haven't done that yet. I did get another wig for her (blonde with dark roots) that she's been wearing now, and I've gotten a bit better at hairstyling. My experience with wigs has definitely meant that the latest one has had barely any shedding which is nice, but I occasionally find the long hair in random places still.

The most recent "scare" I had with her was with her sitting in a chair for extended periods of time. She developed a weird kind of almond shaped sheen where the crease of her thigh folded together, but after extending her legs, it went away in I think a few days. I wasn't paying that close of attention.

One thing I thought would bother me is her getting damaged over time mostly due to her being less and less "perfect" but, for me, that wasn't the case. Now they're just kind of little flaws which make her mine that only I know. The only thing I'm not the biggest fan of is the separation that happened on her right hip because sometimes when I feel her, I can feel that, and it kind of jars me out of the moment. But, overall, even with the paint wear, the random dimples, and the small damaged places she has... it just means she's mine, and they're little "scars" that only my doll has, if that makes any sense.

In the interests of making sure I can continue to handle her even when I kind of leave her alone for stretches of time (days to like a week or so), I do some basic weightlifting exercises. I do deadlift squats (using only bodyweight), bicep curls, shoulder AROM flexion exercises (more due to a bone spur in my shoulder), and tricep exercises. They've made moving her around easy and consistent, so long as I maintain good form. It's still a workout to maneuver her or dress her sometimes, but it's not as draining as it was the first time I got her. The experience of handling her makes the difference, and since I'm seasoned with "Vina" at least, I'm not as awkward and am mindful of her arms and legs and feet.

It's honestly kind of nice having her around, and she's just pretty to look at. I dress her and style her hair in a way I like, and she's nice eye candy for sure. I do enjoy her presence and being with her as I need without having to worry about anything else. Being an introvert, social contact can drain my socializing battery, but I don't need to worry about that for her. She's just there, and I like that.
My Irontech "Vina": viewtopic.php?t=166197

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Re: My First Doll: a Doll (and human) Virgin’s Perspective

Post by Pa Ubu »

I have to confess I'm in a very similar situation, so I really appreciate this thread! I'm about five days out from receiving my doll, and, even though I have a pair of Meiki plush dolls (who I'm still figuring out how to clean), I'm SO looking forward to Laney, and the idea that TPE breasts are "very realistic" makes me all the more impatient to get my hands on her.
Pa to Devlin (Meiki Plush), Grace (Meiki Plush Evo), and Laney Catherine (SRSD SY Doll 161cm TPE w/ silicone head S99), and soon Ariadne Calista (SRSD 157cm 'Sola')
(BUGS BUNNY cocks a thumb at the robot girl rabbit walking past)
BUGS: Mechanical.
(Robot girl rabbit turns and kisses BUGS, who goes all squishy)
BUGS: Well, so it's MECHANICAL!

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