
hiding your doll from judgmental people

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by poseoasis »

I am a male doll collector from Barbie, Gene, porcelain to BJD (Ball Joint Doll), at the moment I have more than a hundred dolls in my collection but only have place to display a small portion. Family members knows about my interest and get used to my room looking like a showroom. I guess another life size doll would not be a problem. My problem is the weight of the doll.

Life is short, do something that makes you happy and stop worrying what others think or do. If I do, chances are I might not be here typing this comment. Enjoy your doll!

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Evilvirus88 »

My solution is that no one ever comes to my apartment :D (about 70% joking)! Actually, I would store them in their boxes in the closet or under the bed in the other room. Not as forthcoming to exposing my hobby to anyone, unlike some people on the forum. Wish I could though. People suck.

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by donoghu »

Want to hide your precious doll from the praying eyes of the judgmental people and avoid their torches and pitchforks from hurting you?

Here's a solution :

Hide him in plain sight under a lamp's cover.
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On a more serious note, the only ones who are affected by the fact that you have Rob are people...

1) Who don't understand why you have him or who have the wrong idea about why you have him.
2) Who are jealous that you have him.
3) Who are jealous of you being happy with him.
4) Simply love to make fun (or hate) things or people that aren't exactly like them.

Now, how most of us cope with it is simply by accepting that we're us and they are them.

If people stop talking to you ever since they heard you have him, simply ignore those people and look forward at talking with those who still talk to you. Even if you really have appreciated someone for years, while it might have felt as mutual, it's not always the case.

If someone dares to tell you that it's wrong or that it's unnatural, don't fear to remind them that masturbating while watching porn is also unnatural and using a dildo or a sock or whatever is also unnatural and Rob is basically a Rolls Royce in front of their Honda Civic called "a dildo" and that you're proud of having him. ;)

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Caprice »

My advice : Do not Dress him with casual clothe but with "Historic" or "Victorian" Clothes instead.
That what i did with my doll and nobody noticed it was a sex doll but instead they were very impressed with the realism of the doll and the beautiful historic costume that he was wearing !

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by delta440 »

I'm a man and I always loved action figures and collected quite a few as a child and I thought well Why not buy male dolls that are customized enough to my liking and I can just dress them in whatever cosplay I want Si if I wanted a life-size Captian America I can have that give him the shield and outfit. Any supposed judgemental people that would visit my house would think omg badass they have lifesize action figures. My dad is a huge marvel fan so he would lose his marbles to see technology like this. My solution is to make them too cool for people to hate then they will potentially want to buy their own seeing the endless possibilities you can do with these dolls, that is not related to their original intended purpose.

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by cursedgenie »

i think the judgemental people with this stuff i have noticed seem to be the most insecure within themselves,
all the guys at work know i am getting a doll, my boss just tells me his wife isn't putting out and if they are any good he is looking at getting one lol
the other he is secure in his relationship with his misses and doesn't care if his misses sleeps with other guys as long as she tells him and she always uses protection, ans she has the saem rule for him,
but the guy in my work that has the issue with me getting a doll, is the guy who think his misses masturbating is cheating cause she could be thinking about someone else, i was like dude
when i had a girlfriend when i was to tired to do the business and just wanted to sleep i used to open the top draw and give her, her vibrator so i could sleep, he looked at me in horror.
when you can get over what people think i think it becomes alot easier for people accept if you show that it makes you happy but there is also the people know are judgemental fucks that aint even happy in their own life.

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by delta440 »

Caprice wrote:My advice : Do not Dress him with casual clothe but with "Historic" or "Victorian" Clothes instead.
That what i did with my doll and nobody noticed it was a sex doll but instead they were very impressed with the realism of the doll and the beautiful historic costume that he was wearing !
Can you post pictures of him? This is what actually intrigued me into getting a male doll as a man, is the cool factor of how they would look if you made them into some type of action figure like made them dress like Sephiroth and gave him a sword or a samurai or something cool, its something you hardly see or hear about being done, its outside of the norm of their intended use BUT i can see these types of dolls gain huge appeal in the collectors circle when you can have some realistic cool doll be whatever character from any fantasy series you want. Want a life-size Ironman? well get the doll and put the suit on him watch everyone lose their minds at the awesomeness.

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Garvdart1977 »

sorry I haven't reposted since last time the sofa hide complete, must have a spring bottom, no wood frame needed the girls box can support a lot of weight I am 200 male and I can sit just fine, pics are in the link below.


time 30min

Hacksaw, or bolt cutters

really thick cardboard rolls. (not necessary a cut piece of 4x4 for the depth of box works wonders. i happened too work at a industry that had these massive tubes i could salvage.)

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Scrublord »

Ur_ginger_girl wrote:I haven't posted in a while, but I finally have access to a computer, so I figured that I would. I've had my doll, Rob, for seven years, and I was wondering if anyone else has to hide their dolls from parents or roommates or family. My mom passed away in July, and she was the only person who knew about Rob and didn't hate him. My dad hates him, and acts like he doesn't exist. I feel like I have to hide him, and I'm even scared to take him downstairs at night to watch Netflix, because my dad my come downstairs and see him.
It's gotten to the point that I look at him as a boyfriend, and I've given up on real relationships. I feel like I have to be ashamed of him, because, of the three or four people that I have told, none of them approved and most of them acted like they weren't gonna judge, but they stopped talking to me soon after, or in one case they told people about him, so that I would get shit about it at school. I love Rob, and I wouldn't leave him over something like this, but it sucks, and I don't see why people can't be more accepting of idollators (not sure if that's an appropriate term.) Basically, I just want to know if anyone else has these problems. I wanna know how people deal with it. I want to know if there's anyone else in a long-term sort of committed relationship with a doll thats dealing with this shit. Thanks in advance.

Sorry to hear about your problems...can't be easy having to deal with all that negativity.

Sadly, thats still part and parcel of love doll ownership. They are still seen by many people as something weird and pervy and abnormal.

Obviously I don't know your family situation, but I would have thought if they really cared about your happiness, they would have been more understanding and accepting.

Unfortunately, there is no way to force people to think differently, or make them accept your life choices.

I think many of us are either fortunate enough to have understanding partners, or else live on our own, so we can do more or less what we like. I can only imagine how awkward it must be as a doll owner, to have to share a place with people who clearly don't approve of them.

I'm not sure there is much you can do, except try to talk to them and get them to understand...or at least acknowledge you have the right to make these choices. By way of compromise you could try to come to some arrangement about when and where you can hang out with your doll.

By far the easiest solution would be to get a place of your own. Not always a realistic solution I know, but maybe something to think about / work towards?
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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Rock13 »

Hello Ur_Ginger_Girl,

Like many here, I have a lot of empathy for people in your situation. You haven't revealed your age, but I'm going to guess that you're fairly young. I would encourage you to consider that seeking the approval of parents and other elders is instinctual- especially in children- and a hallmark of our evolutionary psychology. Having parents who over scrutinize or outright disapprove of any life choice (gender identity, sexual orientation, career pursuits, hobbies) can be very debilitating. From ages 10-18, my memories of my father are almost exclusively those of him shouting at me or employing negative tactics to discourage me from the things I wanted to do. Things other people would be thrilled to see their kids pursue. Our relationship went pretty cold after I moved out and it took him years to accept that I wasn't going to respond to his bullshit.

If you're in a position wherein you depend on your father and others for housing and other forms of support then it's all the more difficult to cope with their disapproval. I guess it depends on whether any of them try to use what they see as personal power over you to compel compliance with their views and demands of you. Parents do tend to live vicariously through their children and they often think that they know what's best for you- to the extent that they'll try to dissuade you from doing what's best for you. Some people, especially fathers, often take a cookie cutter approach toward others. My father's selfish and unsympathetic recipe for my sisters' happiness was marry well and bear grandchildren. He wanted that for himself, not them.

Having said that- in order to set the groundwork for what I'm gonna say next- please consider that in terms of mate selection you may be ahead of your time. By all indications, dolls and robots will only become more popular and may even gain general acceptance as a simple lifestyle choice. Let those who don't understand or approve shine on and buzz off. Seek associations with forward-thinking people who either approve or at least understand- I think that karpos' suggestion about looking into the fetish community is worth exploring.

I may be wrong, but based on when you joined TDF and the number of your posts, it seems that you may be hesitant to engage with others in the virtual/social media world as well- at least when it comes to dolls and the lifestyle. I hope that you yourself are not among the people who judge you harshly. There is nothing wrong with you or your choice to enjoy an intimate relationship with your Rob and though it may be difficult to cope with the conflict between your happiness with him and wanting to please others in your life, my own life experience indicates that Rob will always be with you even as the others- being fickle and selfish by nature- will come and go. There may come a day when you, like others here including me, are perfectly fine with having Rob sitting on a sofa while the cable TV guy installs new gear a few meters away.

Lastly, I may have a friendly little "assignment" for you should it prove helpful. Worry less about what others may think and take loving stock of yourself. Take some time to clarify and affirm your own desires and pursue the things that make you happy. Meditate on letting go of any desire to obtain approval or validation from others, perhaps especially those closest to you. Love yourself and embrace your natural born right to unabashedly experience joy and contentment on your own terms.
Hadleigh is a fair-skinned WM163C/#188, Harper (#124) is a medium toned WM164D, Kendall is a fair-skinned 163C/#398. All via RLSD.

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Re: hiding your doll from judgmental people

Post by Gjavonni_2020 »

I sure Hope's everything gets better for you. Keep enjoying Rob and stay motivated. Soon you wont have to worry about judgement because you'll be independent and you real friends will always be there.

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