
New Tera, New Doll User, What About The Wife?

Lush Latex Love Dolls...Travel companions that fit in your backpack. Often ranging from $150 to $300
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Have you introduce doll successfully with partner/wife in sex as added stimulation?

Yes, But Wife Thinks I Weird Now
Yes, My Wife Like The Playing Out The Fantasy Threesome
No, I Keep My Doll Private
Total votes: 14

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New Tera, New Doll User, What About The Wife?

Post by lonegunman »

Well, I have been eyeing a real doll, but thought try the tera doll to do some playing before making the big investment. I have a fleshlight, but looking for something a little more life like size to stimulate touching the female body while I penetrating. So I really excited and will be keeping the doll secret from the wife.

Are there any married guys on here using dolls and if so more importantly, have any of you successfully introduce your doll to your wife to see if she is interested in the extra company in the bed. My wife and I both have some toys (fleshlight and she has a vibrator). I have a good marriage but my mind is wanting to fulfill my other desires, but instead of adultry, I am trying to stick to my guns and use the doll to rid of my temptations as I love my partner very much.

I have this fantasy already to tuck the doll in bed dress in her lingerie and play with my wife downstairs to get her juice up and then surprise her with the doll fcing the otherway to see here reaction. Any thoughts?

Looking to hear from any married men that have had bad or good experience trying to introduce the doll to their partner..

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introducing a doll

Post by fxpert »

from what i have seen, there are very few women out there who could handle something like this. most probably would freak out at the idea of a full sized doll in the house. i would not surprise her with the doll as you described in your message. it all depends on how open minded she is about such things. you might check some other posts on this subject by searching.


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Post by Keithallen »

I would ask the wife how she feels about Nicky, but right now she is sleeping with her arm around Nicky....

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doll advice

Post by timetraveler1 »

my advice would be to test the water with your wife ask in a conversation what she thinks about something like that with couples and and maybe ask if she would like to try it sometime and that it might be fun for the both of you (key word fun for the both of you ) and in doing it make sure it is fun for the both of you and not just you , or the doll will be out quick !!my two cents worth on it !! :D

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Post by ClosetMonster »

I wouldn't spring it on her like you are fantasizing about. Lol Best to keep that a fantasy. It could really backfire on you.

I would suggest telling her what you told us. That you have fantasies about other women, but don't want to ruin your great marriage. Ask her how she would feel about a doll to play with.

I have a latex Madame inflateable, and my wife knows about it. She's not interested in playing with it, but she knows that I use it sometimes when she's not home. She doesn't have a problem with it, as long as I keep it where the kid won't find it.

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Post by quatlox »

I just left my doll (leatha Weapons) out one day to let the wife find her. She did, and she really didn't give a shit about it. The doll posed no threat to her.

She doesn't want to have anything to do with my dolls, but when she sees them, she says how nice they look.

Just tonight we were sitting on the sofa talking and drinking a beer, when she started talking about one of my dolls and how she feels like "jello", I told her I thought that the doll she was refering to (COM Doll) felt pretty real. I will never forget the expression on her face the day she touched that doll and said "she feels real".

She lets me have my hobbies.

All my buddies tell me that their wifes wouldn't let them keep a doll, much less a room full of em.

I am a lucky man.


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Post by ottto44 »

I spoke to my wife that I need something when I am on a business trip or she isn't in the mood. We also had a good discussion about what we like in terms of sexual desires. I have a Letha Weapons and other dolls as well. But Letha is my favorite. I would not just spring the doll thing on my wife at any 'ol time. I would bring it up during a sex conversation or while watching a porno. You have to explain that the doll is not a threat to your sex life and always give your wife as much sex as she wants. Be warned- if she accepts your kinkiness, be prepared that she may have something to share with you too. Also, know that wives talk to their sisters and close friends. I was embarrassed as first that she had told them, but now I don't care because we hav eliminated this secret tha was between us. Hope that helps! I can share more if anyone is interested.

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Post by LabRat »

I clicked "No-private" on the vote because my wife thinks the whole doll thing is creepy... but she is cool enough to know that it's a fetish of mine, and that our relationship is not in trouble. She knows that I have lots of toys and has even played with some of them to give me a simulated "lez" show. But a doll is a different story. Especially when you consider the differences between inflatables and solids... She was cool with the inflatables, then the solids were like "no way" That was years ago... now.... she's saving her dollars to buy me the doll of my dreams. IS that a kick ass wife or what?

So, while she won't be involved in any play, the thought of having one means nothing to her. Except that she wants me to get one with her measurements so she can use it as a dressform.

I had to marry her... she likes videogames and porn!



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Post by Shaggnasty »

Yep She Knows!

My wife is pretty cool with it. I am fairly high charged and she dosen't mind if I take out some extra energy on my toys. She has some of her own too. Mostly we don't use them too much when together, but there are occasions. She has cuddled me and Erin doing the nasty saying it was a pretty big turn on. I have watched her induce some pretty big moaners on herself with some of her vibrating toys.

Bottom line is our relationship is built on honesty, she knows I'm a perve and like to play with my toys. I know I turned her into a perve and she plays with her toys. It's all good because in the end we both like the real thing the best.

If you or anyone for that matter, doesn't know how your wife would feel about it, it's time to find out. I'm sure their are a great many out there, but I personally haven't ever known a girl who didn't eagerly jump at the chance of having fun sex! Make it fun and they will cum.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist that last one.

I Hope that all you guys can be honest with their wives about what you need sexually. I tell mine one of these days I'm going to bring her home a girlfriend. She always laughs, but knows one of these days I just might!
Now Erin and I can settle down to an easy life of beer brewing. - Shaggnasty

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Post by Poet »

Yes definately talk to her in peripheral terms, general subject dolls. U should know your wife's mind-set in regards to her openminded-ness or lack of same.

Surprises such as finding a doll in the bed will lead to scenerios most likely not very pleasant unless U already have an idea of her reaction & that it would not be negative.

Honesty is best but consider how important your relationship is to U & also how important dolls R to U. U must reconcile these things & proceed by looking at the long term for U both & not just your percieved needs or desires. Poet
<div><strong>I'll have to make my own Uschi Doll</strong></div><br />

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New Terra...

Post by midiman »

I think you should have put a forth choice in the survey.

Wife knows, is OK but doesn't participate with it.

I definate agree with the majority. As a matter of fact don't expect you can hide a doll in your home for long and not have it discovered.
It did not take my wife long to come across the VG which was impossible to conceal. Her innitial reactionwas perhaps hurt or extreme negative. After we discussed it in rational terms as suggest by many of the wiser members here, everything is cool. My wife has an illness, so it is difficult to strike a balance that doesn't make her feel inadequate. The key is, she gets top priority on the snuggles and hugs and lots of reassurance on the love side.

SHe is much happier with the Teddy Babes than with the more realistic type as in the 1st PC I brought in. But she follows a path of either tolerance or acceptance.

Hope this helps.
My Doll photos... here in my Doll Album

Gabrielle BT ---- Libby Ruby13 ---- My Teddy Babes --- Bianca from Lars & the RG --- jessica Wicked RD ------ Aredhel PIB ------ Amaya 4woods - Kira Anatomical

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Post by ottto44 »

My wife will participate sometimes. Sometimes she likes to watch me with the doll. She'll cuff me and do me with the doll. All sorts of variation and always her choice. Respect the different tolerance of your wife too. The inflatables are okay, but not a Real Doll or solid. She likes the fact I can keep the doll discreet and not take up too much room. If kept inflated, you closet must stay locked-specially if you have kids. My kids found my Gina Lynn one day and I said it was an anatomical model - which they believed since I am in the medical field and plausible. They believed me and have forgotten about it - they were young and playing hide and seek. My wife thought it was hysterically funny. I am always careful since that day. I'm blessed to have such a great wife.

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