
Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

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Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by MoneyMike »

I was hesitant to post this but after reading SuckItTrebek's post about his Body 9 experience I decided to share mine.

My first doll was Sophia, a Realdoll Body 9, Face 11. Purchased used for $2900, she had some repairs done to her breasts but was pretty much cherry. At the time, she was my Holy Grail Doll, I did not want any other doll but her. It was almost surreal the day she arrived, still one of my most fondest memories. Only to be overshadowed by the day that I sold her, if it were not for the situation I was in, I would have never parted with her.

A little back story: I had originally bought my Realdoll Body 9 back in 2008 and was forced to sell her in 2010. I say forced to sell her because Identity theft left me jobless and broke. Since I was to be homeless, I sold her to a friend who I knew would take care of her (and offered me some much needed money).

Fast Forward to today: I recently started using social media and through luck, got in contact with the friend I sold her to! We met for lunch (Whataburger) and I finally got to asking him about Sophia, he was reluctant but then told me her still had her. It turns out shes been in storage for the past 4 years due to his girlfriend! I asked (begged) if it were possible to see her and after some convincing we headed to his local storage and was surprised it was a self storage without climate control!
What I saw when we pried open the crate was horrendous! She was in a bad state, her face on the floor, leg broken off, breast sagged low and that smell. Any uncovered silicone was blotchy, peeling and dusty.
I was able to convince him to sell her to me, then guilt him into giving her to me as an early Birthday gift (My B-Day is in Nov). Loading her in my truck was tricky due to her flimsy skeleton, covered her with a blanket and drove her home. I laid out an old blanket (she was oily), undressed her and assessed the damage.
I cleaned up her skin a bit and put a wig on her to make her look more presentable.
Her breast started to tear off when I was cleaning her
Sophia_01.jpg (1.94 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Lower body discoloration from the dark clothing she was stored in
Sophia_02.jpg (1.4 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Face & Neck are badly blotchy
Sophia_03.jpg (1.29 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Velcro on the back of the face fell off
Sophia_04.jpg (1.28 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Hip area is falling apart, skeleton underneath is exposed
Sophia_05.jpg (1.23 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Her butt is blown out!
Sophia_06.jpg (1.54 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Sophia_07.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Elbows & Wrists are shredded
Sophia_08.jpg (1.52 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Sophia_09.jpg (1.5 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
Right Knee is being held on by zipties
Sophia_10.jpg (1.56 MiB) Viewed 4011 times
These photos depress me, to think this was once my lovely Sophia. :cry:
I can understand due to the age of the silicone that she would be in bad shape, but the extent of her damage nearly made me vomit.
I wish I had some pics of her before all this but sadly my old external harddrive that contained pics & videos burned out.
I'm starting to question why I bothered to take her after seeing her condition? I guess my love her her blinded me to it. I've been wanting a more bigger doll lately (my current is a 100cm) so that may have also added to me wanting her back.
I have redressed her and am now contemplating on what to do with her. I don't know if I could bring myself to disposing of her and I would not want to send her from one storage to another.
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by lover of rubber »

That is painful to look at but there is still beauty in her :) i can see it.
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by poppy70 »

It really saddens me to see a doll falling apart like that.
The skeleton might be repairable, but the silicon layer looks like a total loss.
The stainig is not only superficially but through and through and the silicon itself looks like it lost its elasticity and will eventually tear more and more in different places.

Maybe Abyss can give you some directions, or maybe even „refurbish“ her - if something like that is even possible.

Good luck whatever you do
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by Willendorph »

Man, I feel for you. That damage is beyond any repair. Honestly, I'd bury her, and give her the peace she deserves.

The only thing I can see on her that looks ok is the eyes. maybe get another doll and reencarnate her using the same eyes in a new body?

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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by Dollpimp2018 »

I have seen YouTube videos of people airbrushing silicone masks, also you can buy flesh like silicone to repair the cracks. Maybe she won’t be good for sex anymore, but you could bring her back to life :mrgreen:
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by The Romantic »

Man, why does this bother me so much? I don't know you MoneyMike and after all "it's just a doll", but man oh man this is sad.

I do agree with Willendorph 100%. A decent burial and then transplant her eyes into a doll you can love. They say the eyes are a window to the soul. Let Sophia's eyes (and her soul) live on through doll reincarnation!
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by MoneyMike »

Thank you everyone for your comments.

This doll was truly one of the best parts of my life. I wish circumstances had been different and I'd never had to sell her, I have regretted it for the past few years and have even cried about. I can't change what has happened and I know she is unrepairable. It does bring me some emotional closure to have her here though. I'm still going through the motions, I'll figure out what to do with her once my mind is clear.

Funny thing about the eyes, the blue pair I sold her with were destroyed. The green pair she has on were the ones I kept and was using with my 100cm Doll.
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by stacy718 »

I have an old Realdoll body 6 that is doing great, thankfully. It’s really kind of sad to see a doll looking like that. I’m disturbed... which is so strange because I know it’s just a doll, but I was mouth agape when I scrolled past the pics. I wish I had a psychiatrist, so I can ask why it was so bothersome.

I’d get rid of the doll tbh. No way is it healthy tho have a doll in that condition- I think it would only cause stress to look at.


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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by Arthur1960 »

Well MoneyMike my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how bad you felt when you saw Sophia in this condition and whilst, logically, we may think to ourselves that, after all, she was just a thing made of metal and silicone, we also know that just isn't true. I've given a lot of thought to this whole phenomenon of how we 'bond' or become attached to our dolls as I myself was surprised at just how strong this was within me when I decided to try and repair my first dolls loose elbow. I had opened up the elbow to expose the joint but felt so bad doing it that I decided to stop and wait until she had another body to use! I still think that I was being illogical but, nevertheless, that's the way I dealt with it so, yes we inevitably humanise our dolls and so to see your Sophia in such a state must have been quite traumatic so I can understand your sharing it on here as it may, in some way help. The idea of using something that is not damaged sounds good to me and could her face somehow be saved? From the pictures here clearly the body looks to be beyond saving aside from the skeleton and like Stacy said it can't be good to keep her around you like that. Could Abyss somehow recycle some or all of the skeleton? Whatever you decide to do, good luck, I think a lot of us on here feel your pain.

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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by The Romantic »

stacy718 wrote:I have an old Realdoll body 6 tgat is doing great, thankfully. It’s really kind of sad to see a doll looking kike that. I’m disturbed... which is so strange because I know it’s just a doll, but I was mouth agape when I scrolled past the pics. I wish I had a psychiatrist, so I can ask why it was so bothersome.

I’d get rid of the doll tbh. No way is it healthy tho have a doll in that condition- I think it would only cause stress to look at.

I'm with you Stacy, why the HELL did I have to wipe my eyes a couple times just to post? Makes no sense. Like Arthur said, sometimes we're rather illogical about these girls...
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by MoneyMike »

What drives me mad is that if it wasn't for my identity being stolen none of this would've ever happened. Since 2010 to today my life's been one long struggle. I've lost or had to sell mostly all my possessions. Its hard to find/keep a long term job (can't even get a job flipping burgers!). I've tried all means to fix the problem and none of 'em did squat to help me. It makes you feel helpless with no control over your life. Family understands your problem for a few months then treat you like its your fault. Depression sets in and causes that feeling of numbness and emptiness.

Dolls have helped quell that depression, Sophia help with my dating depression, Trish (100cm doll) helped a lot with my ID theft depression. Although I've had success with stable work this year (thankx to my old boss) and I'm able to be on my own again, unknown debts and penalties sneak up on me outta nowhere causing more strain on an already fragile situation. Now this reuniting is starting to feel like it has set me back a bit emotionally. Been feeling numb and empty again, with an uneasiness in my stomach.

Sorry about the rambling, have so many thoughts and emotions swirling around inside. Its hard to get a grip on reality at the moment.
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by DaveC »

Hi Mike,

As Stacy and our other friends here have said, the sight of a doll in distress affects us all to a varying degree. I guess if it didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. The pictures of Sophia’s condition made me really sad, but the thought of disposing of her makes me even sadder. Putting myself in your position, I could never imagine myself disposing of my doll, Claire Marie, even if she ever started to deteriorate. I can’t remember where I heard the quotation (it may have been from Davecat) but someone once said that even though dolls cannot love, they reflect the love bestowed on them. Which kind of explains why we become so attached to them, I guess.

To be honest, Sophia’s face doesn’t look too bad to me, she just needs new makeup and eyelashes, but her body is obviously in need of a total re-pour. She may well be a candidate for the services of Galmato Haven. If you missed Zebo’s thread about them, here’s the link:-
I suspect a complete body repair by them will cost thousands of dollars, but perhaps you could store Sophia safely, in the knowledge that when you eventually get back on your feet and save up some money, you can perhaps treat her to a make-over. Just a thought.

Good luck,


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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by ZebramDollImmortal »

WOW, just wow, money mike, do you think this was due to the weather in the storage for 4 years? did she fall? get hurt, its kind of shocking. This literately got me freaked out, could someone done this to her.
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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by dodgeman »

The reason that this doll deteriorated is because she was created out of Tin cure silicone which was used till early-mid 2009 and then the switch to Platinum silicone was initiated for all Realdolls & BoyToy dolls. The body 9 was the first doll body to be retired at Abyss as they were very hard to get out of the molds because of the large breasts and the breasts were So heavy that they could tear off the dolls body if not properly supported.

Tin cure silicone will cure itself to destruction over time and is very unstable and is why Abyss switched to Platinum cure for all of their dolls around June 2009 plus or minus a month.

Her face is not actually a face 11 Jenny and I'm pretty sure that she is a face 8 Stephanie. I have 4 face 11's and a face 8 and she has the bigger lips and nose of the face 8 plus her eye openings are the same as I compared this dolls face to my own face 8 Stephanie.

Her face does look like it may be salvageable at least for now but, the face will eventually succumb to the ravages of time as the face is Tin cure also.

Her skeleton parts can be used to repair other Abyss dolls if you were to cut away the silicone and keep the skeleton to perhaps donate or sell to someone that repairs dolls like I do sometimes. I have several skeletons that I got from a member here and have used some of those parts to repair other dolls and so they live on.

She could still live on in other dolls if her skeleton were to be recycled so to speak and so that is something to think about.

This is very tough to see and every Tin cure doll will go thru this in due time as there is NO stopping it. :(

I can easily see how beautiful she once was and I do understand how attached you can become to a doll as I am Very attached to my dolls and especially my Abyss dolls! They are like part of the family and have their own personalities and voices even though they are silent partners.

Every Abyss doll is special to her or his owner in many ways and not only Abyss dolls but, All dolls no matter who creates them. :angel:

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Re: Reunited with my first Love Doll Sophia! (RD-B9/F11)

Post by Hollywu »

Sending you my thoughts and a hug too, if that's okay. I started to tear up looking at her photos. I totally get how attached we can get to our dolls as I know I am to mine and she's a huge help for coping with severe depression and living with mental illness. I've spent most of this weekend hugging her and bursting into tears after putting my sweet old dog to sleep Friday.

I hope you don't mind me suggesting something. It sounds like you are going through a lot of grief issues. I wish I could say grief gets better. As I get older, I realize it gets different. It never really goes away and is always there. Perhaps you could come up with a memorial/tribute in her honor to help recognize her time in your life. Maybe take some of her and put that in a special urn or box. I've seen some very lovely Asian jars at the thrift stores and even some cigar boxes are made of lovely wood. Don't laugh but I have some of my Jack Russell's cremains in a tiny bag and those are inside my Real Doll, Rari's head. I also keep some of another dog's ashes in a film canister - an old metal Kodak one - in my car since she loved to ride with me. Also, Dia de Los Muertos is coming soon. I know it's a Mexican holiday but over the years I have embraced celebrating it to help me celebrate those I have loved who are no longer here - be they human or animal. It's helped me process things and is, I think, a very healthy way to honor those we love. I wish I had know about it as a kid because I am positive it would have helped me process many early losses of family members that really did a job on me.

Sending you positive vibes and just know, many of us totally get it!

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