
Introducing Tabitha... and some Noob first impressions...

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Introducing Tabitha... and some Noob first impressions...

Post by Fongool »

This is the product review copy version of this topic. The original topic is available here http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=82672 for further comment. Thanks Anung :thumbs_up:

The thing I love most about this place is everyone sharing their personal stories. It is fascinating to me to see such a spectrum of experiences and I feel like it's important to contribute to the collective history of our hobby/lifestyle/obsession. I apologize in advance for the obnoxious epic I'm about to write here... :mrgreen:

But first, meet Tabitha. She is a WM 140 with head #56, tan skin. I'm still figuring out the wig... lol
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So this is how I got here: It's not that I'm incapable of getting with real women. It's just that over the course of decades, I've become aware that there's a pattern. My pattern is that I end up with these really nice women that ultimately become disenchanted with me due to my extreme introverted need for personal space. Every time I start a new relationship, I redouble my efforts to give them more of my time. Even to the point where I start to feel frustrated and a little resentful. But it is never enough.

I don't blame them for leaving, they deserved more. I've never been able to find someone as introverted as I am. But understand that when I say "introverted", I don't mean shy or antisocial, I mean it in the strictly clinical sense that I am someone whose brain orientation requires excessive amounts of solitude to feel happy and energized. I can function socially, it just wears me out emotionally.

I tried a couple attempts at "friend with benefits" relationships, but those just turned into unrequited attempts at mutating them into real relationships, which is what I was trying to get away from. So it's just been me, porn and a fleshlight for almost a decade. I made some attempts to "upgrade" the fleshlight into a torso by rolling up comforters and putting a soft women's t-shirt over it with a cheap latex boob toy underneath. It actually did improve the experience a lot. But not enough.

I was actually at the point where I was considering "hiring" a woman, but the more I contemplated it, the more I found I couldn't imagine a scenario where this wouldn't just be disappointing and frustrating. PLus, HELLO, potential legal hassles and exposure to possible crime risk. SO I realized I couldn't go that route.

I'd known about Real Dolls since they first appeared, and LOVED the concept, but like most of us, the pricetag was just too far out of reach. Not to mention the paranoia and embarrassment of having a freakishly GIANT crate delivered to my house! lol But when they came out with the torso, I *almost* saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Still way expensive, but so much closer to something I could actually imagine coping with. Then the Boy Toys came out and I realized I liked the more fantasy "comicbook" proportions over straight realism. So over the years I would occasionally remember the RD torso and go window shopping on the site.

SO this brings us to about Feb 9th. I'd just finally dumped the idea of "hiring" a girl once and for all and remembered the Boy Toy torso again. I went window shopping and started planning on paying off enough of my Paypal credit to get one. I was close, I had about $1400 clear, so it would take a couple of months to get the rest of the way there. Then I decided to see if there were any video reviews on youtube...

I did not get that far. As soon as I started searching youtube, the first video I stumbled onto was one by this cute young girl with an even cuter Swedish/Norwegian/or something accent vlogging about the idea of relationships with sex dolls. She has no connection to the industry or the hobby, it was just a random topic for that one video. Her opinions were very smart and well balanced and not at all judgemental, but her video isn't what's important. What's important is the post in the comments section where a user mentioned he was a member of this awesome community called "The Doll Forum".

So I came here just to see what the deal was, and immediately saw the giant ads for WM and Passion Dolls and discovered there was now this huge industry with tons of companies catering to this stuff! I read a few posts and then started clicking on the approved vendor links. You know, just to window shop... :whistle: I almost immediately ended up on Sexy Real Sex Dolls and saw they were having a 20% off sale!

And then I saw THIS: https://sexyrealsexdolls.com/collection ... st-wmdolls -and then I realized that her price was low enough that the sale discount actually made it possible for me to forget about the torso and order a full doll! And even the exact one I really wanted! And without having to clear any more space on my Paypal credit! I COULD DO IT RIGHT NOW!!! But... the sale only had a couple days left and I knew NOTHING about these new dolls.

So I crammed as much research as I could in those two days, learned a ton about care and maintenance of TPE and about how heavy these dolls are etc. and with only a few hours left on the sale, I pulled the trigger on my Tabitha.

Lina and Joe at SRSD were very responsive and helpful. The only issue I had was that my order status page NEVER updated, so I had to pester them directly for updates a couple of times, but they were gracious and if I annoyed them, it didn't show. :) Highly recommended!

So that brings us to yesterday, when I received this huge box! -Amazingly undamaged!
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And inside... was well-packed awesomesauce and goodness!
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Unwrapping her head felt like a superhero origin story... :razz:
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Here you can see my ONE disappointment: the sexy little suggestion of teeth that is so hawt in the store photos, is really just a weird, unpainted tan ridge on the bottom of her upper lip. I have some ideas about how I can fix that up with some lipliner/eyeliner pencils, so stay tuned for that...
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But overall, I am beyond ecstatic about her! I haven't had much time to spend with her yet, just enough to unbox her, test her joints (her knees are almost impossible to move! Good grief they are TIGHT!), put a few clothes on her and struggle with the wig. Washing/oiling/powdering will happen over the course of this weekend. I'm actually enjoying the masochistic pleasure of taking it SLOW.
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SO now for my noobish first impressions about this doll:

I actually get CHILLS looking at her. She has so much life and presence that it's kind of freaking me out! Every time I walk into the room (or even when I'm IN the room and turn away from her for a minute then turn back), I have a split second of my brain screaming: "OHMYGODTHERE'SSOMEONEINHERE!!" When I get close to her, like when I was putting on the wig, I could actually feel my brain struggling to remember she's not alive. I get momentary flashes where I forget. I have to keep suppressing the feeling that she's about to move or speak!

She's creepy and unnerving, but in a totally awesome way! These mental sensations aren't bothersome, it's really a lot of fun analyzing my brain's responses to her. It's like many here have said: you may think you're just buying an elaborate fleshlight, but you'll find she has "life" and personality and you'll realize she's more than just that. I can see it already.

The weight of the 140 seems completely manageable to me, I def would not want a larger (or smaller) doll though. IMHO she's PERFECT. It's not so much that she's "dead weight" but more that the load is unbalanced that makes her tricky to move. But it's way more awkward for me right now because I'm so afraid of damaging her. Once I get a sense of her tolerances, it'll be easier.

I'm also one of those who was going back and forth about skin tone. I worried that the "natural" tone was too pale and the "tan" tone would be too dark. Even after I ordered the doll (in "natural" tone), I kept agonizing over this. I found the post where someone showed an image of a natural and tan side-by-side, but that didn't help because it looked exactly like what I was afraid of: one was too pale, the other was WAY too dark. But finally I recognized that nearly ALL the photos of dolls that I was blown away by were tan, so I changed my order at the literal last minute (SRSD totally came through for me on this!) and got the tan.

And I couldn't be happier with it. The tan looks AMAZING! It is not too dark, in fact it actually doesn't even really look "tan" to me, it just looks healthy. Like someone who gets a normal amount of sunlight, not a tanning booth addict.

Hopefully the TPE smell fades though. I know some like it, but I don't. It initially smells kind of sweet and flowery, but then it quickly becomes cloying and chemmy and hangs in the back of my throat. Like, you can mix Kool-Aid into antifreeze and it'll taste kinda good, but also kinda wrong and probably it's killing you. That's what the TPE smell is like to me, something toxic that is being vaguely masked by sweetness. 8O

Anyway, I think this may be the best thing I've ever done for myself. :mrgreen:

Okay, novel's over! Thanks for indulging me, and I am honored to join your fraternity of misfits and weirdos! :glou:
