Black dots on my fleshlight :s

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Black dots on my fleshlight :s

Post by GreenBanana »

Hello everybody !

Yesterday i opened my official fleshlight briefcase and for my surprise my two fleshlights had dots of some differents sizes on it.

on one of my fleshlights the dots are in the exterior surface and for the other fleshlight they are inside the fleshlight .. turned all the interior black :/

I always clean my fleshlight after use and dry it :(

I don't used it for months because i had a girlfriend...

They tell me on the official fleshlight board to use isopropylic alchool to clean it , i did it with no results ... one of the members said me to use soap for hands (in contradiction with the official FAQ ) and i did it , no results ...

They told me that was because i don't let my fleshlight in a well ventilated place... ok , i will do that in future but for now , any idea for my dots issue ?

Thanks in advance


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Dots on fleshlight

Post by jerryboy »

It's most likely mildew embedded in the rubber or silicone. I have seen this before. Next time dry the fleshlight completely and then stuff paper towels in and around it and then place it in a bag that has holes to allow for air to dry any water residew you might not have seen with your eye if you are not planning to use it for awhile.

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Post by timetraveler1 »

jerryboy is right most likely it is actually mildew embedded in the rubber or silicone and the reason i say this is i have a project doll and noticed that it had these type of black dots etc. and it was a type of mildew from dampness . another suggestion i have for you besides what jerry boy mentioned depending on space where you keep the sex toy how about an open box of baking soda which will absorb the moisture . just a suggestion . but the answer to your problem i beleive is keeping it dry away from dampness in the air . :)

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Post by GreenBanana »

So if now i store my fleshlights in a well ventilated place with some paper towels in and around it the dots will disapear ?

Thanks for everything ,


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Post by zazakell »

GreenBanana wrote:So if now i store my fleshlights in a well ventilated place with some paper towels in and around it the dots will disapear ?

Thanks for everything ,

I doubt it GreenBanana. Mildew stains are notoriously difficult to get rid off completely. Trouble is if you use bleach or any such product to try and get them out you'll just ruin the materiel (is it UR3 or silicone, I'm not sure?).

Maybe someone else knows a way. Hey, anyway, a new Fleshlight is not going to break the bank is it? Probably will be healthier for your private parts. Then you can follow the previous posters advice for keeping it in good shape.

Another good idea is, first wash your fleshlight in anti-bacterial soap,(available from any good sex toy shop). Then if you have to store it. Take the insert out and turn it inside out and store it outside the plastic tube.
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Post by GreenBanana »

Ok thanks ,

that's sad because one of my two fleshlight look realy poor now :( ...

I also think about "desiccant" little bags we found in shoes box , i can put some of these things in the same box as my fleshlights ?

Thanks ,


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Post by Glory »

If your place has any kind of dampness issues, this stuff happens.

I'm on a lake, and my house is notorious for mildew/mold/rust. If anything sits too long without use, it runs a risk.

As zaz said, if it's mold, it won't disappear on it's own.

I've personally used a bleach solution on toys before (rubber and UR3, which I think is similar to fleshlight material if not the same). It was for sanitation rather than removing mold, but it didn't seem to hurt the toys.

Try at your own risk though (maybe just on one of the fleshlights first).

I filled a mop type bucket with warm (not hot) water, dish soap and a cup of bleach, then let everything set for a few hours. Wiped everything off, rinsed, cleaned out the bucket, filled it with plain warm water, and let everything sit again for 30 minutes or so (to get rid of any bleach residue).

Towel dry then let air dry until completely dry.

Might work, might not. I've gotten mold out of rubber with a bleach solution before (though it wasn't a sex toy).

The silica bags might be a good idea in the future (I use them in my closets and drawers, including where toys are stored).

A plastic storage container with a tight seal might be to (just make absolutely sure everything is dry before it goes in). And if you can try to store high, like on a closet shelf, rather than on the floor.

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Post by bassdaddy58 »

EEWWWW!!! :x

Dude, just buy a new one. $40.

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Post by GreenBanana »

Thanks for all these advices ,

i will also try medical alcool

Yesterday i re-cleaned my fleshlights and dry it the more i can with a dedicated towel , and let it dry all the night under my bed ( i still with my parents , they can enter my room at every time but it's about to change :D )

Now one of these is in the fleshlight briefcase with 6 silica bags , wait and see tomorrow :/.

@ bassdaddy58 : i'm from europe , everything is expensive here :

fleshlight ( insert only ) : 49€ (71,3869$)
mechadoll : 6999€ without shipping (10196,6783$)

thanks for all your advices i will check it out !

And if you have others ideas just tell me ^^


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Post by deusbot »

If you're hiding it at home then there's not many sure fire options.

A big project is to remelt and remold, which I have done before but its something different not the original. That might be something to try if you do get another and are interested in hot molding at your own place. But that path leads to working with 350 degree F plastics... The upside is once done, whatever is in there is DEAD.

The other is get a sharp knife or scisor, find a paper towel roll, turn the FL inside out on the roll, an spend the next hour snipping. It all depends on how far into the material the problem goes. If its not that deep and you have more time than money and the material still has good stretch then great. Once done do a good 91% alcohol soak and dry. The upside is more texture after you're done, the downside is its going to be bit weaker. But then again the dew had to find microholes to get into and you're thinking about decommisioning it anyway. Use others instructions there after. Another idea is for a time store stretched a but immersed in 91% alcohol to suck all the water out of whatever is living in it.

And of course start savings for the next one.

Good luck, whatever your choice.
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Post by timetraveler1 »

i dont know that the small silica (beleive that s what others called them ) bags ( i guess people are talking about the small bags that absorb moisture from stuff ) would hurt the sex toy but just in case o would have them in the same box but maybe a divider to keep them away frrom the actual sex toy just to be on the safe side ) .wow i didnt know europe was so expensive , am glad i am where i am at !! :)

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Post by Obin »

Laugh if you want; it's good for you! However, any correction will be appreciated.

Doesn't the acid in vinegar kill mildew or mold?

I don't know what this would do to the flesh light material though.

Also, has some information on this material.

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Post by itsme »

hemoglobin wrote:Laugh if you want; it's good for you! However, any correction will be appreciated.

Doesn't the acid in vinegar kill mildew or mold?

I don't know what this would do to the flesh light material though.

Also, has some information on this material.

vinegar is used to kill mold yes.
also bleatch is used as well. if you buy a mold and mildew cleaner you will smell the bleatch.

GreenBanana this can happen to silicone as well. with the insert left inside a doll.
mold and mildew like a little water no to little light and little air.

The dots may never come off. They may stain the rubber

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Post by timetraveler1 »

itsme may be right about the stain not coming out i washed my latex doll with bleach where the mold had gotton on it and although it did lighten the area's it is still slightly visable . the person in europe couldnt you pay some place here to send a new flesh light their and be cheaper ?? :?

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Post by GreenBanana »

I'm trying with vinegar ^^

@timetraveler1 :

It appear to be a good idea and i already tested it :

the fleshlight full option was around 60$ (with case insert and lube , not sure of the price but close to it ) + shipping 20$ (sic) ... and when i recieved it at home ... "sir you must pay toll fee ... 60€" ... now i prefer bying in europe for this kind of thing ...

for a doll , it's maybe cheaper to buy it in america and pay some mercenaries for the shipping....i hope :'(

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