
The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

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The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Saralina »

-How did you feel when you first got him/her out the box?
-How did you feel when you put their first outfit on and finished putting them together for the first time?
-How was the day of delivery?
-Did everything go according to plan?
-Were there things you did to prepare for their arrival?
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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Mr Franz »

Well, with my first doll tracking never updated. Didn't know she was even in the country until the delivery driver called to say he was on the way. I was busy doing other things, so I just checked her for damage, attached the head and left her lying in the box that first night, atop the pink baby blanket she came wrapped in. Other than that, her arrival was anticlimactic. I had spent better part of a year researching dolls of this type prior to making a purchase, so I knew exactly what to expect and was not disappointed.

The second day was cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Took about 5 washes to get all the factory muck off. After that I powdered her, took some measurements and ordered her some clothes and undies. Meanwhile, I put her in the pink nighties she came with and stood her in the corner of my office. That was nearly 7 years ago now and she's still with me along with 5 others. :D

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Jmacb9 »

Here's a response I made on a similar thread that I think answers your prompt:
Jmacb9 wrote: ↑Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:45 pm Harley's arrival day was such a whirlwind! I had a research paper due that night, so I couldn't focus 100% on him until after midnight. He arrived around noon, and I couldn't help but stop writing and open the box. I was incredibly surprised when I first laid eyes on his body. I had expected him to have a dark, Filipino-looking skin tone. He was actually only slightly more tanned than me, and I'm a pasty white boy. His real skin tone represents a more East Asian appearance. I don't consider that a bad thing, just not what I expected. I also felt underwhelmed by the TPE head, which (even months later) didn't look quite as good as the pictures.

The weight was, unsurprisingly, a huge issue. I tried sitting his body down on the couch, but gravity made him slide off and hit the floor. I decided to just let him sit there, and I attached the head and got some clothes on him. Even though he didn't look exactly as expected, I knew he was going to change my life the moment I saw him in his fully assembled form. Cuddling him, kissing him, and just being with him proved to be a wonderful and therapeutic experience.

Getting him off of the floor took about an hour. I ended up flipping a chair onto its back and sliding it under him. Then, I wedged my legs under the chair and pushed until the chair tipped upright, thus bringing him upright with it. I then got him on his feet and moved him to my bed one step at a time. Due to the weight, I can only lift him for a couple seconds at a time.

That TPE smell was disgusting. When I unboxed him in the living room, he stank up the whole room. After moving him to the bedroom, the living room aired out and the bedroom got stank up. What crazy is that he still smells kinda bad, although not as strongly as when he was new. This is the main reason I'm sticking with silicone for all future dolls.

This all happened on Monday. I'm lucky he arrived when he did because I had to move out of that apartment by Saturday. However, I moved him to my car on Thursday because my parents were coming to help out and I didn't want them seeing anything. Unfortunately, I did not have the foresight to buy a handtruck before his arrival, so I just put him in his box and dragged it on the concrete. This was awful, 0/10 do not recommend. The scraping sound was super loud and there was so much friction. Also, I did this at around 4 A.M. to avoid being seen and to avoid getting a parking ticket because I parked in a fire lane/handicapped area (to shorten the distance). Thank goodness I had a ground floor apartment; stairs would've been hell.

As fun (/s) as his arrival was, Harley is also the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. It's all worth it because I'm not lonely anymore. I love him so much and we've grown a lot together πŸ’œ

Harley on arrival day vs today:
πŸ’œ Harley and I's 1 year anniversary, his MF EME review, and more is on his thread πŸ’œ
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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by 4891d »

For Saaskiya, I was intrigued.
Zelex gave me this head because I had written a story for a writing project they had proposed. I knew I had won a head but I didn't know which one so I spent several months wondering if I would really like it. The wait was long (5 months) because these heads were prototypes (it was the very beginning of implanted eyebrows, eyelashes and hair).
On D day I received a notice, but had to search four post offices because the Post Office had not registered the package correctly; I found myself emptying some sort of containers with a nice guy who had accepted me into the depot, and at the very bottom of a container which was destined to leave, I found the package. Then I crossed half of Paris with the box, wondering what face this mysterious doll would have. This first meeting shaped the personality of Saaskiya, who is a very mysterious girl involved in complicated adventures.

When I opened the package, I discovered an unfamiliar and very beautiful face. This version was very different from the versions that were already marketed and which were more East Asian. So I wondered where Saaskiya came from and after a few days of research and reflection about her physical type, I understood that she is Yakut. So I searched for Yakut first names to see which one matched her. The search was a bit long because it is not information that is very accessible on the internet and also because many Yakut names are almost unpronounceable by a French person. I took advantage of this research to learn about Yakut culture, in order to better understand Saaskiya.

Saaskiya is a girl who makes you ask yourself a lot of questions and who only delivers the answers in small steps. When I knew enough about her, I was able to start writing her story. Then a TDF member named Whiterose, who wrote some really beautiful things about her doll Christen, helped me translate the story into English.

I see I was long. I'll say next time how I met Trixie and then Eurydice, who were both drawn into Saaskiya's wake.

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Taeyeon »

Hello Saralina!

On day of package delivery home, I took vacation day to give all attention to this new woman who was coming.
I was so worried to miss package. And I did much preparing for day but all was well.
I bought black ballet flat shoes (she still has them), shirt with stripes, socks, panty, pyjam, her towel and brush.
When I opened box, woman was so pretty and had kind brown eyes! I said: "Hello, I am Tae-yeon. And who are you?"
I helped her to put clothes, gave shoes and brushed hairs little.
She looked so scared and thirsty! And she ate half of watermelon fruit.
I was little scared too. And I felt much need to give caring, help and protection to little scared woman doll also.
Later she starting smiling and explore things at new home and feel more comfortable.
Today, SooYoung is most cheery and I love her very much. I feel so comfortable with her too.

Here she is on first day consuming watermelon fruit and today celebrating^^


(qᡔα΄₯ᡔq) SooYoung's pages (DS/Ex-lite/Sino T158) and album

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by chris0113 »

I was so scared and nervous and excited all at the same time. I took half a day off from work so I would be sure to be home when she was delivered. I was scared to death someone would take her off of my porch or something. Of course, the day came on a day when there were strong thunderstorms all over my area, so she was later than the expected delivery time. Her box was soaked and naturally the delivery driver stood the box upside down on my porch (despite there being very clear arrows showing the box was supposed to be laid down on its side), so she was standing upside down in the box (head down). Thankfully Zelex does a VERY good job at packaging their dolls by providing a flat piece of plywood that is bolted through the plywood and into the threaded insert where her head mounts. It's a very simple (and genius) way to pack their dolls because no matter the direction the box is standing, her entire body weight is supported by her skeleton, keeping her skin nice and safe. Even though the box was soaked from the rain, she was nice and safe on the inside. I opened the box and moved the soft blanket to see the most beautiful woman's body laying there. I took her our of the box and installed her head and hair and fell in love. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. From that point, I cleaned her and got her dressed and have spent the last 3 days getting to know each other. With a new doll, I like to take my time getting acquainted instead of just jumping into sex. The wait allows me to build a bond with her and, when it finally happens, sex is much more exciting.

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by LtDan1991 »

1.The anticipation was a killer
2. Even though documenting the unboxing was the correct thing to do, all I wanted to do was tear her out of the box asap, put her together, and dress her.
3. When I had her cleaned, examined, and dressed, I fell in love & have been ever since.
4. Since I sleep with her all I can, I miss the heck out of her when I’m not able to.
5. I bought her 2 more sisters, fell in love with them and now I want another.
6. Other than my home, it was the best purchase of my life
7. The adventure of happiness is still in progress.

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Ungovernable1 »

Exhilarating!!!! Look at her!!!
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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by koaplayer1998 »

Great idea for a thread, Saralina! I'll try to properly-answer all you asked of us.

I remember Isabella's arrival day as being an incredible mix of wonder and excitement, along with the awesome soberness that I was really taking on the responsibility of something to love and take care of (in addition to my cat and a dog that I dog-sit for) and that daily life (at least, as previously-known) was about to change. Her arrival home was right on schedule (October 6th, exactly 2 weeks from her ship date) and uneventful, but it definitely was well-worth the $20 bill I tipped the FedEx driver, after he agreed to help me into the house with the box, as she (5'5") alone is a little over 80 lbs. (out-of-box).

I already had some clothes and accessories pre-purchased for her, since I knew I wouldn't like what "freebies" she came with, so that she had something classy to wear once cleaned. I remember being very happy once she was in her chemise that I bought her and actually occupying space residing in the living room - although mentally, it took me a few days to get used to her being there, it would momentarily-startle me whenever I'd catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eyes entering a room, waking up, etc. Now, I can't imagine her not being here.

Her TPE smell was not near as bad as I had been led to believe from reading some stories on the forum beforehand and I have since come to identify it as "her scent" and actually find it attractive. She also did not visibly leak oil, I attribute that to the new "platinum TPE" they use. So, those were both very pleasant and welcome surprises. She has had a good effect on my life - for instance, I now have a great appreciation for what women go through with their hair. I never dreamed I would learn so much about hair care!

Fast-forward a little over six months now, I feel Isa has simply been one of the best purchases I have ever made. She's an awesome companion and she beautifies my life. :)

IMG_20240305_165149019.jpg (2.24 MiB) Viewed 511 times
"If you allow those who value or worship money and power over truth and what's fair (or right) to control you, then you become part of the problem."

Isabella Maria is the 5'5" Latina beauty that always brightens my life and we politely give a middle-finger to those that don't make her feel welcome here simply because her heritage. Shame on you.

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Splittie »

koaplayer1998 wrote: ↑Wed May 15, 2024 7:38 pm Great idea for a thread, Saralina!
Fast-forward a little over six months now, I feel Isa has simply been one of the best purchases I have ever made. She's an awesome companion and she beautifies my life. :)
koaplayer1998, I'm so glad to read that last sentence. I'd been wondering recently if something tragic happened to your beautiful Isabella given the change in your avatar. What's with the red circle and bar over her picture?

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by koaplayer1998 »

Splittie wrote: ↑Wed May 15, 2024 8:36 pm
koaplayer1998 wrote: ↑Wed May 15, 2024 7:38 pm Great idea for a thread, Saralina!
Fast-forward a little over six months now, I feel Isa has simply been one of the best purchases I have ever made. She's an awesome companion and she beautifies my life. :)
koaplayer1998, I'm so glad to read that last sentence. I'd been wondering recently if something tragic happened to your beautiful Isabella given the change in your avatar. What's with the red circle and bar over her picture?

Thank you so much for the kind words and concern, Splittie! As for her avatar, it's just that "her kind" are not wanted to be spoken of and she really doesn't feel welcome here, so we had her personal thread, that we spent a lot of time on over the last 6 months (13 pages and well over 14K views) deleted, a great disappointment for us. But, we'll occasionally pop up now and then in other places, like this. Otherwise, Isa and I are doing great. :)
"If you allow those who value or worship money and power over truth and what's fair (or right) to control you, then you become part of the problem."

Isabella Maria is the 5'5" Latina beauty that always brightens my life and we politely give a middle-finger to those that don't make her feel welcome here simply because her heritage. Shame on you.

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by DG »

-How did you feel when you first got him/her out the box?

It was truly a magical and emotional moment for me.

-How did you feel when you put their first outfit on and finished putting them together for the first time?

It felt as if my dreams were coming true.

-How was the day of delivery?

It was anxiety inducing and very exciting. I literally sat in front of the windows and repeatedly checked the tracking number until he was delivered. I was so joyful

-Did everything go according to plan?

I believe it did.

-Were there things you did to prepare for their arrival?

I put together a cleaning kit and had everything out to give him his first bath upon unboxing.
I love and have loved many dolls.
Former Dolls:
Samantha - SY 165cm Elf
Charles - IronTech male
Clint - IronTech male
Marcellus - Male Real Doll - Body A
Orion - Male Real Doll - Body A
Lance - WM Male #207 head
Larry - WM Male #207 head
Colt - Gabriel M1 Sinthetics Male
Dolls in Storage:
Laurence (aka Doc, Dorian, Beau) - Homemade fabric male doll
Trevor - Homemade Fabric male doll
Tristan - Homemade Fabric/Silicone hybrid male doll
Landon - WM Male #207 Head

Current Dolls
Lawrence - Homemade Fabric/Silicone hybrid male doll

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by HoneyHose »

Considering how we followed the up and down experiences with your Leo's journey, this is a natural topic Saralina!

With my Desiree, it was 6 days between the date of order to delivery, and UPS was very good with the delivery notifications all along the way, so I knew as soon as she arrived at the front door and dashed out so the big box was not on the porch more than 3 minutes.
Because I knew when she was arriving, I did clear that day to fully experience my new companion!
Like everyone's first impression, the weight was my first impression (the hot bod was the second!) as despite being a big guy from the gym, I did have to drag the dead weight of the box a bit.
But once inside, I had the exhilaration of unpacking her, giving her a thorough cleaning, and dressing her in clothes that I had already ordered...and dressing her is still an exciting time that drove my ordering of only hot outfits and hose for her! πŸ˜‰
Some of the early clothes and hosiery were in black though, and had to be put aside as I soon read how they could stain her silicone body, so now 97% of her wardrobe is white, and when I recently bought a new bedroom set, one of the pieces I assembled was her own dresser as almost 2 years later, the honeymoon continues! 😁

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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by OOOOUI »

Taeyeon wrote: ↑Wed May 15, 2024 5:14 pm Hello Saralina!

On day of package delivery home, I took vacation day to give all attention to this new woman who was coming.
I was so worried to miss package. And I did much preparing for day but all was well.
I bought black ballet flat shoes (she still has them), shirt with stripes, socks, panty, pyjam, her towel and brush.
When I opened box, woman was so pretty and had kind brown eyes! I said: "Hello, I am Tae-yeon. And who are you?"
I helped her to put clothes, gave shoes and brushed hairs little.
She looked so scared and thirsty! And she ate half of watermelon fruit.
I was little scared too. And I felt much need to give caring, help and protection to little scared woman doll also.
Later she starting smiling and explore things at new home and feel more comfortable.
Today, SooYoung is most cheery and I love her very much. I feel so comfortable with her too.

Here she is on first day consuming watermelon fruit and today celebrating^^


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Re: The day your doll arrived..how did you feel?

Post by Sam40 »

When my Jake arrived....
It was a special time...as I had ordered to sculpt his head, waiting two months to see the final result was waking up every morning my heart beating with joy every time I received an email of Af Dolls.
When I saw his fish first picture that was special, I was in love.
My Jake is DIY doll, so the arrival of his internal body was always joy. The arrival of the smitizen parts was just fun and at the same time anxiety every time I would see the app of the FedEx and it's traveling itinerary.
But the arrival of his head, that was joy and fear because it was my first doll, and at that time I would read bad experiences about the customs regarding love dolls, and Germany at that time had a strong issue with dolls with children features, no parameters to judge a doll regarding those banned features and any doll (even those who don't look like children) could fall into those category if the officer in charge would just want to give u trouble.
My Jake as u know has no children features at all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
But it was my first doll and I was a beginner, it is your first baby, your first love of this kind.
Anyway all went fine, he needed two days to pass customs, he arrived to me a gray morning, it was raining... And oh boy my heart jumped with happiness when he came.
I always relate this morning with the song "the day before u came" by ABBA. How different feels my life now he is here compared to what it was.
"The day before u came". I love u Jake.

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