
Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Zelex is a company specializing in the development and manufacture of ultra-realistic sex dolls. We have a professional R&D team whose purpose is to design high-quality sex toys to provide customers with a perfect experience. Each of our products is hand-drawn by the artist with a realistic shape and fine makeup. We guarantee the product quality is safe and has the test certificate from an authority. Website: www.zelexdoll.com
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Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SinfulComforts »

Hello everyone! I’m new here and I apologize in advance if I (unintendedly) break any rules 🙂

My first doll arrived a few days ago, and I wish to share my wonderful experience (and photos) so far!

I hope for this to be a ‘master thread’ of all my future content, where I post photoshoots (as well as my other projects/crafts involving my new Zelex beauty)

I ordered from ‘Cloud Climax’ and their customer service was superb. The support assistant was particularly knowledgeable about dolls (I expected that he had a personal interest) and was refreshingly genuine during our interactions.

I did not receive factory images (I assume because the SLE range are preconfigured and stored in bulk) but I did receive warehouse pictures (let me know if you want to see those pics, and I will post them)


The box was heavy as expected (this doll itself weighs 37kg), and the box dimensions are 156[L] x 33[H] x 47[D] cm. The packaging was very discreet.

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Very cozy! She’s all wrapped up nicely with a soft blanket and fleece lining. There are plenty of Styrofoam blocks reinforcing the doll, and a thick plastic plate at the top to protect her neck.

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There’s immediate instructions for removing the doll safely from the box, as well as a smaller box of goodies. Unfortunately, a ‘electric orifice warming’ device was mentioned in the guidebook, but was missing from the contents (but I wasn’t too bothered about this).

A basic string-tied white bikini was provided, but I was not impressed with its quality (scratchy, thin material).

This was also not a problem for me, as I couldn't help but purchase many different clothing items prior to her arrival (I'm not advocating for anyone to do this unless you are confident of the dolls measurements)

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The face has a custom (and hilarious) Styrofoam cover, to protect the eyes and nose. It reminded me of the [Prisoner Iron Mask] from Elden Ring... Pulling this off revealed an eerily beautiful sight.

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I’m not exaggerating to say that seeing her face in person was surreal, as the sculpt is spectacular to see in person… Photos don’t quite capture the craftsmanship, and it was initially an unusual feeling to see her hyper-realistic eyes staring back at me. The skin of her face is squishy (yet realistically firm). Tugging on her ears, nose and lips is satisfying. I worried her face would be too firm, but the skin is perfect.

Her teeth/gums are also silicone, spongy but not too hard, and casted with a glossy mould release (allowing for a nice ‘wet look’ to the teeth and gums) Both upper and lower teeth are removable separately.

Eyebrows are painted on and look great, and the eyelashes are firmly attached to the head (she has accidentally rolled onto her face a few times already on the bed, and no damage has occurred)

The mechanics of the eyes are very cool. You can press on them with a ‘spring’ action to allow rotation of the eye, and release to hold that gaze.

She also has a 3D corneal ‘bump’ for realism, so the eye isn’t just a simple sphere.

I neglected to take pictures of her still in the box (I suppose the fairness of her alluring head distracted me...) But I followed the provided instructions to pose her limbs safely before lifting her onto the bed.

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I had been casually weight-lifting during the weeks prior, and I’m glad I did so! I’m a reasonably small/weak guy (5’5 feet inches) and getting her out of the box was (expectedly) quite a feat.

For anyone else looking to purchase a Zelex SLE doll (or any heavy doll), please listen carefully to the other (much more experienced than I) members on this forum when they tell you that ‘Doll Weight’ is the first consideration when purchasing a doll. I can easily see how the weight of a Zelex SLE doll can be a deal-breaker and ruin someone's experience of love dolls.

This weight is definitely not something you can throw around passionately on the bed during sex… It’s quite an effort to repose her, even if you just want to flip her on her back.

For me personally, I purchased the doll primarily as a means to express my creative desires to dress her, (and generally appreciate her beauty/presence). Whereas sexual intimacy was my secondary concern (but still obviously a major contributing factor to the purchase ^_^’)

I am quite a submissive lover in general, so I actually enjoy the feeling of her weight, and do not mind taking the time/effort required for an enjoyable experience with her. Already after a few days, I am becoming more efficient in posing her and learning how to control her weight.

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The breasts look and feel amazing… They are very soft and jiggly due to the gel layer, and have crazy painted details like blue veins etc…

Her genitals look incredible, with her vaginal internals having a bumpy texture, and her rectum having a spiraled ribbed texture. Neither of the textures feel ‘cheap/half-assed’, both are a great cast.

She unexpectedly has a significant ‘fupa’ (fat deposit above the pussy), which I personally love (fun to squish) but may not be to everyone's taste. (I’ll try get a picture of this during a future photoshoot)

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After feeling the breasts, her ass feels firmer than I anticipated… They do indeed have the same ‘gel layer’ underneath the skin, but it’s my opinion that (although lovely) the ass would have been better if made to be softer.

The front of her thighs also have a nice softness to them (making for a nice ‘lap pillow’)

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The hands initially appear great, continuing the trend of intricately painted details. I noticed some parts of her body are ‘glossier’ than others, which I’m not sure are intended but it’s a minimal issue (especially when she’s freshly powdered)

To be critical, the fingers are (in my opinion) are too skinny. The articulation is adequate, as they bend at each joint of the finger. However, I don’t believe the fingers can be rotated by the base, leading to them overlapping each other unnaturally in ‘closed fist’ poses. For future Zelex creations, I would suggest they thicken the fingers (and if possible, add some rotation to the base of each finger). Overall however, the hands serve good purpose (and holding her hand does feel immersive enough)

The fingernails in the promotional photos did not impress me, and I expected to replace them after she arrived. HOWEVER, they look pretty good in person, so my worries were unfounded there :)

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I was initially unsure about the 'standing bolts' feet, until I was convinced otherwise by the customer support agent. The bolts do not bother me as much as I thought they would in person. I unscrewed one out of curiosity, and was surprised to find that the silicone of her feet is in pretty good condition anyway. The silicone cut hole is smaller than the bolt, and appeared to ‘close up’ and mostly hide the bolt hole. (EDIT: I've added photo's of the bolt holes in next post)

Her toes are not articulated (I assume due to high risk of damage/wires protruding?). The toes are ‘jiggly’ and soft (maybe a little too much) but regardless, they are decent.


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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SinfulComforts »

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The holes of the feet after the bolts are removed don't 'self seal' as much as I previously thought. However, they don't look too bad in person (photo's make the holes look worse than they are). The metal can be easily felt when squeezing the soles of the feet (as the bolt slots are quite deep in there). With socks on, I would not even know the doll had bolt holes after removing the bolts, so this is a win for me! :)

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The head connector appeared kinda ‘gross’ honestly, but once the head is on the body, this is overall inconsequential.

With the head on, she starts to feel considerably more ‘present’ in the room.

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I gave the entire doll a good washing to remove the mould release (spray bottle with neutral soap and microfibre cloth) and a heavy powdering with scented corn-starch (which is why she looks dusty in these latest photos). She's also missing her teeth, as they were also washed.

With the powder on her skin, she feels INCREDIBLE. Very silky and smooth to the touch, with the right softness all over… SLE is truly wonderful.

I neglected again to take pictures of her wearing the ‘stock’ wig provided (apologies), but once she had hair, she felt ‘complete’. Standing her up for a hug was a comforting experience, where she really started to feel like an actual presence in the room with me.

Although roughly matching my height, her body and head feels oddly ‘small’ in person. Strangely, it feels similar to standing face-to-face with a female 3D model in Virtual Reality, as opposed to a real person. I expect this is due to her exaggerated proportions and skinny arms.

Something mentionable when she arrived, I noticed her skin was tanner/pinker than I expected from the promotional pictures. I honestly expected her color to be lighter in person, but this does not impact my appreciation of her in the slightest :)

Tired after the unboxing, I neglected to take many more photographs, but I gave her a basic ‘nightwear’ outfit with a short blonde ‘pixie’ style wig and took her to bed.

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[NOTE: I edited out the neck seam in this image.]

She looked stunning while I laid next to her, truly creating an unforgettable experience. The team at Zelex did a truly fantastic and admirable job in creating this beauty.

Her lips and cheeks are very kissable. I was unsure whether it would be enjoyable to ‘tongue kiss’ a doll, but I soon realized that it is ^_^’ Her tongue is soft and wiggly, and even has a casted frenulum and uvula.


If anyone has any requests for information about the doll (for example, detailed measurements etc…) please don’t hesitate to let me know! :)

I’ll be uploading some (lightly edited) images from my first photoshoot practice soon. Feel free to request the unedited image (of any of my future images) if desired.

I may also catalog and share my findings on SHEIN clothing, making notes on how each piece fits the doll.

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by mattythek »

That last shot is hot :)

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SxDolled »

Congratulations, she's beautiful 🍾
Australian based vendor happy to help navigate your girl directly to your doorstep. Aussie or not, stop by for a chat anytime 😊

Check us out today! I guarantee you won't be disappointed 😀



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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by Seabreeze2112 »

The fingers & hand on the SLE are skinny and lack detail , but it is intentional. Those details are not going to matter in the dark.
If you want more realism in the fine details the traditional Zelex Silicone line is what you want.
As far as the fingers overlapping. You can gently pry / spread more space from between the fingers, the thumb is opposable as well.
Oh and don't remove the foot bolts if you plan on leaving her standing. The feet are too soft to bear weight for any extended amount of time. I guess it's ok if you plan on leaving her in a bed 90% of the time but then you are going to have issues with the gel butt.

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by Noobster 8-64 »

Her expression and those lips slightly parted kill me. Congratulations!

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by Space1invader »

What about the pipe? Do you have in your plans taking the pole dance photos?

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by 4891d »

Thank you for your review. There we will find all the important information we want to learn when we want to know what a doll is like. :thumbs_up:

I like this 164 cm body; a little stylized like most Zelex SLEs, but not too much. The proportions remain plausible, if not completely realistic.

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SinfulComforts »

Thanks for the lovely comments everyone!
Seabreeze2112 wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:36 pm The fingers & hand on the SLE are skinny and lack detail , but it is intentional. Those details are not going to matter in the dark.
If you want more realism in the fine details the traditional Zelex Silicone line is what you want.
As far as the fingers overlapping. You can gently pry / spread more space from between the fingers, the thumb is opposable as well.
Oh and don't remove the foot bolts if you plan on leaving her standing. The feet are too soft to bear weight for any extended amount of time. I guess it's ok if you plan on leaving her in a bed 90% of the time but then you are going to have issues with the gel butt.
Thanks for the advice :)

I am generally satisfied with the hands, but I've not interacted with any other dolls before so my reference for what makes 'the best hands' is non-existent ^_^'

Spreading the fingers do help, but there are some desired hand poses of which I still struggle to obtain for photography purposes (which I realize is nitpicking on my part haha)

Don't worry, I am far too afraid to have her stand at all without the foot bolts in! ^_^'

I did plan on leaving her lying (in an A-pose) in bed most of the time :O I did not consider long-term deformation of the gel butt, has this happened to other silicone dolls? Do you have any recommendations of how often I should leave her standing?

Space1invader wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:50 am What about the pipe? Do you have in your plans taking the pole dance photos?
The pole is unfortunately not screwed in place (a 'spring-loaded' tension keeps it in place, similar to a shower curtain pole), so it's not safe enough for dynamic pole dancing photos unfortunately ^_^'

I bought it to add as an extra 'point of contact' for standing poses, so I would not be limited to posing her against walls when standing.

I would not trust her standing at the pole unsupervised however... As it's not stable enough to handle her 'falling' weight if she were to topple :O

4891d wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:09 am
Thank you for your review. There we will find all the important information we want to learn when we want to know what a doll is like. :thumbs_up:

I like this 164 cm body; a little stylized like most Zelex SLEs, but not too much. The proportions remain plausible, if not completely realistic.

The stylization of the Zelex SLE body's are honestly not 'perfect' for my own subjective tastes, as I would like to see an SLE doll someday with a more realistic 'wider' waist and 'pear' shaped butt/thighs.

But her body is still jaw-dropping, and I love her all the same :)

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by Space1invader »

I was wondering how to take the pictures with a pole dance doll, this is possible or not.

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SinfulComforts »


I plan on dressing the doll as many different 'characters', but for my first 'practice' shoot, here is 'Alex'!

Alex is (rightfully) confident in showing off her 'bombshell' figure in this wet-look bikini.

All of her clothing is from SHEIN, except her teeth braces which were hand-made by myself.

The wig is an old purchase, so I do not remember the brand (I can look into it if requested). It's a short pixie style human-hair wig.

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by SinfulComforts »

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I think I'm getting carried away with the piercings... :D

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by ondsdoll »

Stunning girl.
How does SLE feel for sex.

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Re: Zelex SLE 164cm (Head 216) - Sinful Comforts

Post by b33 »

She is looking pretty cute, I like this photo!

Kaley 3.0 Zelex X165 GE94-2 head
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