
Hard Hand Owners

TAYU is an innovative hi-tech silicone doll maker specializing in lightweight silicone dolls that are easy to handle. Our patented stainless resistant metal skeleton is closer to human joint movements to facilitate daily usage. We provide solutions for light silicone dolls while maintaining their full body softness. Our dolls are hassle-free and sweet companions who will fulfill your needs and bring you intensive and realistic sexual pleasure. TAYU will keep releasing new features to push the doll market forward with lighter, softer and more resistant silicone companions. http://www.tayu-doll.com
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Hard Hand Owners

Post by lars77 »

There is some info about hard standing feet but I didn't find much info about hard hands. Maybe there are some owners which can say more about it?

Is the option worth it? Feels the hard hand more realistic ore are they more durable?

Have the hard hands some downsides, maybe in combination with articulation of fingers? Does it also affect the "twisted wrist" on the 148 models?

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