CoverDoll Issues *******

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Post by midiman »

Thanks, Fox....your comments are rewarding in themselves.
tchon wrote:Yow! 8)
This "let's relauch the site" is always hairy stuff ... I know, I had these problems at work often enough.
So pretty cool ist now useable, after quite some unexpected problems to struggle through.
Just to give you an idea how close we were to a Gallery Reinstall and manual reload, I had another gallery installation done and was looking at how I might zip the exisitng photo folders so I could attempt an Import.

At that point, feeling abandoned by the tech staff there, I got the 'brilliant idea' to GOOGLE the error message along with a +Drupal.

Others had apparently gone before me. I found my fix and several hours later we were back up :)

The Vice Grips of the Internet :)
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Post by Foxhole23 »


I hate playing the part of 'Town Crier', but has anyone else been having recent problems at CoverDoll? I logged in, and logged in a second time into the external gallery. I had no problems viewing pictures that were recent, but when trying to look at older stuff, the pictures look like they start to load, and then get hung up. This has happened to me on 2 separate occasions and I was wondering if I am all alone?

Foxy :cry:

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Post by kharn »

Hi Foxy,

Here ye here ye :lol:

Well I don’t know what the problem is there my friend. I went right back to 2000 and had no problems at all. I guess you have java and cookies enabled?

I leave my self logged in on the external gallery to save having to bother login in and out all the time there. This should be okay as long as you don’t empty your cookie folder.

My guess on this is, maybe the server was just busy on those two occasions that you had trouble. Next year we will be move the site to our own dedicated server. This will stop any hanging problems or that dreadful waiting.

But you are doing the right thing by letting us know; remember we can only improve the site if we have your valued input :thumbs_up: .

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