Could Climax review on my first doll purchase

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Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:28 pm

Could Climax review on my first doll purchase

Post by Jannerheim »

Hello! Newbie TDF user here posting for the first time. I thought I'd give a short review on Cloud Climax from whom I decided to order my first ever doll from.

After deciding to buy a sex doll I did some research and landed on CC as they are one of the more legit looking vendors, especially because they have dolls in stock and don't practice dropshipping. I found a perfect looking gal pretty quickly from their selection. She is listed as the WM Doll 160cm Nipple Penetration Sex Doll With Head 356.

The customer service from CC is fantastic. They answered a lot of questions that a nervous customer such as myself had and kept me up to date throughout the process. There were only a couple communications problems that arose when I asked for a custom paint on the areolas of the doll and they were accidentally painted the wrong color. It was a bit stressful, but in the end CC were very accommodating and fixed the problem. I also received the wrong wig, but it doesn't bother me that much.

Shipping took very long and obviously it was slightly frustrating, but that's not the vendor's fault. Customer service estimated 8 weeks shipping time, but it ended up being 10. My order landed unfortunately right on the Chinese New Year which delayed the order for a couple weeks and combined with the pandemic, it's understandable that things are incredibly slow right now.

Finally, about the doll itself. She arrived yesterday and the first thing I noticed is the weight. She is very, very heavy. The listed weight is 40kg and foolishly I thought that I could handle it. I was wrong. Getting her onto a bed was quite cumbersome, but the real trouble came in storing her in the closet and lifting her high enough to hook onto the clothing rod. Apart from that... Wow. I couldn't have expected a sex doll to be so realistic. I knew going in that WM Doll is one of the best brands (YL Doll being a curvier sub-brand), but it's hard to describe how realistic it feels to get down with a doll like that. Even with the replaceable vagina it felt like the real thing. Couldn't be happier with the experience itself.

I'll post some pictures once I figure out how to do that. :D
