
Ami's First year (Review)

WM dolls was establish on 2012, we have own production base (located center of Greater Bay Area, Guangdong, China), which is one of the most professional and the biggest factory of realistic sex dolls in the world.
As pioneered TPE used and many famous brands' dolls manufacturer, We have been focusing on customer experience, and continue to work hard to develop new functions for dolls.
We have many patents and independently developed exclusive functions, Such as Breathing feature, Ball Joints Hand Skeleton, Real Oral Sex(ROS) Head, etc.
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Ami's First year (Review)

Post by Tyr »

Ami's First year,
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The reality of owning a Doll.
(This is My account of My doll and I have tried to be as factual and honest as possible. If I present a point of view, for the purpose of this review, it is mine and mine alone. I have no experience of other WM dolls and the experiences that I have had with Ami are in no way meant to be implied that they apply to all WM dolls. You need to make your own call about that based on your own experiences.)

Ami and I have been together for almost a year now I am posting this a little early as I may be out of the country for a few weeks. Ami's birthday is the 17th May.
When she arrived, I was shocked at how heavy she was and along with the softness of her body, I was instantly transported into a nightmare of, 'How do I move her without breaking her?' Needless to say the first few days were awkward. I used (and still use occasionally), an old office chair with arms, to move her around. Although I don't find this an ideal solution. The wheels catch on carpet strips and direct the chair towards walls! Nowadays I prefer to carry her. One of the first things you learn is to recce the destination and route before carrying her about. Trip hazards are everywhere!
Bath days are even worse, carrying and manoevering a wet 70Lb doll Is fraught with danger. I have a glass shower divider which has to be moved out of the way which makes placing Ami in the bath a lot harder. Getting her out when she's wet is even worse. I'm a strong guy but even so extreme care is required. I'm 57 and live alone so I'm very careful, I don't need any unfortunate accidents.
(Update 1:) I don't wash her in the bath anymore, I wash her on the bed with warm water and soap in a bowl. Let her dry, then baby oil and corn starch with a light dusting of talcum powder to finish, just for a bit of perfume).
(update 2:) As of 28th Apr 17, 'I used baby oil and a credit card scraper instead of soapy water and just kept at it. She was pretty grubby but it was pretty much all accumulated powder. I used at least half a bottle of baby oil. but she was spotless after. I have never liked using powder because of the slimy, gummy residue that soapy water cannot remove, at least in my experience. I'm not too keen on putting Ami in the bath either, sooner or later there is going to be a mishap, I just know it. Well yesterday was fine, no risk, easy, I cleaned her on her towels on the bed. IMHO, based on yesterday, baby oil and a card is by far the best way to carefully clean a TPE doll. Really pleased with the result, this is the first time I have been satisfied with a cleaning session, I feel that it has actually worked. I don't think I'll be using soap and water any more'.

During the course of the year I've noticed several things:

First the Bad...

1. I developed an itchy rash on both my arms and chest. Thankfully this cleared up without too much drama, some stearoid cream helped speed this up.
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I'm pretty sure that the rash was caused by volatiles evaporating from the TPE as she was still brand new.(Sometimes wigs can cause this). I was pretty upset at the time as I didn't know if this would be permanant and I wanted Ami to share my bed. But for the meantime I left her in her stowage box, open to air, This took about a month. Sometimes she spent the night with me but not often.

2. Her vagina started to disintergrate. She lost an enormous amount of material from inside, don't ask me how, but she had to be rebuilt over the course of a month or so. Now, Ami is a built in and strictly speaking a virgin as I always use a female condom when loving her. So why/how did she fall apart? No Idea. Anyway, I took a crash course in doll repair and ended up buying a considerable amount of kit for this project. Glue(solvent), Stain remover, A huge chunk of sample TPE, (In my opinion these 3 items should ALWAYS be supplied FREE with a TPE doll no questions asked), new soldering iron and a whole lot of other stuff. Check out this and this thread if you're interested. I have found from my experiences so far that the only method of reliably repairing the TPE is using a soldering iron. Unfortunately this is pretty unforgiving If you make a mistake. But no more so than the glue. Personally, I seem better with the iron. I would also say that a ready supply of fresh TPE is essential for soldering repairs. In hindsight I should have sent her back, but hey.
I still have to repair her downstairs from time to time although the replacement TPE I put in is a LOT more robust than the original TPE. In the light of recent events and reviews, I have plans to purchase Indigo20's repair kit and rebuild her properly.

3. Hands! The design of the hands leaves a lot to be desired, I am a mechanical engineer by training and I know junk when I see it. so far she has had 7 seperate finger pokes, 3 fingers and a thumb are broken and I have had to remove this much wire
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Her poor fingers
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from her hands in order that they don't get any worse! The 2 white blobs are a mod that I tried to use to stop finger pokes, but once the wire becomes detatched from the springs it is a lost cause, a significant amount of wire has to be removed The wires are just pushed into springs! At least glue them in. If this is the best that can be done, the hands SHOULD be replaceable, like heads. It would be easier to make and mold without writing off a body if things go wrong. Just saying. Ami used to wear mittens in bed but not anymore. Damage to hands is disguised by mittens. So I'd rather see and feel her hands to be sure. It has been said that the hands are being worked on, that may be so, I have yet to see any significant progress. Where does that leave those of us who have these problems? I would like to see a repair mod for hands (replace).

4. Ami has developed a tear/flaw in the seam in her left armpit.
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It hasn't gotten any worse but I am loath to try to glue it as Ami's body and the TPE glue don't get on at all well. It works ok on my test samples. Just another one of those things I guess. (Maybe another job for the repair kit).The disappointing thing here is that I have never allowed either of her arms to bend above her shoulders, ever! She never lies with her arms out either.
She spends most of he time in the default position except her hands cover her crotch.

The Good...

1. It's nice to have a presence in the house. I'm not sure if a non doll owner would understand this, but I like seeing Ami sitting on the sofa 'watching' TV or 'using' the Lappy. I know it's all imaginary, but it amuses Me and that's what counts, I'm not lonly but I am a loner. I am happy with my life. I was married once, but am happier now. I think my ex wife worked it out before I did :-)

2. I find I'm keeping my house tidier and cleaner.

3. I have lost over 40 Lbs in weight since September. I have done this before but Ami's presence seems to enable me to keep motivated. I am also a lot stronger than I was. I put that down to lugging her all over the house. Ok, I felt that it wasn't fair for a beautiful girl to be stuck with a fat slob, so did something about it, Well, I do have some health issues that needed attention too.

4. I have a sense of calm that I have never had before, just being content to hold her in bed, or on the sofa. We get intimate maybe once a week that's all.

5. I discovered Satin PJs are awesome for dolls. They make it super easy to move them around in bed without damaging their bodies, Ami always wears hers in bed, well actually most of the time, it helps keep dirt off of her. Watch out for the static light show. It can be quite good:-).


As i have said earlier, Ami is a built in. So I don't have to do much to get her ready for loving. We use a Female condom, from which I remove all of the stock lube, inside and out, then use waterbased lube inside. I have found that straight up missionary works best for me and seems to be safer for Ami too. I have tried other positions but just don't get the same enjoyment. I like to be able to look at her too. You can tell that some positions are going to hurt the doll so don't even go there. She is usually wearing stockings, which looks great, but also serve to protect her skin from chafing, unfortunately she has a small patch on both of her thighs before I realised that I was damaging her. clean up is a breeze provided you don't go crazy with the lube. She is invariably dry inside, so i just give her a quick wipe with oil and give her a blast with the air pump. I used to use Isopropyl Alchohol but not for the last 3 months as I have heard that this drys out the TPE.


I am a very private person. I haven't told anybody I know personally, family included, that I have Ami. Maybe I will in time, but at the moment, no.

I have a CrazyFly Kiteboard Bag which I use for the rare occasions when I have to hide her. It's lockable so no one can get at her. It has wheels and plenty of handles so It's easy to move her around incognito if travelling.
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Buy your girl some decent wigs, I like long ones from Forever Young. Ami wears short wigs in bed.

So far, I have not had any trouble with the neck joint, although I did modify her attachment by adding a steel washer and two rubber washers to keep her head from rolling round.
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I never experienced buyers remorse but can understand how it could affect some. I felt a bit of a let down after a few days, maybe it was the rash, but the let down feeling passed quickly. I would urge anybody having second thoughts to wait it out and not do anything hasty.

Ami is a WM158cm D cup Tanned body With a #31 head. She has an enigmatic expression a smile/non smile a bit like the Mona Lisa, so it can be hard to tell what she's thinking. Don't misunderstand, She's utterly beautiful but I may have chosen a different head, one that has a definite smile had I realised how disconcerting her expression can be sometimes. I have a set of Von Rubber's teeth on order so maybe they will help? (Update:) They arrived today and just look amazing. So a big thank you to Von Rubber :-)
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She was not purchased via ebay or any of the more questionable sites and to my knowledge is genuine. I have never spoken to the vendor about the issues I have had (my choice for my own reasons)and therefore see no reason to mention them here (These issues seem to be manufacturing defects that not only I have experienced.) suffice to say I was very happy with the purchase and delivery.

The Crunch...
What it all boils down to, was Ami worth nearly £2000? actually more like £3000 after clothing and accessories including tools...
... and the bed! Yup, I bought a new bed as soon as I knew Ami was going to be a reality! If I had spent the money on escorts, then I would have gotten a couple of all nighters maybe, but that's not really my thing. So in that respect She is worth the money and becomes more cost effective over time. She's always there and never says no.
In terms of build quality, no, She was not, in my opinion, worth the money. The poor design of the hands and the way she fell apart inside, I would have said she was not. Here's why; an item marketed as a sex doll should be easily able to withstand sex without falling apart. End of. Or, if you consider one of these dolls as an artistic prop, poseable hands should last more than a month. I've learned a lot with Ami and although I personally would view a doll as a one off purchase, should I ever be in a position to buy another doll, She would have to be considerably better quality than what I have at the moment.(and a £4000 or £8000 price tag does not necessarily make a doll better) I would probably want to visit the vendor and would expect guarantees concerning build quality. I think that there should be a lot more transparency with the dolls, with a more in depth description of their capabilities or limitations as the case may be.
I am not disappointed with my doll, let's just say that now that I have her, my expectations of any future purchases are considerably higher.
My engineering background has equipped me with a sense of mechanical sympathy and I kind of know instinctively how things work, keeps me from breaking things, mostly. Others may not be quite so fortunate, so DETAILED information (users manual) on care and maintenance of the dolls should always be provided. I got 1 A4 sheet. (OK, it was printed on both sides :-)). There is a lot of trail blazing going on on TDF with good data being published, it would be easy for the manufacturers (or vendors) to pick up this data and bundle it up in a manual. For the purpose of this review I am ignoring the issue of intellectual property, if any. Not my problem.
I understand that manufacturers are, or at least should be, looking at improving their models, not just bigger tits or arses, so I guess we will have to see. £2000 is still a lot of money. If the dolls were TVs, the manufacturers would be getting a lot more shit, believe me. Perhaps the term sex doll should be replaced with a more socially acceptable equivalent which could lead to a more consistent sales and after sales service that is comparable with more mainstream products?

I am thankful that this site exists. I've found it invaluable when I needed help. Thanks to samara78, Dark one, SynthetikReality95 in particular, and plenty of others too, for their help comments and encouragement when Ami was broken and to Indigo20 and friends for that thread with all of the good info concerning TPE care :wink: .

Would I be without her? Not on your life.

I hope someone finds this review of use.


“We’ve always been vulnerable. Every day you go out the house, you’re vulnerable. You’re inches from diving under a bus or somebody hitting you over the head for your money. Nothing is safe. Everybody seems to be obsessed with safety. Well, nothing is safe, okay? Nothing! Make the most of it while you’re safe now. You won’t be tomorrow, maybe.”
The Late, Great, Ian Fraser Kilminster.

My 'e' key is getting sticky, so now and thn words may look a bit odd.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by windave »

This is a comprehensive review with many personal touches and you sum up the feeling of many of us. Many of these dolls are way too fragile fore the money but we wouldn't be without them.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by Byakuya Kuciki »

Really great review. Hope she holds up for many years to come. :D
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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by mark81 »

Thank you very much for this review.

Although it confirmed my concerns. And as engineer I can't look "without tears" at those spaghetti fingers and non-moving clavicle bone and more...
Manufacturer seems to be OK with such situation. Just notice the excitement about any new doll on this forum.

I believe these dolls production cost is less than 1k USD or even 500. With appropriate quality. No magic here - they are just cheap.

So in case you ever be in a position to buy another doll - which brands will be on your list?

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by scooter_ca »

Hey Tyr.
Great review of good and bad aspects of Ami.

The comment you made that really resonates with me is when you said "I have a sense of calm that I have never had before, just being content to hold her in bed, or on the sofa".
This is exactly how I feel. I think this comes as a suprise new doll owners. We spend months agonizing over the technical aspects of the doll purchase only to find one of the best qualities is how good it feels just to sit with her, hug her, or comb her hair.

Daria has had the same experience as Ami when it comes to fingers. Being a wm100 doll, the wires she has lost appear even thinner than your photographs.

Fortunately we have never experienced the same vagina issues. Daria is also built-in. We never use condoms, preferring to go bareback. Also we hook up far more often than once a week. After 18 months there is no damage whatsoever.

Once again, thanks for the in-depth review. Theses posts are invaluable when it comes to learning what full doll ownership is really like.

With beautiful Daria and Giorgi.
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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by mark81 »

scooter_ca wrote:... agonizing over the technical aspects ...
So true. Right in the middle of that.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by Tyr »

Thanks for the replies guys :-)
mark81 wrote:Thank you very much for this review.

Although it confirmed my concerns. And as engineer I can't look "without tears" at those spaghetti fingers and non-moving clavicle bone and more...
Manufacturer seems to be OK with such situation. Just notice the excitement about any new doll on this forum.

I believe these dolls production cost is less than 1k USD or even 500. With appropriate quality. No magic here - they are just cheap.

So in case you ever be in a position to buy another doll - which brands will be on your list?
Hi mark81, Should I be in the market, what brands are on my list? Tough question, For looks I really like 4Woods dolls, I find the Abyss dolls, despite their sophistication, to be a little bit uncanny valley for me, but it really comes down to what manufacturer has the best overall package. Obviously the hands are a big deal with me so anybody that develops properly articulated hands would be in with a shout. I have a few ideas of my own here but have not progressed them past thought experiments. I agree that fixing what is broken is more important than new bodies, but sex sells; and we all know that. :wink: :-) I would definitely want to see one 'in the flesh' before making a decision.

Hi scooter_ca, Glad to hear that you and Daria are OK, it gives me more confidence that Ami's issues are more of a one off. Part of the calmness helps with the acceptance that Ami has flaws. It used to bug the hell out of me. I flew into an orgy of R&D and experimentation to try to get her perfection back. I have realised that I will not achieve this, I may get close, and that will have to do. My efforts to repair her damage may have been beneficial in other ways as I feel a strong bond with her, but, I'm the kind of guy who falls in love with his car and don't even mention my bikes! 8O Her flaws make Ami unique, no other doll will ever be the same. I'm fine with that. :-)


“We’ve always been vulnerable. Every day you go out the house, you’re vulnerable. You’re inches from diving under a bus or somebody hitting you over the head for your money. Nothing is safe. Everybody seems to be obsessed with safety. Well, nothing is safe, okay? Nothing! Make the most of it while you’re safe now. You won’t be tomorrow, maybe.”
The Late, Great, Ian Fraser Kilminster.

My 'e' key is getting sticky, so now and thn words may look a bit odd.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by stones »

Thank you for the detailed review. It is unfortunate that the technology is mostly the same flawed designs since the beginning. Some companies are trying new things but the factories have got to know about these problems but just don't care. It is great that you and so many others are able to be happy with their ladies, it would be nice if they could also be getting better.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by MoviePilot »

For now I didn't run into any finger problems - even after having my doll resting next to me nearly every night... and this since last year :)

Go and have a look for those tiny pocket warmers.


To get them on easier, put each hand into one of those thin plastic bags, the ones you used for your school meal :)
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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by MoviePilot »

Edit: as you already know about the TPE Repair-Kit that post is obsolete.
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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by Tyr »

No problem MoviePilot, this site is getting so big it's easy to miss something.

“We’ve always been vulnerable. Every day you go out the house, you’re vulnerable. You’re inches from diving under a bus or somebody hitting you over the head for your money. Nothing is safe. Everybody seems to be obsessed with safety. Well, nothing is safe, okay? Nothing! Make the most of it while you’re safe now. You won’t be tomorrow, maybe.”
The Late, Great, Ian Fraser Kilminster.

My 'e' key is getting sticky, so now and thn words may look a bit odd.

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by IanB »

Thanks for the review. Could you give some further details as to which CrazyFly Kiteboard Bag that you're using?

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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by unknown02 »

Does anyone know what material this lingerie is made of? And/or where I can buy it?
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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by mikki 333 »


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Re: Ami's First year (Review)

Post by unknown02 »

mikki 333 wrote:Polyester!
Are you sure?

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