
My Review WM 161 G-cup head#15, background + pics

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My Review WM 161 G-cup head#15, background + pics

Post by Zwedoll »

The original thread for posting may be found here: http://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... lit=review

Hi everyone!

I'm pretty new at this forum, so let me start off with a Big Thanks to all contributors who have shared their knowledge here, that information has helped me a lot, almost feels like I'm a veteran already :)
(well not irl yet)
Hope I can also give my "five cents" although I might not have the opportunity to be here so frequently.
Let me tell you what brought me into this and the story of my doll.
(Sorry it's not the short version so I hope you guys sit comfortable hehe..)

Well I've had a few girlfriends during the years but recently I got stucked in a remote area where I have to work long days (alone) and won't be able to meet anyone that easy.
Knew about Realdoll since before so took a look at them and then it popped up other brands which got my attention since they were much more affordable and in my own taste many of them prettier.
I studied the subject for a while and stumbled upon this TDF forum.
That saved me from buying a doll via Amazon, which could have been potentially very risky, although the seller there had good reviews one could never be sure. Also got very suspicious because they were using pics from other vendors.

Anyway, after browsing nearly all available models (in my preferred size) on the market, I decided to go for a WM. Searched and compared in their picture gallery. Unfortunately they don't provide any data about the setup of the dolls there, which head, wig etc, but it was just to mail and ask.
So then I saw Her there, the one I just couldn't get my eyes away from. I let it pass some time but just kept getting back to look at her. I said to myself "Man, if they can make one look like that I'll go for it".
Link: http://wmdolls.com/photos/index.php?/category/144
With my logic part of the brain I thought though "this is probably only looking that good in these professional pictures, or perhaps some Photoshopping has been made. Anyway, if they just can make it 70% of that I would be happy".

So now equipped with that particular "dream" doll's configuration I proceeded to check who could supply me with it. First thought was to buy via WM's website but luckily I found (on TDF) resellers in Europe. With great reviews I mailed my wish to Phil Bass on The-doll-house UK. He was very helpful and told me he could get that model and also due to the exchange rate it was (as a nice side effect) also cheaper then ordering directly from WM, plus no risk of additional importing fees.. oh n' he threw in 3 extra wigs too (by that time I didn't care much about wigs honestly, today I know it's a very nice way for easy changing appearance on your doll).
I had some struggle with PayPal and found out that you gotta register your card in a specific way which wasn't very obvious despite I've been using them before. Maybe because of the quite large amount of money this time.

Ok finally I managed to get thru my order, and now for the first time nervousness kicked in, will they really make the doll as I want it and will the waiting time be four weeks as heard from some etc. etc. Nail-biting days for sure.
Then after exactly 2 weeks I got a mail from Phil that it had passed his "quality assurance" and was ready to send with courier. 5 days later it arrived to my remote location in Scandinavia. Not even three weeks, fantastic!
The delivery guy helped me in with the box.
What troubled me a little when I saw the cardboard box was that it was almost open, just some tiny pieces of tape in the corners prevented the box from open up, probably the customs had checked it. They also had removed the blanket from parts of the doll (breasts, what else) other than that everything seemed okay. I opened up the box completely on one side to manage lifting correct because I knew that the doll would be heavy (37kg).

After carefully unwrapping all protection I took a thoroughly inspection for eventually damages plus taking photos. She was in good condition as far as I could tell and she didn't smell too bad either, some sort of sweet rubbery scent.
One thing struck me really quickly though, she looked perfectly similar to those factory pics.
I was very happy with that, actually I was blown away, Gobsmacked.. What a beauty!! :whistle:
Just as the most beautiful sexy young woman you can imagine, plus extra juicy breasts
..and that was just the body!

Ok after a short journey into the clouds of "sexiness" I had to get back to the practical reality.
The body (without head) went in to the shower, first soaking the feets (standing option) with lots of baby oil to prevent them from sucking up water (have red now that maybe it's better to put plastic bags around them as you do with the neck) then washing whole body down with mild detergent, after drying I greased it completely in baby oil (petroleum oil) and let it stand there for some hours leaning against the wall. When the oil had sucked in I covered the complete body with Vaseline (about 3 tablespoons) from top to toe (incl. cavities, yes hand goes in there) and left her until next day (24hours). Quite nice work but sweaty.. :razz:
When the Vaseline had dried (or sucked in) I applied heaps with cornstarch (almost 2 dl I think) rubbing it in carefully until no stickiness could be found n' finished off with a dust wipe.

If you've done everything correct now the body will look terrific, hard to resist, so therefore I decided to take it for a "test drive" i.e try out all different movements of the skeleton in order to get to know it without the fear of damaging any delicate head.
In the beginning it's enough hard to learn how to handle all other sensitive stuff, like fingers and toes, so when you're comfortable with that, it is in my opinion a good time to put the head on.
Prepared the bolt with a thick layer of plumber tape (had to redo it with paper-tape, still not perfect) and plenty with cornstarch around the neck.
With experience in mechanics this method of attaching the head does not appear to be the ultimate solution, especially as people have to come up with their own ways for making the head stable, silent etc.
Forgot to put the bag around the head but luckily I didn't do any stains or damages there.
Then struggling with the wig, frustrating, plus a lot of combing to get the hair out straight tangle free.
Finished this, I sort of backed away .. WOW!!
Never seen a more beautiful love-doll in my life (well this is my first but..) she was stunning and almost picture-like as I said before (maybe factory setup is with a higher quality wig) Very pleased with how they've made her look!
From now on she will be named Mindy.. (from Mindy Kelly the sweet martial artist)
Gosh it feels like I'm starting to fall in love, haha
..butterflies in my stomach (ok perhaps mostly located in the "wiener"-area) never thought that could be happening by a lump of TPE! ..can easily see why people get emotionally attached to their dolls.

Time for taking photos again, although I'm not a pro I will try to show her for you best possible with a normal compact camera, and hopefully a few informative shoots (will try to create an album later on with more)

Alright so by now I've had Mindy for a while and what can I say.. she has given me heaps of positive vibes, nevertheless think twice about this type of body if you're not fit enough 'cause it's quite a challenge to carry/move around without hurting your back or damaging her. For me though the weight weighs up more than well by the realism when you're with her, it's absolutely awesome, an amazing feeling so close to a real woman you just can't believe she's not sometimes.
Man I tell you that, your physical feelings messes with your mind, your body signal you have a living human being next to you, love hormones shooting around like when you're with a real girlfriend (especially like I said in the "wiener") :mrgreen:
Both exciting and a little scary..
but.. suddenly when the neck/joints make creaking noises that illusion diminish harshly.. hmm why haven't they improved such thing by now!? Also one finger got loose first day after only some tiny adjustments, that shouldn't happen.. not to mention extremely sensitive nails :|
And while I'm at the cons I also think they should provide a manual with detailed instructions on how to move the skeleton, how to maintain TPE etc etc. important stuff. Work out the basics before (as one said in this forum) they release new models! Have seen other manufacturers who's better there. Good thread on care btw: http://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtopi ... 27&t=77364
And concerning the insert I personally would like to have one that extends to the surface for much easier access n' cleaning, even if it would make exterior slightly less perfect looking.
Also as a little side note, dolls with this type of stiff skeleton are difficult to snuggle with IMHO. Like for instance you wanna have her mostly for cuddling under the blanket during nighttime, consider a soft textile doll in that case because these are quite a workout to change positions on.

Well to summarize then. I'm very happy I bought this doll!
Indeed it's an amazing creation, first and mostly for satisfying sensual desires but also for making ones place a little nicer. She brings a bit of that female sexiness/beauty we all men are in such need of. Now I've also started to notice how real woman dress and make them-self up in a larger degree than before.
You've almost become an insider in the world of lady stuff ..cool huh 8)
But, there's a big but(t), you gotta be aware of the fact that this product requires work/time incl. a well prepared place for storage. For every moment you have fun with her you also need to put in a lot of effort to maintaining n' keeping everything in good shape. Reckon 2 hours maintenance per 1 hour fun. Kinda like a relationship. That's a big part of why this forum exists.

One little unexpected thing then, a personal reflection, this doll (while it's great) actually makes me longing for a real girlfriend more, because when you have one part you wanna have the rest. It is as if you've got the tires to a car it makes u wanna have the rest of the car even more than if u didn't have anything. If uno what I mean!
Anyhow, definitely greater fun with this than my old shabby car ..lol

Of course I'm also worried for how many years I can manage to keep this beauty in a decent condition. At a certain time it will probably be best to put her to rest at the recycle station.. or you can go for a much more fun option, let her fly from the 35th floor on a high rise building. Like a crash-test-dummy try out the durability of the skeleton once and for all
..or maybe just a proper funeral at the TPE cemetery.

More can be said, but it's sure time for a "powder-break" by now.. (insider joke?)
I'll be around, and if someone has a question feel free to write me.

Thank God for these incredible dolls! ..and you for reading!
/Zwedoll and Mindy

Ps: register in the matrix later on.
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Curlers works great for airing cavities
Curlers works great for airing cavities
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Re: My Review WM 161 G-cup head#15, background + pics

Post by Zwedoll »

Elle wrote:Great review :thumbs_up: and welcome to the beautiful Mindy :D

Thanks a lot!
It was nice to see she could fill up that gap in the Matrix :)

Haven't created an album yet but I will eventually, reckon one shouldn't post too many pics in a single thread..
anyway just a few more won't do any harm I hope.

These were shot yesterday. Was happy I found some white underwear that doesn't stain, just to end up staining her with the wallpaper instead..
rookie mistake ..haha :oops:
btw. hard to put a smile on her face, will work on that until next time

Starts off very innocent..
Starts off very innocent..
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my teacher from school, what she's doin' here??
my teacher from school, what she's doin' here??
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..turn around baby
..turn around baby
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but after this..
but after this..
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..things got quickly out of hand!
..things got quickly out of hand!
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UPDATE 2017: My Review WM 161 G-cup head#15, background + pi

Post by Zwedoll »

Hi again, hope you all had a nice, or at least not to explosive, Christmas and a happy New Year! :x-mas:
Now that we're entering -17 I felt it was time for an update in my little thread.
At first though, thanks afresh for all encouraging response from you guys here, it's a delight to read!
Unfortunately I haven't had much time lately for this forum, or for being with Mindy, because this December was pretty hectic. But at least I managed to buy a gift for her plus taking a few shots so I'm quite happy despite that.
Alright what can I say so far then, it's been an exciting experience to have had a doll like this and it sure has teached me a few lessons.

So why not start off with those rookie learnings I've gathered up till now. (Newbies listen carefully to what daddy got to say) :wink:
Worst mistake occurred the time when I had placed Mindy on my toilet to be able to rinse her with the shower head, which is a relatively practical method when u just wanna clean the "muff", but I had her sitting there a little to long plus I moved her legs together before lifting her up. So by the friction from the seat she got one 2cm tear plus two compression damages below the butt on each leg. Also the "flesh" got loose from the skeleton on one leg by that. The looseness is not visible other than when you slap the thigh it jiggles like a jelly pudding.. grrreat :roll:
Nowadays I'm doing most of the cleaning where she lies on the bed, with a soft sponge, soap water and a towel. And then some baby oil or Vaseline so the TPE won't dry out.

Mentioning of baby oil, that is the thing for the insert. No more powder there. Just grease it with oil every time you put it in and it goes smoothly plus you don't have to worry much about moisture/mold in the cavity. Afterwards the cavity mostly needs a minor cleaning in the entrance (if you've been using water based lubricant inside the insert) except that there should only be oil left so the bacterias/mold have no food. The TPE will also last a lot longer. When you're done cleaning, place a small hollow object in the entrance (like a curler) for ventilation until it's completely dry.

And then we're coming to the one damage that so far is the most annoying, which I consider myself not guilty of, broken hands.
Both of Mindy's hands are now flapping around, loose in the middle where the fingers are attached to the wrist plate. I've been very careful with those delicate hands, just some tiny adjustments, not putting any pressure on them, not hitting a wall or anything. So this is clearly in my opinion due to a very poor/weak construction of the skeleton. Can't see any other reason. Even the nails are still attached and undamaged, that's how careful I've been.
Before this there were a few fingers loose so I mailed Phil (the-doll-house) and he told me it should be possible to push back the fingers into position again but I never succeeded doing that. And I have a hard time to see that it's even possible because when you squeeze the "bones" inside there's just nothing there to attach them to,(correct me if I'm wrong) what you feel is a tiny, thin plate which I assume they have soldered the fingers on.
Well let's pretend you actually could to press them back into place, how ridiculous construction wouldn't that be!? Who would want to have detachable finger-wires inside a non detachable hand?

So then you probably understand why it's not that fun making poses with her anymore when the hands looks like two pair of boneless chops (and you can't even eat them) :cry:
Have anyone here had this problem and know if it's possible to fix? I would be more than glad to hear from you.
Maybe if you're skilled enough I guess you could cut a hole in the hand and in some way connect the parts again. Planning on sending a mail to WM because I can find nothing about it here on TDF, or perhaps I haven't searched properly..
Related to this, I read a suggestion from a member (in a general thread about hands) that an idea would be to make removable hands, easy to replace and protect, yeah!

Speaking of improvements, as I said in my main review I really think the Next step for these manufacturers should be to improve skeleton quality on their dolls Before they do anything else. I mean the exterior are already quite satisfying IMHO.
All us who have dolls also need to get the word out about it and put pressure on them. That's how it works with most other products on the market.
Just because it's a sex-toy and therefore a little sensitive you shouldn't put up with faulty constructions, faults that's actually pretty easy to fix and shouldn't add much extra cost either.
And I also believe most people are willing to pay more to get some kind of quality assurance, or am I completely wrong out here?
They put a lot of efforts making the dolls look fantastic on the outside but it doesn't really match up with the inside.. sounds like a description of something else walking around in high heels, hmm what can that be!? :whistle:
I've also been trying to get rid of (or reduce) the creaking noise from the neck by pumping down Vaseline in that area with a (long needle) syringe. Maybe a little better so it's up for one more shot. Quite nervous operation because I don't want the neck getting loose n' flap around like the hands.. or she will end up like one of those zombies you see on tv.. yeeek

Oh and regarding those underwear I bought for her, I tell you it was quite a challange to find the right size because as uno, she's a 65 G-cup which is at the extreme end of the available sizes for real woman. So had to go up one size in the bra-scale, 70 F instead (tighter). Stores also had this after-Christmas sale, a good opportunity. The set u see in the pics costed 15 euro which is good considering the quality and to my surprise it didn't stain either even though she worn it several hours. (Ok next time I'll probably buy online now that I know what fits.)
Dunno if it's visible on the picture but the bra got "stained" with cornstarch instead, hard to remove..
Nevertheless I think she looks like a real girlfriend material in those underwear (even though it's not porn-style) right?
But as long as those hands are broken there won't be any ring on the finger, that's for sure, I'm gonna stay single and wait for a better quality chick! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Ok that's it for now
Happy continuation of the New Year!

btw: haven't figured out how to create an album yet so I just post a few pics below this time too.
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Surprise! Happy X-mess Mindy!
Surprise! Happy X-mess Mindy!
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"Ohh, exactly what I wanted, how did u know my size!?" (Santa told me.. wait, that bastard!)
"Ohh, exactly what I wanted, how did u know my size!?" (Santa told me.. wait, that bastard!)
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..just need to undress first, please look away..
..just need to undress first, please look away..
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I said don't look.. thihi
I said don't look.. thihi
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"is it ok I wear this on the dinner tomorrow?" ..Yeah why not, I'm gonna eat u anyway darling
"is it ok I wear this on the dinner tomorrow?" ..Yeah why not, I'm gonna eat u anyway darling
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..nice with some powder afterwards
..nice with some powder afterwards
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Re: My Review WM 161 G-cup head#15, background + pics

Post by Zwedoll »

Oh almost forgot, one more pic from the Christmas party next evening, just shot with my phone camera.. Mindy has stolen my Santa hat and have put on some matching lipstick, one can wonder how that's gonna end :P
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