
Anyone here date their dolls?

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Hollywu »

Rari and I enjoy watching movies together. Last night we snuggled up and watched one with our 2 synthetic infants. Just like a real family. I do celebrate holidays and birthdays with them. It makes me really happy and is fun. She sometimes will go out - in her wheelchair - to other parts of the house and sit with me to make models or on the patio to just relax. I find her to be the best partner ever. She's a great listener and has a wonderful sense of humor.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Azuwish »

Dates? Yup! - well, kind of... I do a 'virtual date' at least once a week with one of my girls... it's amazing what you can do with some decorations and the right video or music. We had a Caribbean getaway on the beach complete with tropical drinks and fruit in my rooms on the weekend that we had a couple blizzards back to back in the 'real world' for example.... the pic below is 'sea kayaking' during that weekend (in between marathon shoveling sessions in the alternate universe :wink: )
n31.jpg (88.59 KiB) Viewed 2764 times
We've gone to plays and concerts that I've been interested in and even gone for a 'drive' around NYC (it's amazing what you can find just on youtube...) it keeps me entertained and the girls like it because we often have to shop for new outfits for the evening, so anywhooo...
Stewie studmuffin wrote: Then again, maybe I'm just a damn nut! :oops:
I'm pretty sure I'm a damn nut too :whistle:

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by TonyR71 »

Next time try making spaghetti with mineral oil. Your doll will love it!
hee hee.
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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

The great thing about holding and caressing a doll is that said doll will never complain. Or at least I HOPE not! 8O
But real people will. I remember this chick that I was involved with years ago that almost bit my head off when I was caressing her arm. She was like, "I wish you would quit doing that! It feels like an insect crawling on me!"
Well that shit hurt my feelings so bad that I didn't touch her anymore for the rest of the movie. But then she had the nerve to ask me why I wasn't touching her anymore! 8O I mean, DAMN! :?
At least I get the feeling from my doll that she is enjoying the affection! With the added benefit of no hurt feelings on my part! :wink:
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by SynthetikReality95 »

Yeah, dolls are great because not only are they beautiful, but they've also got better personalities than the average chick

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by jayjayecks »

SynthetikReality95 wrote:Yeah, dolls are great because not only are they beautiful, but they've also got better personalities than the average chick
Ain't that the truth? And far more pleasant, too.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

jayjayecks wrote:
SynthetikReality95 wrote:Yeah, dolls are great because not only are they beautiful, but they've also got better personalities than the average chick
Ain't that the truth? And far more pleasant, too.
And they're not checking their Facebook or Twitter every five seconds and then asking you what happened during the movie. :roll:
Although I don't date real chicks anymore; I refuse to compete with their damn phones.
I will call it a night so that she can spend some quality time with her phone. I'm so considerate! :angel:
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

I just wanted to add a public service announcement for anyone who watches movies with their doll. If you enjoy popcorn with the movie (and like it buttered like I do) be careful not to get your doll greasy. This could affect ANY doll, but may be especially hazardous with a Teddy Babe.
Not to mention that Teddy Babes have also been known to eat all of your popcorn! :razz:
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by SynthetikReality95 »

Stewie studmuffin wrote:And they're not checking their Facebook or Twitter every five seconds and then asking you what happened during the movie.
Although I don't date real chicks anymore; I refuse to compete with their damn phones.
I will call it a night so that she can spend some quality time with her phone. I'm so considerate!
Dude, call me old fashioned, but that's one thing i just cannot fucking stand about my generation. Always glued to that damn phone. How are you even experiencing life if you miss everything going on around you?

It's like, any time you date a girl, or even hang out with any of your irl friends, they've gotta bring 1000 people with them, digitally. I mean, am I that fucking boring that you can't just talk to me? Whatever, I don't need real friends, and I especially don't need a girlfriend. I've got cold beer, dolls that love me, and friends in cyberspace :mrgreen:

rant, over.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Ur_ginger_girl »

SynthetikReality95 wrote:
Stewie studmuffin wrote:And they're not checking their Facebook or Twitter every five seconds and then asking you what happened during the movie.
Although I don't date real chicks anymore; I refuse to compete with their damn phones.
I will call it a night so that she can spend some quality time with her phone. I'm so considerate!
Dude, call me old fashioned, but that's one thing i just cannot fucking stand about my generation. Always glued to that damn phone. How are you even experiencing life if you miss everything going on around you?

It's like, any time you date a girl, or even hang out with any of your irl friends, they've gotta bring 1000 people with them, digitally. I mean, am I that fucking boring that you can't just talk to me? Whatever, I don't need real friends, and I especially don't need a girlfriend. I've got cold beer, dolls that love me, and friends in cyberspace :mrgreen:

rant, over.
Sorry I'm just now responding to anyone, but I've been away from the computer. I agree with this. No one wants conversation or real friendships anymore. They want this shallow social media crap. I have a lot of problems with my generation. They don't want friendships, they don't want real relationships and no one cares to learn anything new anymore. They just want to be herded like damned sheep. It's sad.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by JackieTreehorn »

Stewie studmuffin wrote:I just wanted to add a public service announcement for anyone who watches movies with their doll. If you enjoy popcorn with the movie (and like it buttered like I do) be careful not to get your doll greasy. This could affect ANY doll, but may be especially hazardous with a Teddy Babe.
Not to mention that Teddy Babes have also been known to eat all of your popcorn! :razz:

My popcorn consumption is down like 95%. I used to eat it all the time, but now I don't want to get Audrey all buttery and if I'm watching a movie she's pretty much always in my lap or otherwise smushed up against me. If I eat popcorn I'd have to keep my hands off of her, and if I was touching her I'd have to keep my hands out of the popcorn bowl. Both are fuckin' near impossible, so I just don't even make it anymore. Maybe one of the rare downsides to having a doll. I used to always have some kind of movie snack, but when you eliminate what's buttery and greasy, and what's orange and cheesy... well that was pretty much all of my movie snack staples. I guess it could be a positive if you're trying to lose weight, but I kinda miss my popcorn and cheesy poofs. I guess you can't have everything...

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by LovesBlackWomen »

Isn't that the whole purpose of a doll?

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by irishgirl »

Of course we do. We have dates in the house and outside the house. Movie night. Dinner and shenanigans :haha4: :popcorn: :popcorn:
D'arcy WM head #36..
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and a few miniature's..
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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Tim1111 »

As you can see from the responses, many here have relationships with their dolls. Lisa is the perfect companion. She's always up for what I want to do, when I want to do it; she never complains about anything; there are no conditions with her love; she always allows me to vent about anything and just quietly listens - without trying to dictate solutions; she's 100% devoted and monogamous; and quite honestly, I enjoy every moment I spend with her.... even when we're just sitting back watching a movie.

She's not conceited. She's doesn't have any psychological issues. She doesn't punish me for the transgressions of former boyfriends/husbands/men in general. I don't have to spend a small fortune on her every weeks taking her out to restaurants and/or travelling - which actually leaves me more money to spend on giving her nice things like clothing, etcetera.

You reach my age, and younger women are no longer interested; and the majority of decent women my age are already settled down.... leaving the majority of single women my age being the ones who have serious issues.... and quite honestly, I'd just as soon not re-enter the dating pool again. I've had more than my fill for a lifetime.

And I definitely don't need to worry about contracting any venereal diseases from Lisa..... she's the perfect fit into my life, and the balance I've been looking for. She accepts me 100% for the man I am; and I am perfectly content with having her next to me.

Would it be nice if I could take her to Europe and walk through the old cities hand-in-hand? Of course it would.... but I've stopped holding my breath for finding that person. Every time I found that woman, she dumped me to marry someone else.... and the other relationships I've had after turning 40 have been utter train wrecks. I seriously thought those types of women only existed in Hollywood thrillers... until I ended up dating them! It's more than enough to just throw the towel into the ring, and realize that I have a perfectly wonderful relationship with Lisa..... and because I got to essentially design her - she's completely attractive to me! Bonus!

And we both love the exact same movies and the same exact music ~ how sweet is that! (Not to mention I don't ever have to worry whether she's going to take care of herself, or just let herself go). She's as committed to me as I am to her. Like I said, she's the perfect companion.

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Re: Anyone here date their dolls?

Post by Stewie studmuffin »

Excellent post Tim! :thumbs_up: This has been my experience as well. So your post has saved me a lot of typing! :D
If a guy is still single when he hits 40, he is likely to remain single. I have certainly noticed that in my 40s women no longer find me attractive. :(
Assuming that they EVER did. I used to question whether women were truly interested in me or just being friendly. Well in recent years, they aren't even pretending to be friendly. :(
But another problem with a guy being single in his 40s is there are no single women available. If single women even exist, they are likely to be in their early 20s which would mean that I could be older than their dad! 8O Of course that would be fine with ME! :whistle: But even if a chick has serious "daddy issues" she isn't going to be attracted to a fat balding guy with a small, almost non-existent penis. :( But even is she would be, then I would have to worry about her dad trying to blow bullets up my ass! :2gunfire:
So in that case dolls would appear to be a safer dating option! :wink: Not to mention that they would be less drama in general. Dolls don't intentionally try to start fights and they will just let you enjoy each other's company without a bunch of questions about "Where the relationship is going?" :drinking:
Not to mention that I can love on and caress a doll without her saying that my displays of affection feel like an insect crawling on her or aliens probing her body! 0X
No matter how pretty she is, there is a guy out there somewhere who is tired of her shit!

Girlfriends are for guys who haven't found the right doll yet.

I feel much better now that I've given up hope.

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