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My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:15 am
by OlmanOz
I'm very upset..! Since my teddy bear found out I ordered my first TPE doll, he has stopped talking to me....
look at his face.. he looks sad and worried...look at his ear turned down. he might be depressed??
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My guess is that once she arrives in a few weeks he might change his attitude and want to cuddle her himself...! so hopefully he will "perk up".
Does any one else have issues with their pets and teddies etc getting jealous??
lets hear your stories and see your pictures??


Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:39 pm
by Begog
He is totally fucked when that TPE whore arrives. He might as well self-terminate.

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:44 pm
by chudking77
I have a year old Aussie/Lab mix and I am hoping he will accept our new roommate! Huey sleeps in my bed most of the time so Anya and I will have our own bedroom as to avoid dog hair and him wanting to use her as a chew toy! After 6 months, he still hasn't taken to my outdoor, mouse-catching cat and I assume Anya might receive the same treatment! We'll see....

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:02 pm
by Stewie studmuffin
Hey OlmanOz, he looks just like me after a few hours of online dating! :D But I think he will perk up after meeting your new lady. They may even run away together! 8O

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:24 pm
by Karrot
IMG_7363.JPG (103.66 KiB) Viewed 13645 times
IMG_7383.JPG (104.08 KiB) Viewed 13645 times
Doll love teddies and teddies love dolls (or in my girls case, Apes)


Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:25 pm
by Anglian
Hi Olmanoz.

Big Ted was recently introduced to my Sarah - a DS 158 and seems to have taken it ok see this link....... ... 3&start=90


Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:59 pm
by Stewie studmuffin
I may soon be in a similar situation with my TPE doll as I was thinking about getting a Teddy Babe. Hopefully they will get along. Hopefully my TPE lady won't be looking at me like, "Hell no! You ain't bringing that plushy beotch into my house!" While the Teddy Babe will be like, "You better tell that TPE slut to check herself before I knock her ass back to the trailer park!" Since they are so different, maybe they won't be directly competing with each other. But then again, they may end up liking each other TOO much! 8O They may get drunk and decide to explore their sexuality and decide that they like each other more than ME! 8O So poor Stewie will end up sitting there fapping all by his lonesome while the girls are doing their own thing. :( Only time will tell. :whistle:

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:56 am
by OlmanOz
Wow, a few mixed comments there... Thanks for your contributions.

I don't think teddy will need to self terminate Mr Begog. We had a sit down one on one. He told me that life would never get bad enough to want to "self terminate", there is always sun shine around the corner, so he is keeping a positive attitude. He understands my needs and recognizes he a bit small to cuddle me all night without being squashed..... I promised him he can snuggle with her whenever he wants and I wont ignore him... so we are cool now.

thanks for your story Chudking77, Id be worried about Anya being chewed and tooth puncture marks too if i was you. Anya, that's a nice German name is it not?.

Hi Stewie, sounds like online dating is rough?? I have not done that for years so I cant help you on that one. maybe try rubbing a tub of Vaseline or baby oil on yourself as well as your doll might help...??? :lol: Ill be sure to lock the doors so ted cant run away with my new lady for the first few days, just incase, but I'm sure she will be very happy in her new home.She will be treated very well.!
As far as your new lady causing a commotion in the house i don't think that will last. Once all three of you cuddle up together and realize how good it feels to snuggle you wont be left on your own in the corner fappin...!

Hello Karrot....OMGyour lady is cute. thanks. I love that pic IMG_7383.JPG you posted.. Fantastic. you really captured them well. Hope they don't get up to to much "monkey business" when your not around. Man she is cute....what type of doll is she??

G-day Anglian, that's a sweet lady you got too..... I'm getting really jealous right now reading this post , but it wont be long before my first lady arrives. Ted looks like he is very comfy siting up on her chest nestled between her Boobies. I bet he never wants to move. If I'm not mistaken he looks like he has been a valued member of your family for quite some time??

Cheers OlmanOz

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:29 am
by Anung Un Rama
Begog wrote:He is totally fucked when that TPE whore arrives. He might as well self-terminate.
ROFL @ BEGOG :lol: :lol: :lol: ...gee you can be a bit of a dick head sometimes 8O .... but in a funny way for those that know you..... :wink:

What he does not divolge that his own teddy bear was first devoured by Kwench..she is ravenous ...but has since replaced said bear with his 155 cm WM Vema, Mileena and cover for the Kwench keeps him in the latex gimp suit when not required for servicing.... :lol:

...and then he has the mini bitches do not worry bloke...your bear will come around....heck...even HRH Lilith still snuggles the body pillow when I am out and about so there is more than ample room for the snuggly cuddly ones 8)

..and I am a fan of the head #61 African american..especially with the green eyes...hard to find outside of RLSDs as well...good choice...recomend getting some spectacles too to give her tha t@ UNI look!

Cheers Team Anung :D

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 5:42 am
by Lilith Un Rama
Anung Un Rama wrote:
Begog wrote:He is totally fucked when that TPE whore arrives. He might as well self-terminate.
....heck...even HRH Lilith still snuggles the body pillow when I
This is a thing..snuggles are important :wink:

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:51 am
by LoneRanger
Get rid of that fluff ball and get her a real Pet! Dragons are more lovable AND you can ride them.

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:15 pm
by OlmanOz
Sure I'd love to get myself a dragon and fly around. It would sure beat the hell out of driving to work or flying on a commercial airline. If someone parked in your spot you could just breathe on their car and Burn it Up....! And youd always be invited to barbecues... 0X

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:14 pm
by LoneRanger
OlmanOz wrote:Sure I'd love to get myself dragon and fly around. It would sure beat the hell out of driving to work or flying on a commercial airline. If someone parked in your spot you could just breathe on their car and Burn it Up....! And youd always be invited to barbecues... 0X
Only problem is they drink to much and sex and eating ( sometimes at the same time 8O ) are all they care about!

Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:26 pm
by Begog
She Devil Lilith wrote:
Anung Un Rama wrote:
Begog wrote:He is totally fucked when that TPE whore arrives. He might as well self-terminate.
....heck...even HRH Lilith still snuggles the body pillow when I
This is a thing..snuggles are important :wink:
Snuggles.... Yeah, right. That TPE whore can out-snuggle Mr. Teddy too - by a mile. I still say that poor bear is going to be kicked to the back burner and forgot about like last week's spam. At least with a doll like Kwench around, termination is quick (pronounced merciful).
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Re: My teddy bear wont talk to me...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:12 pm
by OlmanOz
Now you have got him all worried about Kwench and vampire women with big teeth bursting through the door. :evilbat: So he has prepared himself. Told me he melted down the fancy teaspoons as well to make some silver tipped bullets for his rifle.
Go teddy. Takes after his ol man. ..!
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