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Pleasantly Surprised: A review of Bron, the 4.98kg Cow Girl Torso

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 9:56 am
by ACordovianWolf
Picked her up using the buy 2 get 1. As she was my 'free' pick I didn't initially expect all that much, so glad I was incorrect. She gets 4/5 stars overall:
-Decent weight, doesn't get pushed around easily but her 10 lbs. is light enough to move around for cleaning, storing, etc.

 -If you have a leaning toward Paizuri or anything of the Bovine sort, this is a good option.

-I found both passages to be adequate with the vaginal canal being the better of the two, i'm a little over 6" (15cm) for reference.

-Now for my favorite, she is a super bouncy girl! Almost every position I put her in (out of 4) required very little movement from myself. After the first bounce or two she took off!

Cons: some of these are just a personal preference.
 -The tail is super cute and the detail is nice, I just wish it were more defined

-The udders need to be a little more independent of each other & the legs. I know thats hard to pull of without compromising stability, but where they attach to the inside of the thighs could be separated out further, even if its just another few centimeters. 

-She is a super floppy girl! Particularly at the waist, which is what you would expect with no skeleton, however, changing positions and moving around to be cleaned can sometimes be awkward. I think a little more material in that area would make it less prone to becoming a tear point and offer more surface area to handle. 
All-in-all Bron and I have had a fun, enjoyable time despite my lack of expectations or kinks in the areas she excels in. I feel that some of the issues I personally had might be solved by Paula, Bron's more 'well-endowed' sister.

 Even so, when it came to the choice between the two (same price at the time of the sale) I chose Bron. Her udders looked cuter for some reason, couldn't really tell you why...

If I could offer a more general suggestion to MRL it would be to produce a variety of other color choices for toys such as these. 

Pleasantly surprised that she ended up being my favorite out of the 3 that I received from this deal (Possible reviews on them coming soon.) 

Re: Pleasantly Surprised: A review of Bron, the 4.98kg Cow Girl Torso

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:00 pm
Great review! Thank you so much~