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Jinsan Samples

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:53 am
by homersexual
I am curious about the JinSan TPE samples available on the store. I'm wondering about the size and composition of them. I am also wondering if anyone knows where spare inserts are sold that are more than just the light color. I really tried searching and found nothing, so I appreciate any helpful answers offered here.

Re: Jinsan Samples

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:53 pm
by homersexual
So I answered my own question. The samples shown are exactly how they arrived and I placed them next to a couple of common household items and TPE 'glue' bottles for scale. This was what I got, YMMV.

By the way the TPE color is tan, and the insert is fair.
Aside: It's a good size for squeezing between fingers and getting a sense of TPE feel. I'm looking forward to putting these to use in repairs and whatnot. :mrgreen: