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Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:47 am
by timetraveler1
I went to post just a minute ago and got a red highlight at the top of the page saying .

Your IP **.8.148.**5 has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see <removed link having the IP address in it>

what is this all about???? i resubmitted my post and it went through . i have never ever seen this before any where .
the ip number showing above i put astra signs on part of it for security reasons .

it did it again when i tried to post this .


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:04 pm
by Tsall
We have some spam prevention in place and like every automated thing it might block the wrong people.
In this case you where blocked because the IP your provider assigned to you is on the CSS blacklist from Spamhaus. The IP will get removed automatic after a few days.
Your second post went through because your IP address changed and the new IP is not on the blacklist.

If you have such a problem again and if it persist it might help to restart your router. Often a new IP is assigned then.

Please let me add some advice on how to report a problem.
1.) Post it in the Report Bugs forum, it's meant for such things.
2.) In case of personal information like your email or IP it is even better to not post in the forum and send a pm to "Forum Administrators" instead.


Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:55 pm
by narasinha
Turn your router off/on. Good chance that you will be assigned a new IP address by your ISP that won't be blacklisted.