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Breathing option on torsos.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:33 am
by TBtester
Noticed this was an option on Lovedolls' site and not some others.
Is the 500-600 bucks extra worth it and how does it work with torsos?

I know this may be a new enough option to not have many purchased dolls yet but wanted to ask as I was interested in buying one soon.

Re: Breathing option on torsos.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:47 am
by seagull
For the price it would need to be very robust
There have been vendors promoting breathing sounds as an option
Then there are the mechanically actuated ones, a few more things to go wrong if it can't handle 120kg of human collapsing on it.
As you point out this is a fairly new option and some of the more experienced members will suggest if manufacturers can't make reliable fingers then this might not be such a good idea

For anyone with a bent for repairing things, this is gold :)