
how do you guys pay for your dolls?

Realistic silicone love dolls by Matt McMullen. RealDoll is the oldest and most well known love doll to which all others compare. Includes Boytoys.

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how do you guys pay for your dolls?

Post by jamal »

im finna sell some pokemon cards and stuff. 6000 dollars is a lot of money :cry: i just want sex 8O

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Post by Inkling »

Folks who make twice the money I make are free to disagree with me, however - if you only want sex, there are less expensive routes to go than RealDoll.

However, to answer the question, I had a better job and there was over-time. For others:
Do not cut out, but cut back. In other words, you do not necessarily have to give up anything, but cut back on things.

Step One: Most folks fail in step one. Step one is write down every single penny you spend for one month. If you do not know where your money is going, then you cannot set priorities that reflect your real, chosen values.

Here are some ideas where other folks I have encountered could cut back:
Some folks spend money in vending machines at work. You get more and for less money at the supermarket. Buy ground coffee in a can and a good steal thermos. After the first month, you save at least 20 dollars a month.
2 Liters of soda at supermarket costs about the same (USA) as one soda a day for only two days at work. You get more soda for less money by buying at supermarket. This saves about 12 dollars a month. Now you have 32/month. Sometimes someone might have to stay late for work. So they have food delivered or they buy from a machine. Instead, get a microwave-proof container, spend 2 dollars on instant oatmeal or a can of Progresso soup (less expensive, less salt, and good soup) and keep this/these at work. As far as any of the other junk goes, you do not need it and can do without it. Okay, so if you are going to buy that crap anyway, I have two words: Lil' Debbie. That means cheap snacks with more sugar and less money at the supermarket or convenience store and you get a whole box of the week. Price of Lil' Debbie box: 1.29. Price per day at vending machine: 0.75 or 3.75/week. Savings per month: just under 10 dollars a month.

Do not get movie channels (for TV). Rent movies at local library, if this option is available. Where I live they only charge one dollar for one movie and you get to keep the movie for one week.
Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day? Smoke 15 instead of 20/day.

Believe it or not, most folks spend about 100 dollars a month without realizing it until they write down every penny.

All these ideas will only give you 50 to 150 a month, or about 1000 that year. Okay, so now you have to get a part-time job 24 hours a week for 3 to 6 months, depending on how much money per hour that might come to. I would rather work me arse off four months than to pay for it for two years by going in debt. You spend more money in the long-run if you go in debt. Also, later on, you might want to buy more things for you doll - but you might not be able to do that if you went into debt to buy the doll in the first place.

Oh! I forgot. I changed my phone service. I cut out both regional and long-distance. I've got Unlimited Local dialing and buy a phone card every six months. I used to pay about 20 dollars a month. Now I only pay 10 dollars a year. Plus, when I called long distance, it would cost 0.25 cents a minute. I probably save 200 a year. The phone card you want is: RNK Telecom. I knew a manager at a convenience store for years and asked for a recomendation. This was what he recomended. I don't know if it's in your area. First look and make sure they have a local access number (for you) printed on the card. 5 dollars for 6 months or 1000 hours (whichever comes first). I never use all the hours. That's 10 dollars a year for both regional and long-distance.

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Post by Dollcaretaker »

After I saw a RealDoll on TV for the first time, it was my dream to have one!
For almost seven years I saved every cent I got in my fingers and lived just from cornflakes and orange juice...
But I still just had the half of the needed amount! :(
So I had to do... uhm...uhh... something... I don't want to talk about... :oops:

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Post by quatlox »



Are you at least 18 years of age?

If not, Please leave this site ASAP and do not return. This site is not for KIDS or CHILDREN.

I don't know of many adults that collect "pokemon cards", but I do know of a lot of under 12 year old kids that do.

Remember folks this is a free site and easy prey for children who have nothing better to do than to look at adult dolls and collect "pokemon cards".

If this person is an adult, he would know that it takes good old hard work to earn money to buy items, not some kid selling his pokemon card collection when that is all he has.

I hope I stand to be corrected.


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Post by Doge »

Quatlox, I'm with you. Kid, troll, or both. Although . . . .

Inkling, your reply could well be used as reference for someone legit.

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Post by Keithallen »

Yes, Doge,
Inkling is correct when he says most people fail at 'step 1'. If you don't realize HOW you are spending your money, then it is much harder to trim back your costs.
Besides Inkling's good ideas, I do a few other things.
I plan my trips to save on gas. I went from using a tank a week, to a tank just about every two weeks. (we're talking a 30 gallon tank). I roll my own cigs ($9 per 200 vice $30 to $40). If possible, plant a garden. at the price of veggies, it will pay to grow your own for free.

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Post by casperghostboy »

I'm 29 and I collect Magic: The Gathering cards! And Wizards of the Coast sells them both Stateside!

OK, my three cents, based on M:tG cards:

Don't worry about Land cards (Forest, Plains, Mountain, Island, Swamp [Green, White, Red, Blue, Black]), because they are only one to five cents each, regardless of which set they come from. Unless you have a s#!tload of Land cards, then the cost may be justified. Most other land cards (like Urza's Tower) is worth a bit more, because it's not a common land card.

Most "Common" cards are on the basis of ten cents to no more than fifty cents, based on how old the set it came from.

Uncommon cards are based on certain levels (U1, U2, U3, depending on how many appear on one uncut Uncommon sheet), and they are a little bit more. Again, this is based on how old the set is. Most Uncommon cards go from $1 to about $10.

On the other hand, Rare cards are the s#!t. These are the ones that you should look out for. The most expensive Rare card of the M:tG sets of all is Black Lotus, which currently sells for about $500 for "Good" condition. (AND NO, I DON'T HAVE ONE, SO DON'T ASK.)


But, I wouldn't resort to selling your TCG card collection just to justify a cost of a doll this expensive. I'm not going to repeat the advice of what others said here, and just chronicle your expenses for one month. You'll see what is flying out of your pocket without your knowing.

But, on the other hand, you DO sound like you're under 18, Jamal. Please come back when you are. TDForum is about adult toys. Pokémon cards... sheesh.
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Post by pygmalion2 »

Another idea to save a large amount is called forced savings.
Take out a loan for 6K to buy a 6K GIC or savings bond.
The bank or loan company can hold the GIC as collateral for the loan
and you get a reduced interest rate while you make scheduled monthly payments on the loan. When the loan is paid you have 6K plus interest (extra-spending money). For me this is the only way I can save money, since if I have cash money, I spend it. My two cents. Mark :roll:

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Post by Bill »

I tried to get young women to pay me for sex but they would break out in uncontrollable laughter so I tried comedy but that failed. Selling my blood and body parts where I have two each seemed to work for a short time but selling nude photos of myself to grade schools for the "Scared Frigid Program" for underage females has netted the most money. As a birth control the protection only lasts a few years but the slurred speech and the hands shaking is gone in just a few days after seeing my photo.

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Post by Zarnon »

I think the saving stuff is cool, being frugal is important.

I also think you might reevaluate what you're earning and how you can improve your lot. I have made a major career change 3 times in my life, each time moving 'up' (with some downs in there, LOL).

I had an epiphany not so many years ago and realized that if I really wanted to get ahead I had to radically change my game plan. I got another degree and left a dead end job.

I do save and try to not get into unecessary expenses, but don't discount improving your earning power.
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Be committed! (To your GOAL, that is!)

Post by skyray »

I knew I wanted a RealDoll so I gave them a down payment when I
took the tour. GREAT tour btw! Anyway, I knew that the faster I paid, the sooner I'd get her so I was highly motivated. Within a couple of months I had paid up completely! WHEN YOU"RE 18 YOU CAN DO THIS KIND OF THING TOO! If you are already then know that many people are into CCG's. I'm currently doing Star Trek, Pirates and Rocketmen. I also didn't spend a penny on that or any other hobby til I'd paid up on my RealDoll.

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Post by aire_tam_storm »

I have Pokemon cards. I also collect Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Unless you have a box load of first edition series one cards like Charizard or Mewtwo though, you're not going to be raising enough to get a Realdoll. Personally, my advice when you need cash bad is never resort to selling stuff. More than likely you'll want the stuff you sold back again in the future and will either A: Be unable to get it back, or B: Pay nearly double what you sold the stuff for in order to get it back, B is especially true of collectible type items, and not so much with everyday stuff, be it vehicles, electronics, or real estate. The best way to save though, is to STOP feeding a hobby entirely. More often than not this brings in more than enough money. I was shocked to find I was spending $200 a month on Yu-Gi-Oh! cards alone last year. I play the game online now instead, and it only costs me around $25 a month.

If you only want sex, I'd suggest just getting a Fleshlight. It's only $30 and it's sometimes better than the dolls. If you really are under eighteen though, then you're not supposed to legally have one, which is pretty stupid. I know I would have wanted one back when I was sixteen. I remember grumbling over the girls in the internet pornos using dildos, while I thought there was no male equivalent. "You'd think someone would make one, they'd probably get rich!" I kept thinking.

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Post by soragesum »

Folks who make twice the money I make are free to disagree with me, however - if you only want sex, there are less expensive routes to go than RealDoll.

Well.. I guess that depends. If you have sex with your doll one time.. it cost you $7000. If you have sex with your doll two times it cost you $3500 each time. If you have sex with your doll 4 times it cost you $1750 each time. 8 times it cost you $875 each time and so on.

Having sex with your doll anywhere from 1 time (rare) to 10 times (kinda rare) a day.. with the average probably being somewhere in the 3-4 times a day range... after just 4 years or so ... when the cost per f*ck starts to approach $1... how can you get less expensive than that? :twisted: Best money I have ever spent :twisted:

I look at it this way:

Realdoll - $7000
Kinky lingerie - $too much to count
Bondage gear - $too much to count

A submissive sex slave who can actually handle all my lust - Priceless

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by uch »

That is about the best pitch Ive ever heard for buying a realistic silicone doll versus the price of one. But for most, it is so hard to save up for one.

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Post by 12345play »

that was a pretty good assessment of a doll, but you forgot about the repair kits, and a lot of them if your really into rough sex
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