Time to move on

Dollstudio focuses on life-like dolls made of silicone and TPE, with products spanning from life-sized love dolls and manikins over miniature companions to 1/6 scale miniatures. Based in Europe, Dollstudio is an authorized vendor for respected manufacturers like Doll Sweet, Ruby13, Maidlee Doll, Dream Doll Creation, OR Doll, WM Dolls, YL Doll, JM Doll, Sanhui, Hitdoll, Onedoll, and Lovely Doll. By default, we're shipping from Germany with all customs and taxes cleared.
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Time to move on

Post by Dollstudio »


my Samoyed dog is dying. She honoured me with her presence for the better part of almost 17 years by my side.

Half a decade ago, her active live in agility sports ended and she became a senior citizen, but she was still full of esprit and energy. She brightened my day with her cheerful energy when I was sad, and she always had my back. And I always had hers, even when a crazy attack dog was trying to kill her.

Some of you have made this experience, observing how the strength of an animal weakens day by day. A couple of years ago we were still hiking for hours in the woods. But this are now bittersweet memories of the past. During the last year, the daily walks became shorter and shorter, until it took a lot of her just to get up and make a few steps. Now she sleeps most of the day.

Soon it will be time for her to move on and cross over the rainbow bridge. She will be alone on her last walk, but I will be at her side until she takes her very last breath.

The last weeks with a dying animal are sad beyond words, but this time is also incredibly intense and I would not want to miss it, even if it is very painful. Not only for me it is hard to grasp why the good times need to end so 'soon'. Those of you who went through such an final farewell will understand the feeling. But it seems that all good things in this world need to end someday. Then it's time to move on, not only for those who passed away.
This is how she was a couple of years ago when we made a vacation at the sea.
This is how she was a couple of years ago when we made a vacation at the sea.
20120825_124922.jpg (257.21 KiB) Viewed 3323 times
You might have guessed it, actually I am not only writing these ramblings to mourn my dog. Right now she is still breathing, and maybe she will bestow me with a couple of more days.

Though, it might be time to move on for me, too. When I joined TDF in 2014, I was still quite new in this business; but after all these years I am now one of the senior vendors. I even outlasted intense newcomers like George from X/S. It's strange to become an 'oldtimer', especially if you don't feel old. But my standards and requirements might have become outdated.

Over the past years, TDF became my home. There were good times and bad times for both sides, but I learned to value the structures established on TDF. For example when years of posts about Doll Sweet were deleted on another forum because they considered Doll Sweet to be a TPE manufacturer. Later they learned the truth, but they could not restore my posts. On TDF it's different, over here posts removed from public visibility can be restored. Another incredible asset on TDF is a superb team of moderators, working their asses off to keep the forum free from spam and other pestilent influences.

But recently, unwritten guidelines have been changed behind the scenes once again. I am not supposed to talk about these changes in public, which creates a problem on it's own. Though, what I am probably allowed to say is that it would put us vendors at the very bottom of the foodchain and remove one of the last remaining key elements of what Dollstudio is - fighting for our customers. Maybe the vendors 'real' role has always been to be mere sales vehicles, but that's not how I see myself. Dollstudio was always an active participant in this business, not a disempowered extra dancing after someone else's whistle. If the guidelines are implemented as it was communicated to us, Dollstudio can not be a part of this.

However, currently the interpretation of the changed guidelines is still somehow in discussion. I am still talking with the powers that be, and the powers that be are still talking with me. That's a good thing. I hope someone will listen.

But maybe it's also a good thing to move on if you do not want or you can not make the water flow upstream.


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Re: Time to move on

Post by secretagentman »

It saddens me to read this ... on both fronts.

In many ways, 5 internet years (or TDF years) can seem like an eternity.

If only dogs could live that long.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by CoenT »

Very sad to read, she is a beautiful dog and I hope her last days will not be in too much pain.

As for your stay on TDF, I feel like it's linked to the 'too many commercials' topic, I noticed that vendors really don't have a lot of rights on here and especially after you were told not to make any more unboxing reviews (which really is a pity).
I can understand that management wants to make this forum as client friendly as possible but vendors are in this difficult business as well and they need help too.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by Mcupplease »

I've said it before and I will say it again. Your's is the most powerful and multifunctional website software that I have ever seen. I consider your website as a reference resource and keep it on my active screen list permanently marked. It would be a shame to see it disappear.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by Booty Call Dolls »

This is very sad for three reasons
First, losing a pet is not easy
We lost our Mini Doberman to cancer
Second, Sandro has helped me alot
All Sandro does is tell it like it is.
There should be nothing wrong with that.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by danDub »

very sorry to hear about your dog

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Re: Time to move on

Post by dxc »

Oh my, give your cute dog an extra cuddle. I send some good thoughts in her direction.

The other part. Funny that just the last 2 days I was thinking about how important I think vendors are to me in this business cause I would not want to buy from asia directly and how much the vendors must be in it to a big part because of their passion for the products and what they mean to people cause I believe they in fact do carry a big risk in their role as bridge from the manufacturer to the customer. Cause this bridge is what usually brings the deal into the legal system of the consumer. I am not sure everyone here does understand the immense value this does have.
And yeah, the knowledge across many manufacturers a vendor can provide is basically impossible to be provided by common consumers. Especially thinking about comparisons. So in my mind a review from a vendor has much added value. If this may not be part of the forum in the future. I do think that the forum will close out a big chunk of knowledge that is not to underestimate.

Anyway Sandro, I wish you a nice weekend and all the best.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by Nescio50 »

I'm sorry to hear about your dog, after 17 years she really must be a part of your live. In that picture she's beautiful.

A short note on the cryptic "unwritten guidelines have been changed behind the scenes once again", this is about posting about business-to-business issues, vendor-to-manufacturer issues. Please know that we do listen and we are working on a way to support and improve communications between the manufacturers and vendors on TDF. As also customers will benefit from good communications between sellers and those in the supply chain.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by haremlover »

All my sympathies. I lost a dog last year who was possibly more attached to me than other members of the family and I hadn't noticed symptoms of losing weight associated with cancer until the cancer was catastrophic, and I happened not to have been there at the last. The human canine relationship is a special one, tragedy in its own way, but which teaches us perforce of lifespan that dogs are no substitute for humans, that we have a temporary lease of their friendship just as we have a temporary lease ourselves of the world resources we treat as purely our own.

Your analytical approach to dolls and reviewing dolls is very important and normally excellent. In my opinion you've slipped up on only one in which perhaps a different perspective could have been more positive. We'll be able to agree to disagree about that perhaps but when dealing with interrelations between producers and consumers in different parts of the world operating under different ideas, regimes and unconnected legal administrations, one can't expect the usual operation of a direct line of consequences set out from one side of the world to the other through law or a tight chain of information. One has to take other approaches which looks at resources from which to draw products for western sale, to choose those which work and do well and ignore those which don't. Crucial then becomes the USP of the vendor, that knowledge across the board which the Vendor has and for which expertise and experience the customer pays. In this way, identification of the good dolls gives you the kudos and one simply ignores the less good.

This is the mathematics of the creating process. I'm going to mention two aspects from Christian and Islamic philosophy as opposed to religion. One is a verse common to both that one must not be overcome by bad or bad things and that one can only succeed over the bad by what is better. Another is known as the parable of the talents and really is the mathematics of life-creation, common to chemical engineering processes for instance, where one has a few competing reactions in a reaction vessel. Essentially what produces more produces more than what produces less, and what produces nothing at all, or least, becomes irrelevant.

This is really a philosophy which I find innate to Chinese communications, and to which I obliquely referred to as "occidental understanding". One finds that if one says something negative, it's ignored, and one only elicits response from what is positive. So one has to turn negative things into positive in order to get the response desired. On the base level a primitive Chinese business will sell you rubbish and when one complains one is greeted only with an offer not to replace it but to sell you more rubbish cheap. In dealing with western people a lot of Chinese businesses are emerging from this, but such concepts are still at the heart of commercial relationships.

Whilst you might find TDF frustrating, there are a lot of people from owners to managers to admins to members to vendors and manufacturers themselves from so many different walks of life who somehow come to steer a wisdom. From time to time one might find that frustrating, but there are so many people from so many different perspectives that in fact the wisdom has value. One might not agree with it, but a collective wisdom is there.

I can see that there is a missing link in terms of dispute resolution available to members but not to vendors with manufacturers. Personally I would support the latter greatly and not being commercially involved either with the activity of manufacture nor of selling, but with an overview of factors involved I'd certainly be willing to contribute to assisting in any resolution processes that might be initiated. TDF is de facto a trade union, alliance or collective of doll-trade reputable professionals and is important as a standards setting body.

This of course goes beyond the impending loss of your best friend, but after a loss of one perspective a new one always opens up.

We might have our differences and I might say things you don't like to hear or disagree, but you can rely on my friendship. That includes telling you things you don't like to hear rather than merely walking away unsaying.

Best wishes, encouragement and great sympathies,

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Re: Time to move on

Post by ian85 »

Sandro, I am very sorry to hear about your furry friend. I have a dog and when the time comes I know I will be devastated... I am a new member here and plan to soon order a doll (planning for January) and I was planning on ordering her through Doll Studio. From the numerous threads I have read on the forums, I know that you are a pioneer and an innovator/inventor (Dollworks) in the doll industry and from the reviews you make I can see that you are also passioned about it. And I believe passion is one of the most important things in life. I do hope that you continue working and helping improve the dolls we all love. And in my opinion if you decide to quit, it would be a great loss for us all. But what do I know, I am still a newbie here...

My prayers are with you and your dog. I do believe there is a dog heaven where she will chase cats every day.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by McPickle »

Sandro, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I hope you enjoy the last moments with her and she doesn't suffer in the end. I can only imagine the loss as I have never had my own pet. I have been taking care of a friend's cat for 4 months now and I can't imagine what I would do if something like this happened to him.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by toonist »

I'm sure you gave your pup a great life. You two probably have a million wonderful memories. Thank you for showing the photo of your vacation. We're so blessed to have the chance to share our time with these truly loving beings...though it seems such a short time since their lives are so vital. How fortunate for both of you that you were able to share the years. My thoughts are with you and your pup.

I will be going to the park with my pup today...knowing full well, and reminded by you, that we should cherish each day.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by Thndrrbolt »

I know nothing of relevance pertaining to the disputes you mention.
About your dog though: I think it no coincidence at all that the very name of “dog” happens to be God spelled backwards. Nowhere else in my long life have I encountered another example of the unconditional love that a dog gives to the person he or she adopts. Such is the nature of how our Heavenly Father regards us.
Their short lives are blessed gifts to us and truly examples of how God views us all.
I weep with you at your companions’s imminent passing.

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Re: Time to move on

Post by kharn »

Hi Sandro,

I'm so sorry to hear this. 17years is a long time in dog year. I feel for you as I've lost dogs during my life that have been like family to me.

Let my give you my deepest sympathy and I hope that sharing this this with us all, will help you over this difficult time.
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Re: Time to move on

Post by Grubhed »

I currently have no pets. One of the main reasons for that, is the feeling of loss when we do have to let them go. The dog I grew up with was with us for 18 years. Later as an adult, I had another one for 13. It's been over 30 years since the first one passed and 10 for the other. Both will still pop up in my dreams on occasion. That just shows how much of an impact they can be on your life.

On the second part of your post, I came to TDF originally for information and guidance. As a potential customer I count on vendors and manufacturers, along with other customers to make an informed decision. Yes, it can be a bit repetitive hearing about the same doll from different sources, but I come to TDF to learn, as much as a sense of community. I can't be the only one who wants to hear different takes on a new product. I accept, what can come across as spamming. We have the option of not clicking on every link. I hope you stay for those of us who want to click on a link. We need that option too.
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