NOT FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

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Re: NOT FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

Post by Tybalt »

I guess you can still donate. I proposed donation for hardcore video porn. but i font have much to give and Mexdl can elect not to make porn.

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Re: NOT FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

Post by mexdl »

haremlover wrote:
kharmichead wrote: And Mexdl...don't sell yourself short, you are a GREAT photographer and artist, your art and ladies are loved dearly on this forum. That should be obvious when none of us wanted to buy them, they should be yours and hopefully to share with us with many more pics to come! :D
Very much so.

I see my name mentioned: this forum has many very enlightened members and it's due to all that this has been possible. I hope that from the 101% idea above people who haven't seen the idea before can help us all lift our world from poverty to plenty and care for everyone.

The second pyramid at Giza fascinates me. Other buildings give a smidgeon of an insight into an ancient initiation ceremony and my life is closely connected with one such place. One enters the second pyramid through a long passage, and it's bent, so bent double one goes along it not seeing far ahead, going down a little and up a little, and once one is inside one can't see the way out. The light doesn't go past the bend. One enters a chamber, about 8 metres perhaps by 16 metres or so - I don't recall the exact dimensions - and the ceiling is a barrel vault.

There's not much evidence of the second pyramid having been a tomb . . . and I don't think it was.

Remember in the context of my description that we are most terribly polluted by sound, noise. It might ring a bell with some that the ancients went to silent places for special times. Before the ubiquitous noise of machines, a rustle might mean a lion or a wolf about to attack you . . . all sorts of things that are irrelevant to our lives now and of which we take no notice.

So perhaps just imagine. . . . You're led into that pyramid in the ancient days. No torches, no electricity, no light and you're taken inside the chamber . . . and left there. You'd be terrified. With that vaulted roof the sound of your footstep would reverberate and be amplified in your conscious . . . even your breathing you'd hear with greater intensity. In the dark, without food, without clue as to time and sleep, before long terror would grip you. You wouldn't move for the terror of the noise. You wouldn't know when to sleep and at some stage would simply fall into an exhaustion. You'd think that no-one would rescue you.

That of course is a relevance here, and in the darkness of Mexdll having to sell what we can all have seen is so dear, it's vital for all of us to see those in darkness and to lend a guiding hand out through the bent passage back towards the light. Those who do aren't special - it's simply something that all of us can do.

Whilst in that chamber you would be terrified that without being rescued that either you would die there, or that you had died and come to an afterlife. Your life curtailed, you'd go through your life in the darkness, descending into the world of the dead, as Hades, hell . . . and in that darkness judging oneself more critically and cruelly than anyone else would ever . . . and one would wish that one had visited someone in prison, perhaps not a physical prison but in the confines of their perspective, been kind to someone that one had neglected or been unkind to, forgiven someone who didn't understand, wished that one had taken the opportunity to do good things, to work together with people to create good things, and that one hadn't done this or that which one had regretted, or taken something from someone or stolen or done bad things. Over a period of three days perhaps one might make a pact with circumstances - that if circumstances allowed you to, and to live again, that one might do things differently.

There are many people today, of course, who have not gone through such a particular initiation ceremony, but who have gone through a Near Death Experience, and it has changed them.

But in the course of this, we're still in that chamber in the pyramid. It's a chamber inside the earth, as such in the middle of all that stone, a womb.

On the third day, someone as if completely magical decides to give you that opportunity you'd been hoping for, shouting for - in the depths of your darkness someone has heard . . . and rolls the stone away and you're led into that bent passage. Guided towards that obstructing bend, and around it, at the deepest point, you start to see the light of day and led by the light you emerge into the light of day and the light of life and the living from that experience deep inside, in the womb. You've come through a birth canal.

It's much less painful when we can find understanding without having to die first, without any such NDE.

In reading this, I hope that all of us can come through that passage, and know such paradise of plenty in this life, here and on earth.

Best wishes

Harem: great analogy and very interesting reading, sometimes in your life you end into this dark chamber, the breathing become short and hyperventilated , your sight cannot reach more than your extended arms, and a heavy weight suddently are placed on your back, you think there is no hope, suddently one friendly force pulled out of this dark place. My understanding in life tell me: you are not vaccined to avoid this dark places, but doing good and make things right, will ensure this good will return to you no matter what.

blessings to all.

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Re: FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

Post by Tybalt »

haremlover wrote:
Tybalt wrote: how does this work? We share the doll? If i put down $300 do I get to have sex with her a few times?
No. You've got the wrong idea.

Because Mexdll is an artist and not only are his dolls beloved to him but part of his artistic tool without which he cannot do the art that we all enjoy, I have suggested that 7 people give $300, which is only the price of a latex inflatable, and only 10% of the price of a cheap solid doll and as all of use who have spent money on dolls can afford 10% of the sort of money that we spend selfishly on ourselves to help another in hardship, so that this doll can be kept and not sold.

Mexdll has kindly replied with sincere gratitude and said that he much appreciates the gesture and the help and but he would like to repay all of us as a loan. We have 5 people who have contributed so far and need another two.

Best wishes


PS I should add that if all people aim to take more than they give, then the sum total is poverty in the world. If people aim to give more than they receive, then the sum total is plenty and all who give are supported by all others who give.

So if 100 people take 1% more than they give, then the last person ends up with only 1/3rd of the resources that the first person started with:
0.99 ^100=0.3366
If 1000 people then
0.99 ^1000=0.0000432
I would not like to be any of the last 800 people in the chain

In contrast if 100 people give 1% more than they take
1.01 ^100 = 2.7
there's nearly three times the wealth with which to support everyone
and if 1000 people
1.01 ^1000 = 20959
the world is a place of plenty.

This is the reason for the ridiculous and widening gap between rich and poor so that just 500 people now have control of 99% of the wealth in the world.

True wealth is in the mind.
i dont understand your math. 100 people give $1, you dont get $2.7

1000 people give $1, you have $1000.

i dont understand why u are multiplying 1.01 to the 100th power or why the 1000th power.

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Re: FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

Post by haremlover »

Tybalt wrote: PS I should add that if all people aim to take more than they give, then the sum total is poverty in the world. If people aim to give more than they receive, then the sum total is plenty and all who give are supported by all others who give.

So if 100 people take 1% more than they give, then the last person ends up with only 1/3rd of the resources that the first person started with:
0.99 ^100=0.3366
If 1000 people then
0.99 ^1000=0.0000432
I would not like to be any of the last 800 people in the chain

In contrast if 100 people give 1% more than they take
1.01 ^100 = 2.7
there's nearly three times the wealth with which to support everyone
and if 1000 people
1.01 ^1000 = 20959
the world is a place of plenty.

This is the reason for the ridiculous and widening gap between rich and poor so that just 500 people now have control of 99% of the wealth in the world.

True wealth is in the mind.
i dont understand your math. 100 people give $1, you dont get $2.7

1000 people give $1, you have $1000.

i dont understand why u are multiplying 1.01 to the 100th power or why the 1000th power.[/quote]


Money and goods circulates in society. We do not have more resources than are supplied by the earth, and unless the governments print money, it's finite. As bits of money or resources pass through the results of our efforts, if we aim to give on each transaction 1% more, which in fact we can just by making a bit of effort to do so, or willingness, then as that 1% added by everyone sequentially multiplies and the surplus is such plenty that it looks after everyone. There is a story about how 5000 people didn't have much to eat but by the time they'd passed it round, everyone was full and there was plenty left over.

If people aim to take more than they give, to accumulate for themselves, then whilst everyone keeps back 1% which really isn't enough for any of us to do much with, the sum result after that resource has gone through 100 or 1000 people each not giving back as much as they take, is diminished and the result is that all are diminished to poverty.

My wife and I honeymooned in India and we knew some interesting people in Delhi. We were invited to a reception with a choice literally of 101 dishes to eat, and the "beautiful people" were there dripping in their jewels without a jot of care in the world for the beggars outside the door. We realised before long that this banquet was funded by a tobacco company, and specifically funded by the extra cent on every packet of death that they sold.

In today's capacity for mass production on a global scale, the effect of putting a cent on an iPhone or a bottle of Coke, or a McD Hamburger, is profit beyond imagination for a very small number of people who own 99% of the monetary wealth of the planet.

It's for this reason that we can all do our part, aiming to give 1% more than we take individually, and to patronise the work of individual and true artists such as Patrick who makes PIBs, and Brash of Ruby 13, and even to companies who whilst mass producing treat their customers with care and make dolls even as art such as DS rather than considering as mere widgets to sell.

When any of us receive a doll from one of these companies, in contrast to objects merely made as sextoys with lust as the primary "BUY IT NOW" motivation, the effect of their art is completely overwhelming.

By being discerning in what we do, how we treat others, what we buy and how we use it, the world can be a better place.

Best wishes

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Re: NOT FOR SALE 145cm DS Dollsweet pink skin

Post by deadpringle »

Hi Mex!

That's great news! I'm very happy for you! :D
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Abed: About to...
Troy: Eat garbage dip!... WHY DID I HAVE TO GO THIRD?!
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