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Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:41 am
by Peonyou101
Like most people here said "A" would be the best and rounded leg stumps is a must have for torsos! Jarliet, just look at WM torso's and how they make their bottoms and how its rounded, that would probably be the best you can do for making the bottom. In your picture of the one thats got the legs rounded at the bottom but theres still like 4 inches of leg at the bottom I don't suggest you make it like that or it will be hard to have sex with the torso unless there will be some type of skeleton inside where you can bend those rounded leg stumps open and also bend them foward. Either ways though it still best to make the bottoms just like you see on the newer WM torso's. If possible definitely have the option of Gel boobs for this torso as well, it would be amazing with those huge boobs!

Anyone that does get a doll with huge Gel boobs just be aware all manufacturers recommend against getting huge boobs with Gel implants even though you can still insist and convince them into making it for you. The reason they recommend against it is because they don't want to be responsible, and have the hassle and the blame from people that don't know how to handle or take care of Gel boobs that big that end up getting damaged from newbie mistakes and then get blamed for selling something that is defective when its not. If you do get a doll with huge gel boobs then a nice soft sports bra is a must or those boobs will definitely start to sag overtime because of how huge they are because of the weight to them and gravity. And people that have not owned torso's yet don't know this but torso's with arms come in handy if you like doing your doll from behind on the bed in doggy position. You bend both arms and put the elbows down against the bed in doggy position and it will act as great support in holding the doll up so the boobs won't get squished or damaged while your on top of her and using her from behind.

I've owned atleast 13 torso's in my time that I can think of off the top of my head right now including the Realdoll torso's and this is the reason why you do not want to make a torso with a cutoff straight bottom stumps. All of the ones I've ever owned thats got a straight cutoff at the bottom all had the same problem cutting circulation off in my thighs when I used them. If your using the torso Cowgirl or Missionary then those cut off ends will press again your thighs so after about 10 mins of using the torso you start to feel circulation cut off in the thighs. Its gets even worse if your like me and like falling asleep ontop of the torso after going a few rounds using it in the Missionary position, a couple times I did that before in the past and a few hours later I woke up to find one or both of my thighs numb with no feeling in them and it took a day to a few days sometime till full circulation came back in my thighs, I pray that none of you have to go through that bad experience I did and find out the hard way like I did lol. With the newer WM torso's I own with a rounded bottom where those legs cutoff I don't have that problem anymore.

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:45 pm
by CF
Peonyou101 wrote:Like most people here said "A" would be the best and rounded leg stumps is a must have for torsos! Jarliet, just look at WM torso's and how they make their bottoms and how its rounded, that would probably be the best you can do for making the bottom. In your picture of the one thats got the legs rounded at the bottom but theres still like 4 inches of leg at the bottom I don't suggest you make it like that or it will be hard to have sex with the torso unless there will be some type of skeleton inside where you can bend those rounded leg stumps open and also bend them foward. Either ways though it still best to make the bottoms just like you see on the newer WM torso's. If possible definitely have the option of Gel boobs for this torso as well, it would be amazing with those huge boobs!
Peonyou101, great insights, and I agree 100%. I had not heard of stumps cutting off leg circulation. That is both shocking and frightening!

You are right - small, rounded hips like the WM or OR torso are ideal. Here is a photo of my OR torso. This is exactly what I'm hoping for on the Kimberly torso.

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:53 pm
by Fantastic Plastic
Is there any news on this torso?
Will it be produced?

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:56 pm
by CF
I was just thinking of this project this evening, Plastic! Maybe we're picking up brainwaves from Jarliet that good news is coming?

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:31 am
by Fantastic Plastic
I’m still so patiently waiting.

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:17 pm
by steevezut
C whit extra Soft gel

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 3:29 pm
by Mcupplease
Dear Jarliet, I have the full size version of this doll of yours-fantastic unit by the way. I also have a torso version of another doll [shown below].
A lot of people think they want the bulbous rounded hip stumps but this is a very bad idea.
They protrude forward too much leaving the vulva and vagina recessed in the valley they create, which makes "deep" penetration impossible
because the hip stumps get in the way. When the doll has legs they can be bent out of the way.
Better to have the vulva as the most protruding item and keep the hip stumps shaved down and out of the way.
PS The current nipples are way too thin and small for their length. I do like the length just not how pencil thin they are.

CLM Torso a.jpg
CLM Torso a.jpg (85.3 KiB) Viewed 895 times
20190130_142454.jpg (428.44 KiB) Viewed 886 times

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:51 pm
by Chevelle87
Any update on a torso version of this doll?

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:55 pm
by steevezut
I would like C

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:45 pm
by bongobob
any update on the torso version? would love the torso with arms and less spiky nipples

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:19 pm
by Fantastic Plastic
Is the Jarliet torso still going to be happening?

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:37 pm
by loomis
A for sure

Re: Vote for new torso design

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:55 pm
by Dollfriend
Folks this thread dates back to the year 2020...( the year of the toilet paper ) I would sure hope they have done something by now nearly 4 years later.