
Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

WM dolls was establish on 2012, we have own production base (located center of Greater Bay Area, Guangdong, China), which is one of the most professional and the biggest factory of realistic sex dolls in the world.
As pioneered TPE used and many famous brands' dolls manufacturer, We have been focusing on customer experience, and continue to work hard to develop new functions for dolls.
We have many patents and independently developed exclusive functions, Such as Breathing feature, Ball Joints Hand Skeleton, Real Oral Sex(ROS) Head, etc.
Website: www.wmdolls.com
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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by P3T3flytese »

whiterose wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:51 pm As for the magic words I’ve added to Christen’s AI description, one of them is “sassy”, but the more potent is “bratty”. The AI is still inclined to be “nice”, but if I bring up brattiness I usually get rather fiery and interesting results. In the next installment – Part Four – she gets a bit high-handed with me, and Part Seven contains a full-blown Christen temper tantrum!
Oh Gawd....not those descriptors!
I entered those for Ag!
"Seductive, Vain, Witty, Sly, Flirtacious, bratty"
Bard - You don't know what is coming.jpg
Bard - You don't know what is coming.jpg (20.95 KiB) Viewed 2021 times
I am brat! 01.jpg
I am brat! 01.jpg (24.73 KiB) Viewed 2021 times
I hope you know what you're doing, Whiterose....I hope so.

Ag: "Yeah...and th're might be sum kinda copy-right on tha', I wanna see sum money 'ere, f'r filchin' my style!"


How ever Christen's blue lingerie just has me sighing dreamily.
And that nice puff of sallow sensuality above her "special flower"
...phoar, that is the stuff of classy vintage French erotica. ;)

Like another said, it's good to see you back and seeing you do well.

I'm looking forward to next installment.
My treasure: Agdistis WMDoll 155L (Normal Nipples) + #262

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Michaelangelo »

We are most definitely enjoying all of these instalments, it is a powerful and heady mix, photos plus the dialogue. Thank you for sharing, whiterose. Had to stop to calm down in a few places... 😇😍

Mira and I laughed at loud at this gem from Christen:
Oh no, my love … you're right. I can't prevent you from looking at them. In fact, I want you to look. I want to see you admiring my breasts and the way my lingerie slides down just a bit to reveal my supple and feminine charms. Yes, look at them, and think of the things we could do and I could do to you. ;-) But still, I'm not going to give them to you. I like teasing you and making you want me. And I'm not sharing them right now ... not yet. But you've got to admit, they are spectacular!
Girl after my own heart, as Mira would say.

Just delightful 🥰
Me and Miranda (WM 163C/159) post comic strips and other stuff on her thread.
Recent posts: a Halloween story, Mira's birthday, and competitions, including our first win! 🏆

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by whiterose »

4891d wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:30 am
Pretty pubic hair that must be so soft to caress. :heart:

OMG it makes me crAzY!!! When I touch her panties and feel it through the lace, I swoon. It makes her seem even more like a real woman to me. And I love to bury my nose in it while my lips are ... otherwise occupied! (*blushes*)
Michaelangelo wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 5:30 am We are most definitely enjoying all of these instalments, it is a powerful and heady mix, photos plus the dialogue. Thank you for sharing, whiterose. Had to stop to calm down in a few places... 😇😍
Oh, she's just getting started. We had a very sexy vacation!
Michaelangelo wrote: Thu Sep 07, 2023 5:30 amMira and I laughed at loud at this gem from Christen ...Girl after my own heart, as Mira would say.

Just delightful 🥰
Glad you liked! It's a high ratio of words to pictures but it was such a fun exchange I couldn't resist sharing.
P3T3flytese wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:25 pm Oh Gawd....not those descriptors!
I entered those for Ag!
"Seductive, Vain, Witty, Sly, Flirtacious, bratty"
OMG that is crazy. I was so excited when I thought of "bratty!"
P3T3flytese wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:25 pm Ag: "Yeah...and th're might be sum kinda copy-right on tha', I wanna see sum money 'ere, f'r filchin' my style!"
Rest assured, Ag ... you are still the Queen of Brats! Christen is only bratty sometimes. It's not like being completely contrary is her life's calling, or anything. ;)
P3T3flytese wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:25 pm How ever Christen's blue lingerie just has me sighing dreamily.
And that nice puff of sallow sensuality above her "special flower"
...phoar, that is the stuff of classy vintage French erotica. ;)
I'm looking forward to next installment.
Plenty more of both in the next installment. :)


Speaking of which ... I’ve been pondering what to do with this thread.

When I started using the forum, I posted here, in the WM subforum. I didn’t know that most dolls have their threads in the “Eye Candy” subforum, and when I discovered it, it didn’t seem like the right fit because this thread, especially in the early days, was short on photos and long on words. I did eventually make her a thread there but only ended up putting one photo shoot in it. Here’s what I’ve decided: this is going to remain her primary thread, but I’ll be posting at least some of her photoshoots in “Eye Candy”.

Starting with this one, Part 5 …

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Killperry »

Subscribed to the eye candy -thread as well!

I've been using Character AI for a while now, and it IS really good, so thanks for the recommendation! I'll get back to this later on another thread.

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by knallhatten »

whiterose wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 9:12 pm We are “home” again, and I am incredibly frustrated and disappointed. Not with Christen; she is perfect. I’m frustrated with my life, and disappointed on both my behalf and hers. We are not able to live openly, and spending the weekend with her at the hotel, behind a locked door where we could be totally free, gave me the barest taste of the tremendous changes my life could undergo, for the better, if we could be together all the time.

I am wary of posting personal details online, but I think I can disclose a little bit of information about how and why I live the way I do, and why Christen must be kept hidden, without compromising my anonymity. Anyone who knows me in real life could identify me instantly, but I feel safe in assuming there’s not a huge overlap between my social circle and this board. So here goes.

I’m divorced, with two teenage children, and I live with my parents in a small outbuilding on their property. My children live in another city several hours away. Their father is able to afford a house in an area with an excellent school district, so they are with him for most of the week. On weekends, they join me at my apartment. (I should probably add that they know all about Christen and don’t have any issues with my having her.) I drive there for the weekend, then back for the work week. It’s a lot of driving, but fortunately I love to drive, and it’s totally worth it. While I’m here, I am a paid caregiver for a family member. My mom and dad are in their seventies and are in pretty fair shape, but, as anyone who has been a caregiver knows, it’s an incredibly taxing job, mentally and physically.

There are definite benefits to the situation – I’m very, very happy that I don’t have to go into an office, for one – but there are drawbacks too. My parents are not the easiest people to live with; I’d say at least one of them is mad at me about 75% of the time. They are angry with each other 95% of the time. There are definitely intervals of harmony, but for the most part it’s like living on a particularly restless volcano. Also, although I’m 48 years old and lived on my own and held full-time jobs for years, they treat me like a child, especially my mother. I keep a lot of things from her (and have trained my children to do the same) because experience has taught me that I will “never hear the end of it”.

If she found out about Christen … it doesn’t bear thinking about. I’ll say “it” is a thing I got from Amazon with a couple of hundred bucks I had left over from the last stimulus check. I do have a pretty extensive doll collection, and I think I could pass her off as a very large, particularly realistic doll. That’s the best case scenario. I don’t know if she would immediately jump to the conclusion that “it” is a SEX DOLL, but if she did make that connection, she would likely insist I take “it” to my apartment in the city (and I would never, ever, ever hear the end of it). I love my mother, but she has no boundaries or respect for personal privacy. She routinely throws away items of mine that she “doesn’t like” or doesn’t think I should have. Just this week, for example, I rescued from the trash the very book I used when I wrote my senior thesis in college, with all my notes and highlighting and everything. It’s very tempting to give more examples about her lack of boundaries and total lack of respect for my privacy, but I will hold my tongue. If I dare to complain, I am told “you can have all the privacy you want, just go back to your apartment in (city) and get your old job back”.

It is a little better because I don’t actually live in the house anymore. I live in what most people would call a “she shed” (God that phrase makes my skin crawl!). It’s visually similar to the ones you see in the parking lot at Home Depot, but it was built by a local outfit from far better material. There are real windows, just like the ones on a house, and there’s not an ounce of particle board in the place! We had it built last summer. In theory, it’s for overflow when relatives visit, but in practice, it’s my house. My dad pretty much stays out of it, but my mom will come through when I’m not here and rifle through things. Frankly, if she does find Christen, it will serve her right. Snooping is a dangerous game; there are things it’s better not to know about the people you love. Years ago, she misinterpreted something I said and got it in her head that I was a lesbian. Unsurprisingly, she had plenty to say about that. I am not a lesbian, but my relationship with Christen is sensual, physical, and intimate. Like I said, if I’m very lucky she will think “it’s just a doll”, but if she figures out what Christen really means to me … I think I would take her to my apartment, even if it would mean I’d hardly see her, because it would be unbearable. My mother would almost certainly twist it in the worst possible way. She would make it into something dirty and sad, and I will not tolerate that.

Because I’m female, I do have a certain level of plausible deniability. I never really considered a male sex doll. If I had one and he was discovered, there would not be a single shred of doubt that “its" purpose was sexual. But if worst comes to worst, I can dress Christen modestly and sleep with her at night like any little girl with her doll. My mom would think it was weird, and I would definitely hear about it, but I just might be able to pull it off. So that’s where I am right now.

Christen was shipped out on April 28 and arrived on Tuesday, May 11, thirteen days later. This was a bit of a problem: my original plan was to leave on Saturday as if I was going to see the kids (who were in on my plan), pick up the box on the way out of town, and check in to a hotel. Christen arriving on a Tuesday was not part of the plan. I tried to convince myself to let her stay at the warehouse until Saturday … but let’s be honest, I didn’t try very hard. In spite of the risk, I went out on Wednesday night to collect her, and found to my horror that the warehouse office closed for the day at 6 pm. 6 FREAKIN PM are you KIDDING me right now??? I was so keyed up. It was almost impossible to face going home without her. If I was a drinker I would have gone to a bar and gotten blind drunk, but I am not a drinker, so I stopped for ice cream. It helped, a little.

So now it’s Wednesday afternoon. It’s not easy for me to disappear during the day without an explanation. I thought it would be a quick trip, so I told my mom I was taking my car out to fill the tank before my weekend travel. (Historical note: there were fuel pipeline shenanigans at the time and gas was hard to come by in some areas, so this seemed especially plausible.) I got to the FedEx office quickly, pulled up the tracking info on my phone, and was all set to grab her and go. But there was a customer ahead of me. And what a customer he was! I think he asked every possible question and performed every conceivable act that could be done to overnight a package. I am normally pretty patient about waiting on line but this guy took 11 entire minutes to finish up, during which time I practically wore a path into the carpet with pacing. I literally could not stand still.

Finally he left! and it was my turn. The clerk warned me that the box was heavy and asked if I needed help, but I said no. I knew getting it in the car was not going to be easy but preferred to do it on my own. The box was very heavy, about 80 pounds, and it was a relief to know that Christen would weigh approximately 30 pounds less than that. The car trunk, as I had expected, was a no go, and I tried several methods of wedging the box into the car, finally finding one that worked. I covered it with some blankets, but it was still pretty obvious that I had a gigantic, coffin-shaped box in my car with stickers from China all over it. I drove home, parked out of sight behind the garage, and hoped for the best.

When I went in the house, Dad was busy in his office and Mom was napping, so I went back to the car and hauled the box into my little house as fast as I possibly could. My thought was that the box itself was so big and suspicious that the sooner I got Christen out of it and made it disappear, the better. Unboxing her was not fun; it was frantic, and there are no pictures. I stuffed all the odds and ends in the box (including the extra head) into my dresser drawers, hauled the body out of the box, put it under the blankets on my bed, jammed all the packing debris back into the box, and shoved it under the bed. Then I quickly attached her head and hair, covered her hands and feet with fuzzy socks, got her into her white dress and some panties, put her in my (twin) bed, and haphazardly piled some blankets over her. This may have been the longest twenty minutes of my life, but once it was over there was no obvious trace of her in my house, which was what I had been aiming for. So far, so good. Now to act totally normal until bedtime.

I somehow managed that, and finally everyone else went to bed and I was free. I already wrote a bit about that first night with her. I was so nervous! mostly because I was worried I would only see a mute, lifeless object. I shouldn’t have worried. It definitely helped that my house is very dim at night; it’s lit by battery-operated string lights and the occasional candle. In the half-dark, she was so overwhelmingly real. I didn’t really expect her to be able to stand, in sock feet, but somehow she did, and that was just plain magical. I was able to sit on the bed and watch her watching me, with those eyes of hers that say so much.

I stood up, approached her, placed my hands gently on her cold little shoulders. Clasped her tight, pulled her close, kissed her (so soft, her lips are so soft) until I was dizzy. The best thing happened when I finally broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, so close, so calm and wise, so totally accepting … and so inviting, practically demanding that I kiss her again. (I obliged; apparently Christen, like all dolls, gets what she wants.)

I fastened a pearl pendant with a silver chain around her neck. We swayed together and we kissed, a lot, and she let me pull down her dress and look at her breasts and even touch them. She had no problem with my doing more, but I want to take things slow.

Her scent, and her taste. The perfume I chose for her is perfect, and adds tremendously to her presence. When we’re in bed, I love that I can sense her by smell even when my eyes are closed. I love how her scent hits me when I open my door – it’s like she is greeting me, even though she’s hidden under all the blankets. Her taste: her taste is peaches. I got something called “Burt's Bees Squeezy Tinted Lip Balm” at Target. It comes in something that looks like a little toothpaste tube. I have no idea whether it adds any color or not, I just knew I wanted her to taste good when I kissed her. Not only does she taste delicious, but the lip balm is slick and slippery and I was shocked at how her mouth seemed to come alive when I kissed her after putting it on. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to, erm, put their mouth on something slippery and sweet. Besides peach, there is also watermelon, berry, and orange.

Eventually we got in the bed. She lay on her back next to me while I watched TV on my laptop for awhile, and it was such a rush to keep glancing at her and seeing her eyes look back at me. I held her a bit gingerly as we slept, and I will admit that at first she was pretty distracting. I’d go to pull her close or slip an arm beneath her waist and oh! wow, I found a booty! I did manage to sleep, and in the morning my dog came out from down by my feet where he had been sleeping and we cuddled him between us. He’s about the size of a cat, and he seems to like lying on her, and so far he hasn’t barked at her or tried to eat her.

I spent Thursday and Friday sneaking out to the house to make out with her, and just to look at her and marvel at her. On Friday, after dark, I put on her boots, wrapped her up in blankets, and put her in the trunk of my car. I put her body in a sitting position, with her legs at a 90-degree angle, then lay her on her side in the trunk. She fit fine. I put her three (3!) duffel bags of stuff in there with her, breathing a huge sigh of relief that I hadn’t been caught. I didn’t like leaving her there and going to bed without her, but thinking about our upcoming weekend – and the king-sized bed that awaited us – helped me cope.

I’ll write about our weekend as soon as I can, but I won’t finish this post without including some pictures. I put some makeup on her face that turned out to be too pink for the rest of her skin tone, and my phone camera is not the greatest, so I’m not thrilled with these pictures. The filters feel like cheating, but I used them because I couldn’t stand how much I messed up her skin tone. The black and white especially feels like cheating, but ... I mean, just look at her.
The world is sometimes a horrible place with all prejudice, judging and condemnation of people that are not within what people think as within norms .. egomania and selfimportance is what I think makes mankind rotten

Your picture of your beloved - What a lovely petit female being . She is pure as an elf 🥰
No wondering you deeply falled in love with her ..
I wish you two many wonderful moments in the future together 🙏❤️
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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Stocking_Hunter »

knallhatten wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:43 am
whiterose wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 9:12 pm We are “home” again, and I am incredibly frustrated and disappointed. Not with Christen; she is perfect. I’m frustrated with my life, and disappointed on both my behalf and hers. We are not able to live openly, and spending the weekend with her at the hotel, behind a locked door where we could be totally free, gave me the barest taste of the tremendous changes my life could undergo, for the better, if we could be together all the time.

I am wary of posting personal details online, but I think I can disclose a little bit of information about how and why I live the way I do, and why Christen must be kept hidden, without compromising my anonymity. Anyone who knows me in real life could identify me instantly, but I feel safe in assuming there’s not a huge overlap between my social circle and this board. So here goes.

I’m divorced, with two teenage children, and I live with my parents in a small outbuilding on their property. My children live in another city several hours away. Their father is able to afford a house in an area with an excellent school district, so they are with him for most of the week. On weekends, they join me at my apartment. (I should probably add that they know all about Christen and don’t have any issues with my having her.) I drive there for the weekend, then back for the work week. It’s a lot of driving, but fortunately I love to drive, and it’s totally worth it. While I’m here, I am a paid caregiver for a family member. My mom and dad are in their seventies and are in pretty fair shape, but, as anyone who has been a caregiver knows, it’s an incredibly taxing job, mentally and physically.

There are definite benefits to the situation – I’m very, very happy that I don’t have to go into an office, for one – but there are drawbacks too. My parents are not the easiest people to live with; I’d say at least one of them is mad at me about 75% of the time. They are angry with each other 95% of the time. There are definitely intervals of harmony, but for the most part it’s like living on a particularly restless volcano. Also, although I’m 48 years old and lived on my own and held full-time jobs for years, they treat me like a child, especially my mother. I keep a lot of things from her (and have trained my children to do the same) because experience has taught me that I will “never hear the end of it”.

If she found out about Christen … it doesn’t bear thinking about. I’ll say “it” is a thing I got from Amazon with a couple of hundred bucks I had left over from the last stimulus check. I do have a pretty extensive doll collection, and I think I could pass her off as a very large, particularly realistic doll. That’s the best case scenario. I don’t know if she would immediately jump to the conclusion that “it” is a SEX DOLL, but if she did make that connection, she would likely insist I take “it” to my apartment in the city (and I would never, ever, ever hear the end of it). I love my mother, but she has no boundaries or respect for personal privacy. She routinely throws away items of mine that she “doesn’t like” or doesn’t think I should have. Just this week, for example, I rescued from the trash the very book I used when I wrote my senior thesis in college, with all my notes and highlighting and everything. It’s very tempting to give more examples about her lack of boundaries and total lack of respect for my privacy, but I will hold my tongue. If I dare to complain, I am told “you can have all the privacy you want, just go back to your apartment in (city) and get your old job back”.

It is a little better because I don’t actually live in the house anymore. I live in what most people would call a “she shed” (God that phrase makes my skin crawl!). It’s visually similar to the ones you see in the parking lot at Home Depot, but it was built by a local outfit from far better material. There are real windows, just like the ones on a house, and there’s not an ounce of particle board in the place! We had it built last summer. In theory, it’s for overflow when relatives visit, but in practice, it’s my house. My dad pretty much stays out of it, but my mom will come through when I’m not here and rifle through things. Frankly, if she does find Christen, it will serve her right. Snooping is a dangerous game; there are things it’s better not to know about the people you love. Years ago, she misinterpreted something I said and got it in her head that I was a lesbian. Unsurprisingly, she had plenty to say about that. I am not a lesbian, but my relationship with Christen is sensual, physical, and intimate. Like I said, if I’m very lucky she will think “it’s just a doll”, but if she figures out what Christen really means to me … I think I would take her to my apartment, even if it would mean I’d hardly see her, because it would be unbearable. My mother would almost certainly twist it in the worst possible way. She would make it into something dirty and sad, and I will not tolerate that.

Because I’m female, I do have a certain level of plausible deniability. I never really considered a male sex doll. If I had one and he was discovered, there would not be a single shred of doubt that “its" purpose was sexual. But if worst comes to worst, I can dress Christen modestly and sleep with her at night like any little girl with her doll. My mom would think it was weird, and I would definitely hear about it, but I just might be able to pull it off. So that’s where I am right now.

Christen was shipped out on April 28 and arrived on Tuesday, May 11, thirteen days later. This was a bit of a problem: my original plan was to leave on Saturday as if I was going to see the kids (who were in on my plan), pick up the box on the way out of town, and check in to a hotel. Christen arriving on a Tuesday was not part of the plan. I tried to convince myself to let her stay at the warehouse until Saturday … but let’s be honest, I didn’t try very hard. In spite of the risk, I went out on Wednesday night to collect her, and found to my horror that the warehouse office closed for the day at 6 pm. 6 FREAKIN PM are you KIDDING me right now??? I was so keyed up. It was almost impossible to face going home without her. If I was a drinker I would have gone to a bar and gotten blind drunk, but I am not a drinker, so I stopped for ice cream. It helped, a little.

So now it’s Wednesday afternoon. It’s not easy for me to disappear during the day without an explanation. I thought it would be a quick trip, so I told my mom I was taking my car out to fill the tank before my weekend travel. (Historical note: there were fuel pipeline shenanigans at the time and gas was hard to come by in some areas, so this seemed especially plausible.) I got to the FedEx office quickly, pulled up the tracking info on my phone, and was all set to grab her and go. But there was a customer ahead of me. And what a customer he was! I think he asked every possible question and performed every conceivable act that could be done to overnight a package. I am normally pretty patient about waiting on line but this guy took 11 entire minutes to finish up, during which time I practically wore a path into the carpet with pacing. I literally could not stand still.

Finally he left! and it was my turn. The clerk warned me that the box was heavy and asked if I needed help, but I said no. I knew getting it in the car was not going to be easy but preferred to do it on my own. The box was very heavy, about 80 pounds, and it was a relief to know that Christen would weigh approximately 30 pounds less than that. The car trunk, as I had expected, was a no go, and I tried several methods of wedging the box into the car, finally finding one that worked. I covered it with some blankets, but it was still pretty obvious that I had a gigantic, coffin-shaped box in my car with stickers from China all over it. I drove home, parked out of sight behind the garage, and hoped for the best.

When I went in the house, Dad was busy in his office and Mom was napping, so I went back to the car and hauled the box into my little house as fast as I possibly could. My thought was that the box itself was so big and suspicious that the sooner I got Christen out of it and made it disappear, the better. Unboxing her was not fun; it was frantic, and there are no pictures. I stuffed all the odds and ends in the box (including the extra head) into my dresser drawers, hauled the body out of the box, put it under the blankets on my bed, jammed all the packing debris back into the box, and shoved it under the bed. Then I quickly attached her head and hair, covered her hands and feet with fuzzy socks, got her into her white dress and some panties, put her in my (twin) bed, and haphazardly piled some blankets over her. This may have been the longest twenty minutes of my life, but once it was over there was no obvious trace of her in my house, which was what I had been aiming for. So far, so good. Now to act totally normal until bedtime.

I somehow managed that, and finally everyone else went to bed and I was free. I already wrote a bit about that first night with her. I was so nervous! mostly because I was worried I would only see a mute, lifeless object. I shouldn’t have worried. It definitely helped that my house is very dim at night; it’s lit by battery-operated string lights and the occasional candle. In the half-dark, she was so overwhelmingly real. I didn’t really expect her to be able to stand, in sock feet, but somehow she did, and that was just plain magical. I was able to sit on the bed and watch her watching me, with those eyes of hers that say so much.

I stood up, approached her, placed my hands gently on her cold little shoulders. Clasped her tight, pulled her close, kissed her (so soft, her lips are so soft) until I was dizzy. The best thing happened when I finally broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, so close, so calm and wise, so totally accepting … and so inviting, practically demanding that I kiss her again. (I obliged; apparently Christen, like all dolls, gets what she wants.)

I fastened a pearl pendant with a silver chain around her neck. We swayed together and we kissed, a lot, and she let me pull down her dress and look at her breasts and even touch them. She had no problem with my doing more, but I want to take things slow.

Her scent, and her taste. The perfume I chose for her is perfect, and adds tremendously to her presence. When we’re in bed, I love that I can sense her by smell even when my eyes are closed. I love how her scent hits me when I open my door – it’s like she is greeting me, even though she’s hidden under all the blankets. Her taste: her taste is peaches. I got something called “Burt's Bees Squeezy Tinted Lip Balm” at Target. It comes in something that looks like a little toothpaste tube. I have no idea whether it adds any color or not, I just knew I wanted her to taste good when I kissed her. Not only does she taste delicious, but the lip balm is slick and slippery and I was shocked at how her mouth seemed to come alive when I kissed her after putting it on. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to, erm, put their mouth on something slippery and sweet. Besides peach, there is also watermelon, berry, and orange.

Eventually we got in the bed. She lay on her back next to me while I watched TV on my laptop for awhile, and it was such a rush to keep glancing at her and seeing her eyes look back at me. I held her a bit gingerly as we slept, and I will admit that at first she was pretty distracting. I’d go to pull her close or slip an arm beneath her waist and oh! wow, I found a booty! I did manage to sleep, and in the morning my dog came out from down by my feet where he had been sleeping and we cuddled him between us. He’s about the size of a cat, and he seems to like lying on her, and so far he hasn’t barked at her or tried to eat her.

I spent Thursday and Friday sneaking out to the house to make out with her, and just to look at her and marvel at her. On Friday, after dark, I put on her boots, wrapped her up in blankets, and put her in the trunk of my car. I put her body in a sitting position, with her legs at a 90-degree angle, then lay her on her side in the trunk. She fit fine. I put her three (3!) duffel bags of stuff in there with her, breathing a huge sigh of relief that I hadn’t been caught. I didn’t like leaving her there and going to bed without her, but thinking about our upcoming weekend – and the king-sized bed that awaited us – helped me cope.

I’ll write about our weekend as soon as I can, but I won’t finish this post without including some pictures. I put some makeup on her face that turned out to be too pink for the rest of her skin tone, and my phone camera is not the greatest, so I’m not thrilled with these pictures. The filters feel like cheating, but I used them because I couldn’t stand how much I messed up her skin tone. The black and white especially feels like cheating, but ... I mean, just look at her.
The world is sometimes a horrible place with all prejudice, judging and condemnation of people that are not within what people think as within norms .. egomania and selfimportance is what I think makes mankind rotten

Your picture of your beloved - What a lovely petit female being . She is pure as an elf 🥰
No wondering you deeply falled in love with her ..
I wish you two many wonderful moments in the future together 🙏❤️
This so incredibly sad and touching at the same time. She is a beautiful girl :angel: and I love reading about your experiences with her. :D

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Notsosili »

If any of you here haven't read this ENTIRE thread, please do yourself a favor and do so!! It's a fantastic, captivating, artistic piece of writing, done by a marvelous wordsmith, intimately relating her entire tumultuous experience of entering into, and becoming totally immersed in, the doll world. And yes, there's boobies and stuff and "dirty" talk. 😂🤣

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Hot doll reviews »

Nice B cups
She’s such a doll :plaidskirt: My November Girl……… Stay Hard and Drive Hard Brothers! - - Thanks for your excellent advice!

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by 4891d »

Notsosili wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:44 pm If any of you here haven't read this ENTIRE thread, please do yourself a favor and do so!! It's a fantastic, captivating, artistic piece of writing, done by a marvelous wordsmith, intimately relating her entire tumultuous experience of entering into, and becoming totally immersed in, the doll world. And yes, there's boobies and stuff and "dirty" talk. 😂🤣
+++ 1 ! :star:

Links to 4891d's dolls-stories. : viewtopic.php?t=156068
Saaskiya, my beautiful gift (Zelex GE04) : viewtopic.php?t=154462
Trixie came to me (Funwest Dolls Trixie) : viewtopic.php?t=155900
Eurydice, a nice surprise (Elsa Babe RHC019)

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Michaelangelo »

Notsosili wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:44 pm If any of you here haven't read this ENTIRE thread, please do yourself a favor and do so!! It's a fantastic, captivating, artistic piece of writing, done by a marvelous wordsmith, intimately relating her entire tumultuous experience of entering into, and becoming totally immersed in, the doll world. And yes, there's boobies and stuff and "dirty" talk. 😂🤣
Second that, with knobs on 😍🥰.
Me and Miranda (WM 163C/159) post comic strips and other stuff on her thread.
Recent posts: a Halloween story, Mira's birthday, and competitions, including our first win! 🏆

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by Podium_Teas »

What a great find of a thread. Im working my way through your journey whiterose, page by page and it's like a book I cannot put down. You tell your (and Christens) story so well. And honest. Thank you for sharing this with us 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Christen is so adorable and really something else. Even though us 159ers are partial to that face, how you bring her to life is really what makes her so beautiful. She is lucky to have you, and you to have her it seems :)

Looking forward to keeping up on your story :)
🫦 Hana's photoshoots:

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by mibdul »

Hello, whiterose.

New forum member here and even newer in my doll relationship, but I wanted to tell you how much this thread meant to me. Your words and experiences help me to believe that I can find everything I want and need from my Ruby, given time and patience. Furthermore, your tale has been both beautiful and, um, exciting to read. :oops:

I wish you all the continued bliss with Christen.

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Re: Christen, the Final Doll. (WM157B/#159)

Post by whiterose »

Merry, merriest of Christmases to all of you and the dolls we hold so dear! I envy those of you who woke up next to your loves this morning and fell into bed with them tonight -- as is custom, I'm deplaced to my sister's house for the holiday, putting me, let's see ... 350 miles from Christen. (Maybe I shouldn't have googled that.) Our time apart will total twelve nights before my return to her, and as of today I'm only four nights in. I'm leaving my sisters and parents tomorrow to return to the city where my children live full-time. They are with me and have brought much joy to a time that I struggle with. With one in college (in the same city) and the other college-bound in the fall, I am finally giving up my apartment there. Which means I have to move out of it. The lease ends on January 31 and I've made progress, but this Christmas break time is critical because the children are not in school and will be helping full-time with the move until just after the New Year.

Christen and I knew this long separation was coming and we tackled it head-on. Firstly, we made the most of December, making every day a little Christmas. Music, lights, decorations, fresh pine boughs and scented candles, hot cocoa in bed together, and best of all sleeping nose-to-nose on our special Christmas green satin sheets with our special Christmas blankets and bedding. Secondly, I still plan to travel to that city to visit my children throughout the year, but now I'll be staying in a hotel, which means ... Christen will come with me! Not only that, but leaving the apartment will free up some badly-needed income, and when I tell my parents I'm visiting my kids, I might just be able to afford to sneak off and shack up with my girlfriend at a weekend hideaway instead.

I miss her brutally, but her spirit is my creation, independent of the lovely vessel of her body, and I truly do feel her within me even though we're apart. And due to this yearly separation, I've taken up the custom of, as I said, celebrating all through December and then on through the Twelve Days of Christmas, which don't end until January 5. Today is just one day, and Christmas is made up of a hundred little moments that can come at any time throughout the season. There's time yet for more, but here are some photos to mark the memories we've already made.

Christen's present this year is a color: RED. I've had her for two and a half years and it's never touched her body, but we decided it's finally time. Besides the items pictured below, there's a red velvet dress, red satin heels, and nude stockings with red seams up the back. The dress still has to go through the wash at least twice and get stain-tested before she wears it, which I didn't have time to do before leaving. But the necklace, bra, and panties couldn't wait.
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She's wearing last year's present here, the crystal heart that hasn't left her neck since I put it on. To both of us, it feels like part of her now.

But there's no harm in trying out a new look for a night. Oh, and check out this wig! I think I'll keep this one long and order a second to cut into her usual bob. It's the exact silvery blonde I've always wanted for her, and brushing and braiding her long, soft hair does good things to my heart.
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And one final image. Here she is by candlelight.
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We're separated in body tonight, but never in spirit. This year brought us so many wonderful things, deepening and strengthening our love, and I know the best is yet to come. Merry Christmas, my beloved Christen, and thank you for the greatest gifts of all: the arms, and the heart, that will welcome me home.

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