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Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 11:59 am
by hollows+fentiman
Yeah, I’ve got two first gen DS100 silicone ladies and the Phicens don’t smell like them either! It’s a smell that I can almost recognise but can’t place it!

It’s a bit of a mystery but I’m not surprised they are so secretive about it as they’ve had a tough time recently with the brand name and ripoffs! That’s why they now call themselves TBLeague as a brand, although the figures are still called Phicen dolls.

Cheers, Hollows.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 12:19 pm
by TakersRose
Do you have any silicone dolls to compare to? I do. That smell is nothing like them, and they have little. That Phicen smell is strong and distinct when new. Not exactly like my TPE dolls, either, which is why I am leaning towards some form of TPE/TPR. Too stretchy for plain old silicone. VERY similar to my TPE ladies, but not exactly. Phicen is very secretive about this, but Hollows mentioned contacting Jenny at Phicen, and that is probably a great idea. I believe it is Could be wrong, but I'm on my phone.
Unfortunately I don't have any other silicone or TPE/TPR dolls to compare her to. She is my first doll with any kind of skin like this. Before now, the closest thing would have been my Barbie dolls with the 'bendy' legs and they're not even in the same league with Sarina. I'll definitely look into contacting them again. I don't need to know their exact formula, I just need to know how to repair the doll!
hollows+fentiman wrote:Yeah, I’ve got two first gen DS100 silicone ladies and the Phicens don’t smell like them either! It’s a smell that I can almost recognise but can’t place it!

It’s a bit of a mystery but I’m not surprised they are so secretive about it as they’ve had a tough time recently with the brand name and ripoffs! That’s why they now call themselves TBLeague as a brand, although the figures are still called Phicen dolls.

Cheers, Hollows.
If there's a definitive answer as to what the material actually is, I've not found it any place on the web. And like I say, I don't need to know exactly what the material is, I just need to know how to repair her.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 1:29 pm
by hollows+fentiman
I think what Begog and I are worried about is the type of glue/filler you can use. What suits TPE and TPR doesn’t suit silicone and vice versa. The hydrocarbon oils in TPE can work on silicone adversely. They’re almost like a solvent. I’ve been busy today but I will try to do something on my little one’s foot tomorrow if I can and see what happens.

Cheers, Hollows.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 1:55 pm
by Begog
hollows+fentiman wrote:I think what Begog and I are worried about is the type of glue/filler you can use. What suits TPE and TPR doesn’t suit silicone and vice versa. The hydrocarbon oils in TPE can work on silicone adversely. They’re almost like a solvent. I’ve been busy today but I will try to do something on my little one’s foot tomorrow if I can and see what happens.

Cheers, Hollows.
Yep. The repair for either could be disastrous for the other. Let Hollows experiment first. A hot knife might do the do.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 2:16 pm
by TakersRose
hollows+fentiman wrote:I think what Begog and I are worried about is the type of glue/filler you can use. What suits TPE and TPR doesn’t suit silicone and vice versa. The hydrocarbon oils in TPE can work on silicone adversely. They’re almost like a solvent. I’ve been busy today but I will try to do something on my little one’s foot tomorrow if I can and see what happens.

Cheers, Hollows.
These are my concerns as well. I've read enough threads around the forum to know that the repair for TPE and Silicone are different which is why I've been in such a tizzy. The repairs are different and can be disastrous if used on the wrong material. If you're willing to experiment and see what happens, I'd be very grateful. But please don't jeopardize your doll. I'd hate for something bad to happen.

Yep. The repair for either could be disastrous for the other. Let Hollows experiment first. A hot knife might do the do.
My hope is that I can repair her. I don't want to lose my Sarina. She's a best friend.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 2:39 am
by hollows+fentiman
OK, last night I opened a new tube of Permatex #81730 as I couldn’t find the part used one!

It is very runny and sticky so don’t get it on your hands if you’re thinking of using this stuff! I used a little bit of acetone to clean the area. The small hole was at the end of the footplate about a centimetre from the end of her toes. If I pulled her toes I could see the footplate. The hole was only about a millimetre and a half long (say sixteenth of an inch!).

I used a watchmakers screwdriver (small flat end) to scoop a tiny bit of Permatex up, pulled her toes and stuffed it in the hole. I did this about three times. I then pushed the toes back to close the hole. I wiped the screwdriver clean and then used it to scrape of any excess and sort of smooth it over the area as thin as I could.

It says it hardens in about an hour and cures in 24hours so I watched to see if anything nasty was going to happen before going to bed! Nothing did but I tried to sort of smooth the area with my fingers which was a bit of a mistake as my hands probably weren’t really clean and the stuff was still a bit sticky. The result was it picked up some grubby bobbles. I decided to leave it overnight!

This morning I could pull her toes and NO HOLE! However, I could actually peel some of the surrounding film of the stuff off.

Conclusion - Permatex won’t harm the Phicen’s skin. I think it has worked in my case but I don’t think it forms a chemical bond with the skin like a glue might. It is a bit like the stuff you use in the bathroom to seal gaps but it’s ‘stickier’. Once set/cured it can peel off and this may be due to the oils in the skin (whatever she’s made of!). Therefore it is important that you clean the area with acetone first to get any surface oils and ‘muck’ off! Use an implement to apply it a little at a time and then close the tear AND THEN LEAVE IT TO SET for a couple of hours before looking at it to see if it works!

I think it should work but, as I said, it hasn’t chemically bonded on mine! However, I can pull quite hard and the hole is sealed!

I hope that helps, Hollows.

Edit:- Sorry, I did try to take photos but the camera couldn’t focus on such a small area and you can’t see anything in the photos I took!

I decided to use the Permatex rather than a hot needle or something as I was a bit scared of doing that and melting the hole a bit bigger - coupled with that I don’t know if it melts with heat anyway! Sorry, I chickened out on that bit!

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 5:12 am
by hollows+fentiman
Further update!

Sorry, it didn’t work! The Permatex came away easily in the end and the hole is back!

I just tried Sil-Poxy! I had an open tube of that from last year when I was trying to repair my DS minis. It still seemed to be fine to use. However, that didn’t stick either!

All I can say is that the Permatex may seal the tear and stop it from spreading but it won’t fix it!

So, I’m afraid it’s back to square one! I still think it’s worth trying to contact Jenny to see if she can recommend any glue. I haven’t had dealings with her I’m afraid as I got mine through MovieFigures UK.

If I can pluck up the courage I may try heat next!

At least I can say those silicone products won’t damage the Phicen skin but it looks like they don’t bond to it either!

Cheers, Hollows.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:21 am
by hollows+fentiman
I’ve just had a thought! It might be worth giving kdw63120 a pm! He’s done some extraordinary modifications to some of his Phicens! He’s added larger, more realistic boobs, vaginal lips and made them pregnant! I haven’t seen any posts from him recently but he may get a pm email and login again!

Cheers, Hollows.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 7:04 am
by Dollfriend
Well then....If Permatex Silicone is not sticking, to me that says Phicen Dolls are not Silicone but some form of TPE or more likely TPR, or some other Unknown synthetic Rubber material, this makes sense to me because, Silicone is not really suited to Mass Production, where as TPR/TPE & synthetic Rubber are well suited for Mass production of Dolls, this was my original thought in my previous comment...But I would definitely make sure what these Dolls are made of from someone who really knows before I Did any kind of repair... :thumbs_up:

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 7:49 am
by hollows+fentiman
The only thing is, kdw63120 uses silicone to modify his dolls! He’s cut off original boobs and added his own more sagging ones with larger nipples for instance!

As I said earlier, there are many different silicone mixes and even blends. Phicens do get ‘sticky’ like all dolls whatever the material but they do feel different! I personally think they have a filler ingredient that makes it stretchy but resilient. My DS minis don’t have finger bones and you can stretch their fingers but they are much softer than Phicen ‘flesh’ and I think they would rip if pulled too far. The Phicen ‘flesh’ seems to be far more resilient to stretching with a harder ingredient.

Edit:- Here’s one of his modifications!
8EF06B8B-A1C3-422E-9336-6DF2ABB2A6B6.jpeg (98.2 KiB) Viewed 1832 times
Now, you couldn’t graft on silicone to TPE/TPR like that!

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:37 am
by LoneRanger
Phicen Doll Collectors


I have a friend who has one of those older Phicen transvestite dolls and her/his package is starting to come away. What glue is best to use to repair something like this?? Thanks!!

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:44 am
by hollows+fentiman
Thanks Lone, we’ll see if you get any replies from them in that forum!

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 8:58 am
by LoneRanger
So far the consensus is 'Krazy/Super Glue'.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 12:04 pm
by TakersRose
Well fiddleshit...Ok.

I'm sure there has to be a product out there to work, the modifications on kdw63120's dolls are proof of that.

Thank you LoneRanger, I hope an answer is received soon.

Surely I'm not the only Sarina owner who has/has had this problem.

Re: Repair of a Silicone Phicen doll Help needed!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 1:22 pm
by Begog
Interesting. I use acetone on my TPE dolls to clean the wound before surgery, and I feel it is a good idea as well, but Indigo20 jumped all over me for it. Still, the wound MUST be clean, and I know of nothing better than acetone for that. A must for silicone dolls.
As for sticky Phicens, try WASHING your Phicen with water (maybe with soap) or baby oil. Trust me, they will be sticky and require powder, just like TPE. Try it! First time one gets dirty or dries out, you'll be trying it.
As for adhesive, has anyone tried TPE glue? That's what I would try first. A very tiny amount, because it MELTS TPE. I bet it will work and they are some form of TPE/TPR. Never seen silicone stretch like that, or smell like that. Also, the new ones are far softer than the older ones. Pretty amazing.