
PIB Review: Updated 12/10/09

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PIB Review: Updated 12/10/09

Post by Biotrox »

This is the PIB model which Patrick delivered on 12/7. I know there are a lot of people looking for information and I have received so many PM's over the past few months wanting my opinions and impressions.

I am really going to try to keep the subjective impressions to a minimum as they are, well, subjective and just one person's impressions. Personally, with this type of product, I value photo-style reviews that lets a reader see the details for themselves. It's not that I won't offer any impressions, I just am going to try to keep them to a minimum.

As everyone knows, it's easy to be smitten when recieving something new, whether it's a doll or a car. The ooohs and ahhhs and spiffy photos are great but really reflect what someone may be thinking at the moment. They really don't tell the whole story of what a customer might be getting if they order a product for themselves and have it right in front of them. A photo is about the cloest you can get.

Speaking of photos, they too can be subjective as they usually represent what someone wants someone else to see, rather than showing something as it exists raw and uncut. Lighting, shadows, flash, WB, color, -- all these things can often make a feature loook aesthetically better or worse than it might in person. With that being said, and to be fair, I am sharing shots that represent what I think would be closest to reality if one were standing in front of the object and inspecting it themselves. This can be hard so obviously it's not something you do in one day.

Just one request-- discussion is fun but please don't argue or go off topic in this thread or try to compare dolls from different manufacturers. I don't want to get caught in the middle.

Front Torso:

The front of the doll is very smooth and shows no signs of any signifigant blemishes of any kind. The neck stalk is also free of any blemishes. There is a subtle texturing of the skin detail that may be hard to see in the photo.

The inside seams on the doll's arms are smoother and less distracting than on the first model I received. I assume seams are something anyone has to deal with on any doll of this kind. Some doll manufacturers may have more subtle seamlines than others. I cannot comment or compare as I have never owned another product of this nature.


Side View of torso:

The side seams on the doll's torso are a bit more noticeable than on the arms, but nothing overly distracting in person. Much better than the first copy. The seams on the legs are barely noticeable. I will be posting photos of the legs and backside later in the review.



As with the first model, I believe Patrick has done a superb job on the detailing of the breasts. Everyone has likes and dislikes, but the detail and realism is one of the high-points for me.



I used a very shallow depth of field on this one to bring out the nipple detail:



I have to admit hands and feet are not something I ever really notice on people, even less on artwork or dolls. I have had a couple folks ask me for photos of the PIB feet and hands in the past, so here you go.

IMO, the hands are realtively realistic. The hands contain no finger wires so they are a bit floppy when the doll is moved or the wrists shaken. This is either good or bad, depending on your perspective and what you want in a doll. The bonus of no finger wires is no finger pokes to deal with, I guess. I suspect, however, hands are not a main feature that
people look at when deciding on a doll purchase.

Palm View:


Back of hand and fingers:


Bottom of feet: Most realistic feature of the feet, IMO. The detail is quite impressive, to my eyes.


Top of feet: Not as detailed as the bottom, but this is nit-picking territory and not a big deal for me in any way.



The pubic region is also a feature that is very nicely done, to my eyes. The detail is very, very realistic in most places and also superbly done, IMO. Patrick had molded the insert into the doll, at my request. This will eliminate the issue of the insert moving around when the doll is posed.





Continuing on...

One thing I noticed about the new doll that is different is the poseability. The joints on the first model seemed a bit stiff and rigid and the knees were reluctant to bend or hold a position without some force being applied. The new doll I received appears to have articulated knees that make it much easier to pose the legs. The elbow and wrist joints also seem more fluid and able to hold their position.

The hip and shoulder joints are not articulated so there is no ability for the doll to hold a static position without support in this area. For instance, if you spread the legs or push them back towards the chest, they will want to rebound to neutral without some support. This is another one of those things that will either be a positive or a negative, depending on what your needs and requirements are. The positive is the hip and shoulders are more maleable and can take on more gumby-like positions(for play?). The legs easily cross and you don't have to worry about joint breakage or loosening.

The drawback here is that obviously you need to support the hip andshoulder joints if you want the doll to retain some static poses. For sitting, lying, or recligning, this is no big deal. If one of your crtieria is that you must have the ability to be able to pose or photograph a doll in a standing position using a support stand, you should look at something else. This is not a knock on the doll, just the way the doll is set up. Personally, I have no problems with it and never really had a deisire to pose the doll standing.

Anyways, the doll is definately more fluid and poseable than the first model I received and is capable of striking some more naural poses, while lying or seated, without having to wrangle the doll into position. It will also hold the pose well without any worry of popping out of the pose.




Some folks asked if I would take more pictures showing the seams and give comments.

Here is an anterior view of the doll from the right.


Here are a couple of shots showing the seams on the legs.



As I said before, I really am not trying to evaluate anything as I have never owned a product like this. Comparing things like seams on my doll to seams shown on photos of others dolls is not fair as I have never had the chance to see the other dolls in person in real lighting without flash contrast distortion or other effects that might be present. There really are no rough seam areas but as I said before, the upper torso does appear to have a bit more prominent seams than the rest of the body. Enough for it to be an issue with me? No. For someone else? I have no idea. I am just trying to be as fair as I can be -- to everyone.

Here is the obligatory butt shot. One thing I noticed is that the posterior on the new model is more conservative in appearance. It is not as prominent but is still curvy, secy, and realistic.


Another foot shot. As stated before, the detail on the bottom of the feet is quite realistic.




Continuing with my review blog... :o

PIB Head:

I think the head on the PIB is unique in the doll world in that it is not fixed to a base structure. This is also a feature that has positives and negatives, depending on what you desire.

I am using the photos I posted here in the past. It wouldn't be fair of me to do close-ups of the head and face at this point as the head is now going on six months and I have handled it quite a bit.


The replacement head I received in July was delivered in good condition, except for a small red gouge on the inside of the lid. As far as the eyelashes, I suppose the weakest link in the chain is going to be these. You need to handle the head with care when positiong the eyes and don't want to press down on the lashes.

The head itself is inserted on top of the neck stalk and can rotate freely 360 degrees. The stalk itself can be bent in all directions but it takes a bit of force and you probably don't want to manhandle the neck when doing this.


When mouted on the stalk and not supported, the neck does have a tendency to bend under the weight of the head--which is relatively heavy. It will not fall off unless one were to tip the doll beyond horizontal. Given this, you want to be careful when moving the doll and make sure to remove the head before transporting it.

As far as a suggestion to how this could be improved, it might be something worthwhile to attach some type of male/female adapter on both the recieving end of the stalk and the inside hollow of the head cavity. This would allow one to 'click' the head into place and leave it.

This is not a not a condemnation of the system but simply a suggestion, and I am sure manufactuers like to hear from the customers on how they feel things could be improved in the future. I definately would think some type of attachment system would make the head easier to manage. Also, perhaps placing some type of support structure in the neck--a PVC pipe or strip of metal -- might elminate the droop that sometimes can happen.

The eyes are positioned by inserting the finger into the eye slots inside the hollow. Can be a bit challenging but I found putting a little bit of lubricant on the eyes makes it easier.

Speaking of eyes, the ones supplied with the doll are more than adequate for the job, IMO. There are knobs on the back of each eye that makes it much easier when they are being manipulated and positioned from inside the hollow.




No photos today. I thought I would post measurements, as this question has been asked of me a few times. I am quite curious myself. :o This info might come in handy when buying clothes.

I don't have a bathroom scale but would guestimate the body is around the stated weight of 80 pounds +/- any variances with each model created. I would guestimate the head to be around 7 pounds.

I am including cm and Ft, for us metrically-challenged Americans. :lol:


Shoulder to Heel : ~ 50 Inches/ 4.17 feet / 127 cm
Top of head to Heel -- ~ 62 inches/ 5.16 feet / 157.5 cm
Shoulder Span: ~15 inches / 37.5 cm
Slimmest part of waist: ~ 22 inches / 55.9 cm
Hips ~ 34 Inches / 86.4 cm
Rear-end circumference: ~ 38 inches / 96.5 cm
Breast Circumference: ~34 Inches / 86.4 cm
Inseam(heel to crotch of leg): ~28 Inches / 71.1 cm
Arm Length(Shoulder to top of finger): ~ 27 inches / 68.6 cm
Circumference of Thighs: ~ 19 inches /48.26 cm
Neck Circumference: 13.5 Inches / 34.3 cm
Length of foot(heel to big toe): ~ 8 inches / 20.32 cm


I think that covers it. A note about clothes for future buyers. I have found size small or stretchy one-size-fits all material to work best. Shoe size has been hit-or-miss depending on the type of shoe(open toed or closed.)
I would suggest a size 6 for closed-toe and Size 4 for open. I would advise you to stay away from close-fitting tops that have to be buttoned and do not open fully like a sweater.

Use this info as a rough, guide, however. Each doll might have some variations in measurements.

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Post by srdr »

is it the same body that Oops'doll ?
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Post by Daniel99 »

Excellent photos and review! That new PIB bathing beauty 2.0 body is very hot.

None of these dolls are as flawless as a barbie or as realistic as a real woman yet, but they seem to be slowly edging toward the ideal combination of the two!

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Post by Oops »

srdr wrote:is it the same body that Oops'doll ?
yep same body

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Post by Bill »

Very nice!

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Post by midiman »

They say a picture's worth a thousand words so thanks for your 11,000 word review :)

Looks quite good to me. If you have shown me that photo of the bottom of the feet and told me it was your GF's feet I would haev believed you :)

IF the rest had looked as real as the bottom of the feet, you'd need a passport to travel with her :)

Be anxiously waiting fro your followup adn how she stands up to some moving around.


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Post by AlbertE »

Very impressive... Can you advise if there is any powder on this doll
at time of photo , whether from manufactuer or applied ?
Also, due to all the chat re Head attach.. will there be a
review on this so we can see exactly what the assembly and limitations are ?

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Post by priceritchie2010 »

Beautiful work Pat! Awesome camera work there to Bio.

I hope this will do it for you!

She looks just like the one I saw at the studio. Seems they are all coming out about the same now.

Good news!
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Post by snake53 »

Brilliant presentation Biotrox and what an awesome doll you have delivered Patrick.
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Post by Biotrox »

AlbertE wrote:Very impressive... Can you advise if there is any powder on this doll
at time of photo , whether from manufactuer or applied ?
Also, due to all the chat re Head attach.. will there be a
review on this so we can see exactly what the assembly and limitations are ?
Hi, yes. The doll was delivered powdered, which is nice, as it is easier to handle and move when powdered.

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Post by omni69 »

Excellent reiview and pictures of your doll. it helped anwer alot of questions for me. thanks for taking the time out and doing this for all of us

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Post by srdr »

Maybe its the light but the seam line on right side seems to be deep ?!

? no head, or maybe you still have Eden head with you (old pictures).
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Post by Biotrox »

srdr wrote:Maybe its the light but the seam line on right side seems to be deep ?!

? no head, or maybe you still have Eden head with you (old pictures).
The seams are a little more visibile on the upper torso and taper off to realtively subtle as you make your way down the doll. In person, it's not that distracting.

I haven't used the head on the doll yet. I just wanted to give a review of the body as I have received so many questions about the details.

Also, people need to keep in mind that seing a doll in a photo and in person can bring about totally different impressions. A photo can only do so much to relay subtle details and the three-dimensional nature of an object like this. This is something to consider when using photos to make a judgement call. As I said earlier, I really am not trying to evaluate anything for anyone and people should keep this in perspective. I am choosing photos that, alhtough they won't ever match the real thing exactly, best represent what one would see in person if they inspected the doll.

IMO, this approach is easier and more practical than trying to answer a bunch of questions(like, "How do the seams look on your doll?") with subjective answers.

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Post by srdr »

Thanks Biotrox !
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Post by kharn »

Thanks Bio, really nice work. She looks great :D
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