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Why moisturize your TPE sexdoll with oil ?

Since 2015, we are authorized reseller of the main brands of sex dolls TPE and silicone dolls (WM, YL, OR, CLM, DS ...). We offer a considerable choice of sexy dolls, to be customized at the best price and with a guarantee of authenticity. Our motto : "We wish to offer our clients the best of what we ourselves would like to receive.” Located in France but ship worldwide : USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan...
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Why moisturize your TPE sexdoll with oil ?

Post by Silicone-Sexy-Doll »


TPE moisturizing is a mandatory step for those who wish to keep their sexdoll in its initial condition of freshness for a long time:
- You will preserve the skin elasticity, suppleness and softness
- You will make certain body areas softer (be careful not to abuse it, a TPE too soaked in oil is a fragile TPE)
- You will optimize the resistance to a crack or a tear.

To learn more about this subject, you can read our blog post : ... l-with-oil ... xuelle-tpe
Best regards,

Sebastien -
(English & French live support)


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Re: Why moisturize your TPE sexdoll with oil ?

Post by seagull »

A bit of a mix this one ... l-with-oil
You should consider moisturizing your doll's TPE:

- upon receiving your model if you notice an abnormal drying of the epidermis; Good :thumbs_up:
- as soon as micro cracks or mini tears appear (often observed on fragile areas such as the armpits, behind the knees, the groin or the thighs). Good :thumbs_up:

If you notice drying, micro cracks, peeling, don't worry! The problem is reversible and you can fix it by taking action today. Also Good :thumbs_up:

To moisturize your doll's TPE properly, you will need to choose a thick, odorless, colorless and edible paraffin oil. This is the most effective, safest and least hazardous way to replenish your love doll's TPE. Other forms of oil that could damage your creature's body surface should be avoided. Very Good :thumbs_up:

You will have to use your index finger to apply this paraffin oil on the most fragile and most sensitive areas to cracking: Good :thumbs_up:

- on the groin ;
- around the breast;
- under the armpits;

After application, let the oil penetrate the TPE. Good :thumbs_up:
This simple procedure can be carried out regularly (once a fortnight for example) What? :thumbs_down: . Be careful, however, not to overdo it this could lead to oil saturation. Good :thumbs_up:

Body areas that will require more frequent oil moisturizing. "frequent" Not very specific :thumbs_down:

These are actually the most fragile, most sensitive, most strained areas of your love doll's body. You will have to regularly check the following parts:

- shoulders,
- intimate parts, External or opening to the intimate parts :thumbs_down:
- belly,
- knees (leg bends),
- buttocks (especially if they have been in a sitting position for a long time),
- breasts (especially if they are very generous).

These are the areas most prone to friction during erotic play and skeletal manipulation. These are also the areas where the TPE is most susceptible to drying out. For these reasons, you should periodically check and judge for yourself (micro cracks or mini tears) whether the oil moisturization is adequate or not.

Is it dangerous to saturate its realistic TPE doll with oil ? Very Good :thumbs_up:

Yes, this is something you need to keep in mind. Granted, the steps are simple, but you will need to be cautious about this risk of saturation.

If you notice that the body surface of your erotic doll is starting to soften, fade or worse, liquefy, you have likely had a heavy hand (in this case, your index finger) when moisturizing your beauty with oil. (As in unnecessary oiling when there is no indications of micro cracks or mini tears

So how to know ?

We recommend that you apply oil in small quantities the first few times. Better too little than too much at first. You can adjust the next day, for example, by performing the same operation again. With time, you will get to know your erotic doll's TPE better.

If you notice that the applied oil takes more than a day to be fully absorbed by the TPE, then you may be exceeding the maximum limits. This absorption time depends on the initial TPE oil content but also on the temperature. Absorption will be faster in summer than in winter.

The ideal absorption time is around 4 to 6 hours at most. Very Good :thumbs_up:
Beyond that, you should do your best to dry by powdering and handling as much as possible.(What?) Below that, you can repeat without risk.
If not, feel free to apply a finger of paraffin oil on the above mentioned body areas.

The other advantage of moisturizing the TPE.

Beyond preserving the initial freshness of your sex doll's epidermis, oil moisturizing will lubricate and grease the joints of the metal skeleton. Pretty sure that's sales talk imo

One quibble with the doll images, I've never seen a TPE doll with such pronounced seams :)
Overall, it's a good article :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

Doll Oracle
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Re: Why moisturize your TPE sexdoll with oil ?

Post by seagull »

There is a similar subject

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