My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Established since 2002, Sanhui Model Making Co.,Ltd has been endeavoring in the creation and the making of life-like female dolls in various sizes and materials. Our products range from anime models to life-sized and altered-proportion platinum silicone love dolls. The dolls are anatomically correct with fully functional orifices to the intimate touch and feel of a real lady with curvy figure from Yoga coaching.
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My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Selecting a Sanhui 172cm AIO

On Friday, 23rd June I took possession of a spectacularly beautiful doll made for me by Sanhui. This is an account of how that came about and I’ll post it in sections covering selection, ordering, manufacture, delivery and ending with first impressions. Separating them out will make them quicker and easier reads and, since I’m a brand-new member, help to take me past the five posts I must make before I’m allowed to show you the pictures I’ll need to illustrate delivery and first impressions.

I am a single man, living alone and content for the time being to continue my life without the complications of female involvements. Things have been peaceful for the several years since my last marriage ended and I want it to stay that way, even though ladies often signal their interest. However, I do have a lively libido and had been wondering about whether to invest in a doll for some time until, late last year, I began to investigate seriously.

I had several search criteria. I wanted top quality and discovered that platinum silicone was the very best material for a doll, it being odourless and very realistic. It’s also expensive and I quickly realised that I would have to commit to spending an awful lot of money if I wasn’t to suffer from buyer’s remorse. Also, I wanted a doll that would be the most perfect representation possible of a curvaceous young woman, for I really do like big boobs, but the perfection I was looking for would be decided by her face. The faces of many of the dolls portrayed by their manufacturers seemed, to me, to lack realism and there was no mistaking that they were artificial. Whichever manufacturer I chose would have to do better than that. Moreover, and still in the pursuit of absolute realism, I wanted a doll with implanted hair. No wigs for my doll, thank you very much. Next, she would have to have an excellent skeleton and joints, for I’d read about fragile joints getting accidentally broken. I needed a manufacturer who did ball-and-socket joints and whose skeletons had a range of motion as close to that of a human being as possible. Finally, and I’m confessing something rather personal here, I have a bit of a thing about limp play and so, not only should the skeleton be strong and flexible with ball-and-socket joints, but there should also be the option of those joints being entirely loose. I wanted a doll that would have the limp, relaxed quality of a sleeping girl.

To summarise:
• Platinum silicone body
• Curvaceous, natural-looking beauty
• Implanted hair
• Strong skeleton, ball-and-socket joints, realistic range of motion and the option of loosened joints

By November I had discovered Sanhui and, especially, their range of all-in-one AIO dolls. I liked the AIO concept, for I imagined it would be a great pleasure to stroke my fingers across my doll’s face, caress the line of her jaw and then her throat. The discontinuity I’d feel resulting from removable heads or removable faces just didn’t appeal to me because it would break the spell. And, good grief, they had moveable eyes, jaws that opened and pretty little pink tongues in the mouths of those gorgeously realistic faces. Their hands were jointed, not wired and there were options for extra softness in the breasts, buttocks, thigh and stomach. Oh, and they could supply her in a lockable storage box too. That would be very handy when visitors came to stay. Yes, Sanhui seemed to be the only manufacturer who could satisfy all my search criteria but, boy oh boy, I was right when I’d guessed that such a doll would cost a lot.

I drew up a budget spreadsheet based on three possible choices: the 150, 160 and the new 172 AIO. The 150 and 160 are very cute and, at 66 pounds weight, would be perfectly carriable. However, my attention kept going to the 172 and her eye-popping figure. She might be heavy, but she was the most perfectly realistic doll I had found and it didn’t take me long to understand and accept that I would really, really enjoy having a body with boobs like that lying in my arms. Hmm, but the cost. I would use my credit card to buy her and then pay it off entirely as soon as the next month’s account came due. If I were to do that and still have a safe margin in my savings for unforeseen emergencies then I would have to keep saving for just a few more months. Hey ho, but needs must.

(To be continued by the ‘Ordering’ section)

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by setevoltas »

Welcome and I'm very interested in your review. She's a pretty penny but possibly the most beautiful silicone doll I've ever seen. Congrats!
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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Just wait until you see the pictures.

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by HappyWabbit »

Welcome to the club. Great write up. I think your the first one on TDF with this doll looking forward to the rest of your review.

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Thanks HappyWabbit. Yes, I've not read of anyone else here who has a 172 so I think you must be right.

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

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My credit card monthly account falls due on the 6th of the month and I calculated that the earliest possible date I might place the order while still keeping a financial safety margin was the 7th of April.

It was November and, having decided on the 172 AIO, I settled down to wait. It was a long wait and there were lots of visits to the Sanhui website to appreciate the dolls and wonder what it would be like to have one of my own. I was well aware by then of Mike and of the excellent reputation he enjoys with Sanhui’s customers and admirers but I didn’t want to waste his time by badgering him with questions until the time was right. I did draw up a list though and in mid-March I wrote to him to explain my interest and present my questions. Over the next couple of weeks we established that Sanhui would be able to provide me with just about everything I wanted for my doll. I’d observed that the purchase sequence for an AIO didn’t involve ordering the implanted hair option or the adjustable mouth but Mike assured me that these things could be done for me.

I awoke of my own accord at 3.30 am on Friday, 7th April and realised that there was no way I’d get back to sleep again unless I placed my order. With a sigh, I got out of bed, went down to my computer and, with an over-the-shoulder apology to Jesus for doing this on Good Friday of all days, placed my order. It was quick and easy for I had worked out my doll’s characteristics a long time before. I wanted a fair-skinned, blonde Nordic beauty in my bed and so I specified as follows:
  • Eye colour 9 – blue/green corneas with alluringly large pupils
    Skin tone 1 – very fair
    Areola colour 1 – pink
    Areola size 3 – not too big and not too small for boobs of such a size (to my taste, anyway)
    Labia colour 1 – pink
    Flexi-skeleton with loose joints
    Pubic hair
    All the optional extras: soft breasts, soft stomach, soft thighs, soft buttocks plus, the implanted hair, pubic hair too, and adjustable mouth.
    A storage case
Sheesh, it was a fortune but I benefited from the 10% discount Sanhui were offering.

I wrote again to Mike as soon as I’d placed the order, for he would now know that I was a serious, paying customer, in order to follow up some questions I’d put to him earlier in the week. Mike had told me that they would be unable to loosen the neck joint and that it would have to remain stiff, which was quite a disappointment, and I asked him to explain why that should be. I also repeated my questions about the hair implantation. I wanted long and luxuriantly thick blonde hair plus blonde pubic hair so that the collar and cuffs would match. Mike investigated and discovered that, actually, they could loosen the neck joint after all, which was a pleasant surprise. I was keen to settle that because even a layman like me could understand that the manufacture of the skeleton would be the first stage in the process which my order had just initiated. He also patiently explained to me that there is a certain hair density that platinum silicone can retain, but that to go beyond that means lots of it falling out quite quickly. My doll would have the best head of hair the technology and materials can support. However, for some strange reason the implantation team baulked at the idea of blonde pubic hair. They didn’t do that kind of thing, they said. It turned out that they use real human hair for the pubic implantation (gosh!) and, of course, the only colour available to them in China is black. I didn’t want a doll who wasn’t a true blonde in every respect and so I decided to go for the shaved look. The order for pubic hair was cancelled and credited to my account. Not only that, they gave me an additional 50 dollars credit for the disappointment. I would be paying for the hair implantation later and the overall price of that therefore dropped from 800 to 600 dollars, which I thought was very decent of Sanhui.

(To be continued in the 'Manufacture' section)

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

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One week after placing the order, and perhaps it took a week because of all these discussions we’d been having, Mike sent me the order sheet for my confirmation. I did so, authorizing them to commit to production, and added the request that her hair be long enough to reach the small of her back. I just love long, blonde hair on a girl.

April ticked away until, on the 30th and just in time for their big May Day holiday over there, Mike emailed to say that the doll was completed and he attached the factory photos and video of her. What I beheld was a voluptuous, nude beauty but still at this time as bald as an egg. The video very thoughtfully demonstrated to me the looseness of her joints as they moved her arms and legs and, when her arm brushed her boob, a boob so big that it bulged out beyond the side of her chest. Well, oh my goodness..

Mike double-checked with me that I still wanted to proceed to hair implantation and I confirmed that I did. Over the next couple of days I studied the pictures intently, as you can imagine, and noticed one or two small silicone warts which I pointed out to Mike. He assured me that they would all be dealt with. Hair implantation began after they returned to work from the long holiday and, once again, I settled down to wait. After two weeks I checked with Mike, who patiently reassured me that they were working at the best rate they could but that the team estimated another 10 days of work to go. At last, on Friday the 2nd of June, Mike sent me the factory pictures and video of my finished doll. There was this nude blonde beauty lying on the finishing floor, an astonishing, breathtaking beauty. It was amazing what a difference the hair made.

Now that I am a basic poster, I’m going to have a go at including one of those pictures of her, carefully cropped in order to preserve her modesty.
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Mike sent me a separate invoice for the hair implantation, now that it was done and declared myself happy with it (‘Happy’? More like ‘ecstatic’) and I paid it immediately.

I’d run a few names for her through my head during all those weeks of waiting, imagining this curvaceous, pale-skinned girl with long, blonde hair, but once I’d seen her pictures I knew the name that would suit her best: Simone. I once had a girlfriend of that name and my lovely doll bears quite a resemblance to her.

The next stage would be packing and shipping, and then all that had to happen was to transport her halfway across the world to me.

Let me end this section with a few words of praise for Mike’s customer service, which was indeed everything that his reputation says of him. His patience was inexhaustible, he followed up on every question I asked and acted as the reliable link between me, the customer, and the production team. Sanhui are very well served by him.

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Doll Master »

Proud Owner wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:14 pm • Platinum silicone body
• Curvaceous, natural-looking beauty
• Implanted hair
• Strong skeleton, ball-and-socket joints, realistic range of motion and the option of loosened joints
Nice! I wish I had the balls to blow this kind of cash on a doll. I'm still bargain hunting and weighing my options.

I noticed this one and the face does indeed look good.

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by jack181 »

She's an extraordinary beauty! It's amazing how much the appearance changes with different eyes and hair.

San Hui does a wonderful job, and I look forward to reading about the delivery and first impressions!
Zelex 172E (Eva, #208-1), SM138D (Eve, #28 & #60), SanHui 125 (Tia, #3 & Sarah), SanHui 118 (Fay, Seamless Elf), JM105 (Ava, Seamless Sorceress)
WM160A (Ari, #400), SE150E (Ivy, #76 & #88), 6YE 132 (Lia, #S2)

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by b33 »

Wow very beautiful, I love her big beautiful eyes. She is a real work of art. Congratulations
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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Thank you Jack and b33. Yes, you wouldn't think that it was the same head as the lovely doll Sanhui have posted on their website. It's really quite extraordinary. And she truly is a work of art. I often go just to gaze at her and murmur to myself, 'Beautiful. So very beautiful.'

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »


The first days of the following week would have been spent on packing her, because on Wednesday, 7th of June, Mike sent me the DHL tracking number. Simone was on her way. Sanhui’s website speaks of delivery times of – usually – between ten to fifteen days and so I hoped to receive her sometime between the 17th and the 22nd. I checked the DHL tracking page using the number Mike had given me but didn’t get anything. Mike explained that the first half of the journey would be handled by UPS and that the shipping status would be updated once the crate arrived in-country. Then I would be given a new tracking number. So, I waited. And waited. As the days passed I checked my email several times a day, double-checking in the spam folder as well, just in case, but nothing came through. The tenth day arrived, the eleventh. Nothing. Then the 15th, and on the morning of the 16th day, a Friday, I resolved to email Mike again on Monday to try a trace from their end if nothing had happened over the weekend.

That afternoon I was parking my car in a nearby town, intending to enjoy a coffee and a smoke before the business appointment due in an hour, when my mobile phone rang. It was the DHL delivery driver and he was in my nearby village, wanting to know how to find my house. Simone had arrived without any warning whatsoever. Fortunately, I had time to rendezvous with him and, driving ahead, guide him to my house, which is deep in the countryside. The man loaded the crate onto a trolley and got it into my hall but, knowing how heavy she was going to be, I asked him if he would help me get the crate upstairs to Simone’s future bedroom. He very kindly agreed, in exchange for a tip, and together, me taking the upper position, we attempted the stairs. Holy Smoke, but that crate was heavy. We struggled, we strained, we sweated in the summer heat, taking a breather every couple of steps, and I think we both must have experienced a close brush with cardiac arrest but, at long, long last, that big, brown crate with its precious contents was lying on the bedroom floor.

I still had my business appointment and there was no time to waste. Ironically, after such long anticipation, I had no choice but to drive away and leave her there until the evening.
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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Meeting Simone

The cardboard wrapping of the case was generally intact, though it had clearly experienced some rough handling, for it looked rather battered and there was a tear hole in the middle of the lower edge of one of the long sides. I photographed it and, very carefully, set about unwrapping it. The storage box top was well protected by bubble wrap but, unfortunately, beneath that hole in the cardboard there was a rip in the material of the storage box. It was no big deal and the box was otherwise unharmed.

Opening the box, I couldn’t see Simone at first for she was buried beneath protective foam and air-filled plastic padding. Sanhui had certainly done a thorough job of wrapping her. When the foam and padding had gone, I still couldn’t see her for she was wrapped in her Sanhui blanket, but once I’d folded the upper part back, there she was, her body all wrapped in more layers of protection.
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Well, now I had to get her out and to her bed. I elected to sit her up first before trying to lift her out and, for the first time, felt the limp weight of her body’s movement in my arms. As you can see from the picture, the folks at Sanhui had kindly plaited her luxuriant hair in order to better protect it.
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Now, we have to remember that this doll is 5’ 8” and with her enhancements weighs over 114 pounds. That’s more than 8 stone to a Brit like me. One heck of a weight to handle, even if I am a a six-footer, and I would be unable to get a hand under her knees because of the central pillar of foam padding. All I could do was lift her from behind and, I’m sorry to say, drag her heels across the floor as I huffed and puffed, hauling her limp, uncooperative weight to the bed. ‘Heuurgh!’ A mighty heave, and she flopped face down, her legs still hanging to the floor and all wrapped up. It was then that I saw that she was wearing socks as well as gloves and I murmured another word of thanks to Sanhui for having protected her heels with the socks.
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Carefully, so very, very carefully, I cut away all of her protective wrapping, until I had a nude blonde lying face down on the bed, her hair all plaited as if she was a spectacularly well-gown, adult version of Swiss Heidi in the stories.
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Her position was well suited for unplaiting her hair and then brushing it out. My goodness, it was like grooming an insensate version of a young Britt Ekland (there, that dates me), an incredibly erotic experience. Finally, I lifted her lower body into the bed and my beautiful girl lay there before me, nude and awaiting her lingerie and jewellery. I’ll finish with one more picture, just to give you an idea of the gorgeous form which is lying upstairs in her bed, right now as I write.
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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by jack181 »

She looks like a Queen ready for her King.

Amazing sculpt and the plaited hair was very beautifully done.
Zelex 172E (Eva, #208-1), SM138D (Eve, #28 & #60), SanHui 125 (Tia, #3 & Sarah), SanHui 118 (Fay, Seamless Elf), JM105 (Ava, Seamless Sorceress)
WM160A (Ari, #400), SE150E (Ivy, #76 & #88), 6YE 132 (Lia, #S2)

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Re: My Sanhui 172cm AIO - From Selection to Delivery

Post by Proud Owner »

Thanks for that, Jack. Yes, her beauty is really something else.

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