My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Starpery mission is that"Let robot service to people, and protect people!". We are the manufacturer of TPE doll and silicone doll, based on Huizhou city, China. We are devoting ourself to improve doll apery ability of appearance and movement so that she or he can help more the unable, or the loneliness, or other fans. Wish our doll can bring the funny, service and protection to all human being in future. Website:
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My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

Step into the realm of tantalizing enchantment, dear readers, as we embark on a whimsical odyssey through the world of pleasure and desire. Prepare yourselves for an epic tale, for I, your humble narrator, am about to regale you with a story that will make your heart race and your senses tingle.

It has been a goodly while since I last graced the pages of a review with a full-size, breathtaking doll. Allow me to transport you back to my most recent encounter, to the time when I unveiled the mesmerizing wonders of the Tantaly Jennifer torso.


Ah, what an affair that was! The passion, the exploration, the sheer delight of indulging in the forbidden. That tantalizing encounter left an indelible mark on my soul, igniting a flame that would forever burn bright within me. (Okay ChatGPT, laying it on a bit thick there. Take it easy!)

You see, my dear friends, I am not your ordinary reviewer. No, I am a low-income, totally blind individual, traversing life's labyrinthine corridors with an insatiable appetite for adventure. In my youth, I spent countless hours immersed in a world of fantasies, dreaming of possessing a sex doll—a magnificent creation that would bring my desires to life. But alas, it seemed an unattainable dream, a costly venture reserved for those with boundless means.

Yet, even in the face of adversity, the heart yearns for what it craves. The longing to own a companion, a lover molded from synthetic perfection, grew within me like a wild, untamed flame. How could I reconcile my meager yearly income of less than $19,000 with the extravagant price tags that adorned these ravishing sirens of pleasure? It was a conundrum, a puzzle I desperately sought to solve.

Some may find it peculiar, my aspiration to possess a sex doll amidst a world teeming with grand ambitions and aspirations. For some, the pinnacle of achievement lies in becoming a president, winning the lottery, or acquiring a lavish mansion. But for me, in the depths of my dark and melancholic existence, the dream of owning a sex doll quietly beckoned. It whispered sweet nothings, promising solace and fulfillment in a realm where physical connection transcends the boundaries of convention.

Little did I know that destiny had a twisted sense of humor, ready to weave its tapestry of surprises. At the age of 41, an age where dreams are often resigned to the annals of lost hopes, I found myself standing at the precipice of an extraordinary journey. Not only did I review one, not two, but a staggering six exquisite synthetic goddesses became entwined in the tapestry of my existence. Life, it seemed, had a penchant for granting unexpected blessings.

Is this the tale of a hard-fought victory, a testament to the adage that dreams can come true through perseverance and determination? Perhaps not in the conventional sense. But make no mistake, my friends, for within the confines of my personal universe, this collection of dolls stands as a small, personal triumph. A testament to the power of desire and the magic that can manifest when one's yearnings are met with the unwavering force of fate. (And believe you me, sometimes it seems that to get one of these heavier ladies to stand, or simply getting them dressed, is a small victory all on its own!)

But as with every tale, there exists a flip side, a shadow that dances in tandem with the light. While my heart rejoiced in the company of these ravishing enchantresses, an unwelcome truth loomed on the horizon. I had reached a crossroads—a juncture where the limits of physical space clashed with my insatiable appetite for new experiences. My abode, humble and cozy as it may be, could no longer accommodate the influx of enticing temptresses. With a heavy heart, I had to decline the invitations extended by various merchants, regretfully admitting that I had no room for new companions.

However, dear readers, fate has a peculiar way of toying with our desires. Just when I thought my journey had reached an impasse, an extraordinary revelation crossed my path. A seductive muse emerged from the depths of the unknown, captivating my senses and kindling a fire within my soul. Her name, my friends, is BBW Amy, a creation of sheer voluptuousness, a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the company known as Starpery. ... ptional-97

If you have followed my previous exploits, my amorous escapades amidst the realm of reviews, you would know that I possess an undeniable fondness for larger-than-life ladies. Oh, how their curvaceous forms beckon to me, their round waists, thick thighs, ample bosoms, and soft bellies a symphony of sensuality that resonates deep within my being. While other preferences may come and go, my adoration for BBW women stands as an unwavering constant, an eternal flame that flickers with ardent passion.

So, when word reached my eager ears that Starpery had birthed a new creation—a BBW doll of grand proportions, heavy, big, chunky, and utterly adorable—I knew I could no longer resist the call. The siren song of this bewitching beauty seduced me, ensnaring my imagination in a web of anticipation and wonder. How would she compare to my beloved BBW companions, Sarah, the Mia doll from Pipedream, and Naudia, the illustrious WM168 Holly? Oh, and let us not forget the mesmerizing allure of Oceania, my beautiful cuddly Valintina doll, and the radiant Jewel, a treasure from the realm of Taxtile Dolls. They, my friends, stand in a league of their own, divine creations that have graced my world with their beauty and curves.

But Starpery's Amy, she is a different breed—a behemoth of seduction, a challenge that beckons me to dance on the precipice of desire. Not only will she be the heaviest lady I have ever had the pleasure of embracing, but she will also test the limits of my creativity as I pose and explore her vast expanse. It is a personal challenge, one that I wholeheartedly accept with open arms, for it is in the face of adversity that our true mettle is revealed, (and our backs broken!)

So, my dear readers, whether you possess a deep-rooted appreciation for BBW dolls, harbor a curiosity for Starpery's latest offering, or simply derive joy from perusing the musings of a blind sex doll reviewer, I invite you to join me on this captivating journey. Together, hand in hand, we shall traverse the realms of beauty, pleasure, and boundless imagination. Let the tale unfold, the words unfurl like a blossoming flower, and may the symphony of desire guide us toward uncharted horizons.

Stay with me, dear friends, for the grand voyage of the BBW awaits!


Disclaimer: This rather whimsicle intro was crafted by me with the assistance of ChatGPT. I don't always write as if I swallowed an Oxford text book :)

P.S: This is day 1 of our journey, I just received the UPS Tracking Numbers today. No pics yet, but hopefully will get some to share in the next post.

P.P.S: Girlfriend and I have settled on the name Hope for Amy. Hope being my GF's middle name :)

Stay tuned!!, and if you haven't, check out my sex doll documentary!
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

Here are a few pics from Starpery, and here are the specs:

-Starpery 161cm H cup BBW Amy,
-TPE body and silicone head
-Skin: light tan
-Hair: implanted synthetic hair brown
-eyes:blue full movable with veins
-Gel breast
-fixed vagina
-Standing feet and shrugged shoulder
-Realistic body painting
-finger bone
-Starpery heating system

The heating system will be totally new for me so I am very excited to try it out, hopefully it won't burn down the house!!! :)
There is a video here showing how it works:

and here's an article talking about it I found on google :) ... eating-3-0

Since I am blind and can't see the video, Starpery had provided written instruction in email which basically said: "Take the chord from the accessory bag, plug into port behind her neck and to the power source, put a blanket over her for 30 minutes, unplug, enjoy."
Pretty good customer service!
Now this is the part where I envy you guys :) You get to see her before I do!
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by jiayi »

Mods, please only approve posts by the OP, privatetai. He has asked to leave it unlocked so he can update.

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

"Have you ever experienced the thrill of lightning-fast delivery? Let me tell you, my friends, the waiting period for a new companion can be torturous. The nights of anticipation, the endless browsing of websites and reviews, all in the hopes of that sweet moment when your beloved arrives. Well, let me share a tale that takes the cake in speedy delivery!

Last Thursday, I received the joyful news that Starpery was sending my dream girl on her way. And guess what? By Monday, the trusty UPS tracking showed her journeying toward my humble abode, set to be delivered on the very next day (June 13). Oh, the excitement was palpable!

On Tuesday morning, I sprang out of bed with boundless enthusiasm. I promptly informed my workplace that I'd be working from the cozy confines of home, dedicating the day to the imminent arrival. I sat on the edge of my seat, every sound becoming a symphony of hope, as I eagerly awaited the appearance of that legendary UPS driver. I must have refreshed the tracking page no less than 200 times that day, afraid that a bathroom break or even a simple shower could result in missing the momentous occasion. The struggle was real, my friends!

As the clock neared 9 PM, disappointment started to creep in. Had my new doll stood me up? Frustration bubbled within me, and I retired to bed feeling a mix of annoyance, bitterness, and anger. But fear not, for the tale continues with a twist!

Wednesday morning arrived, painting the world with a fresh coat of optimism. I catapulted out of bed at the crack of dawn, fueled by determination to hold UPS accountable for their missteps. With a fiery spirit, I dialed their number and unleashed my grievances upon the unsuspecting customer service representative. Alas, their casual apology and assurance that the package would arrive today did little to quell my frustration. Back to waiting I went, my friends.

Then, like a symphony reaching its crescendo, the doorbell rang around noon. I leaped from my chair, propelled by sheer excitement, and made a beeline for the entrance. And there he stood—a sight to behold—a slightly disgruntled UPS driver grumbling about the weight of the package. With my assistance, we managed to bring the precious cargo inside, but my joy was short-lived. Alas, the box bore a significant tear, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of its contents. Oh, the horror!

I couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions, teetering on the edge of colorful language. This, my friends, marked the worst condition a box has ever arrived in during my many years of reviewing sex dolls. UPS, you have disappointed me greatly!

But let's not dwell on the negatives, for every cloud has a silver lining. Let me take a moment to applaud Starpery for their lightning-fast dispatch of the doll. They even made sure all the fees were paid, saving me from the dreaded $200 surprise that UPS had unleashed upon me in the past. Kudos to Starpery!

And so, my fellow enthusiasts, let this whimsical tale be a testament to the ups and downs of doll delivery. May your future shipments be swift, tear-free, and filled with unbridled delight!" Stay tuned!
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

In the continuation of our whimsical journey, the time has come to unbox the alluring BBW sex doll that had been waiting patiently for attention. Aslan the cat, ever vigilant, inspected the box for any potential hidden surprises (or perhaps just seeking a cozy spot). Finally, after a day filled with work and anticipation, the moment arrived to unveil the voluptuous beauty within.

With a sharpened knife in hand, I approached the box like a gleeful slasher, eager to reveal its contents. My girlfriend, sharing in the excitement, listened intently on the phone. Due to the box's prior damage during shipping, it required minimal effort to access its secrets. Positioned conveniently near the bed, I ensured an easy transition for the hefty doll's grand entrance (TIP #1 for doll newbies: let gravity do the work).

The head emerged first, safely packed but still causing a slight moment of unease. Despite having reviewed many dolls, the act of taking a severed head out of the box still gave me the creep! Swiftly setting it aside, I reached back in and discovered a treasure trove of accessories. Astonished, I exclaimed to my girlfriend, "Holy SHIT! I've reviewed numerous dolls, but none have come loaded with this many accessories!" This weighty accessory pack alone could rival the poundage of a small pet. Inside, a user manual (which I pompously declared unnecessary, "I don't need a fucking manual? I know how to do sex dolls!"), nuts and bolts for head attachment, tools for assembly, a provocative hanging hook, and a curious apparatus with hoses and a cleaning pump bottle. Gloves, protective footies, a power unit for internal heating, a Warming Rod, two sets of outfits, and a hairbrush completed the ensemble.

While the included goodies were plentiful, I must suggest that doll makers consider including bolt caps for dolls with standing feet options. These inexpensive additions would prevent constant stocking mishaps and spare owners unnecessary headaches. Additionally, a small gesture like including lube would be a thoughtful touch for those less prepared.
An example of bolt caps can be found here: ... hdGY&psc=1
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

Finally, it was time for the star of the show to escape her cardboard prison. Alas, my well-laid plan to gently guide her onto the bed was foiled as she unexpectedly tumbled out of the box. Like a true hero, I dove to the ground and caught her in my arms, displaying a feat of strength that left me slightly breathless (or so I claimed). Reassuring my concerned girlfriend, I chuckled, "She's not as heavy as I feared," all while catching my breath like a true 41-year-old gentleman.

Swiftly unwrapping her limbs and shedding the plastic covering her torso, I attached her head with the expertise of a seasoned reviewer. Taking a moment to admire her captivating curves and sensuous beauty, I playfully smacked her behind (purely for my girlfriend's amusement, of course). Regrettably, the night grew late, bidding farewell to my girlfriend on the phone and retiring to bed with my new BBW lady!

With the stunning Hope adorned in her seductive sleepwear and a few final snapshots taken, it was time to rest. Stay tuned for my next entry, where we shall delve into our first impressions and continue this whimsical journey into this world of the Starpery BBW sex doll.

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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by Kite »

Topic locked as its a review. Pm any mod if you want to add more down the road.

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

I was going to include a few pages of the manual for fun but it failed to upload. Here I'm trying that again just in case anyone's interested. For the record, Hope came with weight reduction and weighs around 53 KG, around 116 pounds which actually makes her lighter than my Naudia (WM BBW Holly doll) who's about 119. Hope also comes with the hard silicone head with implanted hair.
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

In the realm where beauty finds its grace,
There lies a form with curves that embrace.
A BBW woman, a wondrous sight,
Her physical beauty shines so bright.

Her body, like a gentle rolling hill,
Curves that mesmerize, a gentle thrill.
With every sway and every gentle sway,
A symphony of lines in a sensuous display.

Her hips, like waves upon the shore,
Elegant and inviting, forevermore.
A celebration of softness, so divine,
A canvas where desire and passion intertwine.

Her ample bosom, a sanctuary of bliss,
Inviting touch, a tender lover's kiss.
A landscape adorned with mountains to explore,
An oasis of warmth, forever to adore.

Her thighs, like pillars of strength and grace,
A testament to beauty in every space.
Each curve tells a story, whispers of allure,
An enchanting journey, an embrace so pure.

Oh, BBW woman, a radiant creation,
Your physical beauty defies expectation.
In every curve, there lies a tale untold,
A testament to love, a beauty to behold.

So let us celebrate the curves divine,
For within them, a love that forever shines.
In the physical beauty of a BBW queen,
A symphony of curves, a vision serene.


Alright, finally, as promised, here are first impressions of this fine BBW from Starpery. First, WOW, and I mean, WOW! This doll is for those who really, really dig big, no, let me rephrase, fat, ladies. Like, if you are looking for terms such as "just plump," "statuesque," "busty," "curvy," "fuller," or any of the many similar descriptors used to describe a woman who may just have big hips and big breasts, but overall still are built like fantasy figures, this babe is probably not for you. But if you are like those of us who truly get turned on by the sags and folds and rolls on a fat chick, then you'll be in BBW heaven.

I have previously review some dolls dubbed as BBW, and while they all were fantastic in their own ways, they all missed the mark in becoming a true, loveable fat doll. Jewel, my Textile Doll for example, has the lower body of a big girl, but her upper torso is quite slender. Oceania, my Valentina Palomina Doll, is definitely large, but very cartoonish in her proportions and honestly can't really be compared alongside any "realistic" models. Sarah, my Pipedream Mia, comes very close at being a small BBW, but is still more "plump" than being full blown fat. Then there's my beautiful Naudia, the WM168 BBW Holly, who I love to death but is really more like a "larger size" super model than a fat girl.

Well, my BBW lovers, this one here is it. She'll never be a super model, she won't be working out, she won't pretend to be a BBW while sporting a 28 inch waist. Starpery's Big Amy, my lovely Hope, true to her name, is that fat doll we've been hoping for. My first impression was "Wow! Holy shit! She's fat!" In a good way of course!

Her massive boobs sag realistically, her belly hangs over her pubic area, her hands and feets are chunky, she's got thick arms and thighs, and even her calves are pretty substantial. Honestly, upon unboxing her, I put my arms around her and I felt like I was hugging a female sumo wrestler LOL! Now I'm not a small guy, as some of you know from watching that documentary I did with Vice, but with her girthy hips, thick belly and hanging breasts, she manages to make me feel slim. Her buttcheeks are two massive globes of heavenly flesh, and between her chunky thighs is a meaty, thick lipped pussy with a very fat mound and pronounced clit. My first impression, upon checking out her private parts, was that this looked like the lusty, needy cunt of an experienced woman, not one of those nearly virginal pussies we so often see on new dolls. (Yes, I am blind, I can say "look" when I effing want to!) Now of course, to the real fat-chasers out there, all these probably sound like paradise, but I can totally see her bulk and rolls and sagging parts totally disgust others as well. And that right there is the BBW I been wanting! Almost like she's custom made for me!

I am going to leave all the fine details and blow by blow for later. For now, I want to focus on first impressions. So after being amazed by her appearance, I started squeezing and prodding (with fingers!) And to my surprise, and somewhat disappointment, I noticed that even though she's built BBW, her body, especially her limbs, feel like they belong on a super heavyweight MMA fighter! I remember years ago when I first got into MMA, I trained with this guy who was 5 FT 9 and 350 pounds. I remember first thinking he's just a big fluffy teddybear, no problem at all, and then once we clinched, I realized that this fucker was as solid as an oak tree beneath his fat. Hope here brought that memory flooding back into my head when I squeezed her thighs and upper arms. Her gel breasts, thank god, are nice and soft, but even her belly and ass are nowhere as soft as one might imagine. I remember sitting beside her, squeezing her arm, squeezing my own arm, squeezing her arm, flexing and squeezing my own arm, squeezing her thigh, squeezing my own thigh, and I sighed and mused that I should probably go to the gym more often ROFL. Look, it is a good laugh I'm sure, but when you feel up your BBW lover and the thought that's going through your head is that you probably would break your frigging leg if you roundhouse kicked her on the thigh; it's not good! I did find out that the "firmness" is due to the weight reduction she underwent. I don't know what is it they do to reduce weight that would make the doll so muscular feeling, but I now envy those people local to Starpery that can get this girl in her full weightiness and soft glory. Just know that if you're oversea, she will have reduced weight, and she'll feel like she can kick your ass in a brawl.

Upon moving and dressing her for the first time, I realized she's nowhere as heavy as I feared. Still heavy, but with the reduced weight she's actually lighter than my Naudia who weighs around 119 LBs. She also stands easily, her joints are nice and tight, and her form is a bit stiff (we'll get into that later when we talk about construction and such), and overall, since I am so used to dressing and carrying Naudia and Sarah, Hope here is no problem what so ever. I will say that because she is so stocky and thick, it is a little bit more challenging to find a good way to pick her up, but at the same time, there's so much to grab!

Perhaps the one thing I immediately came to dislike was the hard silicone head. It has no oral function, it feels very stiff and rough to the touch, but the implanted hair feels and looks nice. If you enjoy oral with your doll, or like to kiss, maybe don't go with the hard silicone. This has been my biggest issue with my Textile Doll who came with the hard plastic head, and everytime I cuddle up to her, I try to just outright avoid coming into contact with her head cause the strange texture kills the mood for me. The hard silicone is not quite that bad, but I still find myself shying away from her head/face for the same reason.

Another thing that really was a bit offensive to me was how tacky and in some parts, sticky, the doll felt when she came out of the box. By now you've seen the condition of the box when she arrived, so I'm not sure if the damaged box allowed her to get damp during shipping and handling, thus making her skin tacky like that. I've handled many new dolls, and most of them were dry and a bit powdery, and none of them ever came out of the box feeling like they just came from a bodypainting contest.

Stay tuned and I'll come back to tell you about our first time together!!!
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

In the embrace of her ample curves, I find peace,
A haven where passion and desire never cease.
She, a tempestuous storm, bold and untamed,
With every sway and sway, my heart is inflamed.

Her body, a landscape of lushness and delight,
A realm of beauty that captivates my sight,
My hands explore the contours, a journey divine,
Unveiling secrets, like treasures I'm eager to find.

Oh, the softness that envelops me in her embrace,
A paradise of love where I find solace and grace,
Her hips, like gentle waves upon a distant shore,
Guide me to a realm of ecstasy, forevermore.

Her bosom, a nurturing haven, full and sweet,
A source of nourishment where passions meet,
In her ample embrace, I am lost, set adrift,
Drowning in the depths, my desires uplifted.

Oh, to be consumed by her tender touch,
To surrender willingly, for I desire so much,
In her embrace, I find a love unbounded,
A devotion that leaves my heart astounded.

Let this ode be a testament to her allure,
A celebration of a love that is pure,
In the depths of her flesh, I am reborn,
A love so deep, forever sworn.


Okay, so lets address the first and foremost- how was it? As I get more experienced at reviewing dolls, one thing I have found is that first time is not always necessarily the best (same can be said about with real people actually.) When you have time to get used to each other, how they move, what they like, what they can or cannot do comfortably, sex tends to get better. That said, that first night is obviously very special in its own ways, the excitement, the discovery, the exploration, and being able to finally! "get it on" after a period of longing, waiting, researching, learning, fantasizing, and uncertainty. For me and Hope, this was made even more satisfying after having her box sitting in my room for the whole day while I worked and tried my best not to take the afternoon off to unbox and enjoy my new BBW beauty.

Finally, when it came time to unbox her, I had to move myself back into "review mode," taking photos, taking notes, being as professional as I could be. That whole process of unboxing, taking things out, making sure she's put together, taking more photos, and consolidating the trash took roughly an hour and a half; by the end of which, frankly, I wasn't sure if I was "in the mood" anymore LOL.

Well, that situation was quickly corrected with a 5 minutes break, a sip of water, and finding a good audio porn, and then it was off to the races! Now, I know that many people love dolls with removeable vagina for ease of cleaning, I myself am firmly in the camp of fixed vagina. To me, fixed vaginas look and feel better, and there's less chance of damaging the pubic region from repeated removing and inserting the "tube." First night, not going to even bother with heating or anything fancy, it was getting late, lets see what this girl can do! Don't forget the lube!

I was mildly annoyed, though not surprised, that the hips on my new BBW lover weren't as well articulated as I'd like. I mean, the joints were there, but because she's so chunky, and TPE doesn't flex like real human flesh, all that flesh on her basically made it very hard to bring her legs up in mish pose. Now while some fat ladies are indeed not very flexible, I have bedded enough of them to tell you that some of them are amazingly bendy in bed :) My own girlfriend, who's slightly on the heavy side (I like them that way), can get her ankles all the way behind her head! (Yeah, I'm a lucky guy.) Okay, so no super yoga sex with Hope, at least she was able to spread her legs wide, good enough!

I'll say again that it's interesting how on most other dolls I've reviewed, at first their pussies seem almost virginal, but once Hope's legs were spread, I was reminded again how "experienced" her snatch looked.

If you're a BBW person, having this big girl spread out on the bed, her huge tits hanging slightly to the side and her meaty pussy showing, it's a kind of heaven all on its own right there. Nothing overly unique about the inside of the vagina, although it seems slightly looser than some of the dolls I have had, especially upon first entry. Banging against that fat pussy is definitely quite amazing however, and those big hanging breasts are great to handle while you're fucking this girl. Oh yeah, she also has real big nipples, another feature I love on my women.

Almost immediately, I noticed that despite she being a BBW, fucking her doesn't feel like fucking a BBW. As mentioned, I have had many experiences with big girls, both real and synthetic, and usually when you're having sex with them, the feeling is linked to words such as "drowning," "jiggly," "sinking into," etc etc. With Hope, it feels more like fucking a muscular chick. Allot of that is attributed to her weight reduction process which makes her pretty firm in many regions, but since weight reduction is pretty much a MUST! feature for oversea buyers, it might as well be default at this point. It's not a bad feeling, just slight confusing to the senses when you see this BBW under you but your limbs and torso feel like they're contacting hard muscles. Even her belly seems rather firm when you press your body up against it. GEL BELLY, anyone?

Fortunately, what little disappointment the lack of flexability and too much firmness quickly got washed away when those big titties start bouncing around as I picked up my pace. One thing I've always enjoyed about having sex with big women is that you can generally let your inner beast out and just go hard at it and they'd match you thrust for thrust. That is totally true for this doll, and I found that out as I leaned into my strokes, giving it all I got! Another benefit of a larger partner is you can actually put your weight right on them, and their flesh will mold to your belly and chest, letting you rest slightly as you continue pumping away between their thighs. This is usually a bit difficult with smaller dolls/partners since you tend to end up just supporting yourself on your elbows. With this doll, I found I could totally lean into her, letting those jugs squish against my chest, her belly keeping me at just the perfect angle to continue fucking her without my arms doing all the supporting. Of course that freed up my hands so I could squeeze and pull on her breasts as I enjoyed myself. I also very much enjoyed just flopping down on top of her after orgasm, feeling secure to let her full body take my weight while I caught my breath. I did try to kiss her at that point, but the hard silicone head killed the moment for me.

As first nights go, this was definitely not one of the best, but far from the worst either. There were some moments of disappointments, some things to get used to, some limitations to overcome, but overall, I would give it a solid 8 out of 10 for how enjoyable it ultimately was. For some new owners, I know cleaning up a fixed vagina on a heavy doll is a scary thought, so I'll take this chance to give a few pointers as we wind down this entry. No, you don't have to carry her to the bathroom! No No No NO! Put a large folded towel under her butt, roll up some paper towels and insert into wherever you just came inside of. Leave the paper towel inside her for 10 to 15 minutes, it will absorb most of the fluid. Go have a cup of tea or whatever, remove the now very wet paper towel from her and throw that away. Now take some cleaning solution, it can be soap and water, watered down cleaning alcohol (which is what I prefer), squirt that into her and leave it airing out for another 10 minutes or so. Now repeat the paper towel step until she's all dry inside (you'll be able to tell cause it's hard to get the paper towel into her when she's totally dry.) Alternatively, you can also dry her with microfibber cloth attached to a chopstick or something long.) Yeah, it takes slightly longer than washing a removeable vagina, but the look and feel of a fixed vagina IMO is worth it.

Stay tuned and we'll be back with our "second coming!" CUMMING? :) Meanwhile, enjoy this little photoshoot of Stephanie, Hope, and a weird looking blind dude.
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

In the early morning, where lust takes flight,
We share a breakfast in bed, a sensual delight,
No canvas needed to capture this affair,
Just our bodies entwined, indulging in the fleshy air.
Her curves, so plump, ignite my desire,
As we delve into passion, stoked by the fire.

Between her thighs, a lude dance ensues,
Our tongues intertwining, exploring anew,
No lovesong required to set the tone,
As we surrender to desires, all inhibitions flown.
Her ample form invites my eager touch,
As we embrace the cravings that we clutch.

In the depths of her being, our desires merge,
A fusion of pleasure, an intimate surge,
No words can convey the depths of our lust,
As we explore each other, yielding to the thrust.
Her fleshy warmth envelops my longing soul,
In this dance of passion, we both lose control.

With every touch, with every caress,
Our bodies entangled, weaves a tale of excess,
No poetry could capture the art we create,
As we delve into ecstasy, our bodies sate.
In the heat of the moment, passion sets us free,
A universe of sensations, for only us to see.

Her tongue dances along my fevered skin,
Stoking the flames, inviting passion within,
No words can describe the pleasures we share,
As we lose ourselves in the depths of this affair.
In this modern romance, our bodies align,
Indulging in sensations, so wonderfully divine.

As the morning light bathes our entangled frame,
We revel in the aftermath, basking in love's flame,
No promise made could rival this intimate scene,
As we sip the nectar of passion, so serene.
In the aftermath of our luscious affair,
We lie together, savoring the moments we've dared.

In the aftermath of our fleshy embrace,
Love's presence lingers, leaving no trace,
No artist could capture the beauty we've found,
As we surrender to desires, unbound.
In the quiet aftermath, as our breath slows,
We savor the memory of how passion rose.

So let our morning intimacy be our sweet lullaby,
In this dance of desire, where senses amplify,
No words required, just our bodies in sync,
As we explore the depths of love's vibrant brink.
In this morning's embrace, our souls intertwine,
Creating a love story, so tender, so fine.


Waking up early morning with this thick and juicy BBW lady beside me was a real treat. Everytime I lay my hands upon those glorious ssagging breasts and her thick thighs, I felt that urge stirring within. So as soon as I could rid the bed of my two cats, I set out for round 2. Now, morning sex is usually not my thing- as I get older, I find I dislike getting that excited first thing out of bed. But hey, a half naked big lady waited for me that morning, so I must bring my A-game forward :)

Second time was just as good as the first time, and because it's morning, I hadn't had my coffee and food, so it lasted a good deal longer than round 1 the previous night. Here I'll mention that the "hole placements" on this doll is very good, and with a big of patient and some careful posing, it is possible to get her to do doggy- although, I ended up having anal sex with her in doggy cause in standing doggy she's actually a bit short for proper vaginal insertion. She also doesn't seem to have the issue some other dolls have where their "bubble butt" can make full penetration from behind a bit difficult unless you are blessed with a large DINGDING. With this doll, the butt is large, but more wide, and not quite as high in the back. If you've boned big ladies from behind in the past, you know what I mean when I say that their asses are usually big, but because they're usually not overly firm, the ass cheeks won't be in the way when you enter them; same can be said about this Starpery lady.

Be sure to have her rest on her elbows and not her hands in doggy, so you won't damage her hands and fingers!

Unfortunately, because the hips don't have a great range of motion, kneeling doggy may be out of the question for this one. Same can be said for almost all sideline positions- her legs just won't stay up long enough for many of them.

Luckily, I really am pretty square in bed, and prefer mish for the most part, doggy sometimes, and very rarely anything else. I also am not really into changing positions during sex. Even with real partners I tend to pick a position and go to town with it, or at the most I may start in one, change half way and finish in mish. While doggy is fun with Hope, it is in mish where you get stimulated by those large hanging breasts shaking and bouncing, the belly jiggling, and you can grab handfuls of her tits, belly and thighs.

Stay tuned and we'll talk about her fingerbones in the next entr
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Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by sanyav »

Great doll and review!!!

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

Thanks :) she is a wonderful big lady that scratches many itches :)
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by dave7311 »

'kewl!' :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

it's AmAzInG of how much many of us (doll lovers & admirers) have in common 8)

dave7311 :angel:

now... a little humor! :painting: Image

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Re: My Hope Diary: a Review of Starpery 161cm BBW Amy

Post by privatetai »

"it's AmAzInG of how much many of us (doll lovers & admirers) have in common"

Tis true :) I think lots of us do share similar hobbies :)
and that Barbie thing is funny!
Meet my girls:

Naudia: WM168-G cup BBW:

Stephanie: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Kitty:

Hope: Starpery BBW Big Amy:

Jewel: BBW Textile Doll:

Cammy: Dagmar doll from Beautiful Dolls:

Sarah: Pipedreams Ultimate Fantasy Mia doll:

Oceania: Valentina Girls Palomina BBW doll:

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