2020 Sex Doll Torso review

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2020 Sex Doll Torso review

Post by Gaijin »

I recently picked up a 2020 Sex Doll Torso from Sili Doll. This model had caught my attention over a year ago, but held off buying one. My previous doll was TPE and quite fragile. Plus, I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy a torso doll. However, with her low price, low inventory, and finding myself with extra funds, I bought one. Something about the face, eyes and hair on this one really worked for me.

Communication with the company was brief, but clear and direct. "Here's your receipt. We'll let you know when we have a shipping number." (More or less.) It's not like I made a custom or complicated order, and they kept me updated with new details as they happened, so I was satisfied.

The doll arrived while I was out of town. The box was in good condition, and upon opening, everything seemed to be in order. What I ordered, and the accessories included had arrived safely.
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Re: 2020 Sex Doll Torso review

Post by Gaijin »

I was pleased to see that the doll was in great condition, and was undamaged by transit. I was also happy to see that she resembled the photos on the Sili Doll website exactly.

She had a few marks or dents in her TPE on her head, but it was going to be covered by any wigs she'd be wearing.

The TPE is soft, and jiggly. It feels good, and is pleasantly soft to the touch. It has a slight rubbery smell, but not nearly as bad as the previous TPE doll I bought. Hopefully she is more durable too. I suspect it will be harder for this one's skeleton to pierce the TPE without limbs for leverage.

The skeleton *feels* sturdy enough, but again, as a torso, I don't think it will undergo the same stresses a full bodied skeleton would.

I'm not sure how permanent the colors on her are going to be. I think some of the ink came off a bit after her first wash and session. I'm not very concerned though, as I didn't buy her for photography.

Her eyes are fantastic. A nice mix of Blue, Black and Green. I'm sure they are cheap compared to others on the market, but they really add to the doll's esthetics.
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Re: 2020 Sex Doll Torso review

Post by Gaijin »

Overall, I think this doll is a solid purchase, and a good value for the money. (Under $300 USD when I got her.) She's not flashy, or fancy, or very poseable. She's here to do one job, and so far, she's good at it.

My one and only complaint is about the wigs. They are both FAR too long for a torso doll of this size, and due to this, tangle easily. They feel cheap and stringy compared to other doll wigs I own. However, it's also the cheapest doll I've ever bought that came with a wig. It's not great, but it's also one of the easiest parts to replace. Not terribly immersion-breaking to play with her without it, partly due to the lack of limbs too. :D

She came with underwear, an internal USB heater, and a blonde wig, none of which I unwrapped or used. Seemed unnecessary for my uses. The douche bulb included was handy for cleaning out hard-to-reach areas. Thin, flimsy plastic, but functional. :)

(I'm not trying to slam the quality of the accessories. The fact that they were included at all for a doll of this price and stature is great.)

The doll is cheap, light, easy to use and store. I also personally think she has a beautiful face. If you are in the market for a "Starter" doll, and don't need one with limbs, I recommend checking out Sili Dol''s Torso line.
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