
WM 140D / 4ft7 Review (Unboxing)

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WM 140D / 4ft7 Review (Unboxing)

Post by PopTarts »

Hello everyone. Yesterday I received my very first doll, a custom WM 140D / 4ft7 doll. (Vendor: RealLoveSexDolls)

It only took about 3 weeks from the start of the order to receiving the package, from China to Eastern USA. I cannot say that I was happy with FedEx and how they handled things, but that is of no fault with the vendor or the manufacturer, though I would encourage WM Dolls to consider steering clear of FedEx myself. I would also encourage WM Dolls to add more labeling about which end of the package should go up. But I digress...

Once I got to opening the package, I found that the doll's body had shifted from package mishandling. This caused the neck to be bent at the joint, but when I straightened it out, there were no signs of damage. Aside from that malfunction, the packaging of the doll was great. Everything was well protected. Hands were wrapped in foam. Feet were strapped in socks and shoes, though the toes still got bent, they straightened out just fine. The packaging is very re-usable, and I will even save the foam covers for the hands, as they are helpful for protecting the fingers while dressing the doll.

With all the accessories, there was an instruction manual that I would recommend all buyers read before handling the doll. It has great advice and ample warnings.

The doll itself was beautiful! the doll's skin was soft, smooth, and appropriately squishy. The things you want to jiggle and bounce do so quite effectively. The doll's skeletal frame was a bit stiff at first. I was still able to move the joints as I wanted and she stood up on her feet quite well, though I wouldn't leave a doll like this standing on there own without some type of support, such as leaning against a wall (or preferably something softer, like a piece of foam between the wall and the doll). I was well prepared for the doll's weight, so I wasn't caught off guard like so many others, and in fact she was perhaps a bit lighter than I expected. There is a slight odor with the doll, but it isn't bad and mostly smells like baby powder.

The make-up details on the two heads that I got is perfect, well, almost perfect. The freckles are a tiny bit light and I think they might fade quickly, but that will be part of the fun, re-applying them as needed. Moving the eyes was a bit interesting as a first time doll owner, but the elasticity of the TPE made it easy enough. The wigs for the heads were perfect, and neatly packaged. Having the second head will be fun, as I will be able to have alternate personalities with one doll.

I went with an insertable vagina out of fear of damaging the doll's body over time. The insert was quick and easy to clean by simply turning it inside out, which will be handy. I found that inserting and removing the insert was a bit tricky, but it went well enough. Another bonus to the insert is that it can easily be replaced as needed. I also found that the insert was not a distraction when it was fully inserted, everything looked natural. In fact, when the doll's legs are closed, her vagina looks as normal as dolls with a fixed vagina, in my humble opinion. Added bonuses for the insert is that it can be used to test for potential clothes staining and later down the road after it is replaced it can serve as extra TPE material for any repairs the doll may eventually need.

LHP isn't exactly perfect, but not bad. A variety of positions are possible with this doll, some will be easier than others I found after a brief test run.

Overall, I am a satisfied customer with a new doll friend. She and I will have many adventures to look forward to. Be sure to look for her introduction post!

Two thumbs up!

[Here are some images of the unboxing.]
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Doll: Eleanor WM Doll 140D / 4ft7 - Head #253
