Newbie Welcome Page

A place for new members to post their introduction.

Moderator: Kite

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Posts: 572
Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:00 am
Location: CoverDoll Group

Newbie Welcome Page

Post by TDF_Management »

The worlds definitive resource on love dolls and erotic dolls for adults since 2001.
As a new member there are a few things you should know about.

Your first five posts need to be approved by staff. Posts need to be meaningful for them to be approved. Posts of a few words, and posts with just emoticons will not be approved. There are many threads of varying subjects, and threads with pictures worthy of a compliment. Once five posts are approved, newbie restrictions will be released and you will be able to private message, upload pictures and make a For Sale post.

You should allow some time for your post to be approved, to avoid creating duplicate posts. Our staff are from around the world, so one of us is usually able to get your post approved within a reasonable time period. You will receive an email notification when your post is approved.

Until your fifth post is approved there are a few newbie restrictions, like attaching images to posts, sending private messages, voting at polls, joining chat, posting a for sale ad.

TDF has a strict zero-tolerance policy against SPAM. If you receive an unsolicited commercial private message, please use the ! icon button to report it to staff.

In the mean time, if you have problems, questions, need assistance, you can contact TDF Management by email:

A few things to consider for specific kind of posts:
-Posts made in an existing Sales thread MUST show interest in buying the item for sale. When posting a For Sale thread (only available after newbie restrictions are lifted), use this TEMPLATE. Please read the detailed SALES Rules before posting in the Sales On TDF section.
-Posts made about competing brands must be made in the Dolls in General section.

You may edit your posts within 24hrs (while being a newbie an edited post has to be approved again). If you want to change your posts after 24hrs, please contact a member of staff.

As this is a moderated forum, here is a brief summery of the RULES of CONDUCT.
1.TDF promotes Doll Erotica. Pornographic content is prohibited. Also anything regarding underage children or dolls appearing to be underage is strictly forbidden.
2.Stay legal! If the law doesn't allow it, we don't either!
3.No demeaning or derogatory statements targeting members, management, or the forum in general.
4.The "Open Forum" is for non-doll topics, however, in an effort to reduce friction between members, TDF does not allow political or religious discussions.
5.Members who establish a pattern of disruptive posting, evidenced to be bashing, or trolling our community will be subject to suspension or termination at the discretion of management.
6.Wherever possible, members should attempt to resolve grievances with other members and/or forum management through private messages.
7.No spamming, cross posting, or links requiring registration in order to enter or display the link. There is a zero-tolerance policy against spam. If you want to become a listed vendor, please contact TDF Management at
8.No uninvited sexually oriented, offensive or repeated harassing in public posts and/or private messages to any forum member.
9.No use of automated download programs (bots, web harvesters, etc).
10.Do not post unsupported claims regarding people or products.
11.Manufacturers, their affiliates and vendors are prohibited from commenting in other manufacturer/vendor forums and threads started by other manufacturers/vendors.
12.Those wishing to discuss or compare competing doll brands should do so in the "Dolls In General" forum and not that of a specific manufacturer/vendor used in the comparison.
By visiting this website and viewing the pages within, you accept and agree to be bound by and comply with the Rules Of Conduct and Terms Of Use of this website. Click on the links for the full RoC and ToU.

The following is for new members that may not have been lurking the site before joining:
TDF is a very large resource and can be overwhelming at first. The TDF Index Page contains links to all areas of TDF. Take some time to read down the list to familiarize yourself with what's available.
All listed love doll manufacturers and vendors at TDF are verified. Don't be scammed, buy from a trustworthy vendor.
As a new member, we encourage you to make your first post in the Member Introductions section.
Also, don't forget to visit our monthly eZine CoverDoll.

We strive to make this a safe and enjoyable place for all people interested in love dolls.
Again, a big welcome!

Staff, Management and Owners of TDF

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Posts: 572
Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:00 am
Location: CoverDoll Group

Newbie Welcome Page -update in progress

Post by TDF_Management »

The following are Quick Guides to REPLYING, NEW TOPIC, PM's and PICTURE POSTING.

Quick Guide to Replying to a Post

Simply start by hitting the REPLY Button
01 PostReply.png
01 PostReply.png (65.97 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Enter your message in the compose window
02 PostReply2.png
02 PostReply2.png (56.58 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Be sure to hit the PREVIEW Button to check your post BEFORE hitting SUBMIT!
03 PreviewButton.png
03 PreviewButton.png (64.02 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Tools Found in a Post Window

Quote a post
04 PostToolsQuote.png
04 PostToolsQuote.png (57.64 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Edit your own post (withing 24hrs)
05 PostToolsEdit.png
05 PostToolsEdit.png (107.87 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Report a post if you think moderators should check for rule violations
06 PostToolsReport.png
06 PostToolsReport.png (61.59 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Copy a link directly to that particular post
07 PostToolsLink.png
07 PostToolsLink.png (107.67 KiB) Viewed 6405 times

Quick Guide to Creating a TOPIC

Hit the NEW TOPIC Button
08 NewTopic.png
08 NewTopic.png (90.29 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
If you do NOT see the NEW TOPIC Button, you are still in a thread (or at a locked section) and need to return to a forum
Hit one of the links in the navigation bar to return to the Forum you wish to start a new thread in
09 ReturnToForum.png
09 ReturnToForum.png (58.69 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Create a Title and Message in the COMPOSE window
10 NewTopic2.png
10 NewTopic2.png (56.89 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Be sure to hit the PREVIEW Button before SUBMITTING your post!
11 PreviewButton.png
11 PreviewButton.png (31.74 KiB) Viewed 6405 times

Quick Guide to PM (private message): Note, sending PMs is only available after newbie restrictions are lifted.

There are Three Options:

1. Replying to a Post by PM: click the "Contact" Button and next on :"Send private message"
12 pm1.png
12 pm1.png (95.07 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
2. Go to a Members Profile Page by clicking on name or avatar and next Click the "PM" link of that Member.
13 pm2.png
13 pm2.png (52.31 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Or click on the Name of the Member (found in forum lists and at the bottom of the index page)
14 pm3.png
14 pm3.png (51.48 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Or use the Members Link on the bottum of the screen and next use "Find a Member' (top left of member list.
15 pm4.png
15 pm4.png (32.22 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
3. Sending a PM to One or More Members:

Click "Private Messages" on the Top Right of the screen
16 pm5.png
16 pm5.png (43.71 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Click Compose Message.
17 pm6.png
17 pm6.png (31.65 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Type the Full Correct Username of the Recipients in the box, or use the Find a member link
18 pm7.png
18 pm7.png (35.76 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
To Send a PM to a Group, Select the Specific Group, this can be used to send a PM to a specific group of staff members
19 pm8.png
19 pm8.png (35.76 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Be sure to hit the "Add" button to load the members into the "To" line (or "Bcc" line) of the message window
20 pm9.png
20 pm9.png (36.39 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
After submitting your PM it will remain in your "Outbox" until it's opened by one of the recipients.

Quick Guide to Placing Pics in a Post: Note, attaching pictures is only available after newbie restrictions are lifted.

Click on "Post Reply"
21 postpic1.png
21 postpic1.png (41.8 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Go to the Attachments tab
22 postpic2.png
22 postpic2.png (65.23 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Click on "Add File" or simply drag and drop the image file to the text area
23 postpic3.png
23 postpic3.png (65.53 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Click on "Place Inline" to place file where in the text your cursor is at that time
23 postpic4.png
23 postpic4.png (79.22 KiB) Viewed 6405 times
Hit the "Preview" button to make sure the post looks as you expect it to. :)
You may add up to 12 files per post (or 6 per PM).
