
1ft9'Sino Torso w/ With Hand - S35 LinChacha Review

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1ft9'Sino Torso w/ With Hand - S35 LinChacha Review

Post by EasyStreet »

My Overall Evaluation of the Doll

This doll is by far the best doll I have owned. I give it a 9/10. The quality, beauty, experience and ease of use makes this doll the best ratio of work to pleasure of any doll I have owned. I have owned a WM, Piper and now a Sino Doll for frame of reference.

How to Find

As of writing, The Silver Doll is probably the best retailer to buy the doll in the USA. I bought the doll from YourDoll, but I notice now that they seem to have removed SinoDoll from their website. I find this odd, as I had no problem communicating with them myself, but hey, who knows? In any case, the brand is an upmarket silicon brand and therefore not as prevalent as more affordable TPE options. Consequently, you may have to do some searching if you want to find this particular doll.

My Thoughts

I realize that for a full-size doll owner, full time agalmatophiliac or just a neophyte who is considering getting a doll it, is easy to see images of the doll and assume that it is merely an advanced sex toy. To be honest, I myself thought as much when I purchased it. I did not purchase the doll expecting anywhere near the same mental and emotional impact of a full sized doll due to the lack of legs. "A torso doll is not going to have the same effect as a full-sized doll," I thought. Well, I was wrong. The doll is absolutely amazing and every bit as lovely as my full-sized doll in my opinion.

Her Dimensions and Info as Shown on SinoDoll's Website

Material: Platinum Silicone
Internal Structure: Metal Skeleton
Bust/Waist/Hip: 90cm*56cm*90cm
Weight: 20kg (±3kg)
Body length: 55cm(±3cm)
Anal Depths: 10cm
Vagina Depth: 18cm
Sex Type: Oral, Vaginal, Anal (seriously though, forget oral on this one)
Oral Depth: 6cm
Skin Color: White / Natural / Tan

My Dolls Specific Configuration and my Opinion on Heating

My doll has the natural skin tone, implanted eyebrows, all the extra soft options included, shrugging shoulders and the heating option. The extra soft breasts are standard. The extra soft ass and vagina are no brainer as well, but can incur a buyer extra expense at retail. The heating option is the only non-standard customization I went with. The heating is well worth it, but not as effective as you may imagine. However, if the heating option is used in conjunction with a heating blanket and warming wand the doll does get much warmer overall. It does not produce a great effect on its own however. The implanted eyebrows are a personal must and are a necessity that I only realized the importance of the hard way.

My Thoughts on SinoDoll's Platinum Silicone (vs PiperDoll p. silicon and WM TPE)

As with all things, there are strength and weaknesses with any consideration and compromises to be with any decision. Also, I humbly admit that as a mere agalmatophiliac who has only purchased three dolls I am no expert, and my opinion may even change after future purchases. Despite these realities, I am going to give you my unsolicited opinion on the TPE vs. silicone debate. I mean, look, you navigated into SinoDoll's section of The Doll Forum. You already know or want to know more about popular opinion regarding silicon dolls, right? That being written, I know that this debate is not dissimilar to 9mm vs .45cal, wine vs spirits, blonde vs brunet and many other unending emotionally charged debates amongst gentlemen. I fully encourage you all to reply with your thoughts on the matter and am open to reading any anecdotes or opinions you all have to share (for example, how about WM TPE breasts with gel implants?).

That being written, in my opinion, hands down, between WM's TPE blend, Piper's platinum silicon and SinoDoll's p. silicone I think SinoDoll makes the best offering. The strengths of it are; its ability to absorb and hold heat, its detail, its response to lubricant, its cleanliness and its relatively lesser need for powdering. Its weakness is, yes, it is harder. If you're holding the doll, and excuse my honesty here, or you are making love to the doll, the hardness is not noticed. However, I admit if you squeeze the doll, as you are likely to do upon your initial interaction with the doll, (you know, a bit of light poking and what not) then you will find that the doll is harder. My argument is this though, what are you most likely to do with the doll the most? Personally, the ratio of cuddling, love-making, dressing and carrying vs. fondling greatly favors the first three pleasures. Furthermore, SinoDoll has done a fantastic job at offsetting the downsides of silicone. And yes, I am in fact referring to the doll’s breasts.

The Good

The breasts, they are simply the best.
Again, pardon my crudeness, but the vagina is just remarkable.
Mind yourself, this is also most lewd of me to write, but the anal cavity, good lord! I actually enjoy that it is not overly deep, the sensation of making bodily contact with its most inner portion is novel and rousing. Also, the difference in sensation between the vaginal and anal cavity is palpable.
The face is simply a masterpiece. It is a bit shiny due to a makeup layer that Sino Doll has added. This look is fashionable to Asian women. To be honest, I am not sure why this is the case, but I have know many Asian women who do the same. I assume they feel that it makes them look more youthful. It is up to personal preference if you enjoy the look, but to me it reminds me of women I have known, so I like it (my wife is Germanic and as white as they come).
The doll's hands are the best I have experienced. While their quality is limited by the reality of the constraints due to the doll's material, production, technology and let’s face it , the cost, this dolls hands are by far the best I have interacted with. They don't look any better than WM's, but they are much easier to manipulate. They take and hold a position with minimal effort. Piper Doll offers thickened silicon hands, which makes them more realistic looking, but manipulating them is much more limited and their feeling is not a worthwhile compromise in my estimation.
The ease of use with the doll is out of this world. Moving, cleaning and dressing the doll is a snap (you know it's Easy baby).
The implanted eyebrows are completely realistic.
The doll's eyelashes are attached beneath the eyelid, while not entirely realistic looking, this allows for a much more effective adherence to the eyelid as opposed to the eyebrow being glued to the facing surface of the eyelid.
The doll comes in a fantastic shaped packaging that contours to the exact form of the doll, providing the best protection I have seen for a doll. The doll also comes with a plastic case for the head that totally encloses its head and protects the face from all angles.
Finally, the quality of the doll is apparent the moment you unbox it. It is a work of art (you will of course pardon my use of cliché here, we are all gentlemen on the Doll Forum, after all).

The Okay

The heating system works well in conjunction with other sources of warmth as mentioned earlier, but it is not a complete solution on its own.
The skin has a light texture and the doll is painted on its nipples and vagina. However, the texture is very light on the body and only really presents on its face. Also, the paint on the vagina does chip after cleanings. The nipples though, are exquisitely realized and maintain their color.
The head connector allows for the doll's head to simply be attached with pressure and does not require it being screwed to the doll's body. In my opinion, this option is better than WM's solution, but not as good as Piper's integrated head.
Her ass cheeks are wonderful, but are relatively hard in comparison to that of a woman. The doll's ass feels like a female tensing her buttocks as she is extending her legs above her head at all times. As mentioned prior, during cuddling, and once more, pardon me... love making, the sensation is indistinguishable from a woman. It is the amazing experience offered by the breasts that makes the dolls ass stand out at all.

The Bad

She has no legs! Oh my god she is a love-nugget!
Haha, just kidding, I almost had you ableist bastard!
In seriousness through, dear reader, I am at a loss for bad comments to make about the doll.
Okay, I submit, there is a seam that runs down her flanks that is unappealing.


The effort to enjoyment ratio on offer is unbeatable. Sino Dolls are works of art (it even says as much in their marketing materials, which is normally a red flag, but damn it, in this case it is true). Being a silicone doll, she is of high quality with many inherent practical advantages, but is hard to the squeeze, but not the touch, tap or caress. The doll has some factors that are behind that of Piper Doll, but the overall quality of product on offer by SinoDoll makes it the clear winner between the three brands I have owned.



P.S. Please enjoy the photos. They are taken on a smart phone, then further compressed. I prioritized the page loading over quality here. She is dressed in the outfit and wig provided by SinoDoll. I wanted to give you the most realistic images I could of the doll. Bringing all the equipment, software and image editing skills I possess to bear on the photos simply would not be yield a realistic image (think reality vs. traditional pornography). I also included a widely distributed promotional photo for reference.

Thank you for reading. If you have made it to this point, I know that this has been a long read, but please realize I am only trying to provide the level of detail that I wanted before I purchased my first doll. I know from experience that there are lurkers and neophytes reading posts on this forum who need honest opinions from actual experienced doll owners. I still clearly remember the fantasy of a doll clawing endlessly on my mind. With only circumstance preventing me from realizing my dream I craved unadulterated accounts of satiated agalmatophiliacs, but found little media to satisfy my unyielding curiosity.

Like many of you fellows, due to the demands work, family, exercise, hobbies, sport, pets, business, social engagements, aspirations and hedonistic pursuits I am run raged and rarely have time offer product reviews. However, I am of the opinion that doll owners need to offer their opinions openly and provide a resource for uninitiated agalmatophiliacs and doll fanatics to gain practical information as well as validation.

P.P.S. I have received DMs in the past with requests for information on even more minute detail than covered in my initial review. Please, ask for the info openly in response to the review. This further contributes to forum as a resource for interested buyers.
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Dolls are just a bit of fun, and what's wrong with that?
