Jaz-Lyn WM163CM Hcup Honeymoon weekend and first impression

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Jaz-Lyn WM163CM Hcup Honeymoon weekend and first impression

Post by Gordonis »

I came to this site several months ago having watched a recent interview with Matt McMullen at CES2018. At which point, I began searching and ended up here. The thought of getting a doll had never occurred to me before. From this site, I began searching the various vendors and different types of dolls. When I saw my doll I was immediately taken in and that was the one I wanted. But then I began doing further research and the horror stories of weight became an issue. So I looked at possibly getting a lighter doll for my first foray into this world. Ultimately, none of the others appealed to me the way that Jaz-Lyn did so in the end I went with my initial reaction and pulled the trigger. I ordered on March 9th and received her on May 16th. She didn't get held up at customs or anything. UPS updated her whereabouts when she was en route and when she arrived locally there was no update on the UPS website saying that she was on the local truck for delivery she just showed up at 7pm. The UPS driver charged me $130 Cdn and that was it. Packaging was intact, the box weighed 130lbs. Once I pulled her out and laid her on the bed she was achingly beautiful. It was love at first feel! I gave her the initial sponge bath and corn starch treatment. I watched a video about the how to install the insert and followed the instructions. Our first night together was amazing. My only regret was not having done this years earlier. The morning after, I noticed a small tear in the vaginal area heading towards the anus about a half inch in length. As well there were small separations under the armpits from having her arms up over her head for too long. This was not really a surprise to me as I'd read several stories from other users about such things happening. It seems like a no-brainer to me that a sex doll should be able to do missionary without tearing because that is what they were designed for among other things. I was under the impression that tears occurred under neglect and leaving your doll in some awkward position where the tpe is stressed too much. I was thinking days of abuse or weeks not minutes would result in a tear. Anyway, I digress. I don't regret anything.

The sex was incredible!! Being an assman and having Jaz-Lyn was beyond anything I could and did imagine. The bounce and jiggle factor is amazing! Her stiff joints made me feel like a chiropractor trying to make adjustments to get her into different positions. And positions!! This doll is a contortionist! The amount you can arch her back so that her booty is front and center...goodness, I may need to take a break. Her weight adds to the realism in bed, moving her around is no small feat. At the same time these dolls aren't meant to be manhandled and tossed around on account of the abrasion prone tpe. That said if you take your time and care with her in bed the experience can be better than the real thing!!

Taking pictures with her is a bit more time consuming and delicate. Given how heavy she is and with the standing feet option she still required shoes and her legs need to be adjusted just right in order for her to stand. With all that weight and one false move all of her could give way and come crashing to the floor. She did that a couple of times and trying to catch and not hurt anything at the same time is no small task either. My admiration to all the users on here that post pics of their ladies and gentlemen you have my respect. Anyway, that is my honeymoon weekend and initial impression. I'm more than happy with my purchase and would probably do it again at some point but for now I'm extremely happy. I've ordered the premium care kit and will do the necessary repairs. Thankfully there are other positions than missionary which don't involve spreading the legs wide. That about wraps it up...thanks for reading.


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Re: Jaz-Lyn WM163CM Hcup Honeymoon weekend and first impress

Post by Gordonis »

Was just checking out RLSD and my Jaz-Lyn is featured there as the latest 163CM Hcup! That is with the #200 head and blue eye combination! She's a keeper!!
