
140cm Fabric Anime Doll Review

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140cm Fabric Anime Doll Review

Post by Hitchhiker42 »

Here is my review for the 140cm fabric doll that I bought through beautiful-dolls.com. I've named her Asuka. She is my third doll. I have an early generation RealDoll (Meryl) and a Taffy (Kiera) doll from the now out-of-business candy8teen, so I will make comparisons that I've had between these dolls. Here is a link to my albums if you wish to see pictures of my dolls.

I've had her since Jan. 31st 2017. I tried waiting on this review so that I could give an unbiased view, but we'll see how that goes. So far this doll is fantastic. I've been on the fence about getting a fabric doll for a few years, and now that I have one, I regret not getting one sooner. Though time will tell on how well I can keep her clean. And summer time has me a little worried about sweat, but I guess I will find out soon enough. I'll probably update this review if it becomes an issue.

The first obvious difference between this doll and my others was the weight. The fabric doll is so light. And that weight difference really had an impact on what you can do with this doll. I've been able to try numerous positions with this doll that I couldn't with the others. The most notable have been my experiences with cowgirl and the lotus blossom positions. I've mentioned what I'm about to say in another post on this site, but I feel it should be stated here as well. All info in one spot, and all that. Cowgirl has always been one of my favorites, and my other dolls were only ever "ok" in that position. Meryl is heavy and it took certain preparations to get her into cowgirl. It can kill the moment. It also might have caused her leg to constantly slip out of its socket. And Kiera's legs couldn't bend to where she'd be straddling me. She would just lay on top of me between my legs. Now with Asuka, it has been a whole different experience. Her legs are very flexible, and sturdy. Depending on how you bend them, she can lay on top, or sit up so you can look at her. I even found out that she can squat down on to you. It was a happy accident discovering that. I had her in lotus blossom and wanted to switch to cowgirl with out pulling out. And when I lied back, she just kind of moved into a squat. It was great! Her arms are also pretty flexible. Except the wrist. They bend, but it feels like wire, so I probably won't bend them too much for fear of snapping. Her arms can be maneuvered so she can grab around the waist or neck. Which can help keep her in place, and allows you to have your hands free to do whatever. Which is also something I couldn't do well with my other dolls. In short, the sex with this doll has blown my mind. Asuka is now my go-to for "in the sheets" fun.

The insert she came with is great. The inside appears to be contoured to resemble the inside of a real vagina. Or it is just contoured for pleasure. Anyways, it isn't just a smooth tunnel. I'm of average size down there, so I have no issues with its size. It fits me like a glove. It isn't too intense that you blow your load right away. I haven't had too many experiences with other sleeves. I have a few fleshlights, and this sleeve is way better than any of those. Using the same lube, it lasted so much longer with her insert. Fleshlights would dry up too quick most times. With fleshlights there was always a sense of urgency to finish because you could feel the lube start to dry up. I did not have that problem with Asuka's insert. I was fully able to enjoy the moment and finish when I wanted to. And I was left with a very satisfied smile on my face afterwards.

The fabric covering her whole body kind of feels like rubbing your hand against a leg in a silk stocking. It can be very arousing. The body is pretty firm. The waist/hips seems to be a little more solid than the rest of the doll, which is great for holding on to her there. Her butt is very fun to grab onto. And it curves nicely up into the small of her back. I found it arousing rubbing my hand around her butt and sliding up to her back. She is shaped very nicely. Her breasts are silicone, or TPE, sewn under her outer fabric skin. They are quite squishy. I find it hard to keep my hands off them. And they feel nice when you hug her close to you. Though on a side note; I ordered her with pink nipples, and she appears to have brown ones. But being under the fabric, I didn't even notice that right away. There really isn't a nipple anyways. Only visually. You can't feel them. Her waist bends, but doesn't seem to stay. It is more like a spring. That could be a problem if it snaps.

Being that she is more firm than I expected a fabric doll to be, she isn't as fun to cuddle with as I thought she'd be. At least for an overnight cuddle. Though I've only tried it one night. Maybe she can be positioned into a more comfortable pose. Though I don't think it'd work for me. I tend to move around a lot when I sleep. Which is fine. I wanted this doll for "fun time". But should be noted, if that is what you are looking for.

In closing, I would highly recommend this doll. Especially for the "sex" part. This doll is just so versatile. She has been able to fulfill fantasies that my others couldn't. The one downside is that she isn't as kissable as a silicone/TPE, but I figured that would be the case beforehand, so no surprise there. I am very happy with my purchase.
Asuka-WaH24.jpg (702.5 KiB) Viewed 2703 times
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