Has anyone tried Maoman Realhole fake pussy?

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Has anyone tried Maoman Realhole fake pussy?

Post by tendosk8er »


I'm not sure that anyone have tried this. I bought it a while ago from Japanese Online Shop. I'm happy with it so far.
Here is my review for Maoman Real hole

It’s very soft and durable and not sticky, no smell of rubber. The internal canal has bumps, ridges, waves to stimulate your penis’s head very well. more inside nearly to the end will be more narrow which creates more tightness, when you hit this spot you will feel very intense.

Once you entered it. you will passed the narrow ring from the beginning of the hole. this will creates feeling like you pushed it in a tight hole, moreover there is more tight ring after this and big bump that will push your penis head down to bottom wall.

There is more narrow ring that you will pass before you hit the narrowest canal at the end which lines with wavy texture, like i said before, this area is very intense to the penis’s head.

Close to real vagina? Well, similar but little different. For myself. I don’t have long cock, about 5 inches long. So i can’t reach to the end unless I really push and use the one hand push toward me. by the way it’s a lot better than your own hands.

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