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Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:36 am
by Thelord001
Well, i have completed the test for my WM doll bought from SSD which is now about 1 month old. The vendor claims this is a genuine WM doll. I placed a white cotton sheet under the doll for 36 hours. Did she pass the test? In my opinion: No. At least there are no visible oil stains on the sheet, but the sheet feels greasy and smell oily. The smell is really unbearable. Put it this way: I would NOT like to sleep in this sheet or even in the same room as the doll. I have to open the windows and ventilate the whole room after the doll has been there. Its that bad. In my opinion this is not acceptable. Fake or no fake, this doll is not suitable for its purpose. Obviously there is oil coming out from the doll and who knows what kind of oil that is? If it is petrol based mineral oil it canĀ“t be healthy to be in contact with.

Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:33 pm
by Aeron
lilbitlonely wrote:I do not need to wait for the results, as I have already been witness to the evidence first hand, with my own genuine doll - not to mention that your 'test' does not have control-able variables (or accurate measurments) to guarantee consistent results.
haremlover wrote:
lilbitlonely wrote: So, you just included YL in your test results... yet you claim to make no assertions about them?
This thread is not about belief but is about a measure of scientific threshold with which to assess evidence.
harme, lilbit's point is that your method isn't scientific or proven as you have no control variables. At a minimum, a fake doll needs to be part of the test. The basic assumption of your test is that "genuine dolls don't leech" and "fake dolls do leech." The second part of that hasn't been demonstrated.

The other big control variable that is missing is age of the doll (i.e. brand new vs. months of ownership). From what you've said, it sounds like you've had those dolls for at least a few months. The problem is most people will want to conduct this test on a new doll when they receive it. Most complaints of smells and leeching will likely also occur when the doll is first received. But you haven't demonstrated this test is valid on new dolls as they weren't controlled for and part of the test.

Understandably, creating a robust test methodology requires being able to test many variables, but that requires a lot of dolls and may not be feasible for one person to do.

I think trying to create a standard test methodology is great, but the lack of control variables means this test method hasn't been proven yet either. If you're relying on other owners to contribute their results to help fill in the other control variables and also to increase the sample size, I don't think you should brush off lilbitlonely, as his results suggest there may be a problem with the test methodology.

I would be interested in hearing from him more on the details of what he saw. He mentioned he had his doll for a few months now and it smelled for the first month and also leeched oil. Now that it's been a few months old, has it stopped doing that?

When someone has results that go against the test methodology and hypothesis, those are the cases I'd want to dig into more as it may give useful data to improve our understanding. And it may result in the hypothesis either being adjusted or starting over from scratch with a new hypothesis.

Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:44 pm
by haremlover
All the dolls in my test were a matter of weeks rather than months old.

We haven't heard more about the oily dolls that inspired this test, but nevertheless it provides a measure of reasonableness from which to assess whether a doll is excessively oily or not. All dolls will probably leave marks on cardboard or paper - so the question with that assessment is to what degree. Testing on fabric is relevant because if used in bed, the extent of one's bedsheets becoming saturated with oil goes to whether the product is fit for the purpose for which it is sold.

Bearing in mind the reports of excessively oily dolls apparent at the trade exhibition, this is a matter which is clearly current and important and if a doll fails the test in this thread it's important to bring it to attention and further questions to run from there.

People's perceptions as to whether something is excessive are going to be subjective so this test places a landmark of extent in place from which to take a relatively objective measure.

A lot of arguments are capable of being spawned without such an objective measure in place.

Best wishes


Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:41 pm
by LovesBlackWomen
I could use one of those dolls in my bed, so I can get up oily in the morning.

Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:46 pm
by Helium3
I find this topic very interesting and would like to mention that the sense of objectivity in this matter is most beneficial to all parties involved, both manufacturers and consumers.

There should be some rather simple empirical methods of detecting counterfeit dolls, which are generally undesirable to consumers due to the lower standard of quality, and the manufacturers who's art is being stolen, and suffer damage to their brand due to such frauds.

It raises the question of identity, and the possible need to serialize dolls somehow so that identity verifications can be performed by end users, in cooperation with manufacturers. When counterfeit (imposter) dolls are detected, the fraud is exposed and that would be a win-win for manufacturers and consumers.

There must be simple, inexpensive methods of serializing these dolls with some codes, possibly RFID tags, or some other documented markers put an end to the piracy.

Again i thank you for your efforts to make this enterprise as successful as possible through thoughtful and contemplative objectivism in this regard. It helps. Thank you.

Also note that a pedigree can be established strictly on the consumer side as well, because anyone can mark a doll with RFID implants, not just the manufacturer. Some food for thought.

Re: Standardised test for oily doll to determine if fake

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:57 am
by haremlover
Helium3 - thanks for your thoughts. An RFID tag is interesting and might suggest a first step towards that. However, for customers to be able to read the tag might bring challenges.

TheLord001 - I missed your post. Certainly

does not look to be without visual marks. The idea of my test was for the doll to be sitting for a shorter time, raising the pressure as force per unit area under her. Your lying down test for a longer time probably compensates for the lower pressure on the TPE but it would be nice if you might do the same test - actually sitting, - for 12-14 hours. Your longer time period would have allowed capillary action to disperse oil through the fabric rather than allowing it to be seen as an imprint of her bum. If we can see a more obvious imprint than we see in my photos in this thread then in my view you win your case.

Best wishes
