Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

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Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by Tony_Green »

Hello gentlemen. I haven't purchased one yet. Still looking around. I think I want to get a 100cm first. Simply because it seems it would be easier to hide. Was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on the pros and cons of a fixed and insertable vagina? I know the fixed is probably a bitch to clean but I'm talking more from a astetic stand point. Does the vagina still look and feel realistic with the insert or no? Oh and is it ok to leave water based lube inside it so it's ready when I'm ready? Thanks for any feedback

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by thomsratkos »

Tony_Green wrote:Hello gentlemen. I haven't purchased one yet. Still looking around. I think I want to get a 100cm first. Simply because it seems it would be easier to hide. Was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on the pros and cons of a fixed and insertable vagina? I know the fixed is probably a bitch to clean but I'm talking more from a astetic stand point. Does the vagina still look and feel realistic with the insert or no? Oh and is it ok to leave water based lube inside it so it's ready when I'm ready? Thanks for any feedback
Hey there, im new here too but I just got a 145cm doll with an insert, to me personally it seems like a no brainer since its no extra cost, its very easy to clean, and once the insert is out there is a larger cavity that is easy to wipe down and let air dry.

aesthetically, its identical to the fixed from all the pics ive seen

in regards to the lube im not sure, might be best to apply when youre ready

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by Tony_Green »

Hmmmmm. (Rubs beard) Ok thanks for the insight Thom.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by Cereusly »

I have a a WM doll with an insert and a 6yedoll with a fixed. I prefer the fixed one. The insert feels too tight to me, but I got a different insert on Amazon and it works better, its made of a softer TPE.

I know my dolls are made by different manufacturers, but I think the tightness of the insert is because it's an insert. With a fixed vagina you can spread the legs to make it less tight, but an insert doesn't stretch the same way since it's not part of the dolls body. I dont know if that makes sense to you.

Also with the way WM inserts work they sit back behind the labia so it's like recessed in there a little. Its not like a lot of the silicone dolls that have the labia as part of the insert which I imagine works better.

For what its worth if I could go back in time and reorder my WM doll, I would change to a fixed vagina.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by jayo215 »

I don't have one, but if I were ordering I would go with a removable, for the primary reason that if you don't like the insert for some reason, you can swap it for something else. With a fixed, you're stuck.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by Keyman »

I am new and have even gotten my girl yet but for whats it's worth I ordered fixed b/c insert seems like a major mood breaker.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by jonn »

With an insert model, cleanup is much, much, much easier. After trying anal with my doll and having to clean up after that, I don't think I will ever buy a doll without an insert vagina. Secondly, it is easy to replace the insert should you ever need to. Like if it grows mold inside the vagina or if you want to sell the doll and the buyer is worried about cleanliness.

WM's insert design differs from many other doll manufacturers. A WM insert doll has the labia as part of the doll, so the vagina can close and completely hide the insert when the doll's legs are together. But if you spread the legs, the vagina opens wide, revealing the insert inside with its small entry hole. The small entry hole can also make it a bit of a challenge to enter because you can miss it and slide in around the side of the insert.

Many other manufacturers put the labia on the insert, and design it to have a naturally wide opening. This makes it much harder to "miss" and looks more realistic with legs open, but you need to have the insert in or else the doll won't have any labia!

As long as you are considering the 100cm doll, I think the decision has already been made for you. As far as I know, the 100cm doll is only made with a built-in vagina. Probably they didn't have room to use their normal insert design on such a small doll.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by Tony_Green »

Thanks for all the input guys. :thumbs_up:

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by JCnine »

Jumping into the conversation a bit late... but oh well!
I'm going to make my first purchase around mid March, already got the girl and accessories picked out. However, I am extremely torn on this decision (fixed/removable). I like the idea of more realism and I don't mind the idea of having to spend some extra time on clean up, but I also like the idea of being able to replace the insert because of what jonn said about mold/damage and being able to make it more marketable if I decide to sell at some point. I have also heard that you run a risk of damaging the doll when you put the insert in and take it out. For those of you who have removable insert, how high does this risk seem to be?
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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by JunkGuy »

Low if you do it right, medium if you don't.

You must lift from the vagina front to widen the canal before putting the insert in, but should lift with several fingers, not just one to distribute load and not put pressure into a single location which could cause a rip. Trying to stretch sides or rear will damage. Smaller dolls may have less exterior flesh around the vagina than larger ones and may be more prone to damage, but I can't confirm.

The less you have to get your hand in there the better. I personally use a wooden dowel rod, 3/4" in diameter, sanded down on inserted end so it doesn't have rough edge. I wet it, stick it in the insert, powder up the outside of the insert, then use fingers of one hand to open the cavity entrance a little and use other hand on the rod to push the insert into place, then pull out the rod. I've recently tried Vaseline instead of powder and it sure slides in easier this way and think I may go this route from now on. I fully admit that using a dowel may damage the insert (particularly the interior end where the pressure is applied on insert), but I'd rather replace $40 insert than $2000 doll.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by jonn »

My 140cm TPE doll (with insert) only has one significant tear around the vagina after about 18 months. Many little cuts and abrasion marks have developed around the edge and inside the cavity for a few inches, but these do not hinder performance or looks in a meaningful way. These are partly caused by fingers and fingernails I am sure, but also by friction with the insert when inserting and removing it. I almost never powder the insert and do not lubricate the outside of it so it creates some pretty serious friction with the vagina opening/cavity. Speaking of the insert, it has taken no damage except for a tiny hole I poked in the end by accident when trying to turn it inside-out. It was a very tiny hole and I was able to fully repair it with a dab of TPE glue.

Silicone is much more fragile. I've had a silicone doll about 11 months and the vagina has numerous tears caused by stretching it open to get the insert in. I've repaired the tears once, but they are coming back. Silicone inserts are also prone to tearing. I've poked through two of them (the first one was actually with my penis on the first day, haha!), creating a massive hole each time, and I'm on the third insert now!

As I understand it, Vaseline is okay (even beneficial) for TPE, but vaseline should not be used with silicone dolls (source: ... t=vaseline). Certainly, lubricating or powdering (with corn starch) the outside of the insert before putting it in will make it easier and less likely to cause damage due to excessive friction.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by JCnine »

Okay, I have to ask as I have heard stories somewhere on the forum... Is it true that the insert of a removable can be turned completely inside out? That is of course without damaging it! If this is true, I must say it would be much easier to get it completely dried out.
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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by JunkGuy »

JCnine wrote:Okay, I have to ask as I have heard stories somewhere on the forum... Is it true that the insert of a removable can be turned completely inside out? That is of course without damaging it! If this is true, I must say it would be much easier to get it completely dried out.
Yes they are meant to be turned inside out to clean. I've posted some photos of mine turned inside out here:

My inserts have both incurred a little damage from turning inside out though.
* My larger diameter one got two tears rips at the entrance very early, but these tears never extended. The tears makes no difference to feel and its basically impossible to fix them anyway. You can see these in the photos.
* My smaller diameter one more recently started to come undone at the far end (because its shorter it is less thick at the end), but repairable. I was able to TPE glue it back together and hold it tight with a rubberband for a few days to repair it. This happened since my photos were taken, but even with a photo now you couldn't tell.

If/when inserts do tear, wear out, or otherwise become unusable, they are relatively inexpensive to replace. Dolls with fixed options, not so much.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by MashiMaron »

After I got my soraya (viola 148) I never regret for a doll with insert option. Cleaning safe you a lot of energy and cleaning is very easy. If you use your doll for sex highly recommend the insert option. I use my doll a lot that much that I need to get a new insert.
I already ordered one from RLSD and delivered already.
And do some research here about silicone and tpe dolls material. Will help you a lot for sure.
Never think like oh... once I get the doll I will see how I'm going to fix it. By then you already to late.

Never leave lube inside a doll or after using your doll.
Always clean it and air dry it after each use.
If you only want to realistic look of course a fixed vagina looks better then insert option.
But I don't think that's a smart idea if you only want that part want to look realistic.
To me the insert option also looks good you won't be able to see the insert part once it's place properly.

Owing a doll just for sex and not care for your doll and maintaince your doll won't give your doll a long life.
Once the build-in fixed vagina starts to get mold specially on tpe dolls then you will have a huge problem.

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Re: Vagina insert vs fixed vagina.

Post by JunkGuy »

MashiMaron wrote:Never leave lube inside a doll or after using your doll.
Actually not a problem if you use Vaseline/petroleum jelly for lube. Still should clean up "human fluids" afterwards though.

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