
XT 165e Release discount offer

XTDoll aims to provide as realistic experiences as possible. In order to achieve this, we have used real person as our model. Our goal is to gain popularity among the targeted group for companionship and better sexual experiences. Website: www.xtdoll.com

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XT 165e Release discount offer

Post by Dbalpha »

I was the third member to purchase one of three offered discounted dolls offered. I wanted to explain why I decided to to take the offer and layout what my hopes in what I receive so maybe it will help other members when they are choosing their next doll. I will be posting a review when I receive her to pass along my experience.

For a while I have been watching XT and have been very interested in their offerings. Currently my my main girl is an Irontech 164 fcup. She has standard softness skin option with gel breasts,gel butt and autoclamp vagina. My primary use for dolls is one of physical satisfaction and I find my IT very satisfying. The autoclamp function is one I do not use and I have posted about before is not one for someone who has an above average sized penis. Despite this I find her a major turn on and enjoy my time immensely with her. The biggest hang up I have due to my current living situation is bringing her out for play time and her weight. I find that at time I do not engage with her because due to the amount of hours I work and the physical nature of my work I'm to tired and/or hurting physically to bring her out for play time. For the last 6 months I have been watching and searching for dolls that have substantially less weight and that would turn me on enough to open my wallet.

I have been finding dolls that have interested me but haven't quite made me go yes I must do this. Xt with their huge weight reduction and interactive feedback legs have been and the top of my list of what I would strongly consider going with. What Has been my struggle is that I prefer thicker dolls which of course means more weight then what I want to go with on my next purchase. Price point was also another sticking point since I didn't want to spend another $2500 USD on a potential gamble. When this offer came across I found myself at a place that I felt that what I hoped to get would be worth the price being offered to open my wallet. Between the video of XT softness as well as the potential of interactive feedback legs combined with the weight that would be 33% less ( or more considering the options I had put into my current IT doll) created that place that I wanted to purchase and see if this was the combination that would satisfy what I wanted from a doll physically ( until the next evolution created something that would make me open my wallet again lol).

For reference here is my current doll experience so when I do my review when I receive her there is some understanding of where my scores come from

IT 164f
standard silicone with gel breast, gel but and autoclamp vagina

IT silicone torse ( the one based on the silicone 164f)
Ultrasoft silicone, gel breast, gel butt

WM 156h TPE

What I am looking for is as follows.
Body softness that is not TPE but still has a softness that is in-between standard IT silicone and ultra soft
Interactive feedback legs creating a more immersive experience during playtime that creates more realism
Weight reduction creating an experience that is more dynamic but also reduces body strain so I am more inclined to bring her out for fun time.

So with that in mind I ordered the doll with the add on options of interactive feedback legs and gel but and an ROS head to see if the oral was anything extra over what I have experienced so far. I will post a detailed review when I receive her but due to my limitations of space and my photographic abilities my pictures will be limited and will honestly not do justice to what I receive though I will post some. I hope that my future review will help a few people with there choices and will give XT some feedback that they want from this promotion.

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Re: XT 165e Release discount offer

Post by Gizmoses »

I ordered one as well with the feedback legs and gel butt during the pre-sale promo. Not exactly what I wanted, but fits the bill decently in what i was looking for. And excited to try out XTdolls innovations. Was hard to ignore that price tag of $1600 + xtra options I chose.

Hopefully we get our factory pics soon. :glou:

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Re: XT 165e Release discount offer

Post by polischmoli »

Thanks for the write up. I'm the other order. I posted some preshipment pictures here. Have either of you got your preshipment photos?

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