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Language to Currency issue with the site

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:09 am
by shamus61
just a quickie about your site. Only a little thing, not complaining but it may be something that you had not spotted.

If you change the currency to English (GBP) the language goes to Swedish. I am unable to change it to English with GBP.

Only if you change the currency to American (USD) can I set the language to English.

I don't think that it makes any difference but I am using Firefox to view your site.

Kindest regards,


Re: Language to Currency issue with the site

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 8:37 am
by Docklandet

Thanks a lot for noticing this!

We did some changes to our store some days ago (with the help of some external support). Apparently the language was "reset" some way for a some countries.

Fixed now! No Swedish for UK or US :D

Edit: Some banners are still in Swedish. The new start "christmas banner" for example. These pictures needs to be edited manually for each language, working on it! But the rest of our store, products, info, checkout, etc, are in English now.